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AFCCG: Steelers at Patriots Discussion (1 Viewer)

What an idiot.
At the risk of fueling the fire of (some) NE's fans sensitivity to any perceived "disrespect," I was listening to the radio this morning (I live outside of Pittsburgh, although I didn't grow up here & I am a Redskins fan), and they are promoting a "Beat the Deflatriots" party at some bar tonight.  They are encouraging fans to bring VHS tapes, deflated footballs, "broken" headsets, video cameras, etc-anything that symbolizes the cheating Patriots.

Now, I'm no fan of the Patriots, but this is just stupid.  Why not just look forward to a game between two good football teams, with your team having an opportunity to make it to the Super Bowl? 

One other thing, I really can't stand Brady; he's smug, whines too much when he gets hit (It's football, for pete's sake, if you don't want defenders to touch you, pick a different sport), and above and beyond that, he's too damn good.  (NE fans, if you are really honest, you'd probably dislike him, too, if he didn't play for your team).  So, with that in mind, I read the SI article about him this morning.  Still don't like him, but that article made me dis-like him less.  Seems like away from the field, (when he's whipping up on so many other teams, doing it easily, & looking so sure of himself as he does it), he's a decent dude.

I still hope they lose tomorrow, though. :P

I never got the impression that Brady's a bad guy   :shrug:     I think he whines a bit (although even that is exaggerated by the haters) but so do probably half the players in the league. He always seems to say the right thing when he's on camera.  

But honestly what is the big deal about a "Beat the Deflatriots" party?  It's in Pittsburgh the night before a huge game and it's basically just another opportunity for people get to drunk and root for their team (and talk #### about the team they hate).  I would have no problem if some Boston bar held a "Rapistburger night" or whatever.......   :shrug:   

ETA - For the record, I'm not advocating rape in Boston tonight......

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I never got the impression that Brady's a bad guy   :shrug:     I think he whines a bit (although even that is exaggerated by the haters) but so do probably half the players in the league. He always seems to say the right thing when he's on camera.  

But honestly what is the big deal about a "Beat the Deflatriots" party?  It's in Pittsburgh the night before a huge game and it's basically just another opportunity for people get to drunk and root for their team (and talk #### about the team they hate).  I would have no problem if some Boston bar held a "Rapistburger night" or whatever.......   :shrug:   

ETA - For the record, I'm not advocating rape in Boston tonight......
IMO, it's just dumb.  I get it that it's an excuse to try to get more people to go to this bar/nightclub/wherever & spend money/get drunk, etc, but it's dumb.  Beat the Patriots because they are standing in your way to another SB, not because of some cheating that occurred in the past that most likely didn't really impact the game(s) anyway.

At the risk of fueling the fire of (some) NE's fans sensitivity to any perceived "disrespect," I was listening to the radio this morning (I live outside of Pittsburgh, although I didn't grow up here & I am a Redskins fan), and they are promoting a "Beat the Deflatriots" party at some bar tonight.  They are encouraging fans to bring VHS tapes, deflated footballs, "broken" headsets, video cameras, etc-anything that symbolizes the cheating Patriots.

Now, I'm no fan of the Patriots, but this is just stupid.  Why not just look forward to a game between two good football teams, with your team having an opportunity to make it to the Super Bowl? 

One other thing, I really can't stand Brady; he's smug, whines too much when he gets hit (It's football, for pete's sake, if you don't want defenders to touch you, pick a different sport), and above and beyond that, he's too damn good.  (NE fans, if you are really honest, you'd probably dislike him, too, if he didn't play for your team).  So, with that in mind, I read the SI article about him this morning.  Still don't like him, but that article made me dis-like him less.  Seems like away from the field, (when he's whipping up on so many other teams, doing it easily, & looking so sure of himself as he does it), he's a decent dude.

