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​ 🐘 ​​ 🐴 ​2020 Presidential Debates thread - 2nd Debate October 15 (3 Viewers)

I’m not sure if you realize but this man has been sued for fraudulent condominium developments, he created a fake scam university that was shut down, and a charitable foundation that was also shut down as fraudulent. He’s been in 5 bankruptcies and notoriously one time he bought out his own debt by taking millions in chips out of his own casino. He’s an actual scam artist. 
That wouldn't work.

The actual story is that his father, Fred Trump, came into the casino and purchased millions of $'s of gambling tokens for the purpose of pumping cash onto the casino's books to help them stave off a financial crisis.  

The Census Bureau reported that real median household income grew to $68,703 in 2019, an impressive 6.8% increase over 2018. It was the largest one-year increase in median income on record going back to 1967. It was also 45 percent more growth in a single year ($4,379) than Obama/Biden produced in their entire 8 years in office ($3,021).

As was the case throughout Trump’s first three years, the economic benefits were widespread. While the overall growth rate was 6.8%, real median income grew by an even greater 7.9% for Black Americans, 7.1% for Hispanic Americans, and 10.6% for Asian Americans. All record highs as were the new income levels for each of these groups.

As for talking points about how the Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich, well, they were false. As incomes grew in 2019, the poverty rate plummeted 1.3 percentage points to a 60 year low of 10.5%. This was the largest reduction in poverty in over 50 years. It lifted over 4.1 million people out of poverty, the largest yearly decrease since 1966. Just for comparison purposes, over the Obama/Biden era, the number of people living in poverty increased by 787,000.

Minority groups again experienced the largest improvements. While the overall poverty rate declined 1.3 percentage points, Black poverty fell by 2.0 percentage points, Hispanic poverty fell by 1.8, and Asian poverty fell by 2.8. According to the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) “the poverty rate fell to an all-time record low for every race and ethnic group in 2019.”

Child poverty decreased to 14.4 percent, the lowest child poverty rate observed since 1973 and down from 18 percent at the end of the Obama/Biden era. The best family welfare program truly is a job.

Let’s take a little broader view. Over the Trump administration’s first three years, between 2016 and 2019, real median household income increased 9.2% while the economy lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty. That’s the largest 3-year poverty reduction for the  start of any presidency since the initial drop in 1964 when the War on Poverty began.

I don't think the talking point is benefitting only the rich (also, tax cuts are going to account for much of that increase in income, no?)...the talking point is that it benefitted the rich far more than the rest (and I believe the more permanent parts of the tax cut were towards the wealthy and large businesses...correct?).  In addition, this was as of 2018...if you want to look at how things were going leading up to the pandemic...as well as GDP growth, you will see, no, the economy wasn't all that great or greatest ever...and today is having some issues.  And then figure in the amount we added to the deficit to pay for all of this.

But cool, you found an opinion article on FoxBusiness.

That wouldn't work.

The actual story is that his father, Fred Trump, came into the casino and purchased millions of $'s of gambling tokens for the purpose of pumping cash onto the casino's books to help them stave off a financial crisis.  
Thank you, yes, Trump has to be fished out of trouble by his dad, but it’s the same issue.

The Census Bureau reported that real median household income grew to $68,703 in 2019, an impressive 6.8% increase over 2018. It was the largest one-year increase in median income on record going back to 1967. It was also 45 percent more growth in a single year ($4,379) than Obama/Biden produced in their entire 8 years in office ($3,021).

As was the case throughout Trump’s first three years, the economic benefits were widespread. While the overall growth rate was 6.8%, real median income grew by an even greater 7.9% for Black Americans, 7.1% for Hispanic Americans, and 10.6% for Asian Americans. All record highs as were the new income levels for each of these groups.

As for talking points about how the Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich, well, they were false. As incomes grew in 2019, the poverty rate plummeted 1.3 percentage points to a 60 year low of 10.5%. This was the largest reduction in poverty in over 50 years. It lifted over 4.1 million people out of poverty, the largest yearly decrease since 1966. Just for comparison purposes, over the Obama/Biden era, the number of people living in poverty increased by 787,000.

