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Ran a 10k - Official Thread (1 Viewer)

I'm two weeks out from my half marathon so the training at this point is basically in the bag. Maybe just one more time running fast but not for too long.

I can't complain with where I'm at. Last week I ran 13.1 at about PR pace plus 30 seconds (with a negative split) and I ran 8 at PR pace yesterday. I'm comfortable that I'm in the cardiovascular shape to PR. However, it's just so fatiguing to run that fast for that long. To that end, I'm taking two days off work before the race so I get a total of three days before the race to sleep, relax and try to get my muscles relatively loose. I definitely going to make a PR attempt.

Your training has been super strong. Looking forward to you knocking out a new PR :towelwave:
My HM is this coming Sunday.

I know I've complained about this before, but the Hansons Advanced HM plan is just brutally exhausting. I've made it through with just a little modification to the GHMP-10 runs the last few weeks.

I followed this same plan for my last HM in the spring of 22 and had a great race. This one has been more tiring with a more aggressive goal, but I'm hoping for another good race. My last few runs since tapering have felt great with a lower HR than usual...super good sign.

Weather on Sunday was looking like rain but now is cloudy with temps at 55/44 and moderately windy. I really hope the rain holds off which is still forecasted for Saturday.
My HM is this coming Sunday.

Goals? Tracking? Don't be holding-out on us, now!

BIB# 10447

Tracking is with RTRT https://www.columbusmarathon.com/runner-tracking

This race always screws up the first checkpoint, so I'm not sure how useful it will be.

Goal is <1:30. I've been training at 6:45-6:50 pace which will give me a little buffer for extra distance.
Good luck GB! Looking forward to seeing how you do .
Really exciting time on the race calendar. @xulf and @Juxtatarot - you two have consistently been crushing your training week in and week out - I think some monster performances are in store. @gruecd @SteelCurtain @Zasada - you all are insane and I can't wait to hear how it goes. The google sheet indicates an upcoming half for @tri-man 47 as well?! You're going to knock it out of the park. :headbang:

Those following on Strava have already seen, but I've finally been able to run again! With a combination of stride shortening and PT-recommended form adjustments, my IT band pain during workouts has gone from "unbearable" to simply "unpleasant." That's enough for me to make a racing attempt next Saturday. I have no goals other than "finish" and I expect things to get pretty ugly near the end, but I'll just be happy to participate at this point. Over the next 10 days I'm hoping to do one last tempo run to get a better sense of my current fitness, and a couple more light runs to keep everything fresh. Race day forecast is currently pointing towards a clear 50 degree morning with minimal wind.
Are you healthy going into R2R2R? You haven't run much this past week.

Just over three weeks ago, I rolled my ankle running in London. Was sore after, but I thought it was fine, and had a few days of pain-free running when I got home. Then on the trails up north, I had two pretty bad days with it, and found myself hobbling around the house afterward. It seemed strange to attribute it to the roll in London, but that's all I can think of causing it.

Anyways, I decided to take a few days off to let it recover, and went out for a run last Thursday. It pissed off my ankle enough to decide to shut it down entirely until R2R2R. I've been repeating the mantra often-used here: "Better to toe the line undertrained and healthy, than vice-versa". Ankle is 95% now, and I'm going to test it tomorrow with a shakeout. Should be fine. Were it not for R2R2R, I'd be back running on it already.

And even when it was bad two weeks ago, it wasn't so bad that I couldn't walk. Just trying to be extra cautious.
Just saw this thread.

I just started running in May-June timeframe and have been doing training for a 10k. Every other week I run one (on my own). Been doing repeats/Intervals on Wednesday and Tempo Runs on Fridays.

My main thing is heart rate regulation.

Thanks for the added inspiration!
Just saw this thread.

I just started running in May-June timeframe and have been doing training for a 10k. Every other week I run one (on my own). Been doing repeats/Intervals on Wednesday and Tempo Runs on Fridays.

My main thing is heart rate regulation.

Thanks for the added inspiration!
As the saying goes - to get faster, run slow. It might not feel beneficial to be running slowly, but that’s when good things are happening inside as you develop your aerobic capacity. It’s the easy runs where you’ll make gains for your HR regulation!

eta: I overlooked a key point - welcome to the thread!!!
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I am absolutely more concerned with geese, red-winged blackbirds and turkeys (although I have limited experience with the latter) than coyotes
I'm shuked on this one. What do blackbirds do to you? Seem pretty chill.

You can’t be serious.

To be fair, unlike geese, they are cowards. They like to attack the back of your head when you can’t see them. I’ve found that they keep their distance if you stare them down.
I am absolutely more concerned with geese, red-winged blackbirds and turkeys (although I have limited experience with the latter) than coyotes
I'm shuked on this one. What do blackbirds do to you? Seem pretty chill.
Oh, no. They're aggressive in protecting their nests. I was doing some hill repeats a couple months ago and eventually picked up a stick to wave as I passed where a bird was swooping down on each pass. I saw a few other walkers/runners come out of that gauntlet with wide-eyed, WTF looks on their faces.
I am absolutely more concerned with geese, red-winged blackbirds and turkeys (although I have limited experience with the latter) than coyotes
I'm shuked on this one. What do blackbirds do to you? Seem pretty chill.
Oh, no. They're aggressive in protecting their nests. I was doing some hill repeats a couple months ago and eventually picked up a stick to wave as I passed where a bird was swooping down on each pass. I saw a few other walkers/runners come out of that gauntlet with wide-eyed, WTF looks on their faces.
🤷 don’t go near their nests.
Down here we have gators too. Thankfully they don’t usually attack.
Interesting. I definitely see red-winged blackbirds along some of the running paths I frequent and they've never bothered me. To be fair, this is typically more by fields, so I assume their nests aren't very close to the path.

Strangely the Canada geese around here have never hassled me either.
TLDR: Lots of grunting and moaning in the dark, while our heroes grip their poles.

It was fantastic having two of our #BMF team out on the trails with me and my friend. What a great (long) day. Took us just under 16 hours, but we were there to enjoy things, and not smash Walmsley's FKT (we definitely could have if we wanted to). I'm so impressed with the two flatlanders' ability to abuse their quads on so little trail-specific training. Two hours of running 20% downhill grades is no joke. And they gobbled it all up, then asked for seconds (which they got on the north rim!).
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