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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Thread (1 Viewer)

Can you please elaborate on why this is obvious? 

AOC is "financially independent" from the establishment Democrats. She's also funding the freshman members of The Squad and lending her platform to get other Progressives into the daily media cycle. At her age and given she's fighting a two front war (establishment Democrats want her crushed and compliant since they can't control her, the GOP wants her crushed because her policies don't align with their core policies) ,  that's actually pretty impressive.

The majority of her fundraising is done through small level donations. She has to generate them in volume. A disproportionate amount of her budget goes to social media advertisements/engagement. While this gives her quite a big of cover from Big Social Media ( terrifying that her platform and Prager U's platform get basic immunity since they spend more than anyone else, think about how dangerous that becomes for our future with the First Amendment), it requires the rinse/repeat cycle used by any basic social media star/influencer/YouTuber.

In effect, she needs to engage in almost consistent shock marketing to keep her fundraising up and to effectively finance her campaign and office and support the Progressives. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will not live forever to cover AOC's flanks.  Only Ilhan Omar can say she's generating enough fundraising to be independent on her own ( The word is "cartel", Omar runs her district like an open cartel), the rest are basically dependent on "AOC's Social Assistance" )

You can't build a CONSISTENT political platform on shock marketing. You are forced to sway with the tide of social media driven outrage.

When AOC got into office, she immediately went on the attack against Big Pharma. Which was the smart decision by her media staff. Going after Big Pharma and Big Medicine at that point was a political softball. But that's her wheelhouse - Political softballs and things so far into the theoretical spectrum ( i.e. Green New Deal) that they don't pose much of a real threat at true policy change. But now? She won't go 5 million feet near Big Pharma and Big Medicine.

Here's the problem AOC has for the long haul. If she wants to run for POTUS, she needs money from big donors but moreso she needs their leverage to get true delegate support. She might be inherit most of the delegates that were loyal to Bernie Sanders but that's not enough. She needs establishment Democrat level money to push forward. Except the Progressives and especially Omar are linked with Anti-Semetic leanings. You can't get big money donors if you piss off the Jewish establishment in and around Big Finance in America. It also cuts off Hollywood to her as well as major elements of Big Education.

AOC goes to the Met Gala to court big money donors but they won't really do more than give her lip service because you don't go to war with the Jewish establishment in Big Finance in America and walk away whole.

Looking at her ethnic background, and given the struggles her mother had with Big Medicine after her father died, what did AOC really do about the Border Crisis? She has the clout in the daily media cycle to permanently threaten the Hispanic/Latino vote for establishment Democrats but she did nothing.

There's nothing "Progressive" about playing it safe. AOC plays it very very very safe but wants to make it appear that she's somehow dynamic against the establishment.  Playing it safe politically doesn't actually serve the American people. AOC could have made a big difference in the Border Crisis, but it was not the "smart" political decision. However was it the "right" decision, i.e. doing what is morally right for her own people rooting from her own background.

What does Shepard Book say? If you can't do something smart, at least do something right.

Bill Parcells said it best about situations like this - If I'm so worried all the time about saving my job, I'm not actually doing my job.

If AOC actually cared about the average American, she'd choose to be more than a softball hitter.


The ENTIRE mantra of our federal government is "do as I say, not as I do".  This is a UNIFYING principle between the parties.  The inner fight some of you must be having trying to resist the reality of the "sides" making up the coin must be incredibly depressing.


The ENTIRE mantra of our federal government is "do as I say, not as I do".  This is a UNIFYING principle between the parties.  The inner fight some of you must be having trying to resist the reality of the "sides" making up the coin must be incredibly depressing.

So you're in here ripping on the GOP/Conservatives every day, but when you got someone on YOUR side doing something entirely shallow, self-serving and hypocritical suddenly it's "Well, the other side is doing it too" or "it's no big deal because that's how the system is".  :doh:

Your shtick is frustrating, to say the least.  If you were consistent in your criticism you would have a point, but you're not.

