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Ive had enough! How do I unsubscribe from the (1 Viewer)

To me, this is simple ...JAA has the right to NOT like Random Shots. He doesn't have to read ANY of it, it's FREE. As has been mentioned above by Ravnzfan, the OPENING of Random Shots states it's purpose. Clear as day. Reading beyond that disclaimer is at your own discretion.Was that hard? Don't want to read further ... then DON'T.Meanwhile, JAA read FIVE paragraphs into the email and then FOUND something that so offended him he had to make a post here in the Shark Pool, after YEARS of getting Random Shots and never unsubscribing before this. This year has "gotten overly bothersome" to quote him, and yet he waits until he finds a PERSONAL reference by Joe to make a PUBLIC scene over it all.The FIRST line of the email tells you how to UNsubscribe. BEFORE you even get to the Disclaimer mentioned above.Sorry JAA, in my simplistic opinion, you made a big deal here over something that you could have avoided in MULTIPLE ways, (Delete, Unsubscribe, Private PM) for no reason other than to call out Joe over his mention of his son's musical aspirations.Guess what? You wouldn't even properly identify the email in your original complaint, you called it, "my Fantasy Football weekly mailing". That insinuates that you expected it to contain ONLY pertinent fantasy information, which Joe has clearly stated from DAY ONE that it does not. You mentioned the name in your title, DUH, my email says Random Shots in the title, you never saw that and ignored it?I'm no brown-noser, but your complaint is poorly worded and in bad taste under any circumstances. Complain about this type of content in a piece that is intended to contain PURE PAID fantasy info and you have a thread. Until then, show some discretion and respect towards someone who provides you, in your OWN words, "I love the FBG product, and I will continue to be a paying customer", who WARNS you explicitly when the content is NOT serious.Tell us something about a player or a team. Or anything useful. You made a big deal about not being a fan of Random Shots to begin with ... feel better now that you have made it public you can't appreciate a Proud Father who wants to honor his son?I applaud Joe for having the self restraint to have not posted in this thread.PS: How about those Eagles?
I agree with this 100%
To me, this is simple ...JAA has the right to NOT like Random Shots. He doesn't have to read ANY of it, it's FREE. As has been mentioned above by Ravnzfan, the OPENING of Random Shots states it's purpose. Clear as day. Reading beyond that disclaimer is at your own discretion.Was that hard? Don't want to read further ... then DON'T.Meanwhile, JAA read FIVE paragraphs into the email and then FOUND something that so offended him he had to make a post here in the Shark Pool, after YEARS of getting Random Shots and never unsubscribing before this. This year has "gotten overly bothersome" to quote him, and yet he waits until he finds a PERSONAL reference by Joe to make a PUBLIC scene over it all.The FIRST line of the email tells you how to UNsubscribe. BEFORE you even get to the Disclaimer mentioned above.Sorry JAA, in my simplistic opinion, you made a big deal here over something that you could have avoided in MULTIPLE ways, (Delete, Unsubscribe, Private PM) for no reason other than to call out Joe over his mention of his son's musical aspirations.Guess what? You wouldn't even properly identify the email in your original complaint, you called it, "my Fantasy Football weekly mailing". That insinuates that you expected it to contain ONLY pertinent fantasy information, which Joe has clearly stated from DAY ONE that