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***Official 1/6 Select Committee thread*** (5 Viewers)

This kind of lesser than attack based on someone’s rumored sexual preferences is disgusting. Seriously shocked to see this in 2021
Oh brother.  I'm in South Carolina and pretty sure Lindsay would be offended that you were offended.

Now if I said #### Lindsay Graham ala LGB....then yes. or maybe what Jon_MX said immediately upstream 


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Graham' a big fat coward too.  What is your point.  The cop shod be fired and on trial for murder. 
So you wanted those mentally unstable traitors who were bludgeoning police and chanting to "Hang Mike Pence" and "Oh Nancy" to just be able to kidnap and execute the entire line of succession and install a fascist dictator?  Well, OK then... That was literally their intent.  They were there to install a dictator who got blown out in a landslide.

That officer is a hero.  Period.  People probably ought to stop believing the lies of a loser.  America would be a better place.

So you wanted those mentally unstable traitors who were bludgeoning police and chanting to "Hang Mike Pence" and "Oh Nancy" to just be able to kidnap and execute the entire line of succession and install a fascist dictator?  Well, OK then... That was literally their intent.  They were there to install a dictator who got blown out in a landslide.

That officer is a hero.  Period.  People probably ought to stop believing the lies of a loser.  America would be a better place.

I want people to be charged with the crimes they committed.  Not some fantasy dreamed up by a bunch of bigoted liberals out of their deranged worldviews in pursuit of destroying our freedoms.  

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I want people to be charged with the crimes they committed.  Not some fantasy dreamed up by a bunch of bigoted liberals out of their deranged worldviews in pursuit of destroying our freedoms.  
Sorry if you think attempting a coup and toppling the US government is a "freedom" of yours.  It isn't.

Yes, that was the plan. Overthrow the most powerful country in the world armed with zip ties and a flagpole. I am scared.  Wwwaaaaa
Overturn the election literally was the plan (see "Eastman, John"). The flagpoles and zip ties were optional. Not to mention the tasers and bear spray plus the occasional guns and baseball bats.

There are 600 people being charged.  I bet 598 of them had no idea of any plan.  Just a few tough web guys blowing smoke.  This is the biggest f-ing waste of time ever dragging these people through hell, meanwhile all the thugs who are actually killing people, looting, burning down businesses a d not a damn thing.  I despise this liberal concept of two justice systems based upon race and politics.  Liberals see conservatives as animals, pure and simple.  It is pure bigotry. 
The ones that stormed the Capitol and are those looking the other way.  Absolutely.

None of the people who peacefully entered the building and peacefully protested should be charged. But yet that is about 1/3 of the total.. 

Those that were protesting and had the good sense to remain behind the barricades should not be charged.  The rest of the "patriots" that crossed the barricades and entered the Capitol building knew they were breaking the law and should face the consequences of their actions.  

There are 600 people being charged.  I bet 598 of them had no idea of any plan.  Just a few tough web guys blowing smoke.  This is the biggest f-ing waste of time ever dragging these people through hell, meanwhile all the thugs who are actually killing people, looting, burning down businesses a d not a damn thing.  I despise this liberal concept of two justice systems based upon race and politics.  Liberals see conservatives as animals, pure and simple.  It is pure bigotry. 
If people are breaking the law, they should be punished, pure and simple regardless of political affiliation. I would hope you agree. "We will respect the rule of law" and such.

There are 600 people being charged.  I bet 598 of them had no idea of any plan.  Just a few tough web guys blowing smoke.  This is the biggest f-ing waste of time ever dragging these people through hell, meanwhile all the thugs who are actually killing people, looting, burning down businesses a d not a damn thing.  I despise this liberal concept of two justice systems based upon race and politics.  Liberals see conservatives as animals, pure and simple.  It is pure bigotry. 
You call assaulting police officers, destruction of government property, wiping feces all over the US Capitol, theft of government property, and attempted kidnapping and execution of the entire line of succession to install a dictator "blowing smoke"?  OK then... good luck out there.

FYI: I have a lot of conservative friends and family members. I view them as misguided, and misinformed, but I love them all the same.

ITT we are witnessing a poster trying to use anger and lies to get this thread, this forum, and this whole conversation shut down because that is the only way that poster can win this type of discourse.

Temper your expectations, stay rooted in truth, and don't let it get to you.

Yes, that was the plan. Overthrow the most powerful country in the world armed with zip ties and a flagpole. I am scared.  Wwwaaaaa
Just a pEaCeFuL pRoTesT...

Every single person who went through the barricades need to indicted and tried in a court of law, and see what the inside of a prison feels like, particularly anyone who struck a police officer, destroyed government property, defaced the building or stole anything at all.  We can all agree on that.  


