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Anti-maskers, can we talk about why? (1 Viewer)

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To begin, I am fully on board with wearing a mask.  I think it helps, at the very minimum, slow the spread of Covid-19.

However, I do have some friends who post things like this:

Example 1

Example 2

So nobody in here claims to be, but there are many people who don't wear them, so why?  Reasons I seem to be getting from posts or limited SM:

1.  they barely do anything

2.  everybody is going to get this/be exposed to this anyway. 

3.  religious 

4.  more the tough guy route - I am healthy, it's not a big deal, etc.. 
I've also seen, "it's going to get me sick" or "I can't breathe with it on".  

Because we've now seen an undeniable link  between mask usage and COVID spread. It's the key commonality for all the places that have gotten this thing under control.

The truth is that the real world data suggests they work MUCH better at slowing the spread then anyone thought they could several months ago.
Wonder if summer weather is making them appear much better?

One of the things that influences a lot of people is that it could appear like there is no end game. The Tampa Mayor and many other FL officials acted like this was temporary when they were in the middle of re-opening(which regular folks interpreted as back to normal and it wasn't) in June, she said 4 weeks and that was a lie...now folks are sort of being told that this is permanent or a way of life. 

I think it's a terrible topic for the FFA although I enjoy and respect the OP and would like to see where this goes. But the title and the OP, not many folks that even might be anti-mask are likely to say much. I feel I line up with the distance folks and I'm happy to put one on INDOORS anywhere and try to avoid going indoors as much as possible. 

But March April, May, June, July, August and September more of the same, folks never thought school in the Fall would be as upside down as it is in Florida right now. 

The airports though brought in lots of sick people from places that had major outbreaks, they still are flying in and out of Florida, that's where you all should aim your fists, not at people who seem lost as to what rules they need to follow. 

People at the top making poor decisions. 

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So nobody in here claims to be, but there are many people who don't wear them, so why?  Reasons I seem to be getting from posts or limited SM:

1.  they barely do anything

2.  everybody is going to get this/be exposed to this anyway. 

3.  religious 

4.  more the tough guy route - I am healthy, it's not a big deal, etc.. 
I don’t want to deprive you of all my sexiness 

The idea that you will get everyone to follow the mask order to begin with is pretty naive IMHO...to top it off you have a lot of folks that just are not that into it and it would require watchdogs constantly laying into people which causes friction and then you add to that, COPS ARE DONE coming out and sorting this stuff out right now. St Pete Police said basically they aren't coming out to enforce all these mask/no mask folks...so you risk getting into a real fight and I hate to be like this but most of you are too old to be trading blows and that's exactly what brings me to the final point, people have been pitted against each other. 

The fact people are laying in here like lions on a hunt wanting to chew up anyone who is anti-mask, this is a total Political thread and perhaps should be moved so people can be more honest about their feelings. 

I don't understand why people want to try and force everyone into 1-Way. Nobody has all the right answers, nobody. 

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I do.  Unfortunately.

I don't have to venture beyond FBG (PSF is a glaring example).  But certainly I see it in the media coverage (referenced before).  It has become so political they have decided to go with masks as the pivotal argument, because they can't go with distancing.

Now the right is anti mask for political/religious reasons (the constitution/bible LOL), and while the left has science on its side - chooses to go the shaming route instead of civil, often for political reasons.
more what i hear is people saying "we haven't left our houses in 4 months, but when we do we wear masks". that would be social distancing.

then there's the side that says "you can't stop me from going shopping/to bars/to visit friends.. and i won't wear a mask".

maybe it's a different media market thing?

surely there's a big pool in the middle that doesn't get reported, but that's news media since.... always.

So nobody in here claims to be, but there are many people who don't wear them, so why?  Reasons I seem to be getting from posts or limited SM:

1.  they barely do anything

2.  everybody is going to get this/be exposed to this anyway. 

3.  religious 

4.  more the tough guy route - I am healthy, it's not a big deal, etc.. 
5. I have (insert ailment here) and I can’t wear a mask.

I really have no idea how legit those claims are.  I suspect most of them are excuses and not real.

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as in breathing their own stank air makes them sick? 
so this is one argument i've seen, too.

the idea being that the mask traps carbon dioxide from your exhalation. so you aren't exhaling as much as you should which could.... theoretically?.... poison and kill you. 

at least that's how i've seen it said.

