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Let's lose some weight in 2021. Back to the grind... who else is in? (1 Viewer)

I am in. Have really let things go since my son was born (he’ll be 2 in January) to the point where I’d probably have to get an entirely new wardrobe if we were heading back to the office anytime soon. 

Intermittent fasting (18:6 probably) with a well-rounded diet will be my approach. Lots of stretching, long walks, and push-ups for exercise. Let’s do this

I think that's 25 people which is amazing.  I'm excited to see all this interest and looking forward to hearing about progress.

Reminder that if you're doing your post Thanksgiving grocery shopping this weekend, the best way to keep yourself from eating junk and drinking too much booze is to not have it in the house.  Start thinking about healthy, low calorie meals and snacks that you enjoy.  (Bulletin Board material)

For people who don't diet often or don't necessarily have a plan, there's a few good options that seem to work well for people.

Low carb/keto diets work well for a lot of guys because you can see quick improvements, you get to eat lots of delicious meat and you can have some types of booze in moderation. I can't do it - I don't like cutting out crunchy foods which are all high carbs.  There's a lot you should learn about before starting keto for the first time to do it safely. (I'm with BF on this, not a good one for MoP but I know many who go this way and see success early which can be a motivator)

Intermittent fasting(EXPLOIT) works great for a lot of people too. 8 hours of eating, 16 hours of fasting- so you might eat your first meal at 10 and finish dinner by 6 and then not touch a bite the rest of the night. There's also 5:2 fasting which is 5 days of eating and 2 days of nearly (but not totally) going without food.  A couple hundred calories for the day gets you your whole caloric deficit for the week, as long as you're eating normally the rest of the week you should see results. Again, not for me. (The Obesity Code) is a good book on all of this. 

I do CICO - measuring Calories In vs Calories Out. I use the free myfitnesspal app or you can go to http://www.myfitnesspal.com and learn about it. They have an enormous database of foods including restaurant foods so if you get a slice of pizza from a local chain restaurant you can type in the name and probably find out how many calories it has. They have a bar code scanner too so you can find foods without typing anything in. It really is super easy to use and it's changed my life. I will talk about how I use it a lot, so if you're interested in trying it out you can follow me. (I heavily endorse this as well. Started doing it during Covid onset and have done it previously in my life but not with as much commitment as I have with the "Otis Group")

I'm also doing a combination of running, rowing, bodyweight exercises and yoga.  I like burning extra calories each day because I let myself eat whatever extra I earn. That's very motivating for me but some people prefer to just keep their calorie goal higher and use their exercise to lose weight. 

If you find an approach that works for you, more power to you. I would love to hear about it. It helps me to get better and it might help someone else here too.  But don't just trust random people on the internet like me. I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice. Consult your doctor before beginning this or any diet or exercise program.  Check forums like r/loseit and read their quick start guide for ideas.  There are a ton of free resources for people who are trying this out for the first time in a while.  

Good luck fellow fatties. We can do this together. 
My optimum exercise routine when I am on all cylinders includes Tennis 3x a week but in addition I like to cycle about 40-50 Miles per week and I also like to walk/run an additional 10-15 miles. If I can do 90 minutes combination on the days I don't step on a Tennis Court I am way ahead of things. 

I was as low as 178 but after Turkey Day I am close to 185, look forward to stripping 10+ lbs and yes I definitely padded up on Thanksgiving knowing I was going to try and take the pole position on exercise but with a field of 25 I'm not feeling quite so sure. 

-Thanksgiving, 75 Minutes on the Cycle after Meal #1 which only made me hungry for 2nd and 3rds. 

-7:30am this morning Tennis, 8 Men, 2 Courts, 2.5 hours...folks I owe a huge debt of gratitude to @bostonfred @krista4 @Otis @kevzilla @DA RAIDERS @fred_1_15301 @eaganwildcats @DocHolliday @MAC_32 and cheesypoof whose name doesn't seem to be coming up. But these folks helped me strip my frame down to a lean mean tennis machine. I'm 6-3 and a windmill now at the net, I get to shots i could never get to previously, I win points by just keeping the ball in play now vs having to smash winners all the time. I now run a Thursday night "Legends League" with a total of 8 guys and we have a waiting list to get in...my life is pretty awesome to be honest. 

I hope I motivate some of you, if my fat ### can do this, so can you. 

