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\\m// Official Dealer's Choice Music Mixtape Draft (3 Viewers)

I am sure a lot of people will make a strong argument that the lyrics are at least good, but any song that can become a skinhead anthem, maybe there is a problem.

"If there’s one thing I would change, it’s the title," says Smith, sounding a little weary. "I wrote it when I was still in school and I had no idea that anyone would ever listen to it other than my immediate school friends."One of the themes of the song is that everyone’s existence is pretty much the same. Everyone lives, everyone dies, our existences are the same. It’s as far from a racist song as you can write. It seems though that no one can get past the title and that’s incredibly frustrating.

"The fact is it’s based on a book that’s set in France and deals with the problems of the Algerians, so it was only geographical reasons why it was an Arab and not anyone else."

When the issue of the song reared its head during the Gulf War, what angered Smith most was that while many talked about the song, few bothered to ever play it. This time around he almost decided to refuse to comment at all.

"But ultimately I thought that was a bit of a cop-out," Smith reasoned. "I wrote the song, so I’ve got to deal with it."
full link for a little more: http://www.chartattack.com/news/2001/10/29/oh-god-not-again-robert-smith-on-killing-an-arab/

18.xx Killing an Arab - The Cure (Bad lyrics/great song)

bad lyric:

Killing an Arab
Not on Spotify. throwing it back
I'm confused... I always thought the song was an obvious reference to The Stranger- it's not?
It's obvious to you. It's obvious to Robert Smith. It's not obvious to people who want to kill arabs.

I am sure a lot of people will make a strong argument that the lyrics are at least good, but any song that can become a skinhead anthem, maybe there is a problem.

"If there’s one thing I would change, it’s the title," says Smith, sounding a little weary. "I wrote it when I was still in school and I had no idea that anyone would ever listen to it other than my immediate school friends."One of the themes of the song is that everyone’s existence is pretty much the same. Everyone lives, everyone dies, our existences are the same. It’s as far from a racist song as you can write. It seems though that no one can get past the title and that’s incredibly frustrating.

"The fact is it’s based on a book that’s set in France and deals with the problems of the Algerians, so it was only geographical reasons why it was an Arab and not anyone else."

When the issue of the song reared its head during the Gulf War, what angered Smith most was that while many talked about the song, few bothered to ever play it. This time around he almost decided to refuse to comment at all.

"But ultimately I thought that was a bit of a cop-out," Smith reasoned. "I wrote the song, so I’ve got to deal with it."
full link for a little more: http://www.chartattack.com/news/2001/10/29/oh-god-not-again-robert-smith-on-killing-an-arab/

18.xx Killing an Arab - The Cure (Bad lyrics/great song)

bad lyric:

Killing an Arab
Not on Spotify. throwing it back
I'm confused... I always thought the song was an obvious reference to The Stranger- it's not?
It is. My high school teacher made sure we listened to it and knew the reference.

I am sure a lot of people will make a strong argument that the lyrics are at least good, but any song that can become a skinhead anthem, maybe there is a problem.

"If there’s one thing I would change, it’s the title," says Smith, sounding a little weary. "I wrote it when I was still in school and I had no idea that anyone would ever listen to it other than my immediate school friends."One of the themes of the song is that everyone’s existence is pretty much the same. Everyone lives, everyone dies, our existences are the same. It’s as far from a racist song as you can write. It seems though that no one can get past the title and that’s incredibly frustrating.

"The fact is it’s based on a book that’s set in France and deals with the problems of the Algerians, so it was only geographical reasons why it was an Arab and not anyone else."

When the issue of the song reared its head during the Gulf War, what angered Smith most was that while many talked about the song, few bothered to ever play it. This time around he almost decided to refuse to comment at all.

"But ultimately I thought that was a bit of a cop-out," Smith reasoned. "I wrote the song, so I’ve got to deal with it."
full link for a little more: http://www.chartattack.com/news/2001/10/29/oh-god-not-again-robert-smith-on-killing-an-arab/

18.xx Killing an Arab - The Cure (Bad lyrics/great song)

bad lyric:

Killing an Arab
Not on Spotify. throwing it back
I'm confused... I always thought the song was an obvious reference to The Stranger- it's not?
It's obvious to you. It's obvious to Robert Smith. It's not obvious to people who want to kill arabs.
you mean... the jews?