I still hope they lose tomorrow, though. :P
It's a win-win for the people who buy into that stuff.  If their team wins, obviously they were better.  If they lose, they already have a bunch of narratives in place and excuses ready as to why that might have been too - none probably having to do with the play of the Steelers on the field. 

I get that it would be easy to dislike Brady, and like you said, I might if he wasn't on my team.  I agree that some of his antics on the field can rub me the wrong way, but what does get lost in the mix is how he seems to have a damn near photographic memory for football, works his ### off, makes sacrifices to keep his body in shape, and seems like an Ok dude off the field. 

I have reluctantly grown to respect the Pitts organization.  They run a hell of a team and seem to do so many things right.  For some reason, the fans that I have met that seem to be the most vocal about the Pats and their "cheating" ways seem to be Steeler fans.  Not sure what it is, but it makes me really root against the team since most of the fans I know are tools.  Figure it would be the opposite with Ben's background, accusations of their steroid fueled 70s SB wins, Tomlin's dumb ### tripping mofo's, etc.. 

I never got the impression that Brady's a bad guy   :shrug:     I think he whines a bit (although even that is exaggerated by the haters) but so do probably half the players in the league. He always seems to say the right thing when he's on camera.  
Seconded.  I have nothing against Brady.  The guy is one hell of a quarterback and as you said he doesn't come of as a jerk in interviews.

He does whine to officials when he gets hit and sometimes is a bit arrogant but overall he seems like a good guy.

That said I hope the Steelers shake him like a rag doll tomorrow.

:cry: :lol:  

Jesus its so funny watching the Patriots tap dancing around in everyone's head. 
They have such and edge on people who come to the stadium b/c of this nonsense.  Teams will have static in the headset for 2 seconds and immediately think some kind of shenanigans are going down.

Lmfao sports talk this morning, Pittsburgh fans talking about how they dont care if they lose the superbowl as long as they beat the Pats.

Skipped a few stages of grief.

I don't hate Brady, he's a great QB.  I hate that the Pats have owned the Steelers in the Brady era.

Regarding Brady - I gained a ton of respect for him after last year's AFCC game.  DEN defense overwhelmed the Pats oline and Brady took a beating... yet they still had an opportunity to tie the game with a 2 point conversion late in the 4th quarter.  Dude was under constant pressure all day but hung in enough to give his team a chance.  

But he's going to lose this week  :towelwave: :P

Lmfao sports talk this morning, Pittsburgh fans talking about how they dont care if they lose the superbowl as long as they beat the Pats.

Skipped a few stages of grief.
What is it with some of you getting your panties in a bunch over Pittsburgh sports talk to radio?  Why are you even listening to it?  I'm sure there are a bunch of morons calling into Boston sports radio but I can't say for sure because I don't actually listen to that drivel.  

I love all this talk about the Patriots cheating when the Steelers do the same things and worse.  Giants claim balls were under inflated, NFL swept it under the rug.  Tomlin is on the field during a kick return and stops a touchdown, heck even Cower said they used to steal signals, they just never recorded it.  The Steelers are even given credit for being the ones to bring steroids into the NFL back during there hey day and Bradshaw says it is true.

All teams look for an advantage and push the envelop as far as they can to gain that advantage.

I love all this talk about the Patriots cheating when the Steelers do the same things and worse.  Giants claim balls were under inflated, NFL swept it under the rug.  Tomlin is on the field during a kick return and stops a touchdown, heck even Cower said they used to steal signals, they just never recorded it.  The Steelers are even given credit for being the ones to bring steroids into the NFL back during there hey day and Bradshaw says it is true.

All teams look for an advantage and push the envelop as far as they can to gain that advantage.
Nobody in this thread has actually been talking about the Patriots cheating.  But way to open that can up......

I love all this talk about the Patriots cheating when the Steelers do the same things and worse.  Giants claim balls were under inflated, NFL swept it under the rug.  Tomlin is on the field during a kick return and stops a touchdown, heck even Cower said they used to steal signals, they just never recorded it.  The Steelers are even given credit for being the ones to bring steroids into the NFL back during there hey day and Bradshaw says it is true.

