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Bitcoin-Explain to me how to buy these things (1 Viewer)

Xmas in 2024 and my birthday in 2026. :)  I have it in its own wallet within my ledger nano and decided not to look.
I look every day.  But with HEX, youre committed to a certain date.  with a huge whammy if you cash out early.

SO, I try not to worry.  The only reason it went so high is because of pulse imo.

My first 2 stakes are due in 66 days.  I plan on rolling them

Anyone buy the Bepro dip?  up 240% in the last 30 days.  Currently sitting at .012, still a ways away from its ATH in March of .05.  

Anyone buy the Bepro dip?  up 240% in the last 30 days.  Currently sitting at .012, still a ways away from its ATH in March of .05.  

Early July I basically tossed a coin between Bepro and MultiVac after one of my youtube watches discussed both as lower cap alts he was buying. I went the wrong way. My MultiVac is up 25%. 

However, not quite 4 weeks after putting much more $$$ into MetaHero than MultiV, it's up 450% without ever spiking. Just a steady rise. My portfolio making me pretty happy these past few days.


31 million sacrificed by a venture capital group is nice to see. It's rumored the 20 million of eth sacrificed is Buterin (founder of ethereum) supporting the project. The clue was someone moved 20 million of eth for less than $1 in fees the day after Richard (founder of pulse) said they spoke, and Buterin was good with the fork. Who knows. If not for seeing these whales sacrificing, I would have been hesitant. For me it seems Panama is the best place to buy an island.  :popcorn:

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One I haven't mentioned since I bought so little in Jan. when I was loading up on alts is VectorSpace. It's an AI project with a few patents, many use cases, and kinda mind-blowing to spend time on that link. Bought for .33 and it's $3.50ish. Like MetaHero, despite the rise, it's still ranked sub 2500 in market cap. I won't be surprised if both are top 200 eventually. 

Anyone look into helium?  Kind of MLM-y but I figured why not.  My issue with everything not bitcoin has been trying to figure out their endgame.  

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Chaos Commish said:
no worries

45-60 days to air drop or until ... what? not sure what he means...

good luck fellow Pulsican...

I'm shopping for an island. haha 
So, I asked whats next....  5 min or so left in the sacrifice stage.

"Testnet should release soon, then us users and the devs can play around and look for bugs and improvements.and mainnet launch should be 45 - 60 days out."

California Covid Cases Up 50% Since Thursday As Evidence Mounts Of Rapid Spread Among Kids


"In the two-week period ending July 18, there were 89 cases per 100,000 people age 0 to 4 and 112 cases per 100,000 age 5 to 11. While there were no pediatric Covid deaths recorded in the county for the period from June 18 to July 18. Ferrer’s presentation to the board indicated that the hospitalization rate for children age 0 to 4 in Los Angeles County has doubled in a month. See chart below."

So you are selling your bitcoin?

Anyone use a trezor?


Yeah. I put a lot of research into trezor vs ledger cold storage wallets. Don't do that. The debate becomes absurd. Both are great.

I can't say much about trezor because I went with ledger. It seemed clear trezor had an easier ui to negotiate and was maybe the better pc app, maybe the safer storage solution, but no phone support. Ledger works seemlessly on pc and phone.

I went with ledger for phone support and because it supported more assets. It was cheaper. I got a bundle, a nano x and a nano s for $139. Hardware loss happens so I wanted an instant backup device. Both options now allow simple recovery for lost hardware, but you still need to wait for the new device to arrive to be fully up and running. That seemed stressful, so I bundled.   

Trezor also offers 2 devices but they don't support all the same assets like the Ledgers. The cheaper one doesn't even support Cardano, or several other big caps. So ADA holders need the most expensive trezor device. Finally when I played with a dozen or so custodial wallets that offer cold storage I noticed all of them use Ledger technology. Not sure if it means much but it did influence me a little. just my .02.

Yeah. I put a lot of research into trezor vs ledger cold storage wallets. Don't do that. The debate becomes absurd. Both are great.