Last two:

19.xx: "The Crystal Ship" - The Doors (influential album)

Was mainly into hard rock/metal, top 40 and some New Wave through most of high school. Not a huge classic rock buff until I heard the first Doors album - thanks to the beauty of BMG and Columbia House record clubs (both of which I still probably owe money). Once I heard this album, my interest in '60s/'70s classic rock exploded and remains to this day. And still finding more and more new stuff every day. This is my favorite tune on the album.
This was one of the albums 4 year old Gr00vus would put on my parents' turntable stack and make them listen to constantly. Others in the stack included the soundtrack for Hair, Madman Across The Water, Sitting In, Tea For The Tillerman and Crosby, Stills & Nash.

Where is the post that sez how to do that? I remember it but didn't mark it dammit.
Do you have Spotify downloaded on your computer, phone, or do use the web app?
Downloaded on computer
  • On the left menu, click on +New Playlist and name your playlist
  • Search for a song, and click and drag it to the newly named playlist
  • do this 20 times
  • left click on your playlist and confirm all your songs are listed
  • right click on the name of your playlist
  • select copy http link
  • Post that link in this thread.
  • Let all your fellow drafters enjoy your picks!
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I am sure a lot of people will make a strong argument that the lyrics are at least good, but any song that can become a skinhead anthem, maybe there is a problem.

"If there’s one thing I would change, it’s the title," says Smith, sounding a little weary. "I wrote it when I was still in school and I had no idea that anyone would ever listen to it other than my immediate school friends."One of the themes of the song is that everyone’s existence is pretty much the same. Everyone lives, everyone dies, our existences are the same. It’s as far from a racist song as you can write. It seems though that no one can get past the title and that’s incredibly frustrating.

"The fact is it’s based on a book that’s set in France and deals with the problems of the Algerians, so it was only geographical reasons why it was an Arab and not anyone else."

When the issue of the song reared its head during the Gulf War, what angered Smith most was that while many talked about the song, few bothered to ever play it. This time around he almost decided to refuse to comment at all.

"But ultimately I thought that was a bit of a cop-out," Smith reasoned. "I wrote the song, so I’ve got to deal with it."
full link for a little more: http://www.chartattack.com/news/2001/10/29/oh-god-not-again-robert-smith-on-killing-an-arab/

18.xx Killing an Arab - The Cure (Bad lyrics/great song)

bad lyric:

Killing an Arab
Not on Spotify. throwing it back
I'm confused... I always thought the song was an obvious reference to The Stranger- it's not?
It's obvious to you. It's obvious to Robert Smith. It's not obvious to people who want to kill arabs.
you mean... the jews?
Sometimes there seems to be a pretty long line.

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EARLY LEMMY. 1969. I only know this song because the Lemonheads covered it on a recent record and I thought it had a really nice, melancholy sound.* And since the original is not on Spotify, the Lemonheads version is the one I shall take.

The Lemonheads - Yesterlove (sad)

The lyrics are a little overcooked but come on, it's LEMMY when his name was still Ian Willis, before he even joined Hawkwind. Here is the original


And Dando's take: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qggwPavlYqM

*They don't write 'em like this anymore

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20 rounds? I guess all I have left is my animal pick.

I had nothing in mind when I chose this category. Taking this over a couple other choices that aren't as interesting. I'll refrain from judging or ranking the category, but I appreciate the songs that are a little more literal in their animal reference!

The Birthday Party - Release The Bats (animals)


Sex vampire! Cool machine! This one's for you Eephus, thanks for doing it.

Here's my spotify playlist. 80 minutes exactly! A total accident, but perfect for you all to make your own zillafied CD. jzilla playlist draft

I was torn between Rush songs. Never took one. Red Sector A (synth era), Vital Signs (awesome "deep" cut off MP), and for all of you who love to rip Peart's lyrics, Ghost Rider, which deals with the untimely deaths of his wife and daughter. Unfortunately for that one, since it's Rush and it's less than 30 years old it is painful to listen to regardless of the lyrics.

A cool song that refs an athlete is Diamonds and Guns by Tim Armstrong stroke-me project The Transplants.

Surprised nobody took the recently revived "Baby Blue" (the Badfinger one, not the Dylan cover)

Relevant to beatlesquemania, my favorite Monkees song is "Goin' Down"

Prince category was hard. No one took Chaka Khan.

