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***Official 2020 Election General*** (1 Viewer)

I went Independent and voted Jo Jorgerson. I couldn't vote Trump but given what the DNC did to the last 2 candidates I really liked and how I've gone more Progressive Liberal I couldn't vote Biden plus I wasn't a fan of him nominating Harris as his VP. 
Not following the logic here. If you're a progressive liberal Biden reached out to you by nominating Harris. And the Libertarian party is almost exactly the opposite in many ways of progressive ideology. 🤷‍♂️

give it a day or so, when trump starts mounting his "rigged election" litigation challenge effort, i fully expect them to fall back into line behind cheeto. lindsay already went there today to start priming the battlefield, fox is clearly on board, and other GOP folks will most certainly follow. 
Hannity is still on board, but they had Bret Baier and the blond woman parter he’s been working the election with on immediately after the speech tonight and they were not buying it. 

Do any of the Trump lawsuits have any legal merit?

Slim and none, and slim just left town.

Why am I not shocked that his only victory - moving observers from 10 feet to 6 feet - was "reported" as 100' by Hannity.

give it a day or so, when trump starts mounting his "rigged election" litigation challenge effort, i fully expect them to fall back into line behind cheeto. lindsay already went there today to start priming the battlefield, fox is clearly on board, and other GOP folks will most certainly follow. 
Hannity is still on board, but they had Bret Baier and the blond woman parter he’s been working the election with on immediately after the speech tonight and they were not buying it. 
easy guys, he's stuck on stage 2.

he'll get to stage 5 by Christmas.

Not following the logic here. If you're a progressive liberal Biden reached out to you by nominating Harris. And the Libertarian party is almost exactly the opposite in many ways of progressive ideology. 🤷‍♂️
Harris is a fake Progressive. She's not a real one. None of the real Progressives in congress like her. She dropped out shortly after Gabbard demolished her on one of the debate stages. She's pro cop, she throws innocent people in jail, when she was asked how she felt about ruining someones life for Cannibis possession she laughed at it. Her prosecution history and defense of cops is incredible questionable as well as her lack of support for Black Lives Matter.Numerious African American Liberals in California think she's a traitor. She also said she believed Biden's accussers. Not sure that's a candidate  I want.  A lot of us know who the fakes are in the party. You want a real Progressive you need to get Bernie or Tulsi but the party doesn't want anti corporate people. My vote was more of a message neither the current president or the guy running didn't earn my vote and my own party needs to shape up if they expect to make any progress in this country 

Either way as it stands it doesn't matter who wins because it's status quo just have a guy in there who doesn't embarrass the country as much. Until there's a 3rd and 4th party running. 

From simpler and more respectful times...

George Bush Concession Speech
Chicago Trib did an editorial on the speeches a few days ago ...lots of heartfelt, quality stuff.  This year? ...

only voted for him the first time, but genuinely liked 41. honorable man, just a really good guy. IMO.

from building the coalition to the it's the economy stupid in a little over 18 months was an abject lesson in "all glory is fleeting."

Harris is a fake Progressive. She's not a real one. None of the real Progressives in congress like her. She dropped out shortly after Gabbard demolished her on one of the debate stages. She's pro cop, she throws innocent people in jail, when she was asked how she felt about ruining someones life for Cannibis possession she laughed at it. Her prosecution history and defense of cops is incredible questionable as well as her lack of support for Black Lives Matter.Numerious African American Liberals in California think she's a traitor. She also said she believed Biden's accussers. Not sure that's a candidate  I want.  A lot of us know who the fakes are in the party. You want a real Progressive you need to get Bernie or Tulsi but the party doesn't want anti corporate people. My vote was more of a message neither the current president or the guy running didn't earn my vote and my own party needs to shape up if they expect to make any progress in this country 

Either way as it stands it doesn't matter who wins because it's status quo just have a guy in there who doesn't embarrass the country as much. Until there's a 3rd and 4th party running. 