I can't say much about trezor because I went with ledger. It seemed clear trezor had an easier ui to negotiate and was maybe the better pc app, maybe the safer storage solution, but no phone support. Ledger works seemlessly on pc and phone.

I went with ledger for phone support and because it supported more assets. It was cheaper. I got a bundle, a nano x and a nano s for $139. Hardware loss happens so I wanted an instant backup device. Both options now allow simple recovery for lost hardware, but you still need to wait for the new device to arrive to be fully up and running. That seemed stressful, so I bundled.   

Trezor also offers 2 devices but they don't support all the same assets like the Ledgers. The cheaper one doesn't even support Cardano, or several other big caps. So ADA holders need the most expensive trezor device. Finally when I played with a dozen or so custodial wallets that offer cold storage I noticed all of them use Ledger technology. Not sure if it means much but it did influence me a little. just my .02.
Thank you for the input.  Right now I just use metamask and coinbase and robinhood.

CowboyFan4822 said:
Kicking myself for not jumping out at .22.  I may have a very large chunk in it.

it's such a hard call. i watched octopus go up 800% the day i bought it. like the project decided to hodl. down 40% today. for me, on microcaps, lesson learned. Take the profits because others sure will. Alchemy is a bit different, not micro, but small cap with some great progress and partners. Point of sale retail useer case implemented all over the world. Just not here. Nice one. Good luck.

it's such a hard call. i watched octopus go up 800% the day i bought it. like the project decided to hodl. down 40% today. for me, on microcaps, lesson learned. Take the profits because others sure will. Alchemy is a bit different, not micro, but small cap with some great progress and partners. Point of sale retail useer case implemented all over the world. Just not here. Nice one. Good luck.
Yeah, I randomly woke up at 2am today and don’t know where I read about it and the connection with Shopify and thought that sounds huge for a .06 coin already up 100%.  No idea what my exit is yet but it’s now the only crypto I own and 5 figures worth or it. 

A few questions:

There are some amendments in the infrastructure bill that could negatively impact bitcoin. Is that accurate, and, if so, why is bitcoin having this surge to about 43K? This feels counter-intuitive to me.

Also, hearing a lot of noise that Ether will be in some trouble in the near future. It's near 2900 right now and continues to rise. What is the current temperature on Ether?

A few questions:

There are some amendments in the infrastructure bill that could negatively impact bitcoin. Is that accurate, and, if so, why is bitcoin having this surge to about 43K? This feels counter-intuitive to me.

Also, hearing a lot of noise that Ether will be in some trouble in the near future. It's near 2900 right now and continues to rise. What is the current temperature on Ether?

I've been avoiding my long tl/dr posting thing on the regulatory crypto amendments in the infrastructure bill for about a week. I don't think there's a lot of interest here. So, I'll just quote the crypto attorney who alerted the masses last weekend. "This is not a drill." This is not fud. This is regulation that can decimate crypto in the US. Bitcoin is very bullish behind these three amendments that are holding up the bill. The fighting will continue through the weekend and possibly into next week. The mainstream media reporting is inaccurate for the most part. 

Nutshell, the amendment with momentum and endorsed by Biden today, pretty much says, only PoW cryptos can play. It's so absurd it's hard to comment. But Bitcoin is being protected, other PoWs are being empowered, all the best tech is being regulated to oblivion. Eth hasn't made it's way to PoS and this is why it too is going strong, perhaps. I don't pretend to know exactly what is driving the market. I could fill this page with this topic though. 

It's disturbed me so much, I've asked my wealthy sister I dragged into this space to just move everything to bitcoin since she barely follows along. She did. I am increasing my BTC by dumping ADA. Kinda hoping for a dip. 

Thats interesting.  

My top 12 holdings by value with their % increase in the last 4.5 weeks:

BTC 30.5%

ADA 6.5% ?????