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So you're in here ripping on the GOP/Conservatives every day, but when you got someone on YOUR side doing something entirely shallow, self-serving and hypocritical suddenly it's "Well, the other side is doing it too" or "it's no big deal because that's how the system is".  :doh:

Your shtick is frustrating, to say the least.  If you were consistent in your criticism you would have a point, but you're not.

What you quoted has been my position since the days of old yeller.  My "side" isn't represented on this board or in Washington DC in any meaningful way.  Those positions have been pretty much silences by all the whining and pissing by those of you who refuse to acknowledge you are merely two "sides" of the same coin.

Keep building those straw men and attacking them with the veracity of a thousand virgins though :thumbup:  
You really have no idea what my positions are.  We've never discussed them and it's clear you don't read my replies to others all that well.

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What you quoted has been my position since the days of old yeller.  My "side" isn't represented on this board or in


DC in any meaningful way.  Those positions have been pretty much silences by all the whining and pissing by those of you who refuse to acknowledge you are merely two "sides" of the same coin.

Keep building those straw men and attacking them with the veracity of a thousand virgins though :thumbup:  
You really have no idea what my positions are.  We've never discussed them and it's clear you don't read my replies to others all that well.

Yeah, you're just like Sho - a true "independent".  He claims the same thing.

Oy vey.  :doh:

Ah, the good ol "you disagree with me so the only possibly is that you are a lefty and probably a Marxist!".  I'm guessing BR doesn't think any posters are independent. 

AOC: The Sneaky Capitalist

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York may play the role of the young, clear-eyed socialist. The scourge of capitalists everywhere.

But when it comes to generating wealth for herself and her friends, she is as shrewd and conniving as the most unscrupulous oil baron.

The congresswoman caused a minor sensation this week with her appearance at the 2021 Metropolitan Museum of Art's annual Costume Institute Gala, one of the most ostentatious annual gatherings of the aggressively wealthy.

Ocasio-Cortez attended the event wearing a designer dress bearing the slogan, “Tax the rich.” She also posed for photos holding a $995 handbag emblazoned with the same phrase. The dress and the handbag were provided by Brother Vellies founder Aurora James, a Canadian-born designer whom the congresswoman weirdly describes as a “black woman immigrant.”

Aurora James, by the way, is dating the billionaire Seagram heir Benjamin Bronfman. 

Following the gala, which charges between $30,000 and $35,000 per ticket, the congresswoman was criticized for participating in the annual display of extravagant wealth. Ocasio-Cortez defended her decision, claiming no contradiction between her gala attendance and her espoused beliefs regarding taxation and wealth inequality. The Met, which receives federal funding, clarified it comped the congresswoman’s ticket.

Right after the gala, the congresswoman’s office sent out a fundraising email, encouraging supporters to buy Ocasio-Cortez-branded T-shirts and hoodies emblazoned with the same “Tax the rich” slogan she promoted at the Met. The T-shirts cost $27.00 apiece, while the hoodies cost $58.00

Brother Vellies's website now offers a “customized” version of the $995 handbag Ocasio-Cortez sported at the one percenter party. The product listing for the “Tax the rich” handbag includes the line, “As seen at the 2021 MET Gala.” The product listing also includes a photo of the congresswoman modeling the handbag at the gala.

Just so we’re all on the same page: Ocasio-Cortez, a supposed advocate for the working class, attended a gathering best known for its flagrant displays of extravagant wealth. She attended wearing a designer dress borrowed from the girlfriend of the billionaire Seagram heir. The congresswoman, whose admission was waived by the taxpayer-subsidized Met, also showed up to the event toting a customized $995 “Tax the rich” handbag, likewise provided by the Canadian-born designer.

Ocasio-Cortez’s office then responded to criticism of her presence at the gala by sending an email hawking her own “Tax the Rich”-branded merchandise. Now, Ocasio-Cortez’s designer friend is using the congresswoman’s appearance at the 2021 Met Gala, including a photo, to advertise $995.00 “Tax the rich”-branded handbags.

