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Government Response To The Coronavirus (5 Viewers)

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I don’t think the problem is Barr dumping sticks. The problem is his receiving government/public information and not sharing it with the public, and not just that but saying totally opposite incorrect things about the status of the crisis.
the latter is far worse, but the former is douchy as well, and needs to be addressed.  i kind of remember something called the Stock Act that got introduced after the 2008 collapse, but i thought it fell apart on whether staffers could still trade.

Another one: Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler Dumped Millions in Stock After Private Briefing

The Senate’s newest member sold off seven figures worth of stock holdings in the days and weeks after a private, all-senators meeting on the novel coronavirus that subsequently hammered U.S. equities.

Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) reported the first sale of stock jointly owned by her and her husband on Jan. 24, the very day that her committee, the Senate Health Committee, hosted a private, all-senators briefing from administration officials, including the CDC director and Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institutes of Health of the United States, on the coronavirus. 

“Appreciate today’s briefing from the President’s top health officials on the novel coronavirus outbreak,” she tweeted about the briefing at the time.

That first transaction was a sale of stock in the company Resideo Technologies worth between $50,001 and $100,000. The company’s stock price has fallen by more than half since then,and the Dow Jones Industrial Average overall has shed approximately 10,000 points, dropping about a third of its value.

It was the first of 29 stock transactions that Loeffler and her husband made through mid-February, all but two of which were sales. One of Loeffler’s two purchases was stock worth between $100,000 and $250,000 in Citrix, a technology company that offers teleworking software and which has seen a small bump in its stock price since Loeffler bought in as a result of coronavirus-induced market turmoil.

Loeffler’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the transactions and whether they were prompted or informed by information shared at that late January briefing. It’s illegal for members of Congress to trade on non-public information gleaned through their official duties. 

I would not waste jail space on them - but a good old fashioned Tar-and-Feather might be appropriate - IF they were trading on non-public information.

After assuring the public about the government's coronavirus preparedness, Senate Intel chair Richard Burr, in one day, sold off up to $1.6 million is stock. A week later, the market began its fall. His committee was receiving daily briefings.

Totally cool and totally legal.

Truth.  Let’s focus on what’s really important y’all.....

Eric Weinstein




In 1968 I had a *severe* case of the Hong Kong flu. In the 52 years since, I‘ve never had a negative thought about people from Hong Kong. Not once. Now is the time to kill off any social justice movement that wastes our time in crisis. Just tell them “hush”. Don’t. Waste. Time

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Yep. I guess he could have said 'The virus that originated in China' but that seems like a lot of words to say where it originated from. 
A lot of worlds and effort to not call it by its name. I don’t think this is the biggest deal but just more proof that he is an ###.

I would not waste jail space on them - but a good old fashioned Tar-and-Feather might be appropriate - IF they were trading on non-public information.
I would order them to donate the money and spend a full work month volunteering in a hospital. Also loss of their office. 

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Tucker Carlson - calling on Burr to resign

I assume Loeffler will get the same treatment.  I am not completely up on my GOP friend list, but I don't think Burr or Loeffler are Trump Republicans.
When Johnny Isakson retired, Trump wanted Doug Collins to fill the vacant seat -- Brian Kemp chose to appoint Loeffler instead. Collins is now running against Loeffler in the primary. Loeffler is toast.

When Johnny Isakson retired, Trump wanted Doug Collins to fill the vacant seat -- Brian Kemp chose to appoint Loeffler instead. Collins is now running against Loeffler in the primary. Loeffler is toast.
Just as an aside - if I were an investigative reporter - I would be looking at Kemp's stock trades early this year...

Yep. I guess he could have said 'The virus that originated in China' but that seems like a lot of words to say where it originated from. 

Truth.  Let’s focus on what’s really important y’all.....