CAKE 30.5%

ETH 39.3%

HERO 355.5%

VET 33.7%

LINK 32.9%

DOT 31.5%

QNT 113.8%

OCEAN 35.8%

VRA 61%

VXV 134.7%

My portfolio is a boomin'. Hopefully yours are too. But I sure wish ADA wasn't my second largest holding. It is not performing. Every day there is a big twitter debate about this. Yestereday CardanoDan, who I've linked to for his solid analysis, expressed exhaustion and depression pimping ADA and only ADA for so long. When I first joined this thread, I said I had misgivings about ADA. Love the promise, hate the progress. Not sure Charles is who he says he is. bla bla bla. 

Well, this regulatory stuff will crunch ADA more than most. But the argument I've worried about all year is that the huge market cap with basically a non producing project suggests the future is already priced in. Those numbers above support that, I think. Not soft hands here. Lots of thought and listening to bigger brains than me. Not advice. It could crush ETH still. I'm betting it won't. It's 22% of my portfolio. 11% to BTC, 11 to cost averaging the some of the losers not on the list above. More FEG!!! :)

My top 12 holdings by value with their % increase in the last 4.5 weeks:

BTC 30.5%

ADA 6.5% ?????

CAKE 30.5%

ETH 39.3%

HERO 355.5%

VET 33.7%

LINK 32.9%

DOT 31.5%

QNT 113.8%

OCEAN 35.8%

VRA 61%

VXV 134.7%

My portfolio is a boomin'. Hopefully yours are too. But I sure wish ADA wasn't my second largest holding. It is not performing. Every day there is a big twitter debate about this. Yestereday CardanoDan, who I've linked to for his solid analysis, expressed exhaustion and depression pimping ADA and only ADA for so long. When I first joined this thread, I said I had misgivings about ADA. Love the promise, hate the progress. Not sure Charles is who he says he is. bla bla bla. 

Well, this regulatory stuff will crunch ADA more than most. But the argument I've worried about all year is that the huge market cap with basically a non producing project suggests the future is already priced in. Those numbers above support that, I think. Not soft hands here. Lots of thought and listening to bigger brains than me. Not advice. It could crush ETH still. I'm betting it won't. It's 22% of my portfolio. 11% to BTC, 11 to cost averaging the some of the losers not on the list above. More FEG!!! :)

Dont know much about this besides HEX.  So Ill take my $6500 small account and go 1/2 eth and half BTC for now.  Cashing out ADA for it.

CowboyFan4822 said:
And back to .14.  Gambling with 75% of what I own in it today including moving my BTC to it.  I can appreciate a good sweat.
Ha! You playa’s are fun to follow along. I’m in for all of $20 and watching it like I bet my house on it.

Not happy to hear this doom & gloom on ADA. Good chunk of what I own is in it right now (25%). Guess I need to move out, huh?

Need thoughts on ALGO. Still at a great buy in price of $.88 but is it going the way of ADA?

KGB said:
Thank you for the input.  Right now I just use metamask and coinbase and robinhood.
i love my nanoX

if you just going to dabble here or there coinbase is probably Safe enough.

if you…. Say 10K plus and in it For the long haul then it’s time to get cold storage 

Who the Heck am I to say what’s what?  That said I find it helpful to remind myself that all these other coins are the side show to BTC and maybe ETH.

FTR, I'm not selling my ADA.  If there's any PoS platform least impacted by harsh US regs, it's Cardano as they're targeting use in Africa and South America where the technology will be welcomed with open arms.  

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FTR, I'm not selling my ADA.  If there's any PoS platform least impacted by harsh US regs, it's Cardano as they're targeting use in Africa and South America where the technology will be welcomed with open arms.  

I'm glad you posted this. This recent price action got to me though. I mentioned before I have a bad record with predictions here -- ff picks, nba gambling. I post my picks and oops. 