it does not. You mentioned the name in your title, DUH, my email says Random Shots in the title, you never saw that and ignored it?I'm no brown-noser, but your complaint is poorly worded and in bad taste under any circumstances. Complain about this type of content in a piece that is intended to contain PURE PAID fantasy info and you have a thread. Until then, show some discretion and respect towards someone who provides you, in your OWN words, "I love the FBG product, and I will continue to be a paying customer", who WARNS you explicitly when the content is NOT serious.Tell us something about a player or a team. Or anything useful. You made a big deal about not being a fan of Random Shots to begin with ... feel better now that you have made it public you can't appreciate a Proud Father who wants to honor his son?I applaud Joe for having the self restraint to have not posted in this thread.PS: How about those Eagles?
If you really want to sway people, try using the CAPS button a little more. It will draw more attention to you and let them appreciate your rational thought processes.
To me, this is simple ...JAA has the right to NOT like Random Shots. He doesn't have to read ANY of it, it's FREE. As has been mentioned above by Ravnzfan, the OPENING of Random Shots states it's purpose. Clear as day. Reading beyond that disclaimer is at your own discretion.Was that hard? Don't want to read further ... then DON'T.Meanwhile, JAA read FIVE paragraphs into the email and then FOUND something that so offended him he had to make a post here in the Shark Pool, after YEARS of getting Random Shots and never unsubscribing before this. This year has "gotten overly bothersome" to quote him, and yet he waits until he finds a PERSONAL reference by Joe to make a PUBLIC scene over it all.The FIRST line of the email tells you how to UNsubscribe. BEFORE you even get to the Disclaimer mentioned above.Sorry JAA, in my simplistic opinion, you made a big deal here over something that you could have avoided in MULTIPLE ways, (Delete, Unsubscribe, Private PM) for no reason other than to call out Joe over his mention of his son's musical aspirations.Guess what? You wouldn't even properly identify the email in your original complaint, you called it, "my Fantasy Football weekly mailing". That insinuates that you expected it to contain ONLY pertinent fantasy information, which Joe has clearly stated from DAY ONE that it does not. You mentioned the name in your title, DUH, my email says Random Shots in the title, you never saw that and ignored it?I'm no brown-noser, but your complaint is poorly worded and in bad taste under any circumstances. Complain about this type of content in a piece that is intended to contain PURE PAID fantasy info and you have a thread. Until then, show some discretion and respect towards someone who provides you, in your OWN words, "I love the FBG product, and I will continue to be a paying customer", who WARNS you explicitly when the content is NOT serious.Tell us something about a player or a team. Or anything useful. You made a big deal about not being a fan of Random Shots to begin with ... feel better now that you have made it public you can't appreciate a Proud Father who wants to honor his son?I applaud Joe for having the self restraint to have not posted in this thread.PS: How about those Eagles?
If you really want to sway people, try using the CAPS button a little more. It will draw more attention to you and let them appreciate your rational thought processes.
...says the man with ALL CAPS in his user name. :lmao:
Not going to read this whole thread but I'd just like to say that I look forward to seeing Random Shots in my mailbox every week. :lmao:

To me, this is simple ...JAA has the right to NOT like Random Shots. He doesn't have to read ANY of it, it's FREE. As has been mentioned above by Ravnzfan, the OPENING of Random Shots states it's purpose. Clear as day. Reading beyond that disclaimer is at your own discretion.Was that hard? Don't want to read further ... then DON'T.Meanwhile, JAA read FIVE paragraphs into the email and then FOUND something that so offended him he had to make a post here in the Shark Pool, after YEARS of getting Random Shots and never unsubscribing before this. This year has "gotten overly bothersome" to quote him, and yet he waits until he finds a PERSONAL reference by Joe to make a PUBLIC scene over it all.The FIRST line of the email tells you how to UNsubscribe. BEFORE you even get to the Disclaimer mentioned above.Sorry JAA, in my simplistic opinion, you made a big deal here over something that you could have avoided in MULTIPLE ways, (Delete, Unsubscribe, Private PM) for no reason other than to call out Joe over his mention of his son's musical aspirations.Guess what? You wouldn't even properly identify the email in your original complaint, you called it, "my Fantasy Football weekly mailing". That insinuates that you expected it to contain ONLY pertinent fantasy information, which Joe has clearly stated from DAY ONE that it does not. You mentioned the name in your title, DUH, my email says Random Shots in the title, you never saw that and ignored it?I'm no brown-noser, but your complaint is poorly worded and in bad taste under any circumstances. Complain about this type of content in a piece that is intended to contain PURE PAID fantasy info and you have a thread. Until then, show some discretion and respect towards someone who provides you, in your OWN words, "I love the FBG product, and I will continue to be a paying customer", who WARNS you explicitly when the content is NOT serious.Tell us something about a player or a team. Or anything useful. You made a big deal about not being a fan of Random Shots to begin with ... feel better now that you have made it public you can't appreciate a Proud Father who wants to honor his son?I applaud Joe for having the self restraint to have not posted in this thread.PS: How about those Eagles?
shorter Keysersoze666: JAA is a dbag.
To me, this is simple ...JAA has the right to NOT like Random Shots. He doesn't have to read ANY of it, it's FREE. As has been mentioned above by Ravnzfan, the OPENING of Random Shots states it's purpose. Clear as day. Reading beyond that disclaimer is at your own discretion.Was that hard? Don't want to read further ... then DON'T.Meanwhile, JAA read FIVE paragraphs into the email and then FOUND something that so offended him he had to make a post here in the Shark Pool, after YEARS of getting Random Shots and never unsubscribing before this. This year has "gotten overly bothersome" to quote him, and yet he waits until he finds a PERSONAL reference by Joe to make a PUBLIC scene over it all.The FIRST line of the email tells you how to UNsubscribe. BEFORE you even get to the Disclaimer mentioned above.Sorry JAA, in my simplistic opinion, you made a big deal here over something that you could have avoided in MULTIPLE ways, (Delete, Unsubscribe, Private PM) for no reason other than to call out Joe over his mention of his son's musical aspirations.Guess what? You wouldn't even properly identify the email in your original complaint, you called it, "my Fantasy Football weekly mailing". That insinuates that you expected it to contain ONLY pertinent fantasy information, which Joe has clearly stated from DAY ONE that it does not. You mentioned the name in your title, DUH, my email says Random Shots in the title, you never saw that and ignored it?I'm no brown-noser, but your complaint is poorly worded and in bad taste under any circumstances. Complain about this type of content in a piece that is intended to contain PURE PAID fantasy info and you have a thread. Until then, show some discretion and respect towards someone who provides you, in your OWN words, "I love the FBG product, and I will continue to be a paying customer", who WARNS you explicitly when the content is NOT serious.Tell us something about a player or a team. Or anything useful. You made a big deal about not being a fan of Random Shots to begin with ... feel better now that you have made it public you can't appreciate a Proud Father who wants to honor his son?I applaud Joe for having the self restraint to have not posted in this thread.PS: How about those Eagles?
If you really want to sway people, try using the CAPS button a little more. It will draw more attention to you and let them appreciate your rational thought processes.
Thanks for your input. Just my way of adding verbal emphasis. It doesn't have to be your STYLE, I understand that and appreciate multiple viewpoints. Was there a flaw in my LOGIC? I'm up for that discussion.
Correct -- that's the list we send Random Shots to.
what other emails would you not get?just clarifying. i think JAA's solution is misguided, just like i think JB's inclusion of that blurb about his son was misplaced.
That's the list we send offseason mailings to -- basically the Daily Update list. So no other mailings will go missing until next May. If JAA wants to be added back to the list then, he can let me know.I'm just the conduit and not the content author, but I can say that Joe is looking to give folks what they want. As social networking trends permeate through the internet and become common practice, we're increasingly seeing personal correspondence and marketing converge. Many like it, some don't -- no harm, no foul -- but increasingly, it is becoming an expected practice.
So unsubscribing from Random Shots will also unsubscribe from the offseason daily updates? No offense, but that's set up pretty dumb. Yeah, I know, I could log in every six months and change my email prefs, but why make it that way? Two totally different kinds of content should be on two totally different systems.
I would guess that the random shots, while seemingly a simple thing, is easily one of the hardest / most time consuming pieces to produce as well. So I appreciate your work, Joe.
As a subscriber, I seriously hope this is not the case.
I don't think Joe does anything else in season other than Random Shots and posting the NFL injury update RSS feed on Sunday. So no worries that it's taking time from other content, Random Shots isn't the reason everything else that's promised for Tuesday doesn't show up until Wednesday morning, for example.
The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".