225 Minutes and counting, I'm back on the Courts at 7:30am tomorrow. 

Let's Go!!!

I am in. Have really let things go since my son was born (he’ll be 2 in January) to the point where I’d probably have to get an entirely new wardrobe if we were heading back to the office anytime soon. 

Intermittent fasting (18:6 probably) with a well-rounded diet will be my approach. Lots of stretching, long walks, and push-ups for exercise. Let’s do this
Stretching - yoga with adriene, free on youtube. Start with 30 days of yoga (2015) it is awesome 

Push-ups - there are a lot of programs out there but I used hundredpushups.com. I never got to 100 and neither did any of the guys who did this with us but I'm doing 50 plus every day with ease and my arms and chest look so much better. Spend a few minutes, three times a week for a couple months and you might have the same results. 

Intermittent fasting- I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice but I don't believe that IF is a panacea. But I also find myself using something close when I'm trying to lose weight.  IF is just CICO with extra steps, IMHO. Or maybe fewer steps. I don't know. 

I don't know many guys who didn't put on weight after having a kid or two or three. You are no longer your own priority. Good for you that you took care of the right things. Now you have time to focus on yourself.  Part of being a good dad is realizing that your family needs you to stay around. 

Glll peas

This isnt a gimmicky diet and I'm not selling anything. 

I'm just using the free app myfitnesspal to log my calories every day and will set it to lose 2lbs per week. 

From my starting weight on November 30th to the morning of December 24th I expect to lose about 10 lbs exactly. Some of that will be water weight but most of it will be fat I needed to get rid of.  Why November 30th and not the day after Thanksgiving? Because I am going to enjoy my day after sandwiches and leftover pie. This isn't about giving up things i want, it's about setting realistic, achievable goals. 

If you're interested and want to post progress in this thread please do. I will. It helps me stay on track and I know other people have said it helps them too.

If you’re interested you can "join" at any time but I'm posting this now because sometimes it helps to commit early and plan around the starting date. 
Alright.  I’m in for losing 7 lbs (exact number TBD during weigh-in tomorrow morning).  Goal is to initially get back to my weight in late 2004.....lived in NY back then and walked everywhere, worked out 4-5X per week.  

Once I hit that goal, my next goal will be to add upper body muscle and maintain the same weight in parallel.  But first things first.

Thanks for the motivation and shared mission BF.  This is exactly the kick in the butt I needed post-Thanksgiving.

The reason I gravitate towards IF is that my biggest problem is extra food after dinner. If I have a “rule” where food just isn’t an option after 7pm I do better with it. Agree it isn’t really anything special, and if I wake up starving in the morning I’ll go ahead and have breakfast. I’ve never tracked calories before - will do that regardless of whether or not I stick to the hard 6 hour eating window. 

120 Minutes of Tennis this morning 

345 Minutes total exercise starting from Turkey Day, after tipping the scales on Friday I quickly booked the first 3 people I could find to play Doubles with me in the morning, I never play Sundays and I never play 3 days in a row but exceptions must be made to trim all this gravy off my waist. 


I got to get back on things. 

I lost 70 pounds last year. I went on a medically supervised diet and started going to the gym. Obviously was doing well. Kept on track mostly and was feeling so much better in many ways... but then I had two bouts of kidney stones (if you have had them, you know... if you haven't, easily the most painful thing I have ever felt) and many bouts of what later was diagnosed as gout (which also hurts). Basically my entire diet was on the list of 'do not eat' or 'avoid' lists for both kidney stones and gout. I was still going to the gym but put the diet thing on hold to figure out something else as when I last talked to the head doctor about the kidney stones he basically told me "do you want to die or do you want some pain?" meaning, keep doing what you are doing so you lose your weight and are healthy or die early because you are overweight. That didn't go over well with me. But then covid hit and I stopped working out because my whole thing was the gym plus having kids at home etc... just destroyed me. 

I have not weighed myself but I can tell by clothing and how my body feels that I have gained most if not all back. SUCKS. 