Minority groups again experienced the largest improvements. While the overall poverty rate declined 1.3 percentage points, Black poverty fell by 2.0 percentage points, Hispanic poverty fell by 1.8, and Asian poverty fell by 2.8. According to the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) “the poverty rate fell to an all-time record low for every race and ethnic group in 2019.”

Child poverty decreased to 14.4 percent, the lowest child poverty rate observed since 1973 and down from 18 percent at the end of the Obama/Biden era. The best family welfare program truly is a job.

Let’s take a little broader view. Over the Trump administration’s first three years, between 2016 and 2019, real median household income increased 9.2% while the economy lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty. That’s the largest 3-year poverty reduction for the  start of any presidency since the initial drop in 1964 when the War on Poverty began.

Thank you for posting this. I hadn’t heard these numbers. Amazing results. All boats lifted in a significant way. 

Juxtatarot said:
It was a good economy.  I don’t buy your “all boats” point though considering some wage growth issues.  But, regardless, my first sentence stands.
True...not sure many were saying it wasn't a good economy in 2018-2019...wages went up and tax cuts helped that.  Not all signs were rosy as has been pointed out...nor was everything so great even leading into the Pandemic.


With links inside to talk about job growth, GDP...and so on.

Reports are that Biden was seen in the Alapocas Trails by his house doing one armed push ups, performing kata while the icy cold waters of the Brandywine Creek waterfall streamed over his head and back and monkey climbing some of the trees there with a backpack filled with printouts of all the lies Trump has said his first term; the backpack is reported to weigh 100 lbs.  


jerseydevil20 said:
Thank you for posting this. I hadn’t heard these numbers. Amazing results. All boats lifted in a significant way. 
No doubt.  Biden and Obama left Trump with a strong foundation to build upon.  He, unfortunately didn't see the signs of what a prolonged epidemic would do to it.....but he wasn't doing bad at all.....before he screwed it up.  

Reports are that Biden was seen in the Alapocas Trails by his house doing one armed push ups, performing kata while the icy cold waters of the Brandywine Creek waterfall streamed over his head and back and monkey climbing some of the trees there with a backpack filled with printouts of all the lies Trump has said his first term; the backpack is reported to weigh 100 lbs.  

Meanwhile, Trump has been training for hours just in case there's a ramp.

Reports are that Biden was seen in the Alapocas Trails by his house doing one armed push ups, performing kata while the icy cold waters of the Brandywine Creek waterfall streamed over his head and back and monkey climbing some of the trees there with a backpack filled with printouts of all the lies Trump has said his first term; the backpack is reported to weigh 100 lbs.  


Most of this information was out prior to last election so it proves my point that it’s a nothing burger for voters imho.  There are other issues that are much more important  and it comes across as another democratic witch hunt which is old and tiring at this point.  
Which proves just how scary our country is these days. The lack of common sense is truly a threat our nation faces. I think his mighty base has truly shrunk over these last 4 years. He appeals mostly to the lowest common denominator in our country and he hoodwinked a lot of on the fence voters last time around. I do not think that happens this time around. That is where the election will turn. And the fact he is constantly barking about voter fraud and layering up is a clear sign....it’s going to be over soon. 

It will work itself out on election day. 

We can only hope. 

And for the record I have been a registered Republican my entire life until this past primary season when I switched to the democratic party so I can have a say in their primary elections (because I could not and would not want a Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren running against Donald because then we would have surely gotten 4 more years). I am a moderate. A dying breed. But damn it we need to get back to being human beings again and meeting gin the middle and compromising and getting out of our echo chambers that have been created by all the social media companies that have ruined our society and continue to destroy our humanity.

That is the true existential threat and it needs to be slowed down and regulated. I am going off on a tangent......but Twitter and Facebook are the blight. They are the true plague and our federal government is way behind and needs to wake up and hold these multi trillion dollar companies accountable for what they are doing to this world. It is truly scary and real.

Anyway I expect Biden to do quite well tonight if he can manage to get words in over this sociopathic, narcissistic bully who has zero presidential qualities, and class. A pure #### show he is......and Wallace needs to moderate him to the extreme or this can be a farce.