It's difficult to discuss the mask with anyone that doesn't seem to acknowledge that this thing doesn't survive outside in the direct sun. I live near the beach and the closings left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths. I grew up here and the beaches were never presented as evil places. 

I understand kids wall to wall in the water and touching each other, but the CV-19 didn't rise out of the seas in Floirda, it was brought down to us just like it was delivered to all 50 States.

I think NC and CO are 2 of the next big hot spots that could end up like FL and TX. I say that because most Floridians who live where I do go to NC and CO for vacations, they don't go to other beaches, they want snow or mountains. 

Just my opinions, I'm not trying to argue mask/no mask. I wear it indoors, rip it off the minute my foot is halfway out the door and take the safety lock off my water gun. 

so this is one argument i've seen, too.

the idea being that the mask traps carbon dioxide from your exhalation. so you aren't exhaling as much as you should which could.... theoretically?.... poison and kill you. 

at least that's how i've seen it said.
This is ridiculous.
So next time I go in for surgery should I scream at the surgeon to take the mask off. Last thing I want is him dying of poisoning while he’s working on me 

I thought the purpose of the mask is to prevent what you're exhaling from getting into the air.  If everyone is wearing a mask in a store, what's getting on my mask that I shouldn't touch?
That's the eoart that is lost on so many (unexplainable to me).  It requires ALL people to help...a "United we stand" thing that many don't seem tomcare for right now.

If you're breathing it out onto your own mask, you already have it. In which case touching your own face and/or mask really doesnt much matter re. your own health.

Al the "you'll touch your face more" statements just dont logically matter. If you let the crap out of your mouth freely, it's getting on all those surfaces anyway

The idea that you will get everyone to follow the mask order to begin with is pretty naive IMHO...to top it off you have a lot of folks that just are not that into it and it would require watchdogs constantly laying into people which causes friction and then you add to that, COPS ARE DONE coming out and sorting this stuff out right now. St Pete Police said basically they aren't coming out to enforce all these mask/no mask folks...so you risk getting into a real fight and I hate to be like this but most of you are too old to be trading blows and that's exactly what brings me to the final point, people have been pitted against each other. 

The fact people are laying in here like lions on a hunt wanting to chew up anyone who is anti-mask, this is a total Political thread and perhaps should be moved so people can be more honest about their feelings. 

I don't understand why people want to try and force everyone into 1-Way. Nobody has all the right answers, nobody. 
I'm sorry but this is bull####.  Right answers are out there.  Other countries can do it, but we can't.  I spoke with a colleague in Germany today.  He said its 100% compliance - no question.  Any idea where Germany is right now w/ COVID?  584 cases, for a country of 83M.  Mask use by the population is possible.  COVID can be beat.  Most of the rest of the first world has done it but we can't.

We used to be the greatest country in the world but now our citizens are dying like we are a banana republic because somehow ####### public health became political.  

You want to end COVID?  I promise you: get 100% of the population to stay home for one month.  100% of the population and 100% compliance and this thing is eradicated.  The further you get from that, the more oxygen you give it.  Now, how about 90% of the population maintaining distance and wearing masks 90% effectively?  We can manage.  50% wearing masks and not keeping distance?  Well, better than nothing  i guess.

This whole thing pisses me off. All the sacrifice we made to "flatten the curve" is wasted because Joe Six Pack can't be bothered to wear a piece of cotton.  Its incredibly selfish and makes everyone else's sacrifice meaningless.  

I'm sorry but this is bull####. 
It's so nice when you finally respond to one of my posts that you open it with a CUSS WORD that isn't even based on anything other than your emotion which is rising by the minute it seems. 

You've lived down here, incredibly naive to think you could ever get folks outside of the urban sections of Florida to line up. Others have posted the same things I am.

But you can get fussy at my post, it's par for the course. 


The idea that you will get everyone to follow the mask order to begin with is pretty naive IMHO...to top it off you have a lot of folks that just are not that into it and it would require watchdogs constantly laying into people which causes friction and then you add to that, COPS ARE DONE coming out and sorting this stuff out right now. St Pete Police said basically they aren't coming out to enforce all these mask/no mask folks...so you risk getting into a real fight and I hate to be like this but most of you are too old to be trading blows and that's exactly what brings me to the final point, people have been pitted against each other. 