Trying to get back into doing some consistent work outs at home but still haven't figured out how to hit the diet thing without causing kidney stones and gout. The high protein was not too hard for me to follow which was lead to the success last time. Not sure how to approach it this time. 
s'up chad?

i feel you!  i have suffered from both.  a couple of years ago, i found out that, i've only had one kidney.  probably, for my whole life. :mellow:   thankfully, the kidney stones were a rare occurrence.  the gout was not.  prior to finding out about the kidney issue(they're connected) i went through a 3 year period where, i was having attacks, way too often.

i tried most everything, in regards to The Gouts.  medicine(both brands) i didn't drink booze for  year.  went vegetarian for a year.  raw food only for 2 months. none of that worked.  moderation in all things diet, did.  along with avoiding a few things, entirely.  which i found, only through trial and error.  working out, a lot and consistently.  and much, much less stress in my life. (my wife is convinced this was the biggest factor)  oh, and i drink a Massive amount of water.

anyway, feel free to HMU :lmao:   my kid's 14 and using her text speak, always cracks me up.  you have my number, feel free to call.  or ask me anything on here.  and check out the otis thread on here.  lotta dudes, working their way through getting older, and not wanting to get fatter.  

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I have not. But I probably need to do something a little different.

I lost 20 ish lbs just cutting back carbs - still ate whatever I wanted (meat, eggs, cheese, veggies) and however much I wanted, and drank whiskey and light beer to my heart's content. So I was super happy with that.

But I've been stuck right at 200 lbs for about four weeks, still doing that. So I agree - time to change it up.

I know I feel tons better not eating wheat, so I'll probably add some fruit but watch how much of everything I eat. I'm super lazy, so I don't really want to count calories, but I know what I gotta do to cut back.
if you ace most of the booze, that will get you 5-10#s easy.  not the most fun, but effective.

Stretching - yoga with adriene, free on youtube. Start with 30 days of yoga (2015) it is awesome 

Push-ups - there are a lot of programs out there but I used hundredpushups.com. I never got to 100 and neither did any of the guys who did this with us but I'm doing 50 plus every day with ease and my arms and chest look so much better. Spend a few minutes, three times a week for a couple months and you might have the same results. 

Intermittent fasting- I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice but I don't believe that IF is a panacea. But I also find myself using something close when I'm trying to lose weight.  IF is just CICO with extra steps, IMHO. Or maybe fewer steps. I don't know. 

I don't know many guys who didn't put on weight after having a kid or two or three. You are no longer your own priority. Good for you that you took care of the right things. Now you have time to focus on yourself.  Part of being a good dad is realizing that your family needs you to stay around. 

Glll peas
I’m not a doctor either but the theory with IF is to allow your body to clear the insulin in your system which promotes fat storage and causes other issues.  Some people can do that naturally, some with CICO with certain ratios and some using IF.

There’s two things I always come back to with fasting instead what I heard a couple of doctors/experts say - and I’ll probably butcher the comment:

1. Caloric restriction is the only known way to extend life across all species 

2. You can pick all kinds of diets out there but ultimately a fast is the most optimal (of course given a person who is free to fast).

I’m a much bigger believer in fasting than “many small meals” or “always eat breakfast”.  It’s also much easier to just not eat than to count calories or log your food.  But some people hate it and just feel they can’t do it - and I get it, it’s very hard, in particular mentally for me.

The reason I gravitate towards IF is that my biggest problem is extra food after dinner. If I have a “rule” where food just isn’t an option after 7pm I do better with it. Agree it isn’t really anything special, and if I wake up starving in the morning I’ll go ahead and have breakfast. I’ve never tracked calories before - will do that regardless of whether or not I stick to the hard 6 hour eating window. 
This is exactly what I need. Rules. 

Calorie counting for me is that rule - I set a rule that I need to stay under calories every day, and there's mountains of evidence that it works. It gets a bad rap because it sounds hard but it's really not - just open the myfitnesspal app a couple times a day and you're good.  I do not own a food scale and I don't care if I have 11 raspberries instead of 10, my weight loss needs are not measured in individual raspberries. I'll lose weight if I'm 100 percent honest and only 80 percent accurate. 

Intermittent fasting is calorie restriction with an additional rule of no eating between certain hours.  It mostly works because its hard to eat 2500 calories in 6 hours, not because fasting is magical (there does appear to be some magic, but not that much).  But it's a really simple rule to follow and it's easy to explain to friends and family so they don't give you #### about not eating out with them or having a drink tonight. 

I think it also appeals to people because you're not restricted from eating certain foods.  Keto is the same thing- you're telling me that I can eat meat all the time and lose weight? Awesome!  But again, if you're eating 2500 calories a day and not exercising, you aren't going to lose weight, no matter which diet you're using. It's always going to boil down to calories in vs calories out. 

