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Anti-maskers, can we talk about why? (2 Viewers)

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it's virtue signaling to wear a mask?
Mask wearing has become the signal.

When it shouldn't be.  Distance.... distance.

This is where the cynic in me comes out.  You see the stories mocking churches/beaches/bars for large gatherings, then the next link is celebrating and supporting the protests (but they are wearing masks).

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it's virtue signaling to wear a mask?
In some cases, yes.  I was one of several people* filmed for a back-to-school video today, and we were all instructed to wear masks to "set an example."  I went along with it because I'm a conformist, but honestly that was pretty dumb.  Nobody was going to be infected with covid by watching me talk masklessly on Youtube.

Masks are good.  So is science.

* To clarify, each of us was interviewed individually, not together.  It would have made sense to wear masks if we were together at the time.

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I wear my mask at indoor public places like grocery store, target etc...  I definitely don’t wear a mask at outdoor public places like the park or just out riding my bike. Makes no sense to wear them outside. What’s really silly are the folks wearing them in their cars.

that's an interesting take i hadn't thought of before.

i look at it as a pretty clear choice and don't put thought in to like "look at me being better than you". my thoughts are "i have two kids and an old mother in law who watches them. i don't want to risk getting sick, or risk them getting sick because i'm not careful."


I wear my mask at indoor public places like grocery store, target etc...  I definitely don’t wear a mask at outdoor public places like the park or just out riding my bike. Makes no sense to wear them outside. What’s really silly are the folks wearing them in their cars.
my mother is extremely worried about it and even she doesn't make us wear one when we go for walks. she was a nurse and has a lung disease and i have cancer.

We were told for many weeks that a mask only protected me if I was healthy and the sick person was wearing it.  Much of what I've seen seems to indicate that spreaders are symptomatic.  If I'm symptomatic I'm quarantining and not interacting with people at all till I test negative.  So why wear the mask.

The modified face jock strap my mother in law made me is doing no good, I'm convinced.  I wear it in public buildings because it apparently makes others more comfortable and I really do care enough to not make peoples' lives more difficult.  But I don't think it's doing one bit of good for me to wear it.

ETA: I DO believe in distancing.  Pretty much in agreement with Matuski.  It's the overwhelming group think that masks are the answer that is grating.  But again I go along to get along.
Nothing personal but I'll defer to Fauci on this.  

that's an interesting take i hadn't thought of before.

i look at it as a pretty clear choice and don't put thought in to like "look at me being better than you". my thoughts are "i have two kids and an old mother in law who watches them. i don't want to risk getting sick, or risk them getting sick because i'm not careful."

If you are in a position where you can't distance, this is reasonable.  Totally logical.

If you are in an empty store and someone isn't wearing a mask?  You run into a likelihood where you are judging them and they are worried about being judged.  These are the videos CNN and reddit love.

Just go around and do you. 

Unless the non mask wearer is coughing all over the place.  Then post it to reddit and CNN.

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We were told for many weeks that a mask only protected me if I was healthy and the sick person was wearing it. 
we also once believed that women could drink while pregnant and nothing would happen to the baby as a result

and that only gay men could get AIDS through anal sex

science works to prove and disprove so that we can learn. knowledge evolves. holding on to a point that nobody argued was a hard fact when we have had time to learn given new information is... weird.

that's an interesting take i hadn't thought of before.

i look at it as a pretty clear choice and don't put thought in to like "look at me being better than you". my thoughts are "i have two kids and an old mother in law who watches them. i don't want to risk getting sick, or risk them getting sick because i'm not careful."

This is normal.  Those taking it somewhere else are injecting politics where it doesn't need to be.  

It's definitely not still up for "logical" debate.  There are people who think their andecdotes and feelings should trump science and advice from experts, however.  
There is absolutely a logical argument, based largely on science .. made here in this thread.

Not on whether masks help, but to what degree. 

Logical observations of people not wearing them correctly.  Not caring for them correctly.  Etc.

I assume a good chunk of people read that wearing a mask protects other people, not yourself and decide they just don't give a ####.  
I agree and it's probably easy for people to say people with our mindset don't get something or understand, etc, but, honestly, I see people not wearing a mask and I'm kind of predispositioned to think of those people as very self-serving, at worst, or just ignorant, at best. It's unfortunate because I hate to think that way but what kind of line of thinking can you have when you see fellow humans out there that won't do such a small thing to help us all?  We don't have to know one another to extend to our communities. Can't we just do it and call it one of those Goodwill things?  

I wear a mask in stores and other public places to get along.  Because I am expected to.

I don't wear them because I feel better about myself, or necessarily becasue I feel they are necessary.