The fact people are laying in here like lions on a hunt wanting to chew up anyone who is anti-mask, this is a total Political thread and perhaps should be moved so people can be more honest about their feelings. 

I don't understand why people want to try and force everyone into 1-Way. Nobody has all the right answers, nobody. 
I'm in the Tampa area and it seems pretty straightforward to me.  Businesses enforce it.  If people aren't wearing one, an employee should ask them to put one on or leave.  If it escalates to one of the situations where Billy-Bob starts yelling about his freedom, then hopefully there are 10 iPhones capturing the moment so he's fired from his job the next day. 

"We're all in this together" means we need to do what we can to help.  If wearing a mask over my face helps save lives, which it will en masse, I'm up for a little discomfort.  For those looking to be selfish and turn this into some lame slippery slope crap, the private sector and a little public shaming should do the trick.   


If you're breathing it out onto your own mask, you already have it. In which case touching your own face and/or mask really doesnt much matter re. your own health.

Al the "you'll touch your face more" statements just dont logically matter. If you let the crap out of your mouth freely, it's getting on all those surfaces anyway
i know.  i'm wearing the mask to prevent spreading it not to prevent catching it.   i thought that was the purpose of wearing the masks.  if in theory that works and  if everyone is wearing a mask in the store, then no one is spreading it by breathing it out into the air around everyone else.  touching surfaces that are contaminated and then your face is another matter.

I'm in the Tampa area and it seems pretty straightforward to me.  Businesses enforce it.  If people aren't wearing one, an employee should ask them to put one on or leave.  If it escalates to one of the situations where Billy-Bob starts yelling about his freedom, then hopefully there are 10 iPhones capturing the moment so he's fired from his job the next day. 

"We're all in this together" means we need to do what we can to help.  If wearing a mask over my face helps save lives, which it will en masse, I'm up for a little discomfort.  For those looking to be selfish and turn this into some lame slippery slope crap, the private sector and a little public shaming should do the trick.   
What are you talking about?

An employee who makes minimum wage and hasn't figured out a way to stay at home and get an extra $600 from unemployment? You are asking an awful lot of people who never signed up for any of these jobs to be the mask police. 

I also think you are being incredibly naive...this is pure utopian thinking from your POV. 

I'm not trying to argue against the mask, but this is turning into the "Sandusky" thread where if you aren't screaming at the top of your Keys that you are against the raping of innocent young boys(something I didn't know anyone really needed to post) then suddenly YOU'RE THE TARGET...you all want a discussion and that's not true, you want to try and tear people down, even those that are willing to share with you what others might be thinking...

I live in Florida with you, we shouldn't really be arguing. if you live in Tampa/St Pete, that's a very mixed area of people following/not following the mask. My son had to send home half his staff last week, I posted about it, not fun times. 

To me it's naive to think the whole city is following the mandate 24/7. If you go out a lot, you will see first hand that it's not uniform. Don't assume because everyone in the grocery store has a mask that it's happening everywhere. It's simply not. 

I’ve just gotten to the point that when I see someone not wearing a mask, I pretend I am King Arthur in Monty Python and The Hole Grail and think to myself:

”You make me sad”

I then pretend to cut off their limbs with Excalibur. 

It really helps.

again social distancing would do far more good but people aren't being shamed for that. well at least some people aren't
are we talking mask shaming in a store b/c that's pretty clear cut?   social distancing is a little more complicated with shaming.   i don't know for certain that you don't live together or are related or do you social distance shame when in a store and maintaining proper distancing would require a coordinated effort..   

For the mask supporters, these stories should make it easy. Here is a 42 year old overweight diabetic on a ventilator in Florida, looks like his teenage son passed it along, another totally innocent victim, right? People don't make choices about their health along the way, they are simply victims of the system. 

It's just not fair, we've got to try and save these people, it's the only right thing we can do.

@matuski...while I don't see you really answering the topic, I've genuinely appreciated your points here about masks and distancing. curious about your thoughts on runners without masks in dense urban areas.

