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Can we discuss pet peeves here? (1 Viewer)

If reference to the half a hot dog split down the middle, I remember a place where the kids banana split was the same, one banana made 2 kids splits.
Everyone on my wife's father's side doesn't pull all the way into the drive way. No cars in the driveway? Parks in the center of the driveway. A car in the driveway? Parks 15' from the car, so you cant get in or out.

Bah humbug
This drives me up the wall. We hosted Christmas for my wife's side of the family this year. My driveway can easily hold 5 vehicles. We had 6 cars show up, two in the driveway and 4 in the street bc my FIL is a middle of the driveway parker and always arrives 20 min early (if you ain't early, you're late!).
Everyone on my wife's father's side doesn't pull all the way into the drive way. No cars in the driveway? Parks in the center of the driveway. A car in the driveway? Parks 15' from the car, so you cant get in or out.

Bah humbug
This drives me up the wall. We hosted Christmas for my wife's side of the family this year. My driveway can easily hold 5 vehicles. We had 6 cars show up, two in the driveway and 4 in the street bc my FIL is a middle of the driveway parker and always arrives 20 min early (if you ain't early, you're late!).
Any reason you couldn't just grab his keys and move it?
I avoid parking in driveways when the likelihood of being blocked in or blocking someone in is high. Otherwise I have no problem using someone else's driveway.
One side of street, their garages are in the alley, the other side of the street, we have drive ways to the street. The people across the street and their guests consistently park directly across from our driveway. They have all house on their side but they choose directly a cross from our driveway that we back out of. Move 1 car length either way!
Everyone on my wife's father's side doesn't pull all the way into the drive way. No cars in the driveway? Parks in the center of the driveway. A car in the driveway? Parks 15' from the car, so you cant get in or out.

Bah humbug.
My FIL does the opposite. We'll have our two cars side-by-side in the driveway, close to the house. The in-laws come over for the day, and if he parked even halfway in then either car could get out easily if needed. But he always parks inches away from one of them, effectively blocking that one in. And he always chooses the worse one to block in. I swear it's a little game he plays to see how close he can get without touching the car in front.
The funny thing is, he's the kind of person who parks as far as possible from other cars in a parking lot in order to protect his own car - which is fine, but he's also one of those guys who occasionally will take up two spots so that he doesn't have to have a car next to his when he drives his nicest car.
What's up with fans at hockey games that sit on the glass feeling compelled to stand up and bang on the glass? Those players couldn't begin to care less about you ya jabronies.
That's better than them standing up, turning around and waving to the camera the whole game.
EVERY time the puck goes down the ice at times. Jeez give it a rest man. We see you.
What's up with fans at hockey games that sit on the glass feeling compelled to stand up and bang on the glass? Those players couldn't begin to care less about you ya jabronies.
I do this all the time at my son's hockey games. He plays center so sometimes I'll stand at the end of the rink where he's coming toward on offense. Whenever his line scores I'll bang on the glass and he and his line mates will come celebrate at that spot.

It's fun.
What's up with fans at hockey games that sit on the glass feeling compelled to stand up and bang on the glass? Those players couldn't begin to care less about you ya jabronies.
I do this all the time at my son's hockey games. He plays center so sometimes I'll stand at the end of the rink where he's coming toward on offense. Whenever his line scores I'll bang on the glass and he and his line mates will come celebrate at that spot.

It's fun.
I can make an exception in this case. You actually know the players and it's a celebratory thing.

Was watching the Leafs/Ducks game last night and some jack wagon had a seat just inside the blue line. He's standing up banging on the glass during a breakout. Sit DOWN douche nozzle.
More bar pet peeves.

If you are going to rest your phone on the bar and sit next to other patrons TURN THE BUZZ FEATURE OFF EVERY TIME YOU GET A NOTIFICATION. Jesus Christ, those things vibrations are obnoxious. Every few seconds it feels like a seismic rattle of the bar top just because you can't have the common courtesy to silence your phone of put it in your pocket.

Don't be that guy.
More bar pet peeves.

If you are going to rest your phone on the bar and sit next to other patrons TURN THE BUZZ FEATURE OFF EVERY TIME YOU GET A NOTIFICATION. Jesus Christ, those things vibrations are obnoxious. Every few seconds it feels like a seismic rattle of the bar top just because you can't have the common courtesy to silence your phone of put it in your pocket.

Don't be that guy.
Similarly, dudes that tap on the bar rail or worse yet DRUM on it to whatever music may be playing. It vibrates all the way down and the rail is usually a spot to rest your arms so... yeah, annoying.
More bar pet peeves.

If you are going to rest your phone on the bar and sit next to other patrons TURN THE BUZZ FEATURE OFF EVERY TIME YOU GET A NOTIFICATION. Jesus Christ, those things vibrations are obnoxious. Every few seconds it feels like a seismic rattle of the bar top just because you can't have the common courtesy to silence your phone of put it in your pocket.