 Liberals see conservatives as animals, pure and simple.  It is pure bigotry. 
JFC. Can you stop with this garbage? You are by far the producer of the most overtly bigoted posts in this forum, and they are all in the exact opposite direction of what you're claiming above. Yet you continue to bludgeon all of us with your misguided opinions, all of which have been refuted dozens of times. Yet you willfully ignore that while continually railing against exactly what you're doing; painting everyone with the same broad generalizations. Your lack of self awareness is absolutely astounding. I used to read your political posts because I wanted to know what someone with opposing views thought. Now I ignore them, because they are all variations of the same thing: liberals are the source of all evil, they hate everything and everyone, etc., etc. What little credibility you ever had here with anyone other than your hardcore rightwing brethren is completely shot. You've been radicalized and it's a bad look.

The Hill: WaPost won't publish full Trump response due to 'unrelated, inflammatory claims'.

The Washington Post said it will not publish former President Trump's response to a new investigative series it published this week about the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol because the statement contained irrelevant and unfounded claims about the attack and election integrity. 

The Washington Post said it will not publish former President Trump's response to a new investigative series it published this week about the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol because the statement contained irrelevant and unfounded claims about the attack and election integrity. 

"The Post investigation was based on interviews with 230 people and thousands of pages of court documents and internal law enforcement reports, along with hundreds of videos, photographs and audio recordings..."

"The Post provided Trump a list of 37 findings reported as part of its investigation."

A Trump spokesman, Taylor Budowich, provided the outlet a statement. The Post said the statement was "a lengthy written response that included series of unrelated, inflammatory claims that The Post is not publishing in full."

The Post noted that Budowich said the former president “greatly objected” to all of the newspaper's findings, dismissing it as “fake news.”

Just a pEaCeFuL pRoTesT...

Every single person who went through the barricades need to indicted and tried in a court of law, and see what the inside of a prison feels like, particularly anyone who struck a police officer, destroyed government property, defaced the building or stole anything at all.  We can all agree on that.  


Yeah, I know.  You guys said the same thing about the BLM/Antifa riots that burned downed cities, assaulted/murdered people and took over a 6 square block of a major city.

If THAT was a peaceful protest, then 1/6 was a Catholic church service.

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Yeah, I know.  You guys said the same thing about the BLM/Antifa riots that burned downed cities, assaulted/murdered people and took over a 6 square block of a major city.

If THAT was a peaceful protest, then 1/6 was a Catholic church service.
No people here did not say that about the riots.  Why make that up?

Yeah, I know.  You guys said the same thing about the BLM/Antifa riots that burned downed cities, assaulted/murdered people and took over a 6 square block of a major city.

If THAT was a peaceful protest, then 1/6 was a Catholic church service.
Since this is a 1/6 thread, can you comment AT ALL on it without bringing up BLM/Antifa?

“What is the name of the person who told you to buck President Trump’s plan & certify the votes?” a man who said his name was Jared asked Mike Pence tonight in Iowa City…

Pence replied:

”James Madison.” 

Pence got a few laughs & some applause from the audience.
Follow up question, what was the name of the man who told you to ignore the constitution and install him as lifetime dictator? 

 "Carlson cannot be understood to have been stating facts, but instead that he was delivering an opinion using hyperbole for effect"  and "given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements he makes. his 'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary"- Lawyers for Fox News

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cannot be understood to have been stating facts, but instead that he was delivering an opinion using hyperbole for effect"  and "given Mr.


's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements he makes. his 'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary "- Lawyers for Fox News

As a service to its viewers, Fox News should run the above quotes across the bottom of the screen during Tucker's show.

A Nov. 4 hearing has been set for Trump's executive privilege claim in the Jan. 6 select committee's investigation.

Not on this issue.  They are one of the few sources willing to ask the tough questions and actually investigate.  

Don't buy it after seeing their reports during the Maricopa County "audit".  They are as biased as they come.

 The right has no desire to do a real investigation on January 6th as is evident by looking at the Republicans in congress.

Gateway Pundit is NOT a credible source and you should not use it. Ever.

“Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.”

One of the worst sources on planet Earth
Detailed Report

Questionable Reasoning:Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News, Numerous Failed Fact Checks
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW

Sorry.  I guess dissenting views are not welcome here.  Have fun with whatever this is. 
No! Dissenting views are very welcome!

Please don’t assume that your view is not welcome.

It’s just that you are consuming misinformation and then passing it on as credible. This is bad for everyone.

Please try to find another source that’s supports the point you are trying to make.

You say you like that GP asked the tough questions.

How about you give us an example of a “tough” question?

Seems like a way to generate some good discussion, no?
Why are they not releasing full video evidence?

Why is there video of police and security letting people in?

How many FBI and other law enforcement people were embedded?  Did they lead people in?  If so, is that entrapment?   


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