Everyone is getting paid. Well, everyone except for the working-class people Ocasio-Cortez claims to represent.
I thought plagiarism was frowned upon here

Yeah, you're just like Sho - a true "independent".  He claims the same thing.

Oy vey.  :doh:
You wont do it, but you can actually ask me about my positions and set the record straight. 

Im just assuming you wont go back and read them as theyve been stated already....many times

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I can appreciate a good joke when I see one!   Good work, J!  :thumbup:

Although, other members of the crowd you run with might call you a misogynist or accuse you of promoting rape-culture, I certainly would never do that because I, well, appreciate humor.  :)
I would have been impressed if you had left it unpolitical with just your first response.  But not surprised.

Oh well, glad you appreciated it.

DocHolliday said:
I despise most politicians from both parties.  The part that bothers me about AOC is that she is a huge hypocrite.  She acts like she is on team peasant while she is working feverishly to gain more power and wealth so that she can gain more power and wealth.   This quest for power and wealth has to be obvious to even her biggest fans after she attends such an extravagant Galla wearing a designer gown and carrying a designer handbag.   AOC isn’t even trying to hide anything now.   She knows the suckers have been hooked.    
Exactly.  She has done a masterful job in becoming the liberal and female Donald Trump.   

You wont do it, but you can actually ask me about my positions and set the record straight. 

Im just assuming you wont go back and read them as theyve been stated already....many times
I've stated a few times that a big problem with these threads is that people after all these years probably can't accurately state what others' positions on issues are.    I get that there are a decent number of people posting in here, but it's either that people aren't bothering to talk about and post their positions on issues or people can't be bothered to read and digest those positions and just go to the shorthand of "sides".    

That's a really odd comparison.  
Both love and seek attention, both love playing the victim and lashing out at the tiniest bit of criticism, both love Tweeting and making outlandish proclamations, both have rather extreme ideas that their supporters see as bold but the majority know have little to no chance of being accomplished, both have been highly successful at pulling the wool over the eyes of their many supporters.  Shall I go on? 

I've stated a few times that a big problem with these threads is that people after all these years probably can't accurately state what others' positions on issues are.    I get that there are a decent number of people posting in here, but it's either that people aren't bothering to talk about and post their positions on issues or people can't be bothered to read and digest those positions and just go to the shorthand of "sides".    
Many here look at the poster and just assume. "Hey, he didnt agree with me before so he doesnt now. Hes on the other side"

Its really stupid

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Both love and seek attention, both love playing the victim and lashing out at the tiniest bit of criticism, both love Tweeting and making outlandish proclamations, both have rather extreme ideas that their supporters see as bold but the majority know have little to no chance of being accomplished, both have been highly successful at pulling the wool over the eyes of their many supporters.  Shall I go on? 

And both want to be rich and famous, except one admits it and one pretends she really wants to help you out and is fighting for you.

Neither are fighting for you. Neither want to help you.  Both want it all for themselves.

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Shes an idiot and spews nonsense to the detriment of her party

She's not an idiot. If she was actually an idiot, I'd certainly call her that.

Her situation in professional politics is completely unique. She's also gotten a crap ton of luck that went her way her entire political career.

Here's one thing she did very smart - She hired arguably the best media optics team in all of American professional politics today. She has 2-3 people working for her I'd classify as almost lethal. I'd still crush them but relative to experience and skill set, she has some Tier 1 pipe hitters. She was smart enough to hire and be willing to spend big to pay people smarter than her to provide her with overwatch in the daily media cycle.

There are legitimately several things she's said and done that would have ended the political careers of others very quickly. She spends so much on social media ad space that Big Social Media provides her with almost the most comprehensive pure cover of any "name brand" politician today. That actually should scare the living #### out of everyone here. If you spend enough with Big Social Media, and with so much of the daily media cycle going through them, they will wash all your dirty laundry into something clean for you.