So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?

The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".

So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
Just like your contibution and you r backhanded insult is increasing the quality of the Shark Pool
I just read this week's Random Shots and thought it was a fun read. I find it amazing that on the Friday prior to football Sunday in the middle of the NFL season that the shark pool's main thread is something of this nature.

The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
...says the 5 digit member.
I've always thought that Random Shots was a fun thing. Sometimes I read it sometimes I don't. On the days when I don't feel like it - My delete key does work. :(

A couple of weeks ago I read it until I hit Joe's little story about Reptile Dysfunction and my beloved Florida Gators - after that - I hit delete. Afterwards I felt bad - hell I know Joe is a good guy. I used to swap email's with him regarding Fantasy Football long before he started this site. Then I thought about how irritating it must be for a Tennessee fan, watching Lane Kiffin every week, to see what we have going on down in Gainesville. So I forgave him for his jealousy and moved on. :thumbup:

Anyway - my point. I do get certain emails that I don't even open, I just delete them. Takes about 2 seconds. Even in my busy life, I have that much time to spare. But that's just how I roll.

The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
...says the 5 digit member.
:confused: Sorry that 4 years is not enough to warrant having a point view in the pool. And sorry Joe, you created something that was a really good thing for awhile, but your Double Digit members have decided that instead of being leaders, they will degenerate the content on the site and make the Shark Poll something exclusive and condescending. Congratulations. Enjoy what you have wrought.
I just read this week's Random Shots and thought it was a fun read. I find it amazing that on the Friday prior to football Sunday in the middle of the NFL season that the shark pool's main thread is something of this nature.
Did you expect to find actual NFL discussion here? You are living in the past.
The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
...says the 5 digit member.
That shtick has run it course. :thumbdown:
The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
...says the 5 digit member.
That shtick has run it course. :thumbdown:
...says the 5 digit member.
The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
...says the 5 digit member.
That shtick has run it course. :thumbdown:
...says the 5 digit member.
That shtick has run it course. :P
The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
...says the 5 digit member.
That shtick has run it course. :lmao:
...says the 5 digit member.
That shtick has run it course. :lmao:
To me, this is simple ...JAA has the right to NOT like Random Shots. He doesn't have to read ANY of it, it's FREE. As has been mentioned above by Ravnzfan, the OPENING of Random Shots states it's purpose. Clear as day. Reading beyond that disclaimer is at your own discretion.Was that hard? Don't want to read further ... then DON'T.Meanwhile, JAA read FIVE paragraphs into the email and then FOUND something that so offended him he had to make a post here in the Shark Pool, after YEARS of getting Random Shots and never unsubscribing before this. This year has "gotten overly bothersome" to quote him, and yet he waits until he finds a PERSONAL reference by Joe to make a PUBLIC scene over it all.The FIRST line of the email tells you how to UNsubscribe. BEFORE you even get to the Disclaimer mentioned above.Sorry JAA, in my simplistic opinion, you made a big deal here over something that you could have avoided in MULTIPLE ways, (Delete, Unsubscribe, Private PM) for no reason other than to call out Joe over his mention of his son's musical aspirations.Guess what? You wouldn't even properly identify the email in your original complaint, you called it, "my Fantasy Football weekly mailing". That insinuates that you expected it to contain ONLY pertinent fantasy information, which Joe has clearly stated from DAY ONE that it does not. You mentioned the name in your title, DUH, my email says Random Shots in the title, you never saw that and ignored it?I'm no brown-noser, but your complaint is poorly worded and in bad taste under any circumstances. Complain about this type of content in a piece that is intended to contain PURE PAID fantasy info and you have a thread. Until then, show some discretion and respect towards someone who provides you, in your OWN words, "I love the FBG product, and I will continue to be a paying customer", who WARNS you explicitly when the content is NOT serious.Tell us something about a player or a team. Or anything useful. You made a big deal about not being a fan of Random Shots to begin with ... feel better now that you have made it public you can't appreciate a Proud Father who wants to honor his son?I applaud Joe for having the self restraint to have not posted in this thread.PS: How about those Eagles?
I agree with this 100%
I do as well. You know how they say "don't sweat the small stuff" well this is about tiniest of stuff you can get.
:blackdot: at these long infuriated replies. Random shots aren't funny and you should be able to unsubscribe to them without losing the offseason news updates as those things are unrelated.
The Redbeard said:
The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
gold here Jerry, gold. Though ive been around a lot longer than 03 son, and im sure ive been on the internet longer than you. Ive also been a paying subsriber to FBG since the begining with the 3 year subscription. Ive ...Oh my goodness, Im getting fished in my own thread :lmao:
The Redbeard said:
The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
gold here Jerry, gold. Though ive been around a lot longer than 03 son, and im sure ive been on the internet longer than you. Ive also been a paying subsriber to FBG since the begining with the 3 year subscription. Ive ...Oh my goodness, Im getting fished in my own thread :goodposting:
I am just unsure of why you just didn't PM someone? Not to be a jerk, but it seems odd.
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The Redbeard said:
The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
Holy moley.
Correct -- that's the list we send Random Shots to.
what other emails would you not get?just clarifying. i think JAA's solution is misguided, just like i think JB's inclusion of that blurb about his son was misplaced.
the inclusion about his son may have been misplaced or rather unfootball related in the random shots, but starting a thread declaring you have had enough, and using a proud moment a father had of his son as the straw that broke the camels back, was unnecessary in my opinion. he could have PM'd joe, david, or keith and asked how to be removed from the list, or started a thread just asking how to be removed without using joe's personal blurb regarding his son as the final jolt that fried his nerves.
I could have. I chose this route. Why so quick to judge?
Because choosing this route makes you appear to be a huge doosh. It might not be true, but if it walks like a duck and #####es like a duck ...
The Redbeard said:
bagger said:
The Redbeard said:
The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".