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Your point?  Wearing masks have proven to reduce the spread of Covid.  Why you keep bringing up extraneous things is beyond me.
Please read my posts.

Nothing "extraneous" about them.

Point is clear and consistent.

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He actively encouraged people not to wear them. 
Haven’t read him in about a week; he may have been suspended. 
He was one that I was thinking of, but could have sworn that he said he wore one inside, but didn't want to be TOLD to do so, and thought it was dumb to even suggest wearing it while outside walking.  

(oh, and please don't batsignal those PSF folk into the FFA ;)  )

Please read my posts.

Nothing "extraneous" about them.
Topic:  Are airbags effective?  

Matuski:  i wear a seatbelt.  Don't forget about seatbelts.  I don't think airbags are necessary.  I wear a seatbelt.  Everyone should wear a seatbelt.    

Topic:  Are airbags effective?  

Matuski:  i wear a seatbelt.  Don't forget about seatbelts.  I don't think airbags are necessary.  I wear a seatbelt.  Everyone should wear a seatbelt.    
Now you are going PSF.

Please don't.

Not a good look.

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No, I wear masks everyday in ORs.

I feel that there are enough people doing it wrong that it is wrong to proclaim/promote mask wearing as a catch all solution.  Distance is the catch all solution.

I am trained that my mask rapidly loses efficacy beyond 30 minutes.  I can't imagine the homemade versions do better than the ones I grab before cases in the OR.
Agree about the distance...if we could all do that we like be better off but that seems impossible for many different good and not good reasons.  

On the masks, though, even if they only hold up for 30 minutes on average (some shorter, some longer, etc), wouldn't it be better to wear one and get ANY benefit it may offer? It may fail on the 2nd hour but it may protect the people encountered during the first, etc? 

On a re,aged note, there was info released yesterday saying that the two piece cloth (usually homemade) ones actually did better than the other non-professional medical grades because it prevented travel of droplets at about 2.5 feet vs. the basic disposables (6 feet,), bandanas (8), etc.  I guess I'm on the thought that if I just help one person, it's worth it to me because that one person won't get it, won't spread it to 1-2 others, etc.  

He was one that I was thinking of, but could have sworn that he said he wore one inside, but didn't want to be TOLD to do so, and thought it was dumb to even suggest wearing it while outside walking.  

(oh, and please don't batsignal those PSF folk into the FFA ;)  )
This is my recollection as well, but I don't last more than 45 minutes in a thread there.

I thought the purpose of the mask is to prevent what you're exhaling from getting into the air.  If everyone is wearing a mask in a store, what's getting on my mask that I shouldn't touch?
That's the eoart that is lost on so many (unexplainable to me).  It requires ALL people to help...a "United we stand" thing that many don't seem tomcare for right now.

that's an interesting take i hadn't thought of before.

i look at it as a pretty clear choice and don't put thought in to like "look at me being better than you". my thoughts are "i have two kids and an old mother in law who watches them. i don't want to risk getting sick, or risk them getting sick because i'm not careful."

I think people are taking that stance though.  The mask is more for others than it is for you.   I started wearing them because through this whole time both the wife and I have been working, and her clinic takes 0 precautions for COVID, so IMO I was at a higher risk to walk around with it, so I figured that was appropriate.   

That said, I have seen posts and comments on the lines of "you're welcome" from other people wearing a mask, and that's when the signaling from one side comes into play a little bit.  Don't need to be a #### about it, just wear the thing.  Like others have said, the signal from the other side is a bit on the "i'm not scared of this" side.   There were jokes in the other forum on the lines of scared libs hiding inside, and that's some of the signaling going on from the non-mask side.  

On a re,aged note, there was info released yesterday saying that the two piece cloth (usually homemade) ones actually did better than the other non-professional medical grades because it prevented travel of droplets at about 2.5 feet vs. the basic disposables (6 feet,), bandanas (8), etc.  I guess I'm on the thought that if I just help one person, it's worth it to me because that one person won't get it, won't spread it to 1-2 others, etc.  
This can run down a path of all the things we don't do even if they can help one person.

Again - not anti mask. 

Everyday there are multiple things we don't do despite the concept that it may help one person.  There is also a practical element to the decisions we make daily, even on an unconscious level.

i don't see or hear that at all. anywhere.
I do.  Unfortunately.

I don't have to venture beyond FBG (PSF is a glaring example).  But certainly I see it in the media coverage (referenced before).  It has become so political they have decided to go with masks as the pivotal argument, because they can't go with distancing.

Now the right is anti mask for political/religious reasons (the constitution/bible LOL), and while the left has science on its side - chooses to go the shaming route instead of civil, often for political reasons.