No one took acoustic "Plush"

Another fun Scandinavian hair metal band was Denmark's D.A.D. Ultimately I went with the classic, pre-Countdown Europe.

I had a big list of deep cuts from 90's #1's. Notable faves: Nevermind's "Lounge Act", GNR UYI2's "Locomotive", and "Be The One" by my homeboy Hootie which I might have taken were it only on Spotify..

No Maiden for best scream. Shame on us.

I had a couple of good gospely covers on my list for the religious one, but that seemed a little against the spirit I guess. I still love Rod Stewart & Jeff Beck's "People Get Ready" though.

Two other sad songs I was torn on, I actually had to think about it for an hour or two. Beck's "Lost Cause" and Pearl Jam's "Sad", which doesn't sound sad but is really ####### sad, and has the added distinction of being called "Sad"

I couldn't think of any exceptionally brilliant animal songs but Dr. Dog has a few fable-inspired tunes, and I was thinking about Wilco's "Spiders (Kidsmoke)", which isn't very literal but is very very cool.
ok then, now that BL and I are sufficiently befuddled...

19.4: Weird Fishes/Arpeggi- Radiohead (In Rainbows)... (Deep Track off a #1 album)

I couldn't find evidence of this charting, but I'll admit that I didn't look that hard. Also hard for me to justify any of the songs off this album as "deep" since I listened to it in its entirety relentlessly when it came out- they were all on pretty even footing for me. I also don't listen to the radio so have no idea of what's getting played versus what's a "deep" cut. I was actually surprised to see that In Rainbows hit #1.. cool.
Almost took this one or one other on that album, but was like you I thought they all got some play, but this and one other were as "deep" as deep was getting from a #1 album you could pay what you wanted for.

Where is the post that sez how to do that? I remember it but didn't mark it dammit.
Do you have Spotify downloaded on your computer, phone, or do use the web app?
Downloaded on computer
  • On the left menu, click on +New Playlist and name your playlist
  • Search for a song, and click and drag it to the newly named playlist
  • do this 20 times
  • left click on your playlist and confirm all your songs are listed
  • right click on the name of your playlist
  • select copy http link
  • Post that link in this thread.
  • Let all your fellow drafters enjoy your picks!

My category was among the crummier category ideas. 2/3 of these categories make pretty damn good playlists on their own.

I'll finish up my mix this weekend. In the meantime if somebody wants to pinch hit feel free to select songs for me in the Prince knockoff and Wu Tang categories. I won't promise the picks will make my final cut, but you'll have my sincere appreciation.

The Influence category is interesting, but unfortunately I've limited myself to Scandanavians.

I could make something up about a band influencing me in my 30s and 40s, but that would be cheating. I'll therefore revert to my pre 10 years of age self and the only Scandanavian band around Abba. To say they were huge in Australia was an understatement. From 1974 to 1979 it was like Beatlemania.

I'm going to choose one from 1978's Abba The Album. To this day, the key ingredient for almost 99% of songs I love is melody. Abba were the champions of melody.


19.17 - ABBA - Thank you for the Music - 3.52

Now to my own category and I sort of have free range here.

I could choose from so many artists I've grown to love over the last 10 years.

I almost chose Blue Swede - Hooked on a Feeling or Harpo - Movie Star as a way back tribute, Andreas Johnsons Glorious was also considered, as were countless others, but ultimately have to go with either Robyn, Röyksopp or Villa Nah.

Robyns - Dancing on My Own and Villa Nah's gorgeous Running On are going to just miss out.

Ultimately it has to be the Norwegians. After the early suprising success of Eple thanks to some Apple TV ads, they consolidated with Poor Leno and then this one.

Great film clip too.