I'm in nyc- so you'll have to take off your cavernous cricket filled grocery store and outdoors hat for a sec...social distancing is essentially impossible here- you walk out your door and there are always people on the sidewalks, closer than 6'. Even in the park areas along the rivers, there are still a lot of people walking and congregating. I understand runners are only near you for several seconds at most..and I understand that it's the more prolonged indoor exposure that carries the most risk....but runners are also inhaling and exhaling much harder than typical pedestrians. Doesn't that present risk that could be mitigated by a face covering?

It's so nice when you finally respond to one of my posts that you open it with a CUSS WORD that isn't even based on anything other than your emotion which is rising by the minute it seems. 

You've lived down here, incredibly naive to think you could ever get folks outside of the urban sections of Florida to line up. Others have posted the same things I am.

But you can get fussy at my post, it's par for the course. 

Technically i opened with an apology so simmer down a bit.  We haven't really crossed paths in a while - I think you have been in the Shark Pool mostly and i stay out of there for the most part.

I was down there on 9/11.  Somehow everyone came together for that.  

To make a bad analogy, its as if after 9/11,  a significant portion of us didn't think it was a big deal, probably made up by the media who hated the president, and the president himself fanned those conspiracies because he thought our country being attacked would be bad for his ratings.

I know its possible for this country to come together.  It takes leadership from both sides.  If toy want to see masks become ubiquitous,  get both political parties come together and do a bunch of PSA's.  TV commercials featuring both left wing and right wing icons.  Trump and Pelosi.  Bush and Obama.  Hannity and Maddow.    I promise you if that happened, mask use wouldn't be political, we would have wide scale adoption, and we would be kicking this virus's butt.

I'm not trying to argue against the mask, but this is turning into the "Sandusky" thread where if you aren't screaming at the top of your Keys that you are against the raping of innocent young boys(something I didn't know anyone really needed to post) then suddenly YOU'RE THE TARGET...you all want a discussion and that's not true, you want to try and tear people down, even those that are willing to share with you what others might be thinking...
I want whatever sauce you and matuski are on tonight.  You all are having debates with people who aren't even there.  

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And yes I'm pissed about this.  I look at our numbers and i understand why my kids schooling is up in the air.  I coach wrestling at the local HS...no way that should happen with this going around.  All HS sports, really.  No school dances, band, etc.  A good year of my kids lives will be spent social distanced.

And i look at other countries, who have it under control.  What is Germany doing that we aren't?  

We could be back to normal.  We could be almost normal right now.  But no, we were not capable of staying home long enough or doing something as simple as wearing a mask.  More to the point, our leadership has turned public health into a political football.  Its disgusting.

I’ve just gotten to the point that when I see someone not wearing a mask, I pretend I am King Arthur in Monty Python and The Hole Grail and think to myself:

”You make me sad”

I then pretend to cut off their limbs with Excalibur. 

It really helps.
I'm truly disappointed that not once did you reference smacking them with a shovel. 

Some of the reasons I've heard are:

1. It's unconstitutional. 

2. It makes me too hot.

3. I can't breathe well when I have it on (or I have a breathing issue).

Glad to see many major retailers come out today and require them for entry.

so this is one argument i've seen, too.

the idea being that the mask traps carbon dioxide from your exhalation. so you aren't exhaling as much as you should which could.... theoretically?.... poison and kill you. 

at least that's how i've seen it said.
the CO2 argument is absurd. You breathe in half a liter of air. Maybe 10-20 cc of your (higher CO2) air is rebreathed in if you have a mask...meaning your total inhaled CO2 is a percentage point or two higher. BUt the body deals with CO2 ALL THE TIME...you have several mechanisms to control that CO2, and the "extra" you're breathing in (which isn't really much extra at all!) is nwhere close to enough to overwhelm ANYONEs system...even if they have asthma, etc.

The only argument for someone not wearing one medically is weak lungs...people who struggle to physically move air in/out. BUt anyone in that position should be nowhere remotely close to anyone right now..THEY should be isolated for their own safety

Technically i opened with an apology so simmer down a bit.  We haven't really crossed paths in a while - I think you have been in the Shark Pool mostly and i stay out of there for the most part.

I was down there on 9/11.  Somehow everyone came together for that.  

To make a bad analogy, its as if after 9/11,  a significant portion of us didn't think it was a big deal, probably made up by the media who hated the president, and the president himself fanned those conspiracies because he thought our country being attacked would be bad for his ratings.