I fully expected to see us bomb Syria or something today so Trump had an excuse to duck out of the debate. I guess the day is young...

I realize it needs to be done, but a presidential debate in 2020 seems like an incredibly pointless endeavor.
Unfortunately the real debates happen over on Twitter and Facebook and it is mind numbing. 

We have sunk so low.......lord help us. 

We need to shut down skynet for 6 weeks......so people can actually think for themselves and get out of the echo chambers. 

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BREAKING: Team Trump requested that each candidate have their ears inspected for electronic devices before the Debate, Team Biden has not consented. Team Biden has also requested a break every 30 minutes during tonight’s Debate.



BREAKING: Team Trump requested that each candidate have their ears inspected for electronic devices before the Debate, Team Biden has not consented. Team Biden has also requested a break every 30 minutes during tonight’s Debate.
I've heard a little about this but not all the details.  Is the general idea here that Biden has lost it so much that he can only manage when reading or someone is feeding him lines through an earpiece?  Is there concern that he'll cheat in the debate?

But damn it we need to get back to being human beings again and meeting gin the middle and compromising and getting out of our echo chambers that have been created by all the social media companies that have ruined our society and continue to destroy our humanity.

That is the true existential threat and it needs to be slowed down and regulated. I am going off on a tangent......but Twitter and Facebook are the blight. They are the true plague and our federal government is way behind and needs to wake up and hold these multi trillion dollar companies accountable for what they are doing to this world. It is truly scary and real.
Absolutely the truth.     But as long as they are generating sufficient $'s to grease the broken system via K Street, there will be no change in the free ruinous reign they have been given.  Have to get inside the broken system to repair it.      Look at the DNC 2020 platform,  Look at the RNC 2020 platform.    Find the one that will even attempt to push congressional term limits.    Hold your nose, and vote. 

I've heard a little about this but not all the details.  Is the general idea here that Biden has lost it so much that he can only manage when reading or someone is feeding him lines through an earpiece?  Is there concern that he'll cheat in the debate?
Only if Donna Brazile can't get him the questions.

I've heard a little about this but not all the details.  Is the general idea here that Biden has lost it so much that he can only manage when reading or someone is feeding him lines through an earpiece?  Is there concern that he'll cheat in the debate?
Its Trump making more excuses.

Good point from my pal, Lis:

“Despite a global pandemic, despite an economic calamity, despite these seismic civil rights protests, nothing has changed,” Ms. Smith said. “If people have lost their job, lost their ability to go outside, can’t send their kids to school, then what is a one-hour televised debate of political talking points going to matter to them?”

If all of the major networks were told they could broadcast the Presidential debates, but by agreeing to do so, they would have to surrender 100% of their advertising revenue generated during the debates to charity, would they still broadcast or would they opt for alternate programming?

I fully expected to see us bomb Syria or something today so Trump had an excuse to duck out of the debate. I guess the day is young...
I know you are joking but honestly Trump and his advisors and supporters see this as a sure thing.  And honestly - their taking point are already written.  It won't matter what he says or how he does - they will just claim he destroyed Biden.  This is a man who talked about his penis size during debates in 2016 - they don't really care what he says.

I know you are joking but honestly Trump and his advisors and supporters see this as a sure thing.  And honestly - their taking point are already written.  It won't matter what he says or how he does - they will just claim he destroyed Biden.  This is a man who talked about his penis size during debates in 2016 - they don't really care what he says.
It'll be all about who can get the narrative out as soon as possible afterwards.  It'll be a social media bot-infested cesspool to drive hashtags and memes out quick to drive the "winner".  It will all about snagging the casual voter who doesn't pay much attention, but could see "Biden so sleepy!" or "Trump O\/\/NS Biden" in their facebook feed.

I know you are joking but honestly Trump and his advisors and supporters see this as a sure thing.  And honestly - their taking point are already written.  It won't matter what he says or how he does - they will just claim he destroyed Biden.  This is a man who talked about his penis size during debates in 2016 - they don't really care what he says.
Exactly...and his supporters will claim Biden was terrible, lost, looked unfit, mentally not there.  The narratives are already written.  I hope there are undecideds who won't be swayed by such propaganda.