All teams look for an advantage and push the envelop as far as they can to gain that advantage.
Yep, that's why I think it's ironic when the Pitts fans do that stuff and bring up the cheating. 

What is it with some of you getting your panties in a bunch over Pittsburgh sports talk to radio?  Why are you even listening to it?  I'm sure there are a bunch of morons calling into Boston sports radio but I can't say for sure because I don't actually listen to that drivel.  
This is southwest missouri radio, sir, thank you very much.

I work in my car, so i listen to the radio probably 4 hours a day at least, its as bad as it sounds.

At the risk of fueling the fire of (some) NE's fans sensitivity to any perceived "disrespect," I was listening to the radio this morning (I live outside of Pittsburgh, although I didn't grow up here & I am a Redskins fan), and they are promoting a "Beat the Deflatriots" party at some bar tonight.  They are encouraging fans to bring VHS tapes, deflated footballs, "broken" headsets, video cameras, etc-anything that symbolizes the cheating Patriots.

Now, I'm no fan of the Patriots, but this is just stupid.  Why not just look forward to a game between two good football teams, with your team having an opportunity to make it to the Super Bowl? 

One other thing, I really can't stand Brady; he's smug, whines too much when he gets hit (It's football, for pete's sake, if you don't want defenders to touch you, pick a different sport), and above and beyond that, he's too damn good.  (NE fans, if you are really honest, you'd probably dislike him, too, if he didn't play for your team).  So, with that in mind, I read the SI article about him this morning.  Still don't like him, but that article made me dis-like him less.  Seems like away from the field, (when he's whipping up on so many other teams, doing it easily, & looking so sure of himself as he does it), he's a decent dude.

I still hope they lose tomorrow, though. :P
I can understand the hate for Brady just because of the wins alone. You win enough you become  the anti hero whether you like it or not. The perceived whining (which every QB does) adds fuel to the fire as does the whole deflategate BS.

And oh by the way, he's married to a super model.

For the average joe, this is a guy you want to poke holes in. I know if I were a Jets fan or a Steeler fan or really a fan of any team where my team stinks and/or my team has had a revolving door of QBs I'd hate him too. If my team sucked, QB sucked, AND my life sucked...I'd hate him even more. Easy target.

All that said, I've listened to this guy on local talk radio and on press conferences for years. He literally never has a bad thing to say about ANYONE. He gives everyone respect. And he's the hardest working guy on the team (and not taking off for a Miami boat trip). And he's far from a punk.

And if NE does win it all, I'd love for him to give Goodell a big FU while holding the trophy in the air. God knows other modern day atheletes would. Guaranteed he would be a stand up guy and take the high road (Damn it).

Hate him if you want but he seems like a pretty solid guy for somebody who basically has it all.

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I can understand the hate for Brady just because of the wins alone. You win enough you become  the anti hero whether you like it or not. The perceived whining (which every QB does) adds fuel to the fire as does the whole deflategate BS.

And oh by the way, he's married to a super model.

For the average joe, this is a guy you want to poke holes in. I know if I were a Jets fan or a Steeler fan or really a fan of any team where my team stinks and/or my team has had a revolving door of QBs I'd hate him too. If my team sucked, QB sucked, AND my life sucked...I'd hate him even more. Easy target.

All that said, I've listened to this guy on local talk radio and on press conferences for years. He literally never has a bad thing to say about ANYONE. He gives everyone respect. And he's the hardest working guy on the team (and not taking off for a Miami boat trip). And he's far from a punk.

And if NE does win it all, I'd love for him to give Goodell a big FU while holding the trophy in the air. God knows other modern day atheletes would. Guaranteed he would be a stand up guy and take the high road (Damn it).

Hate him if you want but he seems like a pretty solid guy for somebody who basically has it all.
I like to imagine that the face Goodell will have while he hands Brady the trophy would be like the look Eli had holding up the Chargers jersey on draft day. 

