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Morning Routines (1 Viewer)


I am looking to start a morning routine.  What has the FFA found leads to successful morning routines and are there any secrets/best practices/pitfalls that I should be aware of?

My main goals in having a morning routine is to simplify my day, improve quality of life, and be happier overall.  Thanks in advance.

Day 1 will be Monday the 31st.

  1. Wake up
  2. Check email to see if anyone scheduled a 9am meeting at 7am.
  3. Take a shower.
  4. Go into next room and do work or lay in bed and do work.

Step 1, imo, is getting to bed at a good time. Also, it's important to make it a relatively consistent bed time.

Same goes for when you wake up. Make it consistent and you'll feel better.

Depends on if I pushed through all night the previous night to complete a written project in advance of the deadline, which I like to do.  Then my mornings are a little different. 

Our normal routine with work & school

Wake up

Brush teeth

wake up son

Get dressed (I shower at gym at work)

Go downstairs eat breakfast

Browse internet

Make coffee to bring in car

Pack lunch

Drive son to school

Drive to work

Weekend routine

Wake up whenever my son wants me to get up

Sometimes go for run

Make nice breakfast

  1. Wake up
  2. Check email to see if anyone scheduled a 9am meeting at 7am.
  3. Take a shower.
  4. Go into next room and do work or lay in bed and do work.
This is part of my problem.  I'll wake up at 7:45 and look at my phone.  If there are no crucial emails I may stay in bed until 9ish.  I then go down stairs, start the coffee, and head back for a shower.  After I check the FFA and the stock market, I am ready to work for 30-40 minutes before lunch.

I need a couple of wins early in the day to get me started on the right path. 

  • Getting up at a set time
  • Exercise
  • start the coffee
  • make the bed
Has anyone had any luck with any meditation or journal writing?  

This is part of my problem.  I'll wake up at 7:45 and look at my phone.  If there are no crucial emails I may stay in bed until 9ish.  I then go down stairs, start the coffee, and head back for a shower.  After I check the FFA and the stock market, I am ready to work for 30-40 minutes before lunch.

This sounds completely viable to me

This seems to lead to feelings of anxiety and depression.  I don't want to sleep my life away or get fired, but apathy is an issue.  
Oh, I'm sorry.  Now I feel bad.  :(     I don't work traditional hours (working for myself enables this) and I know what you mean about needing a routine.  I just figured that when you had deadlines, you altered your routine to match, but maybe your work isn't deadline-driven.  Are you just searching for something that will help you be more productive from day to day? 

Oh, I'm sorry.  Now I feel bad.  :(     I don't work traditional hours (working for myself enables this) and I know what you mean about needing a routine.  I just figured that when you had deadlines, you altered your routine to match, but maybe your work isn't deadline-driven.  Are you just searching for something that will help you be more productive from day to day? 
I have basically been able to take procrastination to amazing levels and would like to turn the ship around.   My work is a mix of relationships and deadlines, and both have suffered. I have basically lived off of my reputation for the past 5 years and I would like to do a better job.  If I don't get the morning started well, I can lose an entire day/days.

I have basically been able to take procrastination to amazing levels and would like to turn the ship around.   My work is a mix of relationships and deadlines, and both have suffered. I have basically lived off of my reputation for the past 5 years and I would like to do a better job.  If I don't get the morning started well, I can lose an entire day/days.
Got it.  Not sure if you have a problem sleeping - my main problem in that area is that I can't make myself go to bed - but if not, then set several alarms and make darn sure you get up at the same time every day.  Check e-mail, and if there's nothing pressing, turn e-mail off and make the coffee, then while leaving e-mail off if at all possible, turn to a set agenda of accomplishments (which can be small) that you set for yourself the previous day.  Maybe these take an hour, maybe two.  Once they're finished, then reward yourself with the FFA & stock market checks.  Go from there.  And whatever you do - and this is something I'm still working on after 45+ years - don't focus on what you haven't done yet.  Focus on what you did get done, then try to add to that list.   

745 is pretty late. Make that an hour or two earlier. You'll get a lot done in that extra time (just don't stay up late).

Wake up panicked because I hit the snooze button 8 times. Rush to the sink and brush my teeth than put my suit on. Get on the bus and take a 30 minute nap. Show up at work and grab breakfast in the tunnels down town. Eat my breakfast and drink some coffee.

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I do everything that I can the night before.  Prep my food, get coffee ready, pack gym bag, get clothes to wear, shower, shave, etc.  Along the same lines, before I shut down at the office I tentatively lay out my next day.  I budget everything so I'm done with my work by lunch if I can control it.  This gives me contingency time if something goes wrong, project time if I'm ahead, or what I'm doing right now because it's Friday afternoon and I don't want to do anything before I shut down in a half hour.  