Imagine if Sansa Stark was Queen Regent of Westeros and her advisory council was Jon Arryn, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Lord Varys and Maester Aemon. Sansa Stark had no malice in her. She was purely dumb and naive, but she wasn't stupid. She was too arrogant and small minded but she wasn't unrealistic. She wasn't tactical, but she was actually pretty lucky most of the time.

Why would AOC care about the rest of her Party? The establishment Democrats only see her as "that loud brown girl just good enough to clean their bathrooms" It's in her interest to see establishment Democrats take massive hits in 2022 Mid Terms. That gives her a chance to build up Progressive candidates loyal to her to try to pry the seats back in a future cycle if the GOP takes them.

AOC is an asset the establishment Democrats don't know how to weaponize. Pelosi stabbed one of her own loyalists, Crowley, in the back to give this upstart her seat. But without any form of leverage or control over her.

It's pretty interesting that I'm a hard line Conservative and I'm generally the only person here talking about practical political strategy regarding AOC. Whether or not you agree with her politics, she's actually worth keeping tabs on because she does operate mostly outside of the control of DNC HQ and the Obama/Biden/Harris/Rice faction. She may have more actual "freedom" than any other name brand politician in office today.

She's not an idiot. If she was actually an idiot, I'd certainly call her that.

Her situation in professional politics is completely unique. She's also gotten a crap ton of luck that went her way her entire political career.

Here's one thing she did very smart - She hired arguably the best media optics team in all of American professional politics today. She has 2-3 people working for her I'd classify as almost lethal. I'd still crush them but relative to experience and skill set, she has some Tier 1 pipe hitters. She was smart enough to hire and be willing to spend big to pay people smarter than her to provide her with overwatch in the daily media cycle.

There are legitimately several things she's said and done that would have ended the political careers of others very quickly. She spends so much on social media ad space that Big Social Media provides her with almost the most comprehensive pure cover of any "name brand" politician today. That actually should scare the living #### out of everyone here. If you spend enough with Big Social Media, and with so much of the daily media cycle going through them, they will wash all your dirty laundry into something clean for you.

Imagine if Sansa Stark was Queen Regent of Westeros and her advisory council was Jon Arryn, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Lord Varys and Maester Aemon. Sansa Stark had no malice in her. She was purely dumb and naive, but she wasn't stupid. She was too arrogant and small minded but she wasn't unrealistic. She wasn't tactical, but she was actually pretty lucky most of the time.

Why would AOC care about the rest of her Party? The establishment Democrats only see her as "that loud brown girl just good enough to clean their bathrooms" It's in her interest to see establishment Democrats take massive hits in 2022 Mid Terms. That gives her a chance to build up Progressive candidates loyal to her to try to pry the seats back in a future cycle if the GOP takes them.

AOC is an asset the establishment Democrats don't know how to weaponize. Pelosi stabbed one of her own loyalists, Crowley, in the back to give this upstart her seat. But without any form of leverage or control over her.

It's pretty interesting that I'm a hard line Conservative and I'm generally the only person here talking about practical political strategy regarding AOC. Whether or not you agree with her politics, she's actually worth keeping tabs on because she does operate mostly outside of the control of DNC HQ and the Obama/Biden/


/Rice faction. She may have more actual "freedom" than any other name brand politician in office today.

Another great post, GG.  👍

But we can't also forget that one of the reasons to keep tabs on her (and the rest of her "crew") is because she's peddling one of the most dangerous ideologies known to man.  It all starts out with cute little "tax the rich" slogans, but ends up with what we've seen in the entirety of the 20th century.

Much like Bernie, Warren and the others, first it was "the rich" who were the problem.  Once they became rich, then it was the "ultra rich" who were the problem.  Once they became "ultra rich", the real problem then became "the ultra ultra rich".  Once they became "ultra ultra rich", then the real problem was "the wealthy".

See the pattern here?

She's a typical Socialist - she wants power, money and fame and will fool the lemmings into thinking that she HAS to do all that because she's "fighting for you".  That couldn't be further from the truth.

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She's not an idiot. If she was actually an idiot, I'd certainly call her that.

Her situation in professional politics is completely unique. She's also gotten a crap ton of luck that went her way her entire political career.