The Africa/S.America "ADA strength point" has been made in the debates. The counter is that it doesn't matter. ADA is the most staked big cap crypto. Something like 82% of all holdings are staked. A higher % than any other big project. It also enjoys the highest % of US stakeholders. The third suggested amendment is ridiculously anti-staking for US citizens. Without the billions invested by US stakeholders providing liquidity to fuel ADA's desire to save Africa... well, the projects will struggle to move forward. Africa cannot save itself. Too poor. Africa can welcome ADA's tech with open arms, but massive projects like WorldMobile (on ada) will be bankrupted before ever installing their infrastructure plans for Africa. It's not the tech, it's ditch digging. 50% of WorldMobile funds (investors like us) are going offchain to "ditch digging".

I haven't moved any ada yet, but the plan to hasn't changed. I want to see if this legislation has immediate impact up or down. It's terrible regulation regardless of what finally gets inked in. Nothing enforced until January 2023. Short term up, long term down? I dunno. 

It's been repeatedly observed that this is exactly what congress did to online poker in the US. 

At the moment the language getting the most love is supportive of bitcoin (death to the rest) but the rest is still mostly coupled to bitcoin... interesting.  :popcorn:

Also there's a clarion call on the socials for y'all to be emailing and calling your congress peeps about this. Mine is Kevin McCarthy and he's been on the good side for years Pretty ominous talk from him in that link. Could sum up by paraphrasing, "old uninformed democrats could cripple this country going forward with their desire to kill cryptocurrency." I tend to lean a little left but happy to have Kevin fighting the good fight for crypto. He's losing.

I've been avoiding my long tl/dr posting thing on the regulatory crypto amendments in the infrastructure bill for about a week. I don't think there's a lot of interest here. So, I'll just quote the crypto attorney who alerted the masses last weekend. "This is not a drill." This is not fud. This is regulation that can decimate crypto in the US. Bitcoin is very bullish behind these three amendments that are holding up the bill. The fighting will continue through the weekend and possibly into next week. The mainstream media reporting is inaccurate for the most part. 

Nutshell, the amendment with momentum and endorsed by Biden today, pretty much says, only PoW cryptos can play. It's so absurd it's hard to comment. But Bitcoin is being protected, other PoWs are being empowered, all the best tech is being regulated to oblivion. Eth hasn't made it's way to PoS and this is why it too is going strong, perhaps. I don't pretend to know exactly what is driving the market. I could fill this page with this topic though. 

It's disturbed me so much, I've asked my wealthy sister I dragged into this space to just move everything to bitcoin since she barely follows along. She did. I am increasing my BTC by dumping ADA. Kinda hoping for a dip. 
Seeing this on Reddit thoughts?:

UPDATE: The latest amended text specifically carves out exceptions for both proof of work, and proof of stake. By name, it mentions these 2 consensus as mining and staking. Other consensus mechanisms aren't mentioned. Still no exception for developers - which is still KEY.

Senate breaks filibuster to advance $1.2 trillion infrastructure package.

UPDATES: WaPo reporter claiming further amendments are due! Wtf?! They are really legislating about things they have no clue about. Apart from PoW and PoS, there is proof of history, proof of capacity, proof of storage.. so many new technologies that are being built. How does Sen Warner and his staff even know about any of this, do they have crypto experts on their team? This is just a farce!

Seeing this on Reddit thoughts?:

The latest amended text specifically carves out exceptions for both proof of work, and proof of stake. By name, it mentions these 2 consensus as mining and staking. Other consensus mechanisms aren't mentioned. Still no exception for developers - which is still KEY.

Senate breaks filibuster to advance $1.2 trillion infrastructure package.

UPDATES: WaPo reporter claiming further amendments are due! Wtf?! They are really legislating about things they have no clue about. Apart from PoW and PoS, there is proof of history, proof of capacity, proof of storage.. so many new technologies that are being built. How does Sen Warner and his staff even know about any of this, do they have crypto experts on their team? This is just a farce!

The first thing I bolded made me say yayyyy! The second is also true.

@Captain Cranks forget everything I said. haha. Staking has been saved. 