We need more Anarchy to get this thread to where it belongs (i.e.  Stats).  It's going to be a fun ride tomorrow.  I think all of the posters in here (both Steelers and Patriots fans) have been very classy.  That's rare around here these days.

Well might as well get the prediction in now since I never post on game day (at least until the game is over). If NE wins I will be back on Monday and if the steelers win I will be back in July....(err a day or 2).

Anything can happen, and I can't help but think that brady has been so dominant against these guys for so long that the law of averages might rear its ugly head. On the other hand I feel NE is the better team on both sides of the ball and they shook out the cob webs last week. It could certainly go right down to the wire, but I think NE will be too much and wins going away.

In for a penny in for a pound I suppose

NE 37 Pitt 20


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Lets put the cheating and nasty stuff aside until after the game and enjoy what should be a couple of great games tomorrow.

pats3in4 said:
None.  Games aren't necessarily won or lost because one team performs the worst in the league at shutting down an opponent's #1 receiving option per DVOA.  But I don't think it's a stretch to say it furthers the narrative that Brady could pick apart this secondary...if given adequate protection. 

The worst in the league aspect of the stat was what caught my eye, especially since the Steelers D finished 7th in overall DVOA.
If you look at this closely in the context of the Steelers defense becoming much stronger in the second half of the year, it wouldn't further your narrative of Brady picking apart the secondary.  It would suggest that Edelman will get yards, but the Steelers could still win despite that (just like every other top receiver on those teams got their yards but inevitably lost).  

fred_1_15301 said:
We need more Anarchy to get this thread to where it belongs (i.e.  Stats).  It's going to be a fun ride tomorrow.  I think all of the posters in here (both Steelers and Patriots fans) have been very classy.  That's rare around here these days.
That's because both the Steelers and Patriots won super bowls recently.  If the Steelers had never won a super bowl in the Brady era, Steelers fans would be going ballistic this week in their pure hatred of the Patriots.  But they got 2 rings so its kinda meh.

25 year old Massachusetts man arrested for pulling an early-morning false fire alarm at the Steelers' hotel. 

I love the concept that TEAM X developed the blueprint on how to beat TEAM Y. In this case, it was the Giants in the 18-1 season. That blueprint apparently was later followed by the Giants again, the Broncos, and the Texans last week (who lost by 18 points). If it were so easy and every team already knew how to beat NE, why did NE go 106-34 since the Giants won that first SB?

That may be the blueprint to success, but apparently it is harder than that, as not all teams have the roster and coaching to pull it off. I only mention this, because I saw a few game previews and articles this week that the Texans showed the Steelers how to beat NE. Of all the points to for a potential victory against NE, I think there are a lot better ones than points to a team that just lost by three possessions.

I'm choosing to ignore Occam's Razor entirely and say that this act is emblematic of panic within the fanbase rather than the puerile, Sam Adams-fueled chicanery of a guy who spent too many hours at the Bell In Hand Tavern. 

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I love the concept that TEAM X developed the blueprint on how to beat TEAM Y. In this case, it was the Giants in the 18-1 season. That blueprint apparently was later followed by the Giants again, the Broncos, and the Texans last week (who lost by 18 points). If it were so easy and every team already knew how to beat NE, why did NE go 106-34 since the Giants won that first SB?

That may be the blueprint to success, but apparently it is harder than that, as not all teams have the roster and coaching to pull it off. I only mention this, because I saw a few game previews and articles this week that the Texans showed the Steelers how to beat NE. Of all the points to for a potential victory against NE, I think there are a lot better ones than points to a team that just lost by three possessions.
It's all horse####. The Steelers know what the blueprint to winning this game is. Pressure Brady, no blown coverages, don't turn the ball over and dominate up front on offense to give Bell opportunities to break off chunks of yardage. If they can do all of these things, they have a great chance to win. It all comes down to execution and will. There's no great secret to success.

