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***Official 1/6 Select Committee thread*** (2 Viewers)

its cute how you think Rassmussen polls conducted in conjunction with the National Police Association is a legitimate poll.  Laughably cute.
You may not like the framing of the question, but the numbers are real from a legitimate polling organization.  

Not at all.  I scour multiple sources to post articles that I feel aid in discussion and are not part of the cocoon of MSM distortion that many in this forum consume.  I post the ones that I feel are most pertinent.  CNN is a bias source. They have been exposed many times admitted what is their end goal. Therefore, it is helpful to present another POV.   
I’ll respectfully disagree. I can’t recall a single time you have posted a link relating to Trump that hasn’t been from either the GatewayPudit or a Pro-Trump website but if so I apologize if I missed it. 

You’ve bought into Trump’s voice that the MSM is bad and while it is important to look across a variety of sources, you can’t always settle on those that are strictly pro-Trump (I mean you can but I believe you are doing a disservice to yourself in that case). 

I’ve posted before that I was not in favor of either series of events but imo one was more harmful than the other.  

Yes...and your need to publicly announce to disengage is nice?  It is a two way street.  
I have disengaged.  This particular thread is not on topic and will inevitably turn into a slap fight like has happened many times before.  Please stop.  

I have disengaged.  This particular thread is not on topic and will inevitably turn into a slap fight like has happened many times before.  Please stop.  
The poll was on topic.  It demonstrates the partisan motives of this.  To pretend this is some unbiased fact-finding commission is silly.  

Sinn Fein said:
I may be on an island here, at least from the left's perspective, but, I just don't see anything good, or positive, coming from this.

Dems are going to say: "Look, its the GOP's fault for engaging in the 'Big Lie', and knowingly whipping up the supporters into a frenzy!"

GOP are going to say: "People protesting is good, it was just a few bad eggs, and the Capitol Police were either woefully unprepared or complicit.  Dems are just being mean and unfair to the GOP!  Where is the BLM Protest committee?"

And, nobody will change their mind about any of it.
I agree.  I don’t see the point of this, what is the end game here?

I’ll respectfully disagree. I can’t recall a single time you have posted a link relating to Trump that hasn’t been from either the GatewayPudit or a Pro-Trump website but if so I apologize if I missed it. 

You’ve bought into Trump’s voice that the MSM is bad and while it is important to look across a variety of sources, you can’t always settle on those that are strictly pro-Trump (I mean you can but I believe you are doing a disservice to yourself in that case). 

I’ve posted before that I was not in favor of either series of events but imo one was more harmful than the other.  
Have BLM/Antifa stopped?  One lasted three hours and the other over a year.  

I read many things from many sources. I’m not going to trust NYT, CNN, and Washington Post.  They have shown their hand too many times.  It’s not even as much the fake news as it is the stuff they choose to bury.  

Please don’t get sucked in to the distractions of those who have no interest in an investigation into January 6.

Also, I recommend bumping the BLM and Antifa threads, because both of those topics are important, but have nothing to do with the January 6 select committee.


So...we're NOT just discussing the Jan. 6 Commission here? I see Antifa/BLM and popularity polls have surfaced. Headed the same way as the thread that got locked. Good job, get another thread locked.
Kind of hard to ignore the elephant in the room.  Well, I guess you'd have to if you wanted to see this as anything other than one giant sham.  So, I do see your line of thinking. 

Kind of hard to ignore the elephant in the room.  Well, I guess you'd have to if you wanted to see this as anything other than one giant sham.  So, I do see your line of thinking. 
Yeah, don't keep it to news and info or anything. Just crap all over another thread. Whether you think its a "sham" or not doesn't matter - this is happening. Complain about it somewhere else.

Did they misrepresent the Rasmussen poll?  If not your comment is horse manure. 
It is Rasmussen. That is all one has to say. One doesn't have to do any misrepresentation. 

Rasmussen is considered an outlier among major polling organizations, always leaning right usually about 3-5 points from the others (which is why Fox, Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit, etc., always cite them as gospel).

Kind of hard to ignore the elephant in the room.  Well, I guess you'd have to if you wanted to see this as anything other than one giant sham.  So, I do see your line of thinking. 
Are you aware that 35 Republican House members, and 7 Republican Senators voted in favor of a J6 investigation?

That’s 42 Republicans that didn’t think it was a sham… isn’t that the elephant in the room?

Yeah, don't keep it to news and info or anything. Just crap all over another thread. Whether you think its a "sham" or not doesn't matter - this is happening. Complain about it somewhere else.
Who is complaining?  I like to watch the Dems make fools of themselves again. 

Here is some info:  It's one giant sham.

Unless Speaker Pelosi reverses course and seats all five Republican nominees, Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts

Shocking.  Another PPP move.  He's just a #thebiglie RINO.  There was zero chance she would appoint objective committee.  No objectivity, no credibility.  Sham.
Would you refer to all 42 of the Representatives and Senators are RINOs? 

