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*** OFFICIAL *** COVID-19 CoronaVirus Thread. Fresh epidemic fears as child pneumonia cases surge in Europe after China outbreak. NOW in USA (9 Viewers)

That was definitely what got my attention.  But I firmly believed China was lying through their teeth for weeks. When the WHO released their 40-page report, that’s when the alarm bells really went off for me
Yeah I tend to not believe the Chinese government either. Like I've said I'm in the belief maybe they didn't intentionally release the virus but were more lax on those researching it and if it did break out of the experiments then oh we can just rule it as experiment/research gone bad. Hey now we have a great reason to really stop the protesters. Just seemed all way too convient for me.  

Getting nervous about medication availability. In about 90% of generic rxs the ingredients come from China or India. One med I'd rather not be short on is from reading the cancer board. Next week I'll see my doc. I guess I'll find out if there is a shortage in my area. Fun.
The Schedule 2 drug I was mentioning earlier is for my daughter. Several varieties of it are made in China, but some aren’t. Last time I got it filled, no one had it stocked nearby except one out-of-the-way pharmacy. Gotta hope I can some locally in two weeks.

The Schedule 2 drug I was mentioning earlier is for my daughter. Several varieties of it are made in China, but some aren’t. Last time I got it filled, no one had it stocked nearby except one out-of-the-way pharmacy. Gotta hope I can some locally in two weeks.
Good luck to you too. Just amazing how far reaching this is. I went from no worries for myself to now wait a minute.

Maybe venture into the stock thread, everyone's life trajectory isn't the same. There's a lot of folks here with significant money at play in the market. Hell, before I pivoted last Monday I was down a decent size home with beachfront property in Central jersey after the first week or so of the slaughter
Read my response above this and you'll see why I said what I did. Honestly I'm in the group who lives pay check to pay check. If the stock market crashing ends up having someone lose their extra house that really doesn't make me shed a tear for anyone. Sorry If I'm blunt but there's bigger things then worrying about a beach front property house for me and a ton of other people in this country. Honestly if thats the biggest of your concerns (Not accusing you here as you are giving an example I'm using now) then I really think with whats going on people need to get their priorities straight. I had some big shot yrs ago more concerned about his vacation home that he spent more than 6 figures on who was getting canned for a stupid decision he made and his first priority wasn't "oh gee I just screwed a lot of people below me with my decision out of a job." nope it was his dam vacation house in FL. So again sorry if I'm blunt here on this. Maybe if people a little more well off tried living like the rest of us once in awhile they wouldn't be so uptight about stuff. Again this isn't personal or to you specifically. Just a general frustration rant. 

I apologize again if this is taken personally but I'd rather be blunt then giving blowing smoke up people's asses 

This place, and definitely this thread, have taken a serious turn for the worse so I will gladly take the ban hammer if it comes...

Are you "highly functioning autistic" or borderline tarded?  Nothing you have said adds any value to any part of the discussion here.  There once was some pertinent information to be gleaned from this thread, but I can say that is no longer the case.

F the yoga pants but let this moron keep posting.  Good job joe.
You can just use the ignore function. No need for personal attack. Really I do not get why people see the need to be mean and make negative comments. Is it that hard for people not to comment or do they feel the need to show they are part of the "cool crowd" here and glad hand their other buddies here? 

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What did you pivot to?
I got no issue with what he said He was making a helpful suggestion to me. Again I'm still newer to this board. TLTR version for me is I was on another board MLB.com forums plus team specific forums from just the main one. I was around a lot of people who didn't need to pay attention to stocks. I would say many lived pay check to pay check or could afford a trip for a week every summer to the NJ shore nothing more. Maybe saved up for a few yrs for a trip in Europe somewhere. People with enough money to get season tickets partial season tickets to games nothing more. Made the money for tickets by selling games they couldn't attend (My cousin and roommate one year with Phils WS title made enough to pay off next season plus take a road trip to Pitt in 09 for opening week) to pay off the rest. I had maybe one or two guys who were "well off" for lack of better terms. For me being in here is a little new on that sort of thing. 

Read my response above this and you'll see why I said what I did. Honestly I'm in the group who lives pay check to pay check. If the stock market crashing ends up having someone lose their extra house that really doesn't make me shed a tear for anyone. Sorry If I'm blunt but there's bigger things then worrying about a beach front property house for me and a ton of other people in this country. Honestly if thats the biggest of your concerns (Not accusing you here as you are giving an example I'm using now) then I really think with whats going on people need to get their priorities straight. I had some big shot yrs ago more concerned about his vacation home that he spent more than 6 figures on who was getting canned for a stupid decision he made and his first priority wasn't "oh gee I just screwed a lot of people below me with my decision out of a job." nope it was his dam vacation house in FL. So again sorry if I'm blunt here on this. Maybe if people a little more well off tried living like the rest of us once in awhile they wouldn't be so uptight about stuff. Again this isn't personal or to you specifically. Just a general frustration rant. 