I believe your last sentence as well. I compare it to sports. I love the Eagles can't stand the Cowboys. But the players they don't give a damn. They want to win sure but they don't wish ill will like I do.  Sports and politics need us so they can play their games that is all.  If that makes any sense????

Harris is a fake Progressive. She's not a real one. None of the real Progressives in congress like her. She dropped out shortly after Gabbard demolished her on one of the debate stages. She's pro cop, she throws innocent people in jail, when she was asked how she felt about ruining someones life for Cannibis possession she laughed at it. Her prosecution history and defense of cops is incredible questionable as well as her lack of support for Black Lives Matter.Numerious African American Liberals in California think she's a traitor. She also said she believed Biden's accussers. Not sure that's a candidate  I want.  A lot of us know who the fakes are in the party. You want a real Progressive you need to get Bernie or Tulsi but the party doesn't want anti corporate people. My vote was more of a message neither the current president or the guy running didn't earn my vote and my own party needs to shape up if they expect to make any progress in this country 

Either way as it stands it doesn't matter who wins because it's status quo just have a guy in there who doesn't embarrass the country as much. Until there's a 3rd and 4th party running. 
I have some agreement with you on Harris in that she is a bit too much of a politician and can come across as a little less than genuine. I still think she is fairly progressive. Yeah, she is not Bernie. But Tulsi Gabbard is not either. There is something off about her. A little too Trumpy for my taste.

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For a reminder of what we SHOULD be expecting to see, but won’t, from Trump—here is video of McCain’s concession speech:


Maybe it’s already been posted, it’s going around Twitter a lot right now. It’s actually the first time I’ve seen it as I was a hopeful college student, drunk and celebrating victory when it happened originally. But watching McCain’s concession speech now, it astounds me how far the Republican Party has fallen in so short a time. The way the Tea Party quickly took power within the Republican establishment and forced it ever right and backwards until enough people were vulnerable to a conman like Trump, it’s incredible and entire classes will be taught about it in the future. 

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I have to wonder if it'd be better if Trump just hangs on to GA.  Otherwise, with a super close (<1,,000) margin, that becomes one more legal battleground.  When Biden gets PA and NV, he'll be at 279.  Hopefully he hangs on to AZ to make it 290...which makes recounts in, say, Wisconsin irrelevant.  We'd have much less drama if GA goes R.  Or is better to be greedy and get the number over 300?  Random thoughts.

eta: Is GA expected to get through those last 9,000 votes tonight?  Seems like they'd want to wrap it up.

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Not following the logic here. If you're a progressive liberal Biden reached out to you by nominating Harris.
Harris is not really considered a progressive by people who see themselves as progressive. She was a pretty moderate choice that outsiders moreso lump in with the progressives in the party for some reason. A lot of people were unhappy with her selection. 

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I have to wonder if it'd be better if Trump just hangs on to GA.  Otherwise, with a super close (<1,,000) margin, that becomes one more legal battleground.  When Biden gets PA and NV, he'll be at 279.  Hopefully he hangs on to AZ to make it 290...which makes recounts in, say, Wisconsin irrelevant.  We'd have much less drama if GA goes R.  Or is better to be greedy and get the number over 300?  Random thoughts.

Trump may well be in NY jail in 2024 .....if not 2021
I hope not.

Would be bad for the country overall.
As much as we find President Trump distasteful, disgusting, wearisome....our elected official rule serve at the pleasure of the people, and because of the will of the people.

69M people voted for him. They're Americans and if they want DJT to continue to be the face and dominating presence of the Republican Party, that is their right.

For a variety of reasons I think he is dangerous and due to his inward focused nature he does not seek to defend the constitution.  But if the MAGA crowd continues to support him, I don't want to see him prosecuted. He is, IMO, a symptom of our issues, not the sole cause of them.