So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
...says the 5 digit member.
:unsure: Sorry that 4 years is not enough to warrant having a point view in the pool. And sorry Joe, you created something that was a really good thing for awhile, but your Double Digit members have decided that instead of being leaders, they will degenerate the content on the site and make the Shark Poll something exclusive and condescending. Congratulations. Enjoy what you have wrought.
he had to win double digit member in the smack off....don't let him fool you
Correct -- that's the list we send Random Shots to.
what other emails would you not get?just clarifying. i think JAA's solution is misguided, just like i think JB's inclusion of that blurb about his son was misplaced.
the inclusion about his son may have been misplaced or rather unfootball related in the random shots, but starting a thread declaring you have had enough, and using a proud moment a father had of his son as the straw that broke the camels back, was unnecessary in my opinion. he could have PM'd joe, david, or keith and asked how to be removed from the list, or started a thread just asking how to be removed without using joe's personal blurb regarding his son as the final jolt that fried his nerves.
I could have. I chose this route. Why so quick to judge?
Because choosing this route makes you appear to be a huge doosh. It might not be true, but if it walks like a duck and #####es like a duck ...
Crusaderfan said:
I've always thought that Random Shots was a fun thing. Sometimes I read it sometimes I don't. On the days when I don't feel like it - My delete key does work. :shrug: A couple of weeks ago I read it until I hit Joe's little story about Reptile Dysfunction and my beloved Florida Gators - after that - I hit delete. Afterwards I felt bad - hell I know Joe is a good guy. I used to swap email's with him regarding Fantasy Football long before he started this site. Then I thought about how irritating it must be for a Tennessee fan, watching Lane Kiffin every week, to see what we have going on down in Gainesville. So I forgave him for his jealousy and moved on. :whistle: Anyway - my point. I do get certain emails that I don't even open, I just delete them. Takes about 2 seconds. Even in my busy life, I have that much time to spare. But that's just how I roll.
That was a sneaky round-about way to work a Tennessee bashing post into this thread... solid work.
I have nothing to add; but hate to get left out of this soap opera. One day, many years from now, I'll proudly remind people that I too contributed to this infamous post.

