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Clash of Clans (Official thread) (3 Viewers)

still giggling

Came out of nowhere and without warning.

Protect the brand!
That's hilarious.  We were talking last night about how sensitive you all are.

Without asking anyone here I've been figuring out what it will take to get fbgs validated as a clan.  It would be worth considering.

The bar isn't all that high I'm finding out.  9s need to clear 9s in two consecutive wars and just war roughly 12x a month and add some people to some forums/chats and stuff.  Shouldn't be that hard.  

That's hilarious.  We were talking last night about how sensitive you all are.

Without asking anyone here I've been figuring out what it will take to get fbgs validated as a clan.  It would be worth considering.

The bar isn't all that high I'm finding out.  9s need to clear 9s in two consecutive wars and just war roughly 12x a month and add some people to some forums/chats and stuff.  Shouldn't be that hard.  

Yeah, that's easy.

That's hilarious.  We were talking last night about how sensitive you all are.

Without asking anyone here I've been figuring out what it will take to get fbgs validated as a clan.  It would be worth considering.

The bar isn't all that high I'm finding out.  9s need to clear 9s in two consecutive wars and just war roughly 12x a month and add some people to some forums/chats and stuff.  Shouldn't be that hard.  

Right before the booting it was the exact question I asked . . 

"how/can we get this clan into the FPC group"

he was sent into oblivion seconds after without getting to answer.

At some point we need to get a discord setup with some of the key leaders and some fpc mods to discuss options.  I think fbgs+honda together would both make a great addition to the FPC.  There really is no downside.  You could have several benefits and options:

  • Just continue business as usual.  You will get more exposure, perhaps some more recruits, but no obligation to take/keep them.  
  • Enter into arranged wars with other clans. get exactly the same base weights and th levels and close to equal hero levels and fight to the death.
  • Enter into mixed scrimmages with other clans for fun to try new stuff and learn new stuff you may not get exposure to
  • Send members easily as subs into larger wars, having lots of TH10/11s makes you a really nice sub pool and could find you in some of the biggest wars, quickly because the wars are starting to get much more top heavy.
  • Enter into a clan network, like the RWCS, DWA, Jedi, RCS, etc. where you also pull from that talent pool for arranged wars of your own. Each of the networks have their own series of requirements. The easiest option would be to enter as a sister arrangement.  This has you pulled as subs cleaner for arranged. In this arrangement you would likely send your top hitters out Fridays returning Sundays nearly every week on whatever frequency they wished.  
I will say this, farm wars are starting to be boring to me. Arranged wars are getting to be the most fun part of this game I've ever had.  You can lock in exactly the right fair matchup, you have reasonable hope that the other side will not mod, or at least won't just obliterate you with modders, and you have a lot of people dedicated to teach you more about base building, attacks, etc. than you can ever get watching youtubes all week long.  

Honda might consider this, but first we will need to have our 9s clear all the 9s once in a row.
I have already pitched it that you are both a packaged deal and arranged would be done under the fbgs flag with members from both organizations as would be all validations.  Sorry quatro and boog. 

I don't really see the upside. Coordinating matchmaking will be a PIA and we're already getting pretty competitive wars. 
Baby steps first.

Send people to arranged all over, then start hosting your own mixed, then arranged.

The systems to get these done now are really quite efficient.  

still a burden without much benefit IMO. 
There are FPC clans that never, ever, ever do arranged wars.  Only just send people around to do them as needed. This is an option I think some of you all would like to have as a possibility.  You can also get replacement fillers for farm wars no sweat this way.  Shuke has done a lot of fill ins at random places.  It's fun also.

Grab our weights and have someone hunt us down

It takes a couple weeks of prodding to get someone to change a crappy base. Arranging anything would be a nightmare.

Culd, what exactly are you considering a "farm war" now?  It used to mean a clan that would set out their top 2 TH and we'd run trains.  We don't see those anymore and in fact, the last 50 days of our war log are all pretty decent.  We were modded 2-3 times and have encountered a few sucky clans that we get to bully.  But overall, it feels like equal matches since we switched the time of day we search.

You are (were?) fbgs and you know the make up of the group.  I think you left because we couldn't organize every detail.  We have gotten to the point where people call their own shots and use caller.  But you know what, we still have the disarray at the end some times, the ocassional no-show, stolen bases, etc.  I think you overestimate what most of fbgs likes about the game vs. what you like about the game.  You are now in groups that do organize every detail and love it.

my .02.

edit:  oh ya, cliff above mentions another gripe.  The changing of crappy war bases!

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IMO eventually fbgs and Honda will merge. The leftover hardcore guys will form one clan.

Not sure when but it will happen.
No way man!  The last hardcore guys standing will be too stubborn to move one way or the other.  What happened to boog is how fbg-clans die.

Once you start quoting a post you never can drop it.  WTF? Nice update.

Farm war = War where you are not searching for a particular clan.  Just random matchmaking.

Other common terminology

Scrimmage = Friendly war between groups of clans against other clans A+B vs C+D etc.

Mixed - Two clans submit their rosters and they scramble it up so it's even, match

Hunt - Someone gets your weights and attempts to match you without your knowledge

Arranged - Classic A+B try hard war.  The most intense.

Culd, what exactly are you considering a "farm war" now?  It used to mean a clan that would set out their top 2 TH and we'd run trains.  We don't see those anymore and in fact, the last 50 days of our war log are all pretty decent.  We were modded 2-3 times and have encountered a few sucky clans that we get to bully.  But overall, it feels like equal matches since we switched the time of day we search.

You are (were?) fbgs and you know the make up of the group.  I think you left because we couldn't organize every detail.  We have gotten to the point where people call their own shots and use caller.  But you know what, we still have the disarray at the end some times, the ocassional no-show, stolen bases, etc.  I think you overestimate what most of fbgs likes about the game vs. what you like about the game.  You are now in groups that do organize every detail and love it.

my .02.

edit:  oh ya, cliff above mentions another gripe.  The changing of crappy war bases!

Remember the first leak is always fake and the second one is real.  

I would expect something ranged and ground.  Dark has no real compliment to wizards.  Most of the other dark/elixer troops have something that falls in the same class at least

barb/arch/minion/gobs low hp spammy

valks/giants/golems/Hounds- tanky type troops

loons/hogs - defensive targeting low hp

healers/witches - generate health or spawn troops


I go away for a few days, now I can't find the damn thread, videos are embedded in it, th10 is getting a new troop but has been deemed useless. Anything else I've missed?


Jonathan ROCKED a 3-star Pentaloon vs their #4 earlier this morning.  XBows down and Hound in CC should be auto air attack IMO.

ETA:  zapquaked 2 ADs and ran all five hounds at the ADs bracketing an L20 AQ.  Pups got her and rest of raid was over quick.

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