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For a reminder of what we SHOULD be expecting to see, but won’t, from Trump—here is video of McCain’s concession speech:


Maybe it’s already been posted, it’s going around Twitter a lot right now. It’s actually the first time I’ve seen it as I was a hopeful college student, drunk and celebrating victory when it happened originally. But watching McCain’s concession speech now, it astounds me how far the Republican Party has fallen is so short a time. The way the Tea Party quickly took power within the Republican establishment and forced it ever right and backwards until enough people were vulnerable to a conman like Trump, it’s incredible and entire classes will be taught about it in the future. 
Total class act who greatly disappointed me by inviting the Tea Party into power by selecting the awful Sarah Palin.

I have to wonder if it'd be better if Trump just hangs on to GA.  Otherwise, with a super close (<1,,000) margin, that becomes one more legal battleground.  When Biden gets PA and NV, he'll be at 279.  Hopefully he hangs on to AZ to make it 290...which makes recounts in, say, Wisconsin irrelevant.  We'd have much less drama if GA goes R.  Or is better to be greedy and get the number over 300?  Random thoughts.
I could use some more ice in my drink.

Whelp that hope lasted all of an hour.  Prominent Republicans already jumping on the election must have been rigged train because they likely think even without Trump, they still need the Trumpsters.  Especially if they ever plan to run for prez themselves.
They have to play the game for now. A lot of the Trumpsters are watching have to play to them now and hopes of keeping some for later for votes. I will be stunned if the  Republican candidate in 4 years mentions Trump at all.

I have some agreement with you on Harris in that she is a bit too much of a politician and can come across as little than genuine. I still think she is fairly progressive. Yeah, she is not Bernie. But Tulsi Gabbard is not either. There is something off about her. A little too Trumpy for my taste.
She's in no way a progressive she's a corporate elitist that hides herself trying to be a progressive. This is what real progressives are trying to prevent. The DNC tried a tactic similar what they did with Harris in the Senator race of Mass with incumbent Ed Markey who is a Progressive trying to run Joe Kennedy against him and it didn't work. A Kennedy lost a Federal election in Mass for the first time ever thanks to the DNC. She's another snake in the grass DNC corporate elitist. She is who the DNC was grooming for the Nomination but Gabbard completely destroyed that in one shot. It's why Hillary Clinton went on her whole defamation claim of Gabbard especially since Gabbard stepped down from her DNC spot in 2016 to support Bernie. Clinton was quoted as saying to her "I don't know why you hitch your wagon to a train that is burning and going down. Don't ever expect any help from the DNC in any election ever again" I paraphrased that but essentially you get the point. Clinton and the DNC were furious Gabbard destroyed their well laid plans. Biden became the well this is who we have left guy just in case of an emergency. Harris was picked because Joe Biden ain't young and there's a better chance like Trump he could die in office. What better way to get Harris the Oval Office then hiding her behind Biden?

I think the GOP was hoping for this with Trump when Pence was selected. They knew Pence couldn't win in 2016 as he was way too far right they'd have probably lost. 

Get your 3 months supply of food and water supplies as this is going to get ugly.  Trump is going to expose the Democrats fraud and Joe Biden will look like Charlie Brown with the football pulled away from him.  The rioting will be like nothing we have ever seen when Trump is re-elected.  Stay safe my friends.
The first thing to go will be the toilet paper. I'm going to Costco mañana.

He belongs there but I'm on board with a full pardon and a one way plane ticket out of the country. He has wrecked our society enough. Doesn't need to stick around with his new "News" network and cause more damage.
His Master Vlady Putin rumored to hand in his resignation for Parkinson's too. Trump might have to be put on SUciede watch but he should be thrown in Jail anyway for all the stuff he did with Jeffrey and those girls. Look up John Casablanca and Trump. 