Oh, and for whatever it's worth: while recently giving a power-point presentation to a group of 200 contractors, I slipped a photo of my 3 year old in the slides. I was doing it for free & I got a kick out of it. If they didn't like it, screw'em. :whistle:

The Redbeard said:
The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
gold here Jerry, gold. Though ive been around a lot longer than 03 son, and im sure ive been on the internet longer than you. Ive also been a paying subsriber to FBG since the begining with the 3 year subscription. Ive ...Oh my goodness, Im getting fished in my own thread :doh:
Just wondering since you have been around so long, why is it you can't read your email, first line clearly states "To unsubscribe from these mailings, click here or send us a blank email".....for someone who has been around since 03 and on the internet so long you think by now you could read and follow instructions and not need to start a thread on how to unscubcribe to emails.
Am I the only one who sees the irony in telling the OP to simply ignore the e-mail if it bothers him so much...while posters here berate him in this very thread (and bump it up) when they could have simply ignored the thread if it bothered them so much?

In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with a customer voicing their displeasure-- ever-- as long as it's polite and respectful. There's also nothing wrong with other customers letting the company know that they disagree and actually like the product or service in question. This is excellent feedback on both sides for FBG. They know that people have opinions about random shots (some quite strong) and it makes an impact for some. That's good for them to know.

Personally, I don't care enough about it to comment on random shots but I respect the OP for their opinion (including posting about it) and I respect those who disagree and want people to know that they like it. What I do not understand is telling someone to simply ignore the e-mail if they don't like it...while they couldn't take their own advice regarding this thread.

Am I the only one who sees the irony in telling the OP to simply ignore the e-mail if it bothers him so much...while posters here berate him in this very thread (and bump it up) when they could have simply ignored the thread if it bothered them so much?In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with a customer voicing their displeasure-- ever-- as long as it's polite and respectful. There's also nothing wrong with other customers letting the company know that they disagree and actually like the product or service in question. This is excellent feedback on both sides for FBG. They know that people have opinions about random shots (some quite strong) and it makes an impact for some. That's good for them to know.Personally, I don't care enough about it to comment on random shots but I respect the OP for their opinion (including posting about it) and I respect those who disagree and want people to know that they like it. What I do not understand is telling someone to simply ignore the e-mail if they don't like it...while they couldn't take their own advice regarding this thread.
I think the OP asked how he could unsubscribe to a email, and he got several answers on how to do that, don't see it as berating him by telling him you can always just delete it, since he doesn't seem to be able to read the directions in the email on how to stop getting them. Polite and respectful, wouldn't that fall under a private email instead of airing it out on this message board let alone a thread in the shark pool."The Shark Pool is reserved for sharing NFL talk and fantasy football strategy discussion". Better yet maybe the OP should go read what Random Shots is "Hi We do a lot of really insightful, thoughtful and serious features here at Footballguys with some very smart people thinking deeply for you. This is not one of those features.".
The Redbeard said:
The longer this internet thing is around - the more apparent it becomes that every site has a half life that degrades at a constant rate just like most other things in the universe. Every year the number of quality posts, and posters, seems to go down here in the Shark Pool. And all we are left with are people that can't express their anger anywhere else in their lives, and a bunch of guppies trying to sneak their WDIS threads into the Shark Pool under the guise of "I'm stating jackass1 over ______".So congratulations to people like the Original Poster who could find no other way to resolve this, than piss in the Shark Pool and piss all over Joe. I appreciate that you have been here since '03 - but as such, have a little respect for the quality of this message board and how hard this staff works. Oh yeah, and remember, that is a human being on the other end. His name is Joe and over the years you have read Random Shots you should have realized that he is a pretty good guy. Show a little respect. You know, the way you would in real life. Or am I giving you too much credit there?
JB alias? :sadbanana:
The internet is great. It gives all the miserable people that spend their day pretending not to be an outlet to show their true colors.

Would you complain to a restaurant owner because there are items on the menu that you don't enjoy or would you just order something you like?

There is more than one e-mail I get from FBG that I don't read and I just delete it. The idea of publicly ridiculing the content never occurred to me.

The internet is great. It gives all the miserable people that spend their day pretending not to be an outlet to show their true colors.
:goodposting: of course, it also provides a stage for a billion of the self absorbed to yap uncensored about the minutiae of their daily lives.awaiting fbg twitter account:I....am.....sitting.....on.....the.....porch.

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