I apologize again if this is taken personally but I'd rather be blunt then giving blowing smoke up people's asses 
No offense taken at all. And I was basically saying some folks here have a lot at risk. And I agree that life or death, family health & well being are bigger priorities but don't discount folks that could lose 30% or more of their retierment savings they've been counting on for years. There's all different kinds of "pain" that folks can encounter in times like these.

Wow. Not cool at all.
I have no idea why people need to comment negatively about others here at times. Not playing victim, see it in other threads people going after other posters. Is it that hard to put people on ignore and just not comment to them? I've learned based on how the mods are here better to not saying anything and just ignore people. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff I was accused of in another thread few months ago. Baseless attacks with zero backing of proof.

I fully expect them to cancel the tournament.
I do too. I expect everything to be canceled by next week for at least the next month. Starting to worry about if my co worker should get the tickets for a metal/beerfest in Philly we are going to. Not until April but the travel ban might put an end to it do to many of the bands coming are from Europe unless they are already in the states. Haven't heard anything yet given it's early April and the travel banned doesn't take effect till Friday. 

I have no idea why people need to comment negatively about others here at times. Not playing victim, see it in other threads people going after other posters. Is it that hard to put people on ignore and just not comment to them? I've learned based on how the mods are here better to not saying anything and just ignore people. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff I was accused of in another thread few months ago. Baseless attacks with zero backing of proof.
Let it roll off you. I've been there. I just don't respond.

No offense taken at all. And I was basically saying some folks here have a lot at risk. And I agree that life or death, family health & well being are bigger priorities but don't discount folks that could lose 30% or more of their retierment savings they've been counting on for years. There's all different kinds of "pain" that folks can encounter in times like these.
Oh I get it. And again I come from a completely different world them some here. Seems to be more volume of actual posters here than what I had as well. I'm sure there is a ton more people in my shoes who could care less if people lost an extra home. One of the reasons I never when I had some money to spend into stocks is the great risk involved and honestly if I couldn't put a dent in my account (In the positive) on stocks why even bother? 

The guy I told you about still made 6 figures in unemployment btw all while my company went bankrupt, people who I worked with for yrs lost jobs and a new company had to buy us out. And all that guy cared about was possible being able to afford his vacation home? Seriously? Again it's why I don't feel sorry when the upper class lose a little money. Its why I think maybe a crisis and they have to live like the rest of us maybe will finally give some of them perspective and maybe things will change. Wishful thinking on my part though right? 

Let it roll off you. I've been there. I just don't respond.
The thing is this isn't the only place I've taken it before. I took it on the old board but more so in the main board. Most of that was just because I was a Philly fan though. I've had worse and younger me would've said some pretty terrible stuff to some of these guys in here the last few days I'd have been in PFG Jail for the next week. So trust me if you ever saw younger me on those boards you'd see I've taken it way better. I simple just ignore people. 

Goes back to what I said earlier in here which I wouldn't know where to find now. But I said something to the extent it's crazy that there's people 10-20 yrs older them me (Im 31) who act like their shoe sizes rather then their age. It feels like MS/HS drama sometimes where it seems if you want the cool kids to notice you, well you join in on the punching bag bandwagon. The bullying on here really has to stop. I did find that poster above one comment a bit ironic about letting certain posts fly. We get banned for saying something but the peanut gallery gets to make smart ### posts about me and others without issue? The personal attacks need to stop. If you don't like the poster or think they are not worth it just use the ignore function. No need to get your buddies involved to glad hand and gang up on people. I just ignore them. If it's a comment way out of line before I report them someone else already has. 

Probably. I don't get why sporting events don't all just shut it down now so people can plan ahead. 
It always comes down to money. MLS won't shutdown yet because they rely on the attendance and such $$ then their advertising still. They are in a lot better shape now then in the 90s. Had this happened then well they'd be in danger of going out of business. A few weeks off won't cripple the league now but would put a dent in it for sure. The Same could be said about the lower English divisions in the UK who don't get any of the EPL TV money. 

Good grief...what the hell happened in here? I think I lost some brain cells over the last page or two. Going back to bed. Let’s get back on topic by morning. 

I fully expect them to cancel the tournament.
Unless the NCAA's hand is completely forced, which is possible, I don't think they will cancel it.  There is still too much money at stake.  

Taking the fans out of the arena was a pretty big step.  I'll still be surprised if the tourney is cancelled outright.

I'm woefully understocked on booze for this.  Luckily there's a 24-hour Safeway about a mile away.  

Sad story that I just need to share somewhere:  my paralegal's dad had a heart attack today.  He lives in Germany; my paralegal is in LA.  She hasn't been able to get any information other than he's in ICU, and not even her mother is allowed to go see him due to coronavirus shutdown.  And now she can't go over to be with him and her mother as she is too fearful of being unable to return to the US, where she has a child whom she couldn't leave indefinitely.  Heart-wrenching.
Fly via UK or Canada?