20.06 - Röyksopp - Remind Me - 4.04http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xhdy9zBEws

1.17 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Natalie --- Ola --- Person's Name - 3.08
2.06 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Crucified --- Army of Lovers --- Religous/Non-religous - 3.32
3.17 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Hey Brother --- Avicii --- Bluegrass/folk/country(Not Gay)- 4.14
4.06 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Jack U Off --- Robyn --- Prince related - 2.15
5:17 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Poor Leno (Istanbul Forever Take) --- Röyksopp- Post-1990 instrumentals - 5:24
6.06 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Titanic --- Sultana --- 1971 - 4.02
7.17 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. The arrival of Satan's Empire --- Dark Funeral - Screeeeam - 3.46

8.06 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Crying in the Rain --- A-Ha --- Sad Songs - 4.25

9.17 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Birthday --- Sugarcubes --- Awful lyrics that you still love - 3.58

10.06 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Baby Boy --- Whigfield --- Babe, baby title - 3.39

11.17 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Wings of a Butterfly --- HIM --- Animal - 3.29

12.06 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. One --- Apocalyptica --- Rock w/ 3+ movements - 5.45

13.17 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Envelope --- Villa Nah --- Chill Bumps - 4.55

14.06 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. LA Woman--- Leningrad Cowboys --- 80s Soundtracks - 4.56

15.17 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Hoppipolla --- Sigur Ros --- Beatleesque - 4.26

16.06 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Heartbeats --- Jose Gonzalez --- Acoustic post 1990 - 2.40

17.17 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Voulez-Vous Dancer --- Ace of Base --- Deep Cut #1 Album - 3.21

18.06 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Oxygen --- Caroline Wozniacki --- Athlete's Name - 3.23

19.17 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Thank You for the Music --- Abba --- Influence - 3.52

20.06 --- John Maddens Lunchbox .. Remind Me --- Röyksopp --- Scandanavians - 4.04

Total Time so far = 78.14

Country Totals

Sweden = 8

Finland = 4

Norway = 4

Iceland = 2

Denmark = 2


Wu Tang Clan offshoot


Female Blues 03-14

Don't like my chances of a spotify playlist, but I'll have a look.

Anyone know of a website like megaupload?
Wasn't that bad. Only 2 tracks were not there, but one of them had a karaoke version for some reason (Natalie by Ola)

I have included the Ola karaoke version, but the other missing track was Caroline Wozniacki's god awful Oxygen, so I'm sure no one will lose sleep over that.

JML's Scandanavian Spotify Mix

Running Order (I've tried to have some kind of flow to this, but mixing death metal with Whigfield wasn't easy):

Hey Brother --- Avicii --- Bluegrass/folk/country(Not Gay)- 4.14

Heartbeats --- Jose Gonzalez --- Acoustic post 1990 - 2.40

Titanic --- Sultana --- 1971 - 4.02

Crying in the Rain --- A-Ha --- Sad Songs - 4.25

Birthday --- Sugarcubes --- Awful lyrics that you still love - 3.58

Jack U Off --- Robyn --- Prince related - 2.15

Crucified --- Army of Lovers --- Religous/Non-religous - 3.32

Envelope --- Villa Nah --- Chill Bumps - 4.55

Remind Me --- Röyksopp --- Scandanavians - 4.04

Poor Leno (Istanbul Forever Take) --- Röyksopp- Post-1990 instrumentals - 5:24

Thank You for the Music --- Abba --- Influence - 3.52

Hoppipolla --- Sigur Ros --- Beatleesque - 4.26

One --- Apocalyptica --- Rock w/ 3+ movements - 5.45

Wings of a Butterfly --- HIM --- Animal - 3.29

LA Woman--- Leningrad Cowboys --- 80s Soundtracks - 4.56

Natalie --- Ola --- Person's Name - 3.08 (Karaoke version only Unfortunately)

The arrival of Satan's Empire --- Dark Funeral - Screeeeam - 3.46

Voulez-Vous Dancer --- Ace of Base --- Deep Cut #1 Album - 3.21

Baby Boy --- Whigfield --- Babe, baby title - 3.39

Missing - Caroline Wozniacki - Oxygen

Female blues 2003-2014

Like Eephus I've gravitated from the blues. I agree it's a backward looking genre. I can't think of another that covers the same material as much. In small doses it's great, but I'm probably done with live blues. The vocals are often my problem. Most male blues singers woof like tired old dogs. As I age I get fussier about what I put in my ears. But female blues singers are different, better. So I like this category for being being female and contemporary. This was a tough call. I was hoping one would get sniped so I could choose the other. No such luck. They've both won roles playing Janis, so their material is generally a little heavier. They do incredible Zeppelin covers (Slash helps). And with Jeff Beck's playing for the Obamas, or not, they make Beyonce covering Etta seem lightweight. One's collaborating with a legit guitar god. The other's been known to steal him. They've been in my rotation more than any other blues lately. One is recognizable from her role as Sadie in Across the Universe. The other's a now sober heroin junkie. That's always something that improves the music. The other might be, at least she sings original material about it. One's all Los Angeles and has been since the mid 90s. The other's NYC. I'm going with the home team with the guitar god and keeping it dark and jazzy for the mix.