One thing I really try to do during my dieting is to eat some ####ty unhealthy foods.  It's important to me to feel like I'm getting away with something once in a while. I have egg sandwiches, pizza, French fries, doritos, big breakfasts like eggs benedict with home fries, burritos, huge plates of homemade foods - i just find ways to make it work in my daily calories.  Not necessarily every day, but whenever I want to.  And that works for me. 

But I also notice that if I start eating later in the day, it's easier to stay under calories. So I kind of end up doing intermittent fasting a lot of days anyways, just not on purpose.  I do think it works, and I love that you're going to do both together for a while.  

I’m not a doctor either but the theory with IF is to allow your body to clear the insulin in your system which promotes fat storage and causes other issues.  Some people can do that naturally, some with CICO with certain ratios and some using IF.

There’s two things I always come back to with fasting instead what I heard a couple of doctors/experts say - and I’ll probably butcher the comment:

1. Caloric restriction is the only known way to extend life across all species 

2. You can pick all kinds of diets out there but ultimately a fast is the most optimal (of course given a person who is free to fast).

I’m a much bigger believer in fasting than “many small meals” or “always eat breakfast”.  It’s also much easier to just not eat than to count calories or log your food.  But some people hate it and just feel they can’t do it - and I get it, it’s very hard, in particular mentally for me.
The insulin thing is the "magic" I was talking about. My understanding is that it matters, but how much you eat and how many calories you burn still matter much much more than when you eat and how long you fast in between. Like you said - cutting out one meal a day naturally reduces how much you're eating, as long as you don't eat bigger meals to compensate.  That's where most of the success for IF seems to come from in practice - it's calorie restriction without tracking. 

I've found that myfitnesspal is pretty accurate in guessing my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) based on my height weight and activity level (I tell it that I am inactive, and then log all of my exercise). So if I tell it that I want to lose 2 lbs per week and it says ok you get 1500 calories a day, then if i eat 1500 calories every day for ten weeks (or 2000 calories and burn 500 calories with exercise) I'll lose almost exactly 20 lbs. IF without calorie counting is just guess work - I'm probably eating less right now so if I just trust the process I should lose weight.  

The best answer might be to do both. 

if you ace most of the booze, that will get you 5-10#s easy.  not the most fun, but effective.
When I gave up alcohol, without doing anything else differently I lost ~12 pounds in less than two months.  It all depends on what you drink and how much, of course.  But yes, lots of empty calories.

1500 calories per day. 

Coffee - 224 calories- i make two cups on the keurig and put in lots of sugar and international delights creamer. Don't judge me.. I don't like keurig coffee that much, and one of the things that keeps me sane during lockdown and dieting is knowing that I get a big delicious serving of caffeine and sugar every day.  Why is it 224 calories? I just plugged in two cups of medium dunkin donuts coffee with milk and sugar. I have been doing this since march and it's close enough to accurate. 

Logged this in myfitnesspal right away which is important to me because it reinforces the routine. 

Egg sandwich - 330 calories - used my Hamilton Beach breakfast sandwich maker.  I've said it before but this thing seemed so dumb when I saw it in the store and then my wife got it for me as a gift and I use it all the time. One Thomas's mini bagel is 125 calories, two slices of cracker cut extra sharp cheddar is 75, 60 calories for a 2 oz slab of Canadian bacon and 70 calories for the egg. I eat this often enough that I clicked on my recipes and added it into the app. Now I just have to type in egg sandwich and it pulls in all the calories, protein, fat, etc from the ingredients. 

Had this around lunch time.  Feels nice to have 950 calories left for the rest of the day.  Even if i don't do a minute of exercise, I could go to chipotle tonight and get a chicken burrito and stay under calories for the day. I don't actually eat chipotle that often (and definitely haven't since covid) but it's about knowing that i could. 

I’m clowncar9 on my fitness pal. I started a long time ago. 
I am into the Calorie counting/burning and the only eating twice a day. I eat a breakfast meal of eggs (scrambled or in an omelette) around noon and whatever the family has for dinner. I quit coke about 5 months ago. Starting Monday I’m cutting sweet tea. 