Just got a call our county schools have closed until 3/24.  Loudoun ,VA
This is the thing I’m not understanding about this - how long will they keep things closed.  I’m guessing the school system is guessing at this point and you guys will be closed longer than that.  Won’t they have to keep things closed until it’s seems like it’s slowed way down and not ramping up? 

This is the thing I’m not understanding about this - how long will they keep things closed.  I’m guessing the school system is guessing at this point and you guys will be closed longer than that.  Won’t they have to keep things closed until it’s seems like it’s slowed way down and not ramping up? 
Just anecdotally - I think schools are having this conversation around spring breaks which buys them an extra week - maybe in the hopes this is a 2-3 week peak. 

Buddy is in Hawaii. He busted his ankle bad riding a bike or something.  Went to doc and a box and a 70yo lady comes in the door of the waiting room under respiratory distress and passes out.   

He fled asap.  Place called him later to say she's from Seattle and arrived two days ago and presumed positive.  

Waiting to see this hit the news
Not the Hawaii news...yet.

Unless the NCAA's hand is completely forced, which is possible, I don't think they will cancel it.  There is still too much money at stake.  

Taking the fans out of the arena was a pretty big step.  I'll still be surprised if the tourney is cancelled outright.
What will happen is 1-2 players will be sick very soon, and confirmed to be Covid. At that point those 1-2 will have likely infected 100+ players, and you cannot proceed at that point. 

if it’s not canceled ahead of tourney it will be canceled mid tourney 

PGA Tour says Players is on as normal.  Fans may request a refund.

@GolfDigest: "The PGA Tour is aware of rapidly changing developments regarding COVID-19. With the information currently available, the Players Championship will continue as scheduled."

The left will do their best to tear this speech/address/response apart, but the comprehensive nature of the address was spot on.
You know it’s a good speech when the WH has to immediately come out and correct 4 different things the speaker got wrong and there’s already some denials from insurance companies about waiving copay for treatment as he said. Wonderful speech. 

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Looking for quarantine info.  For those returning from Europe by Midnight Friday, s it honor code self quarantine or will it be gov’t enforced?

Still can't find anything definitive saying I'm in the pre-existing condition realm (lungs) or not because of this. I don't have asthma (no shortness of breath or wheezing)- I have an asthmatic reactive cough.
Cough-variant asthma is still asthma. It tends to milder, with less airway inflammation and overall better prognosis than classic asthma. I doubt you'll find anything about CVA and COVID-19 risk, though I'd assume you have a higher risk than a non-asthmatic individual.

Looking for quarantine info.  For those returning from Europe by Midnight Friday, s it honor code self quarantine or will it be gov’t enforced?
For the literal plane loads of people that have been arriving from Italy the last 2 weeks it has been. The testing method of choice has been “do you feel ill? No? Ok, enjoy America  :thumbup:

For the literal plane loads of people that have been arriving from Italy the last 2 weeks it has been. The testing method of choice has been “do you feel ill? No? Ok, enjoy America  :thumbup:
👍  Missed the announcement last night and woke to a message that my daughter will be on a charter flight out of Switzerland, but cannot find any info regarding quarantine...

Small anecdote from Denmark

Yday I spent the afternoon/early evening with my oldest daughter. We had lunch in Copenhagen, then sat in the sun, had a few beers, went toa different bar had a few more. Anyhoo, very enjoyable day. I take the train home around 8 pm and am feeling a bit peckish as I've not eaten anything since 2 pm. I decide to swing by the local supermarket on the way home. First thing I notice (ny now it's about 9pm and they close at 10) is that the parking lot is almost full, there are three or four people ahead of me heading into the store so there is the usual fumbling with baskets etc. I find it odd, given the hour, but resolve not to go shopping at nine on weekdays anymore. In line for the cashier the people in front of me have their carts and baskets pretty full, so there's  wait, but whatev's, I got my milk, my naan bread, some snackies, I'm good. A few minutes lates as I'm warming the naan bread I sit by the computer and fire up the news, to see that the Prime Minister at 8.30 pm essentially decreed the entire country to shut down this morning. All schools, universities, day care centres are to close for two weeks. Any gathering of 100+ people forbidden. They recommend that bars and restaurants close. All non essential public employees are sent home for two weeks etc.

So essentially I had the opportunity to be at the forefront of hoarding but totally blew it

I know my wife and kids will think I am crazy - fell asleep early, but up now.  Going to make an early morning grocery run to pump up our stock just a little more and add variety.  0 chance I am risking dealing with this on my day off Saturday when 1000 other people might be doing it.  
Saturday is typically nuts at Walmart/Sam’s around here. They are going to need police intervention now

Saturday is typically nuts at Walmart/Sam’s around here. They are going to need police intervention now
For sure, which is mostly why I did it.  I am pissed on a typical Saturday grocery run - didn't want to risk having to wrestle an old lady for the last pack of toilet paper on top of it.  

I was just at walmart in northeast ohio.  Not many people there ( its 6am after all), but could not find one single roll of toilet paper.  Not one.

I bought extra paper towels


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