Perhaps there are a couple of the 42 that you may respect to some degree, and you would be ok with their ability to act in a bipartisan fashion…

You’ll get no argument from me. I’ll post their name, update their cases, and curse them for the criminals they are. Please bump that thread and let’s discuss it there.
Why do you think Pelosi has no interest in pursuing this?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are considering inviting former House Republican Rep. Denver Riggleman to serve as an adviser to the Jan. 6 select committee investigating the Capitol assault.

Riggleman, a former intelligence officer who lost his primary last year, has been a forceful critic of other Republicans over election-related disinformation and QAnon conspiracy theories.

More on Christopher Miller's memo to the NG.

... Capitol Police and D.C. National Guard officials acknowledged that by Jan. 4 they understood that "… the January 6th event would not be like any of the previous protests held in 2020. We knew that militia groups and white supremacist organizations would be attending. We also knew that some of these participants were intending to bring firearms and other weapons to the event. We knew that there was a strong potential for violence and that Congress was the target."

On that same day, former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller issued a memo to the secretary of the Army placing some extremely unusual limits on National Guard forces for that event. It's not a to-do list. It's a list of thou shalt nots. A long list. A list that says guard forces can't arrest any of the pro-Trump protesters, or search them, or even touch them. And that's just for starters.

The full memo shows that the D.C. Guard did receive a request from D.C. government for guard presence during the Jan. 6 event. Miller responds promptly to go ahead, so long as the soldiers are given no weapons, no body armor, and no helmets. They can bring agents like pepper spray or flashbangs. They can't share any gear with Capitol Police or Metro D.C. Police. They can't … really do much of anything.

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda

Founded in 2016 by Mike LaChance, American Lookout is a conservative news and opinion site. Mike LaChance has written for Legal Insurrection, the Daily Caller, Townhall, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and others. 

As far as sources go, it doesn’t get much worse than what you posted if you are trying to represent “the American people.”
Well weLoveTrump.com has been used as a source too so I’d have to disagree with your last paragraph.  

Anyone else think Trump personally ordered the NG stand-down in the hopes that his people would successfully shut down certification? Not sure if this committee could prove it even if it's true, and absolutely positive that it wouldn't register with his base at all as a threat to America. Many here would cheer it on.

Anyone else think Trump personally ordered the NG stand-down in the hopes that his people would successfully shut down certification? Not sure if this committee could prove it even if it's true, and absolutely positive that it wouldn't register with his base at all as a threat to America. Many here would cheer it on.
I don't he personally ordered a stand-down, but he did install his loyalists in the Pentagon in a very unusual step post-election. Not surprisingly, Miller was one of those loyalists.

Defense will be "He didn't tell them to go to the Capitol. He told them to stop the steal." 

Which to rational people is the same thing. 
I believe the sequence of events was the months-long message of "I was robbed!! Stop the steal!1!", then "fight like hell" and "trial by combat", then "march to the Capitol".

The Acting SecDef memo when looked at through a timeline:

Also on Jan. 3: An internal Capitol Police intelligence report warns of a violent scenario in which “Congress itself” could be the target of angry Trump supporters in the upcoming rally.

“Supporters of the current president see January 6, 2021, as the last opportunity to overturn the results of the presidential election,” the memo states. “This sense of desperation and disappointment may lead to more of an incentive to become violent. Unlike previous post-election protests, the targets of the pro-Trump supporters are not necessarily the counter-protesters as they were previously, but rather Congress itself is the target on the 6th.”

Jan. 4: Miller issues a memo to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy requiring Miller’s “personal authorization” for the DC National Guard to employ “riot control agents” and other tactics

Jan. 4: The National Park Service increases the crowd estimate on the January 6 rally permit to 30,000 – up from the original 5,000 in December.

Also on Jan. 4: Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund asks the Senate and House sergeants at arms for permission to put the National Guard on emergency standby. They reject that idea and suggest instead that he informally seek out his Guard contacts, asking them to “lean forward” and be on alert in case the Capitol Police need help.

Jan. 5: The FBI office in Norfolk, Virginia issues a warning that extremists are preparing to travel to Washington to commit violence and “war.”

Also on Jan. 5: Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) receives a call from White House Political Director Brian Jack asking him to speak at the “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6. Brooks agrees.

January 6, 2021...

Timeline with links

Not at all.  I scour multiple sources to post articles that I feel aid in discussion and are not part of the cocoon of MSM distortion that many in this forum consume.  I post the ones that I feel are most pertinent.  CNN is a bias source. They have been exposed many times admitted what is their end goal. Therefore, it is helpful to present another POV.   
biased.  not bias.  

drives me nuts.  please learn the difference.  


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