25 year old Massachusetts man arrested for pulling an early-morning false fire alarm at the Steelers' hotel. 
This is the kind of nonsense that fuels Patriot haters.  If the Pats win today, tomorrow you'll probably hear someone talk about "fire-alarm" gate, and there will be conspiracy theories about how this guys was on the Pats payroll, or he had a cousin whose roomate bumped into Belicheck's neighbor at the Baskin Robbins, and the two men said "pardon me" to each other, which is code for "OK-operation awake-gate is a go for tomorrow morning."

ETA-my wife just old me we are watching the game at her sister's house, for a combo birthday/Steelers game party :wall: .  I guarantee I will hear some variation of the above paragraph several times from her family.

At the same time, it's an ##### move for a Pats fan (assuming this guy is one) to pull a stunt like this, but if NE wins, he'll likely be in his cell going "I helped the Patriots win!"

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I love the concept that TEAM X developed the blueprint on how to beat TEAM Y. In this case, it was the Giants in the 18-1 season. That blueprint apparently was later followed by the Giants again, the Broncos, and the Texans last week (who lost by 18 points). If it were so easy and every team already knew how to beat NE, why did NE go 106-34 since the Giants won that first SB?

That may be the blueprint to success, but apparently it is harder than that, as not all teams have the roster and coaching to pull it off. I only mention this, because I saw a few game previews and articles this week that the Texans showed the Steelers how to beat NE. Of all the points to for a potential victory against NE, I think there are a lot better ones than points to a team that just lost by three possessions.
There is a blueprint for how to beat NE.  Score more damn points than they do.

Some teams have the players, schemes, and good fortune to do so, some others don't.  Common belief is pressure Brady up the middle (like that doesn't work against any QB who isn't overly mobile), don't get beat deep, make tackles on short passes, so they don't get much YAC, and win on 3rd downs.

I don't know that is any "blueprint," as much as it is football 101.

25 year old Massachusetts man arrested for pulling an early-morning false fire alarm at the Steelers' hotel. 
While it is stupid and sad, this kind of thing happens all the time in all sports. I remember it happening to the Lakers in 04 when they were playing the Pistons in the NBA Finals..

I love the concept that TEAM X developed the blueprint on how to beat TEAM Y. In this case, it was the Giants in the 18-1 season. That blueprint apparently was later followed by the Giants again, the Broncos, and the Texans last week (who lost by 18 points). If it were so easy and every team already knew how to beat NE, why did NE go 106-34 since the Giants won that first SB?

That may be the blueprint to success, but apparently it is harder than that, as not all teams have the roster and coaching to pull it off. I only mention this, because I saw a few game previews and articles this week that the Texans showed the Steelers how to beat NE. Of all the points to for a potential victory against NE, I think there are a lot better ones than points to a team that just lost by three possessions.
Isn't the main key getting pressure on Brady up the middle with 4 guys rushing?  How many teams can do that? (are the Steelers one - I honestly don't watch them enough to know)  I thought as soon as you need to generate a rush using extra guys he starts picking people apart with the short stuff. 

While it is stupid and sad, this kind of thing happens all the time in all sports. I remember it happening to the Lakers in 04 when they were playing the Pistons in the NBA Finals..
It happened twice to the Pats in three nights back a couple years ago in AZ for the Seahawks SB. It amazes me with all the $$ the league has that they don't have better security at these hotels.

For as great Brady has been over his career, he has not been all that special in the AFCCG's.

In 5 road game, NE has gone 2-3 while Brady had only 5 TD to go with 3 picks and an 81.8 passer rating.
In 5 home games, he's actually been worse. NE went 4-1, but Brady had 7 TD with 9 INT's an unflattering 71.5 passer rating.

The Pats won 6 of those games, and that's pretty much all that matters. But championship game Brady is not usually a force to be reckoned with.