Anyway, all I need to do in the morning is get dressed, pour my coffee, and throw all that food in a bag.  I can be out the door within 5 minutes.  7 if I have a bedhead problem needing addressed.  I don't look at my phone until I'm in the office most days to avoid that problem.  I try to exercise over lunch, but if that plan falls apart I'm always sure to do it at some point in the evening - no matter the schedule and how tired I am.  I know me, I sleep as late as I can, I won't get up so I don't try to.

It's harder during the school year (my wife works at a K-8 school), but we have a nanny that comes to the house and our school aged kid is usually self sufficient enough that all I need to do is tell him it's time to leave.  He gets his younger brother's breakfast and keeps the littlest one away from stuff like a turned on coffee pot and flower vases, so that helps a ton no matter what time everyone wakes up.  I usually have to get up 30-45 minutes earlier than I'd like, but that's what the extra coffee is for.

I need a couple of wins early in the day to get me started on the right path. 

  • Getting up at a set time
  • Exercise
  • start the coffee
  • make the bed
Has anyone had any luck with any meditation or journal writing?  
Meditation is a great way to start the day. I take the train to work and normally fit in a 10-20 minute meditation on the way. It can be very helpful as I find myself to be generally more patient and focused throughout the day.  

Meditation is a great way to start the day. I take the train to work and normally fit in a 10-20 minute meditation on the way. It can be very helpful as I find myself to be generally more patient and focused throughout the day.  
Do you use an app or a podcast type deal?  I listened to the Dan Harris Book 10% Happier on a business trip and a lot of it sounded good.  I think there could be benefits to mindfulness/meditation but it seems more confusing than a morning routine at this point.

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I wake up 30 minutes before I have to leave.



Sometimes pack lunch

Grab my coffee

Leave for work

Do you use an app or a podcast type deal?  I listened to the Dan Harris Book 10% Happier on a business trip and a lot of it sounded good.  I think there could be benefits to mindfulness/meditation but it seems more confusing than a morning routine at this point.
I listen to Tara Brach's podcast. She has many different guided meditations and some excellent talks as well.  

I also read Harris' book and it gave me a bit of a boost to pursue the practice a little bit further. I wouldn't really consider it a strict routine for me though as I skip many days. But I try to fit them in where I can.  

Wake up, fall out of bed, drag a comb across my head, find my way downstairs and have a cup, look up and notice I'm late, find my coat, grab my hat, get to the bus... you know, typical day in the life

I listen to Tara Brach's podcast. She has many different guided meditations and some excellent talks as well.  

I also read Harris' book and it gave me a bit of a boost to pursue the practice a little bit further. I wouldn't really consider it a strict routine for me though as I skip many days. But I try to fit them in where I can.  
I listened to her smile meditation once in the car, but really haven't gone back to it. I probably should. 

Sharkando move is to poop at work and then shove your underpants and used toilet paper up in the drop ceiling. 
Hammerhead Shark move is to poop at work, then shower in the gym locker room all on the company's time.  preferably the womens locker room

you're welcome to my morning ritual, but it involves diapering my 93yo ma & reminding my tempestuously-addled 92yo da that it is not 1950

Wake up 6:30.

Give lady a good morning kiss 



Get dressed

Fill dogs dishes

Grab water

Kiss lady goodbye

Out the door at 7ish.

Depends on the time of year.   Besides the usual, if its summer, I'll typically get a bike ride in.  Its so nice riding in the morning.  The rest of the year, will help with the kids before they leave.

I have basically been able to take procrastination to amazing levels and would like to turn the ship around.   My work is a mix of relationships and deadlines, and both have suffered. I have basically lived off of my reputation for the past 5 years and I would like to do a better job.  If I don't get the morning started well, I can lose an entire day/days.
What time do you go to bed? My morning/life drastically improved when i started going to bed at the same time (and getting up at the same time), and made getting 8 hours of sleep a priority. 

Sounds like you need to start by just getting up, and not getting back into bed, when the alarm goes off.  Best way to accomplish this is to have the alarm clock NOT within reach of the bed.

Having other people define the rest of your start sounds strange to me.  You know what needs to get done.  Just make a checklist of it all and how long it takes you.  Go from there.

My morning routine has changed my life:

1. Wake up early and immediately make a bullet proof coffee

2. Drink coffee by myself and talk to God

3. Once the coffee is done I work for about 1.5 hours - I spend this time on the work that requires a lot of creativity or focus.

4. Have breakfast

5. Shower/shave etc...

6. hop on my bike and head to the office.

7. have another cup of coffee

I should add - I don't check email until I get to the office.

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Wake up between 7:30 and 8:00:  

  • Check email the moment my eyes open (bad habits are hard to break)
  • Shower/Shave put my suit on
  • Make breakfast (surprised at how few people eat breakfast)
  • Clean up, do dishes etc
  • Head out - 30-45 min
I would like to cut 15-20 off of this routine but it is hard w/breakfast.  Typically it is closer to the 45 min. 


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