Here's one thing she did very smart - She hired arguably the best media optics team in all of American professional politics today. She has 2-3 people working for her I'd classify as almost lethal. I'd still crush them but relative to experience and skill set, she has some Tier 1 pipe hitters. She was smart enough to hire and be willing to spend big to pay people smarter than her to provide her with overwatch in the daily media cycle.

There are legitimately several things she's said and done that would have ended the political careers of others very quickly. She spends so much on social media ad space that Big Social Media provides her with almost the most comprehensive pure cover of any "name brand" politician today. That actually should scare the living #### out of everyone here. If you spend enough with Big Social Media, and with so much of the daily media cycle going through them, they will wash all your dirty laundry into something clean for you.

Imagine if Sansa Stark was Queen Regent of Westeros and her advisory council was Jon Arryn, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Lord Varys and Maester Aemon. Sansa Stark had no malice in her. She was purely dumb and naive, but she wasn't stupid. She was too arrogant and small minded but she wasn't unrealistic. She wasn't tactical, but she was actually pretty lucky most of the time.

Why would AOC care about the rest of her Party? The establishment Democrats only see her as "that loud brown girl just good enough to clean their bathrooms" It's in her interest to see establishment Democrats take massive hits in 2022 Mid Terms. That gives her a chance to build up Progressive candidates loyal to her to try to pry the seats back in a future cycle if the GOP takes them.

AOC is an asset the establishment Democrats don't know how to weaponize. Pelosi stabbed one of her own loyalists, Crowley, in the back to give this upstart her seat. But without any form of leverage or control over her.

It's pretty interesting that I'm a hard line Conservative and I'm generally the only person here talking about practical political strategy regarding AOC. Whether or not you agree with her politics, she's actually worth keeping tabs on because she does operate mostly outside of the control of DNC HQ and the Obama/Biden/Harris/Rice faction. She may have more actual "freedom" than any other name brand politician in office today.

Was watching a show about Cortez and how she was handpicked to run for Congress against an incumbant fellow Dem who also would have won easily.

Cortez and her core values do not really match up with the Dems but more with socialist views.  But a Socialist Party or a Progressive party would get destroyed and never have a chance so she has to hitch a ride with the Dems. Truth be known Cortez despises Pelosi and the old guard and the feelings are mutual.

Was watching a show about Cortez and how she was handpicked to run for Congress against an incumbant fellow Dem who also would have won easily.

Cortez and her core values do not really match up with the Dems but more with socialist views.  But a Socialist Party or a Progressive party would get destroyed and never have a chance so she has to hitch a ride with the Dems. Truth be known Cortez despises Pelosi and the old guard and the feelings are mutual.
If only we could get the Trumplicans to feel the same way about their fringe....then maybe us Centrists in this country could actually get back to governing and living like adults.  

Was watching a show about Cortez and how she was handpicked to run for Congress against an incumbant fellow Dem who also would have won easily.

Cortez and her core values do not really match up with the Dems but more with socialist views.  But a Socialist Party or a Progressive party would get destroyed and never have a chance so she has to hitch a ride with the Dems. Truth be known Cortez despises Pelosi and the old guard and the feelings are mutual.
Economic inequality. Universal health care. Climate change.  Criminal justice reform. Immigration. 

Which of these is not a Democratic Party issue?

If only we could get the Trumplicans to feel the same way about their fringe....then maybe us Centrists in this country could actually get back to governing and living like adults.  

This level of "But Trump" is actually pretty pathetic. It's like watching Kellen Moore get arm/shoulder injuries to the level of Chad Pennington and asking him to throw a Hail Mary at the end of the game. It would be somewhere between an Ultimate Frisbee fling by a middle schooler and a wobbly duck.

If you are going to engage in "Whataboutism", at least show some skill. If you want to derail a thread, then derail it, but it won't happen with lazy and cheap tribalism. Because right now there is an 8 year old little girl somewhere in America who will laugh at you because she can throw a punch harder than you can.

