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*** OFFICIAL *** COVID-19 CoronaVirus Thread. Fresh epidemic fears as child pneumonia cases surge in Europe after China outbreak. NOW in USA (2 Viewers)

Per BNO: Canadian Olympic Committee says they will not send athletes if Tokyo Games go ahead as scheduled. Call for 1-year postponement.

Only because it is the summer olympics. 

Winter Olympics they would be like whats the big deal? Hockey players wear masks. 

Something along the lines of 2% of cases need hospital care or are very serious...

.02x400,000=8,000 that will need serious care in NYC alone. The mortality rate of those people who get to that point is not that good right now in USA. It's close to 70% death rate for cases CLOSED, that would be 5,600 deaths in NYC alone. 
MoP math? Kidding aside, I thought 5% of cases need hospitalization (severe cases) and roughly 13% mortality rate among those hospitalized. That’s from Worldometer front page statistics (which does include China and non-China).

500K cases, 25K hospitalizations, 3,250 deaths.

However seem to recall Governor Cuomo saying they expect 110K hospitalizations in the state overall. That would be 14K deaths.

So obviously my math sucks, would be glad to hear projections based on better info than this.

Devastated by the italian situation.  5400 deaths is crazy.  I am trying to figure out how this has happened.  Older population, with virtually every household multi generational.  I suspect the smoking culture has made people more susceptible to this virus.  Was it the tourism and tourists?  This seems much much worse in the North, where the historic sites are not as prevalent.  My friends are scared to death.  i can’t imagine the financial toll.  

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Not the figures I've heard. Wasn't it 20% of cases need hospitalization and 5% need ICU? Way worse than your figures if so.
It is or has been about 5% worldwide that need hospitalization or are deemed "Serious"

In the United States so far it's been about 2% but that doesn't mean we can't hit anywhere between what I posted and what you are asking about or adding to the projections...yeah either way it's not very good. 

5,600 I projected based on Spock, yours would push that to about 12,500 deaths in NYC alone...that's a terrible number and we all know that could be way off. What if even more test positive since they are packed in tight and even people just moving about in their apartment buildings will spread it to others in other units...what if we have 1,000,000 infected? 50,000 that need hospitalization and the death toll rises to between 25,000-35,000+ just in NYC

It'll be 22K+ in 24 hours. 

I'm guessing around 5% of the population of NYC has it right now. So around 400,000. 

In a few days, the confirmed numbers will show that. 

Keep in mind that the current tests takes days, even up to a week, to return a result. So the numbers released today reflect a point  in time in the past week. 

Yep, I posted yesterday that in a week or two NYC will have over 7,000 in need of hospitalization. 

20% of test confirmed cases. 
Should change his name to Khan

This *1000000000

Shut. It. All. Down. Now.

No flights. Only essentials running.

Complete federal lockdown. For 28 days.

Give the people a plan. A target and an exit strategy. That will help enforcement and stabilize markets and the economy.
What would you consider essential, not playing a gotcha game or anything just curious where you would draw the line.

This *1000000000

Shut. It. All. Down. Now.

No flights. Only essentials running.

Complete federal lockdown. For 28 days.

Give the people a plan. A target and an exit strategy. That will help enforcement and stabilize markets and the economy.
That is just it. Even essential running will get abused by many I am afraid without strict enforcement and fines.

Should change his name to Khan
McCoy : Dear Lord. You think we're intelligent enough to... suppose... what if this thing were used where life already exists?

Spock : It would destroy such life in favor of its new matrix.

McCoy : Its "new matrix"? Do you have any idea what you're saying?

Spock : I was not attempting to evaluate its moral implications, Doctor. As a matter of cosmic history, it has always been easier to destroy than to create.

McCoy : Not anymore; now we can do both at the same time! According to myth, the Earth was created in six days. Now, watch out! Here comes Genesis! We'll do it for you in six minutes!

Spock : Really, Dr. McCoy. You must learn to govern your passions; they will be your undoing. Logic suggests...

McCoy : Logic? My God, the man's talking about logic; we're talking about universal Armageddon! You green-blooded, inhuman...