A request beforehand is not an excuse. Seems like an easy thing to consent to, doesn't it? 

I'd be more curious as to why Biden needs breaks for a 90 minute debate. 
Sure it is...because he is making bogus requests that he knows nobody will really submit to...so he can later say...oh, Biden was on something or had and earpiece for help.

Its all a freakin circus which is what Trump wants.

If all of the major networks were told they could broadcast the Presidential debates, but by agreeing to do so, they would have to surrender 100% of their advertising revenue generated during the debates to charity, would they still broadcast or would they opt for alternate programming?
Of course, tonight is must see TV and if they make a good impression on their viewing audience (with the discussion before and analysis afterwards) they would hope that viewers would tune in again in the future. With so many networks carrying it (including live stream) I don't think the advertising is that lucrative, given all the competition.

Sure it is...because he is making bogus requests that he knows nobody will really submit to...so he can later say...oh, Biden was on something or had and earpiece for help.

Its all a freakin circus which is what Trump wants.
Why would you not consent to a 20 second inspection if for no other reason, to take away the excuse? 

A request beforehand is not an excuse. Seems like an easy thing to consent to, doesn't it? 

I'd be more curious as to why Biden needs breaks for a 90 minute debate. 
The debate formats have been negotiated and agreed to. Why should Biden be jumping around like Trump's show pony? 


The debate formats have been negotiated and agreed to. Why should Biden be jumping around like Trump's show pony? 

And one of the agreed rules is no earpiece. It didnt have to be a spectacle. Simple check and done. If reports are true, Biden agreed several days ago but is now saying he wont comply.  

A request beforehand is not an excuse. Seems like an easy thing to consent to, doesn't it? 

I'd be more curious as to why Biden needs breaks for a 90 minute debate. 
My guess on the 30 minute break request is around wearing a mask - I know after a little while I feel like I need a break from wearing it.

Why would you not consent to a 20 second inspection if for no other reason, to take away the excuse? 
Because there is zero reason to believe he is doing anything wrong in the first place.

Why would Trump not consent to releasing his tax returns to take away the ammunition against him?  Or does it only work for things that Biden is accused of...like first drugs and now this?

Id ignore the ridiculous requests from Trump rather than legitimize his behavior.  It will drive him mad...

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My guess on the 30 minute break request is around wearing a mask - I know after a little while I feel like I need a break from wearing it.

Is Ladbrokes carrying odds on whether Biden walks out wearing a mask or not?     To see him standing behind a podium, 30 feet from Trump and 50 feet from Chris Wallace, wearing a mask, would certainly light twitter up.    

Of course, tonight is must see TV and if they make a good impression on their viewing audience (with the discussion before and analysis afterwards) they would hope that viewers would tune in again in the future. With so many networks carrying it (including live stream) I don't think the advertising is that lucrative, given all the competition.
probably not overly profitable, but the question is more about the integrity of the Networks themselves, would they make this tradeoff?

That is the true existential threat and it needs to be slowed down and regulated. I am going off on a tangent......but Twitter and Facebook are the blight. They are the true plague and our federal government is way behind and needs to wake up and hold these multi trillion dollar companies accountable for what they are doing to this world. It is truly scary and real
Seems like blaming gangsta rap and video games for violence in the 90s.   And how do you "slow down and regulate" social media?   It seems people are just kind of crappy in general.  I don't see how social media is forcing their hands in anyway.  

Seems like blaming gangsta rap and video games for violence in the 90s.   And how do you "slow down and regulate" social media?   It seems people are just kind of crappy in general.  I don't see how social media is forcing their hands in anyway.  
Naaa not even close to that.

To truly understand what I am talking about you really owe it to yourself to check out The Social Dilemma on Netflix. 

It will blow your mind when you understand what I mean about regulation. Totally different animal from censorship.

I am a musician and video game addict....I am not an advocate for restricting art, expression etc. 

When you watch this documentary you will understand what I mean about regulation on companies like Facebook and Google and it also spreads down to Snap, Instagram and Twitter. They are all following the model in what I am talking about. It goes far deeper than what you think I mean.

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