She's in no way a progressive she's a corporate elitist that hides herself trying to be a progressive. This is what real progressives are trying to prevent. The DNC tried a tactic similar what they did with Harris in the Senator race of Mass with incumbent Ed Markey who is a Progressive trying to run Joe Kennedy against him and it didn't work. A Kennedy lost a Federal election in Mass for the first time ever thanks to the DNC. She's another snake in the grass DNC corporate elitist. She is who the DNC was grooming for the Nomination but Gabbard completely destroyed that in one shot. It's why Hillary Clinton went on her whole defamation claim of Gabbard especially since Gabbard stepped down from her DNC spot in 2016 to support Bernie. Clinton was quoted as saying to her "I don't know why you hitch your wagon to a train that is burning and going down. Don't ever expect any help from the DNC in any election ever again" I paraphrased that but essentially you get the point. Clinton and the DNC were furious Gabbard destroyed their well laid plans. Biden became the well this is who we have left guy just in case of an emergency. Harris was picked because Joe Biden ain't young and there's a better chance like Trump he could die in office. What better way to get Harris the Oval Office then hiding her behind Biden?

I think the GOP was hoping for this with Trump when Pence was selected. They knew Pence couldn't win in 2016 as he was way too far right they'd have probably lost. 
 Can we stay focused on the 2020 election news, instead of turning this into a replica of the NBA thread, with dozens of off topic steam of consciousness posts?

(note:  100% agree with what you wrote, but this is for election news, not debating the progressive credentials of Kamala)

So your theory is that there is an upper tier apparatus of Democrat operators capable of planning and enacting a complicated, secret, and simultaneously conducted cheating scandal on a large scale...but those folks couldn’t get the fake ballots printed on the right paper? 
It’s actually more complicated. These dudes are so sneaky that they plotted to have Republicans keep the Senate and increase their numbers in the House, probably so that when they got rid of Trump nobody would suspect. 

Georgia dropping 4k votes in about an hour. Coming from one of the Atlanta counties. Expectation is that if they stay at the ratio the county is at, the state will flip at the least at that time.

As much as we find President Trump distasteful, disgusting, wearisome....our elected official rule serve at the pleasure of the people, and because of the will of the people.

69M people voted for him. They're Americans and if they want DJT to continue to be the face and dominating presence of the Republican Party, that is their right.

For a variety of reasons I think he is dangerous and due to his inward focused nature he does not seek to defend the constitution.  But if the MAGA crowd continues to support him, I don't want to see him prosecuted. He is, IMO, a symptom of our issues, not the sole cause of them.
I would expect Trump to offer a behind the scenes deal regarding immunity from prosecution for him and his family in exchange for leaving the presidency "peacefully".

Peacefully for Trump is different than most people would define it.

 Can we stay focused on the 2020 election news, instead of turning this into a replica of the NBA thread, with dozens of off topic steam of consciousness posts?

(note:  100% agree with what you wrote, but this is for election news, not debating the progressive credentials of Kamala)
I've been trying to stay on topic just explaining to @cap'n grunge why his initial comment how I voted was wrong in a sense. 

Get your 3 months supply of food and water supplies as this is going to get ugly.  Trump is going to expose the Democrats fraud and Joe Biden will look like Charlie Brown with the football pulled away from him.  The rioting will be like nothing we have ever seen when Trump is re-elected.  Stay safe my friends.
Riversco is that you.  Welcome back buddy. 

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They all seem to be guilty of something. 
Well Trump has the Epstein issue and Deutche Bank issues. 

Obama bombing innocent civilians with Drones

GW Bush lying to start a regime war

Clinton Laundry List

George SR ain't a saint like Republicans think

Regan let the New Deal policies that FDR created get weaker and was worse then Jimmy Carter. 

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Get your 3 months supply of food and water supplies as this is going to get ugly.  Trump is going to expose the Democrats fraud and Joe Biden will look like Charlie Brown with the football pulled away from him.  The rioting will be like nothing we have ever seen when Trump is re-elected.  Stay safe my friends.
Riversco is that you.  Welcome back buddy. 
It's not Riversco, it's Don't Noonan.


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