Eric Weinstein




In 1968 I had a *severe* case of the Hong Kong flu. In the 52 years since, I‘ve never had a negative thought about people from Hong Kong. Not once. Now is the time to kill off any social justice movement that wastes our time in crisis. Just tell them “hush”. Don’t. Waste. Time
I grew up describing people or things as "gay" or "######." Eventually, I stopped, because people objected to it. It wasn't difficult. I didn't make a fuss about it. I just stopped doing it out of respect for the people who didn't like it. 

There is absolutely no reason to use "Chinese virus." None. A hallmark of effective leadership is being able to communicate clearly and concisely. By now, there is no one in this country who is unaware what the coronavirus or Covid-19 is. There's no purpose for Trump or anyone to refer to it as the "Chinese virus" when there are descriptors that work just as well without negative connotations. The only reason to use "Chinese virus" is to inflame or to troll. The argument that saying "Chinese virus" is to "remind people where it came from" is hollow. It's irrelevant. 

I grew up describing people or things as "gay" or "######." Eventually, I stopped, because people objected to it. It wasn't difficult. I didn't make a fuss about it. I just stopped doing it out of respect for the people who didn't like it. 

There is absolutely no reason to use "Chinese virus." None. A hallmark of effective leadership is being able to communicate clearly and concisely. By now, there is no one in this country who is unaware what the coronavirus or Covid-19 is. There's no purpose for Trump or anyone to refer to it as the "Chinese virus" when there are descriptors that work just as well without negative connotations. The only reason to use "Chinese virus" is to inflame or to troll. The argument that saying "Chinese virus" is to "remind people where it came from" is hollow. It's irrelevant. 
How about "Chinese Checkers"?  "Chinese Food"?   Should we just ban them all?

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That you're even asking that tells me that to respond to you any more than this would be a complete waste of time. 
I just think this whole thing is silly.  Are we really worried about some social justice noise now?

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I grew up describing people or things as "gay" or "######." Eventually, I stopped, because people objected to it. It wasn't difficult. I didn't make a fuss about it. I just stopped doing it out of respect for the people who didn't like it. 

There is absolutely no reason to use "Chinese virus." None. A hallmark of effective leadership is being able to communicate clearly and concisely. By now, there is no one in this country who is unaware what the coronavirus or Covid-19 is. There's no purpose for Trump or anyone to refer to it as the "Chinese virus" when there are descriptors that work just as well without negative connotations. The only reason to use "Chinese virus" is to inflame or to troll. The argument that saying "Chinese virus" is to "remind people where it came from" is hollow. It's irrelevant. 
While I get what you’re saying, and am not of fan of why Trump said what he said, it’s whistling into the wind complaining about it right now.  There are 400 more important things then Trump thinking he’s being sly and cute with the blame game.  We all need to keep our eye on what’s important and not get dragged down into the mud with petty ####.  
Also Chinese is not a derogatory term (and won’t become one) like the others you are comparing against.  

I just think this whole thing is silly.  Are we really worried about some social justice noise now?
There are Asian-Americans in this country who are going through the same tough time you and I are but with the added bonus of getting discriminated against because they are or look of Asian descent. I think it takes a bit of a jerk to put his foot down and still insist it should be called Chinese Flu or anything other than it's actual names of Coronavirus/Covid 19. 

Cali on lockdown now by Governors order through 4/19.  Wow.  

Expect the entire country to follow soon likely tomorrow (I’ve heard this from two credible “sources”).   

Cali on lockdown now by Governors order through 4/19.  Wow.  

Expect the entire country to follow soon likely tomorrow (I’ve heard this from two credible “sources”).   
Entire country does not make sense. 

North-east corridor- sure.  But rural America feels like overkill - beyond existing restrictions in place. 

Entire country does not make sense. 

North-east corridor- sure.  But rural America feels like overkill - beyond existing restrictions in place. 
Sure.  Don’t disagree and am not making a commentary on it just passing along what I’ve heard.  