What would you consider essential, not playing a gotcha game or anything just curious where you would draw the line.

part of the problem is you have to have all the medical personnel back and forth and that requires all kinds of cars and transportation and they need to eat and all those people providing service for them and then the grocery stores...and how do you stop people from opening their doors? It's not going to happen IMHO....even NYC and San Fran/Cali are not on a true lockdown of any kind IMO. 

I don’t think anybody is rooting for doom, however  some might be more pessimistic 
I don't think there are more than a few here who are rooting for doom.  However, I think there are MANY in this thread on this website on the internet who want to be right and seem smart more than anything else in the whole wide world.  

The only 2 reasons I can fathom...

1. Trump/Feds are so incompetent they think the rules don’t apply to us


2. The US is so large that it’s wiser to let individual states decide because the ‘US’ isn’t a relevant context for epidemiological interpretation (ie Idaho is as far removed from LA/SF/NYC as it is Italy)

I hope to GOD ALMIGHTY it’s 2. 

So apparently someone walking their dogs in a park near me was telling people to stay away from her because her husband had tested positive. What. The. ####. Is. She. Doing. Out????
IDK... probably not many responding to the ad for "Dog walker needed. Positive CV19 Household." Not sure I've seen any actual references in any articles, but dog feces and urine probably don't improve the health of Mr. DogWalker's lungs. 

Article explains exactly what needs to be done to stop the virus, massive testing, tracing and isolating the sick - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/22/health/coronavirus-restrictions-us.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage
“If it were possible to wave a magic wand and make all Americans freeze in place for 14 days while sitting six feet apart, epidemiologists say, the whole epidemic would sputter to a halt.”

Why is this hard to understand?

“If it were possible to wave a magic wand and make all Americans freeze in place for 14 days while sitting six feet apart, epidemiologists say, the whole epidemic would sputter to a halt.”

Why is this hard to understand?
Americans can’t deal with inconvenience.   People throw fits if they don’t have the right amount of ice in their sodas.  Many wont stop texting and driving after years of proof that it results in vehicle accidents.  

Been home quarantined (actually using my in laws place in flagstaff to get away from everything since they only use it in the summer).

drive to Whole Foods today to get some groceries and there are 15 baby boomers at the end of the street all together drinking beer in someone’s driveway.


Been home quarantined (actually using my in laws place in flagstaff to get away from everything since they only use it in the summer).

drive to Whole Foods today to get some groceries and there are 15 baby boomers at the end of the street all together drinking beer in someone’s driveway.

Home, Static.

“If it were possible to wave a magic wand and make all Americans freeze in place for 14 days while sitting six feet apart, epidemiologists say, the whole epidemic would sputter to a halt.”

Why is this hard to understand?

How are you going to get a drug addict to sit still for 14 days? 
So the problem with locking down for 14 days are drug addicts? Or is it a national hubris? Because we could easily be 7 days into a 14 day “freeze” if we had collective discipline. Instead we’re prolonging this with half measures, people are dying, and the economy is literally crashing. All because we can’t collectively shut it down if ordered because “America doesn’t do it like that”. What in the actual f.

So the problem with locking down for 14 days are drug addicts? Or is it a national hubris? Because we could easily be 7 days into a 14 day “freeze” if we had collective discipline. Instead we’re prolonging this with half measures, people are dying, and the economy is literally crashing. All because we can’t collectively shut it down if ordered because “America doesn’t do it like that”. What in the actual f.
Essential workers can't freeze in place. 

Would suggest you read the rest of the article if you haven't.
I did, and thank you for posting it. I agree with the steps outlined, and the dragging of people into isolation was the only step they listed that we wouldn’t put up with, and they offered a palatable western solution for that one.

It’s the idea that there are successful blueprints to follow, but we don’t, and that is totally confounding. I see the responses about Americans being selfish, well obviously that’s what I’m pointing out, that we’re collectively stupid, and sorry but I don’t get that or accept that as an answer. If we’re too dumb to do this on our own, then the government needs to lock it down. We’re cratering the economy into a depression.

Governor Cuomo said essentially the same thing today when he saw the people out in parks of NYC yesterday and paraphrasing “did you not understand when I said shut it down?”


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