19.xx Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa -- Your Heart is as Black as Night

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I'll finish up my mix this weekend. In the meantime if somebody wants to pinch hit feel free to select songs for me in the Prince knockoff and Wu Tang categories. I won't promise the picks will make my final cut, but you'll have my sincere appreciation.
Was going to take this for my Prince but couldn't find a version of it on Spotify (except one by Shannon?) This (and Apollonia) has Prince's fingerprints all over it.


My category. I picked the category to share this... "raunchy ####".

We got an incredible lineup here. Michael Henderson on bass, John McGlaughlin on lead (in rare rare form), Herbie Hancock And Kieth Jarrett on keys, Billy Cobham on drums... and of course, Miles. Thing is, this ain't jazz. This is rock. Miles bragged he could put together the greatest rock band on the planet, and he could have, no doubt. This was his way of threatening to do just that during his most productive period. Jazz fusion they called it. I hope some of you listen all the way through. There's a payoff. In the Complete Jack Johnson Sessions, he named songs, Sugar Ray, Ali... and this one...

20.xx Miles Davis -- Duran

It would have worked as an athlete but I had to share Strachan with you futball nerds. Hate that it's not on Spotify... oof. If I used Duran athlete, then I would have went Rocky Raccoon for name, a Beatles gayfolk pastiche... that could have worked for religious non with that Gideon's Bible line. I'd have used it as a replacement if the Beatles were on Spotify. My mix is long enough. There's 19 on the playlist.

Chaos Mix

I made a bonus list for my kid who wants to get into the 80s. I think some of you will enjoy it.


Thanks everybody. This was a good learning experience and I haven't been listening much for several days. I'll get to it going fwd though.

Not on Spotify. throwing it back
My wife's request

18.xx Union of the Snake - Duran Duran (Bad lyrics/ good song)


Telegram force and ready

I knew this was a big mistake

There's a fine line drawing my senses together

And I think it's about to break

If I listen close I can hear them singers, oh oh oh

Voices in your body coming through on the radio, oh, oh

The union of the snake is on the climb

Moving up, it's gonna race, it's gonna break through the borderline

Nightshades on a warning

Give me strength, at least give me a light

Give me anything even sympathy

There's a chance you could be right

If I listen close I can hear them singers, oh oh oh

Voices in your body coming through on the radio, oh, oh

The union of the snake is on the climb

Moving up, it's gonna race, it's gonna break through the borderline

The union of the snake is on the climb

Moving up, it's gonna race, it's gonna break through the borderline

If I listen close I can hear them singers, oh oh oh

Voices in your body coming through on the radio, oh, oh

The union of the snake is on the climb

Moving up, it's gonna race, it's gonna break through the borderline

The union of the snake is on the climb

It's gonna race, it's gonna break, gonna move up to the borderline

The union of the snake is on the climb

Moving up, it's gonna race, it's gonna break through the borderline

The union of the snake is on the climb

It's gonna race, it's gonna break, gonna move up to the borderline
Now to my own category and I sort of have free range here.

I could choose from so many artists I've grown to love over the last 10 years.

I almost chose Blue Swede - Hooked on a Feeling or Harpo - Movie Star as a way back tribute, Andreas Johnsons Glorious was also considered, as were countless others, but ultimately have to go with either Robyn, Röyksopp or Villa Nah.

Robyns - Dancing on My Own and Villa Nah's gorgeous Running On are going to just miss out.

Ultimately it has to be the Norwegians. After the early suprising success of Eple thanks to some Apple TV ads, they consolidated with Poor Leno and then this one.

Great film clip too.


20.06 - Röyksopp - Remind Me - 4.04http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xhdy9zBEws
Loved this song... and then the Geico ad almost ruined it for me. Still great, though.

Made my playlist, only to discover that Sticky Fingers (Dead Flowers) and Innervisions (Jesus Children of America) are greyed out on Spotify. Never even thought to check on those songs. I have Innervisions on CD somewhere, so I should be able to load it. I'll give some more thought to #1 Album. Worst case scenario, I've already thrown a Rush song on.