I know its possible for this country to come together.  It takes leadership from both sides.  If toy want to see masks become ubiquitous,  get both political parties come together and do a bunch of PSA's.  TV commercials featuring both left wing and right wing icons.  Trump and Pelosi.  Bush and Obama.  Hannity and Maddow.    I promise you if that happened, mask use wouldn't be political, we would have wide scale adoption, and we would be kicking this virus's butt.
I'll go with that 1st part(ty), but I don't want to "cross paths" with you, I would prefer to engage and have a discussion. 

With you on 9/11, that had a common enemy that almost everyone could see in plain sight, this is different I think. 

And I wish I could agree with you on the last paragraph but that train has left the station a long time ago I'm afraid. There's a whole other matter that got crushed into the CV-19 and doesn't get spoken about much because we can't and keep things in the FFA. I'm sure you know what I mean. 

There's a whole "I can't breathe" undertone down here in Florida and people are mixing the police being defunded and NEW DAYS, NEW ORDER, NEW WORLD, not everyone likes change and I'll share this with you, my son has a set of Grandparents he takes care of, I asked him to move out for their safety and I got a rough phone call from that side of the family saying "I would rather die happy and see my grandson everyday than be miserable and die alone" You are a compassionate person, that must hit you with some sort of view point that perhaps we're(including myself in this) not thinking about because we are so jacked up on (pick a news network) and we forget that this is America and it has never been 1-Way. I don't think everyone wanted us to go to war after 9/11, the country wasn't united for long. 

I do think it really depends on what part of the country you live in, where I am right now it's suicide to go indoors and not protect yourself, it's almost as bad just trying to get in and out of essentials like grocery stores where they do require a mask be worn.  

I'll share this so you understand how painful this is for many of us. I used to love going into my grocery store, in fact MOP was a frequent shopper at several grocery spots and I love picking out my food and herbs and buying fresh and cooking it that day and now I won't even go in them if I can avoid it. A part of my life that I really enjoyed, picking out my fruit and looking at melons in the stores has been totally destroyed. 

I do.  I don't believe my mask is stopping that air from entering my lungs.
And this is the problem.  People actually still think the mask is for their protection.  It's this ignorance that's the problem.  The mask isn't about stopping air from entering your lungs, it's about respiratory droplets leaving your mouth and entering my lungs.  So that if you have it and have no symptoms the people around you are less likely to breathe it in.

Also - I don't want to come off as anti mask.  I am not.

Of course these internet debates devolve into that.

I am simply arguing that I think distancing should be the focus, as opposed to the media focus on masks.  If you keep proper distancing, you render masks largely irrelevant.
this infers that the average, american idiot, is practicing distancing. :lmao:   not in my neck of the woods.  and i'm in CA!

Topic:  Are airbags effective?  

Matuski:  i wear a seatbelt.  Don't forget about seatbelts.  I don't think airbags are necessary.  I wear a seatbelt.  Everyone should wear a seatbelt.    
Not quite.  It would be more like "I wear a seatbelt.  They are FAR more necessary than airbags are, but both are necessary.  People think that because of airbags you can skip the seatbelt but that's not true, because an airbag isn't going to keep you in the car when you hit another car head-on at 40 MPH.  The two things serve different, important functions."

He's not advocating not wearing masks.  He's advocating staying far enough apart that the masks don't have to be relied up.  I literally saw a guy standing in line at the grocery right next to someone else and when they tried to distance he said "it's ok, I have a mask on".  That's patently wrong and that's the point he's making. 

I'll go with that 1st part(ty), but I don't want to "cross paths" with you, I would prefer to engage and have a discussion. 

With you on 9/11, that had a common enemy that almost everyone could see in plain sight, this is different I think. 

And I wish I could agree with you on the last paragraph but that train has left the station a long time ago I'm afraid. There's a whole other matter that got crushed into the CV-19 and doesn't get spoken about much because we can't and keep things in the FFA. I'm sure you know what I mean. 

There's a whole "I can't breathe" undertone down here in Florida and people are mixing the police being defunded and NEW DAYS, NEW ORDER, NEW WORLD, not everyone likes change and I'll share this with you, my son has a set of Grandparents he takes care of, I asked him to move out for their safety and I got a rough phone call from that side of the family saying "I would rather die happy and see my grandson everyday than be miserable and die alone" You are a compassionate person, that must hit you with some sort of view point that perhaps we're(including myself in this) not thinking about because we are so jacked up on (pick a news network) and we forget that this is America and it has never been 1-Way. I don't think everyone wanted us to go to war after 9/11, the country wasn't united for long. 