I think I need to stop smoking weed for a bit too. I'm due for a T break anyhow, but it leads to some other bad habits like staying up too late and snacking. 

edit: have any of you all been successful with a diet/fitness regimen while still using marijuana on a near daily basis? I know it's possible, but I don't think it will be for me. 

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I think I need to stop smoking weed for a bit too. I'm due for a T break anyhow, but it leads to some other bad habits like staying up too late and snacking. 

edit: have any of you all been successful with a diet/fitness regimen while still using marijuana on a near daily basis? I know it's possible, but I don't think it will be for me. 
I personally guarantee it is possible to change your dietary and exercise habits without altering your relationship to the hippie lettuce one little bit.

I personally guarantee it is possible to change your dietary and exercise habits without altering your relationship to the hippie lettuce one little bit.
It certainly is possible, but it is more difficult. Have to be very disciplined in what you eat and only keep healthy snacks on hand. Even too many nuts can get in the way.

IF is my ticket, I have little self control when it comes to nighttime eating. I have the most success limiting my daytime calories. My IF hours are 4PM to midnight. 4PM is my lunchtime at work, I wait until 8PM to eat a couple days a week. I'm shooting to be under 200, I was 215 Friday morning after Thanksgiving and 211 this morning. My lowest weight so far this year was 205. I was 234 January 1st.

s'up chad?

i feel you!  i have suffered from both.  a couple of years ago, i found out that, i've only had one kidney.  probably, for my whole life. :mellow:   thankfully, the kidney stones were a rare occurrence.  the gout was not.  prior to finding out about the kidney issue(they're connected) i went through a 3 year period where, i was having attacks, way too often.

i tried most everything, in regards to The Gouts.  medicine(both brands) i didn't drink booze for  year.  went vegetarian for a year.  raw food only for 2 months. none of that worked.  moderation in all things diet, did.  along with avoiding a few things, entirely.  which i found, only through trial and error.  working out, a lot and consistently.  and much, much less stress in my life. (my wife is convinced this was the biggest factor)  oh, and i drink a Massive amount of water.

anyway, feel free to HMU :lmao:   my kid's 14 and using her text speak, always cracks me up.  you have my number, feel free to call.  or ask me anything on here.  and check out the otis thread on here.  lotta dudes, working their way through getting older, and not wanting to get fatter.  
Thanks bud.

No kidney stones or gout since I went off the diet which was pretty much a keto diet. I never had kidney stones before it and I believe looking back on a couple of sporadic gout attacks over the years before (not diagnosed) but had about 8 in less than a year of being on the diet. I also have been careful to increase my water intake and actually drink much with Crystal Light (or similar brands) of Lemonade or a few other flavors to keep it interesting. The citrate in it is suppose to be very helpful on keeping stones from forming. As I said, no cases of stones or gout since so it has been effective. 

The problem is weight now. I was doing really well before. It was something though not 'easy' I could keep on and was successful. Going off the diet due to the medical issues and then exercise due to COVID and the challenges that presented. It all went to hell. And to be honest, I think it was the emotional impact of it all that had me frustrated and giving up. 

I am trying to get more active. Do some exercise and trying to get it to be a little daily then build off of that. I am not going to the gym now even though it is open but making some efforts. I need to do more. I will do more. The diet on the other hand... I am at a loss. I don't know what to do. 

Thanks bud.

No kidney stones or gout since I went off the diet which was pretty much a keto diet. I never had kidney stones before it and I believe looking back on a couple of sporadic gout attacks over the years before (not diagnosed) but had about 8 in less than a year of being on the diet. I also have been careful to increase my water intake and actually drink much with Crystal Light (or similar brands) of Lemonade or a few other flavors to keep it interesting. The citrate in it is suppose to be very helpful on keeping stones from forming. As I said, no cases of stones or gout since so it has been effective. 

The problem is weight now. I was doing really well before. It was something though not 'easy' I could keep on and was successful. Going off the diet due to the medical issues and then exercise due to COVID and the challenges that presented. It all went to hell. And to be honest, I think it was the emotional impact of it all that had me frustrated and giving up. 

I am trying to get more active. Do some exercise and trying to get it to be a little daily then build off of that. I am not going to the gym now even though it is open but making some efforts. I need to do more. I will do more. The diet on the other hand... I am at a loss. I don't know what to do. 
sounds trite, but you can do it.

walking, plus calorie control, will work.  slowly but surely.  it's a ##### to get started, but once there's a routine in place, it gets easier.  you work like a mofo, maybe you can get a treadmill or something, for when you're on the phone.

and, as far as the diet, you can probably do a high protein diet.  just need to pick your proteins wisely.

check out the otis thread  we're all in it together.