There are Asian-Americans in this country who are going through the same tough time you and I are but with the added bonus of getting discriminated against because they are or look of Asian descent. I think it takes a bit of a jerk to put his foot down and still insist it should be called Chinese Flu or anything other than it's actual names of Coronavirus/Covid 19. 
I do not believe for one instant they are being discriminated against.  This is just another bunch of made-up bologna as far as I'm concerned.

Also, Trump himself said it's to combat the Chinese disinformation campaign and trying to lay it at the feet of the US military.  This thing started in China and the Chinese government is pushing forth propaganda that the United States brought it there.

This whole idea that it's racist to call the Chinese flu is exactly what they want you to believe because they know that in the US all someone has to do is blow the racism dog whistle and everyone just believes it.

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And I assume bike rides, too. What about driving to a family member's house.
They don’t have the ability to enforce it ala martial law so that will be happening for sure.  But bottom line is the state wants you at home for the next month unless absolutely Necessary

Please at least vouch for/explain the sources...
A close friends father works for the CIA (in the Pentagon).  Another friend’s brother is in the FBI.  Both said to expect a government shut down announcement tomorrow and told both friends to stock up because tomorrow will be chaotic. The father said it will be like California’s non-essential businesses shut as well, the FBI friend was less specific.  

I’m not stating that this is unequivocably going to happen just pointing out what I’ve heard from what seem like reliable sources.  🤷🏻‍♂️

Countrywide lockdown. 
No sources on this yet just a lot of internet gossip. I personally believe it's heading that way. Our populace, by and large, is too ignorant and self absorbed to be trusted to do it on their own. I suspect it will be mostly a state-by-state shutdown for a few days until Trump is forced to do it nationally. Expecting MN to be shut down by Monday morning. Again, this is my opinion based on stuff I've seen and heard online and at work.

My next question is what sort of essential businesses will still be open?

I do not believe for one instant they are being discriminated against.  This is just another bunch of made-up bologna as far as I'm concerned.

Also, Trump himself said it's to combat the Chinese disinformation campaign and trying to lay it at the feet of the US military.  This thing started in China and the Chinese government is pushing forth propaganda that the United States brought it there.

This whole idea that it's racist to call the Chinese flu is exactly what they want you to believe because they know that in the US all someone has to do is blow the racism dog whistle and everyone just believes it.
I will just say my personal experience. Several of my 10th grade students called it the Chinese Flu, Asian Flu, Kung Flu, etc. They asked me if we should let Asians in the country, if we should kick out all the Asians (I say Asian as a catchall but sometimes they said Chinese, sometimes Japanese, sometimes Asian). I said restricting entrance to the US from countries with the flu is probably a good idea. However, I wouldn't kick people out- especially if they were living or working here. One of them said Asian people were basically slaves for white people anyway so they should go where we tell them. Some agreed to that statement and some didn't but then general feeling was Asian people are gross and don't belong here. Part of my family is Japanese and part of my wife's family is Chinese so this kind of thing isn't surprising. My grandfather disowned my aunt because she married a Japanese man.  

I will just say my personal experience. Several of my 10th grade students called it the Chinese Flu, Asian Flu, Kung Flu, etc. They asked me if we should let Asians in the country, if we should kick out all the Asians (I say Asian as a catchall but sometimes they said Chinese, sometimes Japanese, sometimes Asian). I said restricting entrance to the US from countries with the flu is probably a good idea. However, I wouldn't kick people out- especially if they were living or working here. One of them said Asian people were basically slaves for white people anyway so they should go where we tell them. Some agreed to that statement and some didn't but then general feeling was Asian people are gross and don't belong here. Part of my family is Japanese and part of my wife's family is Chinese so this kind of thing isn't surprising. My grandfather disowned my aunt because she married a Japanese man.  
I'm not going to disagree with your personal experience. 

However, those are 10th graders. Still kids.  I just don't believe Chinese people are being discriminated against in this country. 

So people won't be able to go to the grocery stores and go shopping? For food? There's just simply no way that's going to happen.

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