I do think it really depends on what part of the country you live in, where I am right now it's suicide to go indoors and not protect yourself, it's almost as bad just trying to get in and out of essentials like grocery stores where they do require a mask be worn.  

I'll share this so you understand how painful this is for many of us. I used to love going into my grocery store, in fact MOP was a frequent shopper at several grocery spots and I love picking out my food and herbs and buying fresh and cooking it that day and now I won't even go in them if I can avoid it. A part of my life that I really enjoyed, picking out my fruit and looking at melons in the stores has been totally destroyed. 
There is no reason COVID shouldn't be a common enemy.  It kills republicans and democrats the same.  Somehow along the line, some of us abandoned belief in science and instead think everything is political and if the other party is for it, they must be against it.  And then, they have the nerve to call the first party lemmings.

I know your area of FL is a HQ for (1) old people set in their ways, incapable of understanding the world can change (2) weirdo conspiracy theorists.  I get it, but its not OK and we shouldn't make excuses for them.  It would help tremendously if we had a unified message.  Maybe it works, maybe not.  Maybe it works for 90% of the people and maybe thats good enough.

And yes I'm pissed about this.  I look at our numbers and i understand why my kids schooling is up in the air.  I coach wrestling at the local HS...no way that should happen with this going around.  All HS sports, really.  No school dances, band, etc.  A good year of my kids lives will be spent social distanced.

And i look at other countries, who have it under control.  What is Germany doing that we aren't?  

We could be back to normal.  We could be almost normal right now.  But no, we were not capable of staying home long enough or doing something as simple as wearing a mask.  More to the point, our leadership has turned public health into a political football.  Its disgusting.
That has got to be one painful process right now. I can't imagine you want your kids going to school if it has to be with all these safety measures making them feel awkward at best. There are some things where I just say I won't do them because of how the mask mandate is being handled or how some places are interpreting and running things. 

My Tennis center is run by a fairly old man who has health conditions that won't allow him to even play anymore and he is making policies that are forcing some players to quit the center all together and I find that sad. One of them is he is requiring players to wear the mask OUTSIDE from their cars to the courts and then BACK ON after they leave the tennis courts...almost no other tennis center is doing this. In fact almost nowhere in all of Palm Beach are they asking anyone to wear a mask outside. His reasonings are not clear and players are sweating in 105 heat indexes here in South Florida and they want folks to put on a mask hot n sweaty and out of breath and in need of water which has been turned off on the courts...I'm about at that point where I need to just say "I'll just stay home" and the tennis center loses a membership, big deal they won't ever miss it. I'm convinced they don't want us there. 

 As players: We don't high five any more, we just tap strings. We don't gather in the middle on changeovers, I actually don't sit down but if I need a drink from my own water I bring, I wait until others are moving along and then I grab a quick sip before we start. I don't have little meetings on the court to strategize. We don't gather and sip beers afterwards, a sorely missed part of men's tennis. 

Back to the kids, it sucks, no way around it. I would hate to try and have my kid learn at home but I would try and do it more as home schooling and oversee it personally. This generation of kids is going to lose a lot of time int he classroom that will be difficult to make up. 

Our parents and grandparents were drafted to fight in wars and many of the same people who wont wear a mask call draft dodgers anti-American #######, hippies and commies.

Wear a ####in mask!

Why are some of you not as enraged over the 6 feet social distancing? I find that to be a lot more offensive than anything. 

And FTR: I have been a 6 foot distance person FOR A LONG TIME...I used to get livid at the grocery store in line when someone would try and push behind me, let me explain...the line of groceries won't go any faster and I don't bunch them up together so you can grab the magic yellow stick and start loading yours on, just wait until i am at least a step or two down the cashier's aisle, now they have these wonderful Green Xs and all I have to do is point and clear my throat. 

I'm not going to lie, I love the social distancing being implemented, I have always felt my personal space was being violated for years and it's been getting progressively worse. Even if this thing runs its course and folks go back to what they were doing, I am going to be a social distancing lifer. 

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