It's like watching a terrorist with a Super Soaker  trying to run around and frighten people into listening to him.


Actually, to make this about politics again, AOC and Trump both used the same campaign strategy in terms of pushing  a heavy "ground game"  AOC has young committed zealots will to do relentless door to doors. She can't match fundraising at the level of establishment Democrats. Heavy use of social media is actually inline with the asymmetrical media engagement tactics that Mark Burnett constructed for Trump. Like AOC, Trump was financially outgunned. Hillary Clinton and the Hillary Victory Fund set up the largest campaign warchest in American political history. But she was too arrogant to not set up a personal email server, to campaign in certain states, effectively use social media and to bother with a ground game herself. If Clinton had used even 25 percent of the relentless all angles approach that AOC used, Trump would have never been President at all.

Maybe the country would spin more in the direction you want it to if your Party did more of it's functional campaign strategy like AOC does and did. See that? I took your weak and lazy tribalist post and converted into actual political discussion involving AOC, whom this thread is actually about. And I'm a hard line Conservative. Why in the world is a hard line Conservative talking more practical AOC in an AOC thread than a clear leftist like you?

Because it's clearly better to be the spiritual Kellen Moore with arm/shoulder injuries to the level of Chad Pennington and chucking up a Hail Mary at the end of the game.

This level of "But Trump" is actually pretty pathetic. It's like watching Kellen Moore get arm/shoulder injuries to the level of Chad Pennington and asking him to throw a Hail Mary at the end of the game. It would be somewhere between an Ultimate Frisbee fling by a middle schooler and a wobbly duck.

If you are going to engage in "Whataboutism", at least show some skill. If you want to derail a thread, then derail it, but it won't happen with lazy and cheap tribalism. Because right now there is an 8 year old little girl somewhere in America who will laugh at you because she can throw a punch harder than you can.

It's like watching a terrorist with a Super Soaker  trying to run around and frighten people into listening to him.


Actually, to make this about politics again, AOC and Trump both used the same campaign strategy in terms of pushing  a heavy "ground game"  AOC has young committed zealots will to do relentless door to doors. She can't match fundraising at the level of establishment Democrats. Heavy use of social media is actually inline with the asymmetrical media engagement tactics that Mark Burnett constructed for Trump. Like AOC, Trump was financially outgunned. Hillary Clinton and the Hillary Victory Fund set up the largest campaign warchest in American political history. But she was too arrogant to not set up a personal email server, to campaign in certain states, effectively use social media and to bother with a ground game herself. If Clinton had used even 25 percent of the relentless all angles approach that AOC used, Trump would have never been President at all.

Maybe the country would spin more in the direction you want it to if your Party did more of it's functional campaign strategy like AOC does and did. See that? I took your weak and lazy tribalist post and converted into actual political discussion involving AOC, whom this thread is actually about. And I'm a hard line Conservative. Why in the world is a hard line Conservative talking more practical AOC in an AOC thread than a clear leftist like you?

Because it's clearly better to be the spiritual Kellen Moore with arm/shoulder injuries to the level of Chad Pennington and chucking up a Hail Mary at the end of the game.

I get it. You're not a Centrist. You're a fringe Right Trumplican.  That's cool.  The REALITY in this country though is that most of us are Centrists who do prefer the center.  You do you, Boo......but know that it's the Center that put Trump in his place in 2020....and it will be the Center that will put AOC in place if she ever rises out of her spot in the House.  We only wish that you would do the same to the MTGs and other Trump disciples that have sprung up in the past 4 years.  We don't have much faith that you will.....so you until you do, our political calibration has shifted a little to the Left.  My advice to you...get away from the "OMGZ!!!!.THESE TRUMP BOAT RALLIES ARE THE REALLL AMERICANS!!!" circles you run in....and get out amongst the Center.  If you had any intellectual honesty in your body....once you did that...you'd quickly realize how clueless your political beliefs in the Trump era have been.  