I wouldn't worry about the other "proofs" not mentioned. We have until 2023 for clarity, which is just educating these dem boomers. There's more about this that is a farce than what your redditer cites, but the completely absurd has been fixed. 

i love my nanoX

if you just going to dabble here or there coinbase is probably Safe enough.

if you…. Say 10K plus and in it For the long haul then it’s time to get cold storage 
Thanks,  Ill look into it.  Ill have 200K in hex and pulse thru metamask.  So I guess its time to start researching.

The first thing I bolded made me say yayyyy! The second is also true.

@Captain Cranks forget everything I said. haha. Staking has been saved. 

I wouldn't worry about the other "proofs" not mentioned. We have until 2023 for clarity, which is just educating these dem boomers. There's more about this that is a farce than what your redditer cites, but the completely absurd has been fixed. 

Maybe a dumb question, but who are the developers? What is the difference between the developers and others that may be gaining an exception? Any good articles on this so I can learn more, but interested in learning more about the legislation and the terminology behind this.

The first thing I bolded made me say yayyyy! The second is also true.

@Captain Cranks forget everything I said. haha. Staking has been saved. 

I wouldn't worry about the other "proofs" not mentioned. We have until 2023 for clarity, which is just educating these dem boomers. There's more about this that is a farce than what your redditer cites, but the completely absurd has been fixed. 
At the end of the day, the banking lobby and central banks will fight to strictly regulate anything remotely close to applications that seek to replace them.  I'm not too worried about ecosystems, but would be worried about defi dapps that plug into them.  

Regarding ADA, Cardano would work just fine transitioning to stakers outside the US.  Us Americans think the world revolves around us, but US regs to harness the tech will just lead to a competitive disadvantage that the US would eventually need to rectify.  

I just watched a vid that showed the top 5 companies in market cap:  MSFT GOOG AAPL AMZN and FB.  Does the US really want to regulate blockchain tech so severely that those companies will be headquartered outside the US this time around?

Regarding ADA, Cardano would work just fine transitioning to stakers outside the US.  Us Americans think the world revolves around us, but US regs to harness the tech will just lead to a competitive disadvantage that the US would eventually need to rectify.  

Almost 70% of Cardano's liquidity would have been outlawed. More than any other crypto. Hoskinson called it a regulatory ####storm that would set them back decades. 

Maybe a dumb question, but who are the developers? What is the difference between the developers and others that may be gaining an exception? Any good articles on this so I can learn more, but interested in learning more about the legislation and the terminology behind this.

Well, to most of us developers are software developers that are coding this new tech. Congress has a broader definition that includes founders and pretty much anyone paid by a crypto project. A high percentage of these guys are freelancers. The original language called for them to all register as brokers including paying the massive fees to qualify for that designation, and comply with the requisite tax reporting for all transactions. So silly. They're software guys with normal jobs in a hot new industry.

At the end of the day, the banking lobby and central banks will fight to strictly regulate anything remotely close to applications that seek to replace them.  I'm not too worried about ecosystems, but would be worried about defi dapps that plug into them.  

I just watched a vid that showed the top 5 companies in market cap:  MSFT GOOG AAPL AMZN and FB.  Does the US really want to regulate blockchain tech so severely that those companies will be headquartered outside the US this time around?

I didn't mention the too big to fail institutional banking industry to avoid sounding like a conspiracy guy. But yeah, I think you got it right. 

The first language so vague it could have easily turned us into China, who is all in protecting their finance sector. The big beneficiary, big banking. It made brokers of us all. hah. The second language clarified that problem, but still crushed crypto here. I said about ten days ago a war was coming. It was still a huge mess, and I guess Warner got a better idea from his banking lobby masters. "Let's just go with bitcoin and screw the rest." It was clever in that many investment banks, hedgies, vc funds, etc., are deeply into bitcoin but not much else. A little alts, but btc is the McDonald's of that space and mostly what they know. So it was a compromise they could all feel good about. Bigger brains put up a fight to defend proof of stake. It's a win for crypto, the country, and banks are gonna have to figure out this disruptive technology or get left behind. 


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