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I do.  Unfortunately.

I don't have to venture beyond FBG (PSF is a glaring example).  But certainly I see it in the media coverage (referenced before).  It has become so political they have decided to go with masks as the pivotal argument, because they can't go with distancing.
Perhaps you could start a thread to discuss why people don't social distance.  This one is about why people don't wear masks.  TIA.

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Perhaps you could start a thread to discuss why people don't social distance.  This one is about why people don't wear masks.  TIA.
You keep bringing it back to a personal level.  The PSF loves this tactic.

I don't recall you as a poster here, I can assure you there is nothing personal on my end.

Again - my posts are clear and consistent.  Encourage you to make an attempt to read them.

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I do.  Unfortunately.

I don't have to venture beyond FBG (PSF is a glaring example).  But certainly I see it in the media coverage (referenced before).  It has become so political they have decided to go with masks as the pivotal argument, because they can't go with distancing.
I hear you loud and clear, I really do.  I think the bolded is the sticking point though, and I think it's really hard for most stores or businesses to incorporate proper distancing and/or or follow through with that and maintain any resemblance to normal business.  I think that's why the mask thing is the big issue it is, and why people probably push for that over the distancing aspect and think they should be mandatory indoors.  That's also why I was so frustrated about that when business wanted to open up and we wanted to get the economy back, but didn't want to take all the measures we could to make that happen.  

I don't go out much, but I can't imagine many grocery stores being able to maintain that 6' apart throughout the whole store.  Same with the few other stores I've been to.  

I hear you loud and clear, I really do.  I think the bolded is the sticking point though, and I think it's really hard for most stores or businesses to incorporate proper distancing and/or or follow through with that and maintain any resemblance to normal business.  I think that's why the mask thing is the big issue it is, and why people probably push for that over the distancing aspect and think they should be mandatory indoors.  That's also why I was so frustrated about that when business wanted to open up and we wanted to get the economy back, but didn't want to take all the measures we could to make that happen.  

I don't go out much, but I can't imagine many grocery stores being able to maintain that 6' apart throughout the whole store.  Same with the few other stores I've been to.  
Right, so wear a mask when you need to.

I do.  Unfortunately.

I don't have to venture beyond FBG (PSF is a glaring example).  But certainly I see it in the media coverage (referenced before).  It has become so political they have decided to go with masks as the pivotal argument, because they can't go with distancing.

Now the right is anti mask for political/religious reasons (the constitution/bible LOL), and while the left has science on its side - chooses to go the shaming route instead of civil, often for political reasons.
Honestly, i don't understand your position.  Are you pro masks or anti-masks?  Its a simple question and "distance is better" is not an answer to the above.

You keep bringing it back to a personal level.  The PSF loves this tactic.

I don't recall you as a poster here, I can assure you there is nothing personal on my end.

Again - my posts are clear and consistent.  Encourage you to make an attempt to read them.
Wtf are you talking about, personal?  I'm asking you to stay on topic.  We're talking about why people aren't wearing masks and you're trying to grind some axe about social distancing.  It's that simple.  

anyone not wearing a mask indoors at a store is a DBAG.
It turned a corner now around Madison (probably as people realized it was going to be mandatory soon), but I must live around a lot of those people because up until about 2 weeks ago, I was for sure in the minority of people that had a mask on.  Target, grocery store, didn't matter.  It's still that way outside of Dane Co now, since Dane is the only one in the area that buckled down again.  

Wtf are you talking about, personal?  I'm asking you to stay on topic.  We're talking about why people aren't wearing masks and you're trying to grind some axe about social distancing.  It's that simple.  
Oh, ok.

I am responding to quotes and questions.  On topic.

Thank you for policing the thread.  Helpful.

I am not an anti masker... I am anti mask-as-dogma.  It should be distance, distance distance distance distance..... wash your hands and wear a mask when you cant distance.

Masks fall far behind distancing, and behind washing your hands imo.

Logical reasons being so many of us wear them wrong, don't wash them, touch our faces more when they are on.... AND questionable efficacy beyond short time frames.  A mask you have been breathing on for a while is wet, a wet mask is attracting and sticking stuff to your face.
Whatever Matsui says

Thanks to local mandates over the last couple of weeks, almost everyone in my area is wearing masks indoors.  It's nice to see everyone on the same page and with more time it will become more routine and less of an inconvenience.  

So nobody in here claims to be, but there are many people who don't wear them, so why?  Reasons I seem to be getting from posts or limited SM:

1.  they barely do anything

2.  everybody is going to get this/be exposed to this anyway. 

3.  religious 

4.  more the tough guy route - I am healthy, it's not a big deal, etc.. 

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