Made my playlist, only to discover that Sticky Fingers (Dead Flowers) and Innervisions (Jesus Children of America) are greyed out on Spotify. Never even thought to check on those songs. I have Innervisions on CD somewhere, so I should be able to load it. I'll give some more thought to #1 Album. Worst case scenario, I've already thrown a Rush song on.
Check "Dead Flowers" again. It is on there, but not "JCoA."

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Binky's Choice - hope this works!

Note I had to throw back the Beatles "For No One" in the Sad category as there no Beatles on Spotify that I could find and replaced it with No Doubt's "Don't Speak." Also - I used the Foo Fighters version of "Times Like These" since there was no acoustical version for him.

Binky's Choice - FBG-DealerChoice

The Who – Won't Get Fooled Again - Original Album Version
Jethro Tull – Locomotive Breath
Neil Young – Old Man
Todd Rundgren – Initiation
No Doubt – Don't Speak
Pearl Jam – Not for You
Tears For Fears – Sowing The Seeds Of Love
Foo Fighters – Times Like These
Black Sabbath – War Pigs - Basement Tape
Stevie Nicks – Stand Back
T. Rex – Telegram Sam
Elton John – Grey Seal
Sting – If I Ever Lose My Faith In You
Todd Rundgren – International Feel
Bonnie Raitt – Ain't Gonna Let You Go
Derek & The Dominos – Layla
Yes – Roundabout - Remastered
The Bangles – Hazy Shade of Winter
Rush – A Passage To Bangkok
Brian Eno – Baby's On Fire - 2004 Digital Remaster

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2 picks left. But first, I'm going to throw back my Los Campesinos! pick for awful lyrics and swap it out for this one because I think it fits more in my mix.

(Repick).xx - Purity Ring - "Fineshrines" (awful lyrics)

Here's a snippet of the fine lyrics, but the entire song is pretty stupid:

Get a little closer, let it fold
Cut open my sternum and pull
My little ribs around you
Through arms that may be under, under you

I'll take the South pockets gladly
Over the rocky cliffs that you leap
To peer over and not forget what feet are
Splitting threads of thunder over me

That I might see with my chest and sink
Into the edges round you
Into the lakes and quarries that brink
On all the edges round you, round you, round you
Full lyrics

Prepare for faux Princification...

First, my actual choice:

22.xx I Didn't Mean To Turn You On - Robert Palmer (Princesque)

Let me apologize to Scooby (and anyone else) who thinks I've copped out here and not gotten funky enough. I like this version better than the original Cherrelle version. Her's definitely is pure Minneapolis sound, but her vocals just don't get to the same level as Palmer's and more importantly (to me), not only does Palmer carry over the Jam/Lewis production crew from the previous version, but he's got Bernard Edwards and Tony Thompson backing him. Tony Thompson playing on a track will put it over the top in just about every case for me. And ultimately I just like the Palmer track a whole lot. It frequently pops up in my regular life rotation, while I don't even feel compelled to have the Cherrelle version in my library.

My very, very close runner up in this category was:

Waterfall - Wendy & Lisa

I went with Palmer over this because I was trying to keep my beats per minute up as much as possible throughout the draft. But this song is also in my regular life rotation. The lyrics aren't tops, but the music is fantastic. These two often get lost in the mix when thinking of Prince's proteges, but they've done some decent work out on their own in production, most notably Seal's debut album.

Some honorable mentions, feel free to add:

I Feel For You - Chaka Khan

Sugarwalls - Sheena Easton (also in my regular rotation, I might have gone with this had I not used it in the songs about vice draft)

Nasty Girl - Vanity 6 (oh mamma, I liked her better before she found God.)

Oh Sheila - Ready For The World, worst fake British accent ever?

Be Your Man - Jesse Johnson (a regular rotation staple, I can't watch the video, or the scene from Soul Man, or any of Soul Man - how the #### did that movie even get made?)

I Just Want To Get To Know You - Jesse Johnson (another regular rotation staple, used in a slightly better movie, I'm still not really sure that this isn't Prince himself)

And of course, everything by The Time, most notably:

Cool, The Walk, Jungle Love, The Bird, Jerkout

I'm sure I've missed a ton.

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