I get it. You're not a Centrist. You're a fringe Right Trumplican.  That's cool.  The REALITY in this country though is that most of us are Centrists who do prefer the center.  You do you, Boo......but know that it's the Center that put Trump in his place in 2020....and it will be the Center that will put AOC in place if she ever rises out of her spot in the House.  We only wish that you would do the same to the MTGs and other Trump disciples that have sprung up in the past 4 years.  We don't have much faith that you will.....so you until you do, our political calibration has shifted a little to the Left.  My advice to you...get away from the "OMGZ!!!!.THESE TRUMP BOAT RALLIES ARE THE REALLL AMERICANS!!!" circles you run in....and get out amongst the Center.  If you had any intellectual honesty in your body....once you did that...you'd quickly realize how clueless your political beliefs in the Trump era have been.  

Let's see if we can determine if you're actually a centrist:

Defends every Democrat....check

Defends every Democrat Policy no matter how fringe...check

Defends AOC....check

Rails and criticizes Conservatives and GOP every chance he gets....check

Never has a nice word to say about any Conservative or GOP....check

Yeah, you're a centrist.  :doh:

Let's see if we can determine if you're actually a centrist:

Defends every Democrat....check

Defends every Democrat Policy no matter how fringe...check

Defends AOC....check

Rails and criticizes Conservatives and GOP every chance he gets....check

Never has a nice word to say about any Conservative or GOP....check

Yeah, you're a centrist.  :doh:

Centrism does not equate into equal love for both Parties in our political spectrum.  Core, basic socio-political tenants  ...not Party love is what you need to focus on.

You can`t make this stuff up.

The designer of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's "Tax the Rich" dress has a history of not paying her taxes, a report posted on Saturday.

© YouTube Screenshot courtesy The Independent AOC dons a dress reading "Tax the Rich" at the 2021 Met Gala.

Aurora James's company, Brother Vellies, racked up three open tax warrants in New York forfailing to withhold nearly $15,000 worth of income taxes from employees’ paychecks. The debts were from 2018 and 2019. The company has been hit with 15 warrants in total since 2015. Additionally, the Internal Revenue Service placed six federal liens on the company from April 2018 to April 2019, totaling $103,220 and specifically citing the company’s failure to remit employee payroll taxes, the New York Post reported.

“Just because they take it out of your paycheck doesn’t mean they’re sending it to the government,” David Cenedella, a Baruch College taxation lecturer, explained. 

In addition to failing to pay taxes,  Aurora James also has a history of failing to pay rent in a timely manner. A previous landlord sued James in February 2018 for more than $5,000 in unpaid rent at her shop’s old address in Manhattan. Another landlord in August 2020 filed papers to evict Brother Vellies from its location in Brooklyn and demanded more than $25,000 plus interest for staying beyond the end of her lease, with the case eventually getting settled, according to the outlet.

Centrism does not equate into equal love for both Parties in our political spectrum.  Core, basic socio-political tenants  ...not Party love is what you need to focus on.

Uhm...yeah, I get that.  But when you carry water for one side all of the time you don't get to declare yourself a centrist.

That's all I'm saying.  :shrug:

Uhm...yeah, I get that.  But when you carry water for one side all of the time you don't get to declare yourself a centrist.

That's all I'm saying.  :shrug:
not sure why it's so hard to understand.  I vote 3 ways pretty equally,  but really dislike the state of the current gop, so I am probably harsher in that direction.  that doesn't change my core beliefs and voting tendencies.  

I would guess TL would reply in a similar way. 

She is a Congresswoman going to an event in her city where she can draw more publicity to her core issues.  This is what she is supposed to do.  
A public official cannot accept a 35k gift.  The limit in Congress is $100.  This is not what she's supposed to do.  What she does need is a rebuke from the ethics committee to pay for the ticket.

As a socialist I'm sure she would have no issues giving back.

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A public official cannot accept a 35k gift.  The limit in Congress is $100.  This is not what she's supposed to do.  What she does need is a rebuke from the ethics committee to pay for the ticket.

As a socialist I'm sure she would have no issues giving back.