Don't be that guy.
Similarly, dudes that tap on the bar rail or worse yet DRUM on it to whatever music may be playing. It vibrates all the way down and the rail is usually a spot to rest your arms so... yeah, annoying.

YES! You don't need to bang the bar top if/when your team scores a TD. Or misses a field goal. Stay home.
I'm old enough to remember when teams who had two players with the same last name put their first initial to help tell them apart. Hell, when the Rams had Jack and Jim Youngblood, they actually put their entire first names on their jerseys.

These days, we're just supposed to figure it out. When the Broncos had Demaryius and Julius Thomas, they had similar numbers (80 and 88) that made it even harder to tell them apart. But the Miami Dolphins are the clear winner, which is to say loser. Not only do they have two Hills (Tyreek and Julian), they have two guys whose jerseys both read "WILSON JR." (Cedric and Jeff). Would it really be that hard to slap a first initial on there?
I'm old enough to remember when teams who had two players with the same last name put their first initial to help tell them apart. Hell, when the Rams had Jack and Jim Youngblood, they actually put their entire first names on their jerseys.

These days, we're just supposed to figure it out. When the Broncos had Demaryius and Julius Thomas, they had similar numbers (80 and 88) that made it even harder to tell them apart. But the Miami Dolphins are the clear winner, which is to say loser. Not only do they have two Hills (Tyreek and Julian), they have two guys whose jerseys both read "WILSON JR." (Cedric and Jeff). Would it really be that hard to slap a first initial on there?
I like the fact that they don't. The numbers are different. That's enough. Don't insult me with your stupid initials. I'm not an idiot!!
I'm old enough to remember when teams who had two players with the same last name put their first initial to help tell them apart. Hell, when the Rams had Jack and Jim Youngblood, they actually put their entire first names on their jerseys.

These days, we're just supposed to figure it out. When the Broncos had Demaryius and Julius Thomas, they had similar numbers (80 and 88) that made it even harder to tell them apart. But the Miami Dolphins are the clear winner, which is to say loser. Not only do they have two Hills (Tyreek and Julian), they have two guys whose jerseys both read "WILSON JR." (Cedric and Jeff). Would it really be that hard to slap a first initial on there?
I like the fact that they don't. The numbers are different. That's enough. Don't insult me with your stupid initials. I'm not an idiot!!
"I don't know who needs to hear this"......

Stop. It's lazy, trite and unoriginal.
Not being sarcastic, I'v never heard this - what is the context?
I dont who needs to hear this,but please stop leaving shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot.

I dont who needs to hear this but please stop playing your phone video without headphones on.

I dont who needs to hear this but please stop throwing cigarette butts all over the place you stinking pile of trash.

I dont know who needs to hear this but please stop impregnating your wife every year, sunscreen inflation is too high.

Stuff like that.
Some of the local schools closed today because... some roads are flooded. And this isn't a case where waters are rising and people could get swept away. The flooding mainly happened yesterday evening, and all of the affected roads are barricaded off as the water slowly recedes.

Trying to figure out where the slide from "schools will close when travel is genuinely dangerous" to "schools will close any time any thing is sub-optimal anywhere" stops.
Some of the local schools closed today because... some roads are flooded. And this isn't a case where waters are rising and people could get swept away. The flooding mainly happened yesterday evening, and all of the affected roads are barricaded off as the water slowly recedes.

Trying to figure out where the slide from "schools will close when travel is genuinely dangerous" to "schools will close any time any thing is sub-optimal anywhere" stops.
That ship has sailed. Unfortunately.
Some of the local schools closed today because... some roads are flooded. And this isn't a case where waters are rising and people could get swept away. The flooding mainly happened yesterday evening, and all of the affected roads are barricaded off as the water slowly recedes.

Trying to figure out where the slide from "schools will close when travel is genuinely dangerous" to "schools will close any time any thing is sub-optimal anywhere" stops.
That ship has sailed. Unfortunately.
I guess, but it just seems like even if the trend doesn't reverse it has to stop at some point, right? Around here we've gone from closing school for major snowstorms to closing school if there's any snow at all, from closing school maybe once every 10 years for cold to closing semi-regularly on the coldest days of the year. Now we're adding heavy rain apparently. Is above 85 degrees next? It's getting so silly.
Some of the local schools closed today because... some roads are flooded. And this isn't a case where waters are rising and people could get swept away. The flooding mainly happened yesterday evening, and all of the affected roads are barricaded off as the water slowly recedes.

Trying to figure out where the slide from "schools will close when travel is genuinely dangerous" to "schools will close any time any thing is sub-optimal anywhere" stops.
That ship has sailed. Unfortunately.
I guess, but it just seems like even if the trend doesn't reverse it has to stop at some point, right? Around here we've gone from closing school for major snowstorms to closing school if there's any snow at all, from closing school maybe once every 10 years for cold to closing semi-regularly on the coldest days of the year. Now we're adding heavy rain apparently. Is above 85 degrees next? It's getting so silly.
Do your kids have distance learning during these closed days?
"I don't know who needs to hear this"......