Anyone got more scoop about what's happening at Gillette?  Schefter just tweeted that alarms were going off and media have been told to evacuate.

There is a blueprint for how to beat NE.  Score more damn points than they do.

Some teams have the players, schemes, and good fortune to do so, some others don't.  Common belief is pressure Brady up the middle (like that doesn't work against any QB who isn't overly mobile), don't get beat deep, make tackles on short passes, so they don't get much YAC, and win on 3rd downs.

I don't know that is any "blueprint," as much as it is football 101.
The keys to winning any game: Scheme better to neutralize your oppenent's strength and exploit any of their weaknesses. Then when that plan is set, execute it without error to simply play better. One team's best against another team's best, playing the game the best.

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From the WEEI's Ryan Hannable's Fun Facts . . .

1. With a win, the Patriots will reach the Super Bowl for a ninth time, which would break a tie with Dallas, Denver and Pittsburgh for the most Super Bowl berths in NFL history.

2. Also with a win, Bill Belichick will pass Don Shula (6) for most Super Bowl appearances of all-time.

3. Tom Brady has owned the Steelers at home. In four games he is 4-0, 109-for-154 (71 percent) passing for 1,413 yards with 15 touchdowns and no interceptions.

4. The Patriots have faced seven running backs who were in the top 10 in rushing this season and didn’t allow any of them to rush for over 100 yards. Overall, they haven’t allowed a rusher to gain 90 or more yards in any of their past 24 games. When allowing a 100-yard rusher in the postseason the Patriots are 4-5 in their history.

5. On the other side of the field, over the course of Le’Veon Bell’s career the Steelers are 18-2 when he goes over 90 yards, including a perfect 9-0 this season.

6. Since 2013 including the playoffs, the Patriots are 33-4 when Julian Edelman goes over 70 yards receiving. (He has in nine straight games.)

7. With 34 yards receiving Edelman will pass Deion Branch (852) for the most receiving yards in Patriots playoff history.

8. In the last two games against the Steelers, Brady is 20-for-22 with 157 yards when throwing to Edelman.

9. Since 2004 including the playoffs, Brady has had consecutive games of multiple interceptions only twice.

10. The Steelers are 42-6 since the beginning of 2014 when scoring 18 or more points, which includes the playoffs.

11. According to Football Perspective, since 2001 the Patriots are 100-1 in home games when leading at halftime. The only time they lost was the AFC championship game against the Ravens four years ago.

12. Also per Football Perspective, the Patriots have won 104 straight home games when leading after three quarters.

13. In Brady’s last 42 home games against AFC opponents (including postseason), he is 40-2 with a QB rating of 103.2.

14. Roethlisberger has thrown at least one interception in five straight games against the Patriots. New England is 20-1 in the postseason when winning the turnover battle.

15. This might not be as high scoring as some may think. Since Week 10, the Steelers are allowing 16.5 points per game, along with 287.4 yards per game, while the Patriots are allowing 12.9 points per game with 281.9 yards per game.

16. New England hasn’t allowed a first quarter touchdown since Week 10 against the Seahawks. Overall, its allowed three first quarter touchdowns this season and have the best first quarter defense in the NFL, allowing just 2.1 first quarter points this year.

17. The Patriots are 6-0 this year when winning the coin toss.

18. Against Mike Tomlin either as a coach or defensive coordinator, Brady is 5-1 with a 70.5 completion percentage with 23 touchdowns and one interception for a 125.5 QB rating.

19. Since 2010, including the postseason the Patriots are 56-10 when scoring first.

20. The magic number is 23. Including the playoffs, New England is 177-15 when scoring 23 or more points under Belichick.

Last tale of the tape comparison and then I'm doe for the day . . .

Composite box score for all 4 remaining teams (scores by quarter) . . .

PF 144 115 113 103 475
PA 35 87 61 83 266
+209 points

PF 139 176 142 119 576
PA 75 130 55 166 426
+150 points

PF 115 106 72 154 447
PA 72 86 77 120 355
+92 points

PF 100 173 76 155 504
PA 88 135 69 140 432
+72 points

Individual team performance by quarter . . .