In theory, anyways.  In actual practice - no way.

A public official cannot accept a 35k gift.  The limit in Congress is $100.  This is not what she's supposed to do.  What she does need is a rebuke from the ethics committee to pay for the ticket.

As a socialist I'm sure she would have no issues giving back.
“We are confident we complied with all ethics rules," her office said.

How do you feel about her message -Tax the Rich?   Seems like we could expand the threshold for social security taxes, land somewhere between 21-35% for corporate taxes, add a tax bracket for $400K+ annual income, and not let hedge fund managers hide behind cap gain benefits for ordinary income. 

Remember Patricks Ewings famous quote about being rich "We might make a lot of money, but we also spend a lot of money"   

How do you feel about her message -Tax the Rich?   Seems like we could expand the threshold for social security taxes, land somewhere between 21-35% for corporate taxes, add a tax bracket for $400K+ annual income, and not let hedge fund managers hide behind cap gain benefits for ordinary income. 
Mixed.  I have been a proponent of lifting the SS income cap for quite a while now.  Corporate taxes are passed through, so raising those is a tax on everyone and is idiotic.  Hedge fund managers hide behind carried interest rules and I've always thought that that should be closed.  I'm actually for all the changes to IRAs that the blue team have proposed (no mega backdoor Roth and limits on total IRAs to 10M, etc.).  Changing crypto from property to an investment for wash sale rules is good.  Rich folk carry a massive portion of taxation as it is and asking anyone to pay 60+% income taxes is asinine, so generally against.  SALT is a good tax rule and should be kept.  I do believe a mild increase and added levels to the cap gains taxation rate is ok, but raising it to regular income tax rates is also asinine - we want to provide incentives for investment and poor people aren't investors.  Wealth taxes are unconstitutional.

Does that about cover it?

Mixed.  I have been a proponent of lifting the SS income cap for quite a while now.  Corporate taxes are passed through, so raising those is a tax on everyone and is idiotic.  Hedge fund managers hide behind carried interest rules and I've always thought that that should be closed.  I'm actually for all the changes to IRAs that the blue team have proposed (no mega backdoor Roth and limits on total IRAs to 10M, etc.).  Changing crypto from property to an investment for wash sale rules is good.  Rich folk carry a massive portion of taxation as it is and asking anyone to pay 60+% income taxes is asinine, so generally against.  SALT is a good tax rule and should be kept.  I do believe a mild increase and added levels to the cap gains taxation rate is ok, but raising it to regular income tax rates is also asinine - we want to provide incentives for investment and poor people aren't investors.  Wealth taxes are unconstitutional.

Does that about cover it?
Perfect. Thanks. 

Mixed.  I have been a proponent of lifting the SS income cap for quite a while now.  Corporate taxes are passed through, so raising those is a tax on everyone and is idiotic.  Hedge fund managers hide behind carried interest rules and I've always thought that that should be closed.  I'm actually for all the changes to IRAs that the blue team have proposed (no mega backdoor Roth and limits on total IRAs to 10M, etc.).  Changing crypto from property to an investment for wash sale rules is good.  Rich folk carry a massive portion of taxation as it is and asking anyone to pay 60+% income taxes is asinine, so generally against.  SALT is a good tax rule and should be kept.  I do believe a mild increase and added levels to the cap gains taxation rate is ok, but raising it to regular income tax rates is also asinine - we want to provide incentives for investment and poor people aren't investors.  Wealth taxes are unconstitutional.

Does that about cover it?
Do they though?  Hasn't the ultra-wealthy's share of total taxes paid (federal, state, local, SS, Medicare, etc.) gone way down over the last 50 years (even while their share of total wealth has skyrocketed)?

Do they though?  Hasn't the ultra-wealthy's share of total taxes paid (federal, state, local, SS, Medicare, etc.) gone way down over the last 50 years (even while their share of total wealth has skyrocketed)?
They do in raw numbers. They arent close to doing so in terms of %

Thats how the system is designed. The more you make, the more loopholes there are to say you didnt make that much. 


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