Stop. It's lazy, trite and unoriginal.
Not being sarcastic, I'v never heard this - what is the context?

I see you don't use Twitter or Facebook or any social media, which, good for you! Those sites are lousy with people thinking they are clever by starting sentences with "I don't know who needs to hear this, but....."

Mina Kimes (who I like) is guilty of this. To wit:

I don't know who needs to hear this, but Geno Smith is *not* the problem in Seattle.
Some of the local schools closed today because... some roads are flooded. And this isn't a case where waters are rising and people could get swept away. The flooding mainly happened yesterday evening, and all of the affected roads are barricaded off as the water slowly recedes.

Trying to figure out where the slide from "schools will close when travel is genuinely dangerous" to "schools will close any time any thing is sub-optimal anywhere" stops.
That ship has sailed. Unfortunately.
I guess, but it just seems like even if the trend doesn't reverse it has to stop at some point, right? Around here we've gone from closing school for major snowstorms to closing school if there's any snow at all, from closing school maybe once every 10 years for cold to closing semi-regularly on the coldest days of the year. Now we're adding heavy rain apparently. Is above 85 degrees next? It's getting so silly.
Our schools got closed today because of cold.

The high today is gonna be 39. It's stupid. We had a bunch of snow the last couple of days so all the side roads are still a little icy. I guess bad for busses. But they aren't THAT bad.

The problem is our district basically has 8 snow days baked into the schedule before they have to go longer at the end of the school year. So those administrators are damn sure they are going to use them up at the slightest hint of trouble around here since we don't get hardly any snow anymore. Mainly so THEY can get a paid day off.
Some of the local schools closed today because... some roads are flooded. And this isn't a case where waters are rising and people could get swept away. The flooding mainly happened yesterday evening, and all of the affected roads are barricaded off as the water slowly recedes.

Trying to figure out where the slide from "schools will close when travel is genuinely dangerous" to "schools will close any time any thing is sub-optimal anywhere" stops.
That ship has sailed. Unfortunately.
I guess, but it just seems like even if the trend doesn't reverse it has to stop at some point, right? Around here we've gone from closing school for major snowstorms to closing school if there's an snow at all, from closing school maybe once every 10 years for cold to closing semi-regularly on the coldest days of the year. Now we're adding heavy rain apparently. Is above 85 degrees next? It's getting so silly.
the district budgets these days in to the school year. if they don't use them then your kids are spending days at the end of the year watching movies and throwing spitballs at each other and you're going to complain about that.... or they can just release the kids several days earlier than the scheduled school year and you'll complain about that.

better to be cautious than to risk a bus skidding off the road and hurting kids.

my pet peeve is people complaining about snow days when 1) they don't have kids, 2) they have kids but don't need day care arrangements, 3) they work from home anyways

save the "we never had days off for weather! not like this!" lament. we did. i'm old, too. we definitely had days off school where the snowstorm didn't manifest.
Some of the local schools closed today because... some roads are flooded. And this isn't a case where waters are rising and people could get swept away. The flooding mainly happened yesterday evening, and all of the affected roads are barricaded off as the water slowly recedes.

Trying to figure out where the slide from "schools will close when travel is genuinely dangerous" to "schools will close any time any thing is sub-optimal anywhere" stops.
That ship has sailed. Unfortunately.
I guess, but it just seems like even if the trend doesn't reverse it has to stop at some point, right? Around here we've gone from closing school for major snowstorms to closing school if there's any snow at all, from closing school maybe once every 10 years for cold to closing semi-regularly on the coldest days of the year. Now we're adding heavy rain apparently. Is above 85 degrees next? It's getting so silly.
Do your kids have distance learning during these closed days?
It varies, although what makes them declare it a true day off versus remote day I'm not quite sure. It's probably related to how close they think they are to running out of snow days and having to add days at the end of the year. In the case of today, it's a true day off with no distance learning.
better to be cautious than to risk a bus skidding off the road and hurting kids.
Sure, but I'm talking about rain here. Rain from yesterday that caused some flooding. I went for a run today. It's 40 degrees with dry roads, although quite windy.

I remember as a kid one time our bus got stuck in the snow on the way to school (while we were on it) and they brought another bus and we got onto that one to go to school. That was stupid. I'm not suggesting we go back to that, but we've swung too far.
save the "we never had days off for weather! not like this!" lament. we did.
Agree to disagree on this one. I live in roughly the same area I grew up in, and I've experienced the bar for what gets schools closed get lower and lower first hand.
People that want to gripe and complain because X thing didn't happen, when they themselves don't do X thing. Minor league baseball team in our area has announced that they're moving away after this season due to low attendance and revenue. Que all the outraged folks who can't believe that nobody goes to the games and spends $ there.

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