Offense held scoreless in a quarter:
NEP 8 times in 68 quarters (only twice with TB12).
ATL 9 times in 68 quarters.
PIT 15 times in 72 quarters.
GBP 15 times in 72 quarters.

Offense held to 3 or fewer points a quarter:
NEP 18 times in 68 quarters.
ATL 20 times in 68 quarters.
GBP 26 times in 72 quarters.
PIT 29 times in 72 quarters.

Offense scored 7+ points a quarter:
NEP 44 times in 68 quarters.
ATL 44 times in 68 quarters.
GBP 43 times in 72 quarters.
PIT 36 times in 72 quarters.

Offense scored 10+ points a quarter:
ATL 30 times in 68 quarters.
GBP 26 times in 72 quarters.
NEP 19 times in 68 quarters.
PIT 15 times in 72 quarters.

Offense scored 20+ points a quarter:
ATL 6 times in 68 quarters.
PIT 2 times in 72 quarters.
NEP 0 times in 68 quarters.
GBP 0 times in 72 quarters.

Opposing offense held scoreless in a quarter:
NEP 25 times in 68 quarters.
PIT 21 times in 72 quarters.
ATL 19 times in 68 quarters.
GBP 18 times in 72 quarters.

Opposing offense held to 3 or fewer points a quarter:
NEP 40 times times in 68 quarters.
PIT 37 times in 72 quarters.
ATL 29 times in 68 quarters.
GBP 31 times in 72 quarters.

Opposing offense 7+ points scored in a quarter:
NEP 24 times times in 68 quarters.
PIT 30 times in 72 quarters.
ATL 36 times in 68 quarters.
GBP 36 times in 72 quarters.

Opposing offense 10+ points scored in a quarter:
NEP 5 times times in 68 quarters.
PIT 14 times in 72 quarters.
GBP 19 times in 72 quarters.
ATL 19 times in 68 quarters.

Opposing offense 20+ points scored in a quarter:
NEP 0 times in 68 quarters.
PIT 1 time in 72 quarters.
ATL 1 time in 68 quarters.
GBP 2 times in 72 quarters.

Enjoy the games. Hopefully there won't be any injuries or blown calls that impact the outcomes. I hope your teams win (provided, they are my teams too).

Bennett has been playing with a broken bone and bone chips in his ankle, most likey since Week 5. That might explain his limited production. 

Here are three scenarios:
1) One team loses because of sloppy or fluky turnovers. If either team finishes with a two-turnover advantage, they win. Predicting which team might do this is a coin flip so I'll set this scenario aside.
2) The Patriots continue their mental domination of the Steelers. They don't have the same level of talent as the Steelers but playing at home and with their brain trust, the Pats could out-scheme the Steelers to victory. The weak links are Mike Mitchell and Ross Cockrell so look for Brady to throw their way all game. I think this leads to a tight win because the Pittsburgh offense should be able to keep it close. But home-field advantage and the coaching edge could easily carry the Patriots to a 31-27 type win.
3) This Patriots team is more evenly balanced in terms of offense and defense than in years past, but neither unit is scary. They've been winning some blowout games, true, but they have not really faced stiff competition lately either. Add to that Brady's propensity to get antsy under the slightest bit of pressure, and the Steelers defense could be the difference. Without as many weapons on offense because of Gronkowski's injury, Pittsburgh could bottle up the Pats offense and frustrate Brady. Better yet, they could rattle him to the point of completely disrupting the game plan. If the offense rolls, it's a double-digit Steelers win. But Ben hasn't been good on the road, so more likely the Steelers win a close, defensive game 20-19.
The Steelers were my preseason pick to represent the AFC in the Super Bowl so I'll stick to my guns and call for scenario #3: 20-19 Steelers.

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