1500 calories per day. 

Coffee - 224 calories- i make two cups on the keurig and put in lots of sugar and international delights creamer. Don't judge me.. I don't like keurig coffee that much, and one of the things that keeps me sane during lockdown and dieting is knowing that I get a big delicious serving of caffeine and sugar every day.  Why is it 224 calories? I just plugged in two cups of medium dunkin donuts coffee with milk and sugar. I have been doing this since march and it's close enough to accurate. 

Logged this in myfitnesspal right away which is important to me because it reinforces the routine. 

Egg sandwich - 330 calories - used my Hamilton Beach breakfast sandwich maker.  I've said it before but this thing seemed so dumb when I saw it in the store and then my wife got it for me as a gift and I use it all the time. One Thomas's mini bagel is 125 calories, two slices of cracker cut extra sharp cheddar is 75, 60 calories for a 2 oz slab of Canadian bacon and 70 calories for the egg. I eat this often enough that I clicked on my recipes and added it into the app. Now I just have to type in egg sandwich and it pulls in all the calories, protein, fat, etc from the ingredients. 

Had this around lunch time.  Feels nice to have 950 calories left for the rest of the day.  Even if i don't do a minute of exercise, I could go to chipotle tonight and get a chicken burrito and stay under calories for the day. I don't actually eat chipotle that often (and definitely haven't since covid) but it's about knowing that i could. 
I ate like a trash can today and barely did any exercise. Half an hour of walking. Dominos for dinner. Just absolute #### day of eating.

30 minutes of walking is plus 169 calories. 

Late lunch 220 - Skyr yogurt is 130, plus 90 more for two servings of raspberries.

Dinner 788 calories. Dominos chicken with bacon and cheese. My heart hurts thinking about it and not because I'm in love. 11 pieces is 578 calories. Plus a slice of medium cheese pizza is another 210. 

Way to lead by example, fred.

But wait... let's add that up. 224 + 330 + 220 + 788 minus 169 equals..1403 net calories. Well under my goal of 1500, where I will lose 2 lbs per week. 

Protein was ok - about 80g, which is low but not bad. I'd like to be around 100 and higher if I'm exercising but this was a chores, errands and family day.  And 25g of fiber, almost entirely from those raspberries.  

So even eating trash all day - sugary coffee, egg sandwich with meat on a bagel, pizza and chicken with bacon from dominos, just awful food choices - and doing next to nothing for exercise - I am still on track. 

If I can eat like this on a bad day and still lose 2 lbs per week, then think what you can do if you eat like a grown up. Mix a salad in. Have something homemade instead of Dominos. Maybe run or do a longer walk or some yoga.  Weight loss doesn't have to be hard and calorie counting doesn't mean you never get to eat fun foods.

I'm going to keep blogging this for guys who don't count calories so maybe I can be a case study for how to do this realistically and sustainability.  I won't always eat garbage like this, but I'm not going to be munching on baked kale while I wait for my quinoa and flaxseed smoothie so I can get amped up for spin class.  I will eat fun foods and drink wine and still lose ten pounds by Christmas eve. 

First 2 days I ate below my points. 

Its not hard. What I really want to know is what is wrong with me that I need to do this every other year. I get down to where I want to be to only throw it away and have to do it again. Any armchair psychologists out there. 

It certainly is possible, but it is more difficult. Have to be very disciplined in what you eat and only keep healthy snacks on hand. Even too many nuts can get in the way.
Plain rice cakes work for this.  Something I'd never consider eating but will mow those things down when I'm baked.  Beats a 10-pack of Taco Bell tacos.

So we're saying I shouldn't drink rum and eggnog tonight? :lol:

At least I'm going to set up the TRX set today outside while I'm grilling.
Alcohol isn't  problem for me because I already have it in the back of my head that I need to watch my intake.  What used to kill me was drinking tons of juice.  Yeah, the OJ is healthier than a soda, but the liter I drink with a meal is still 220 calories.

My optimum exercise routine when I am on all cylinders includes Tennis 3x a week but in addition I like to cycle about 40-50 Miles per week and I also like to walk/run an additional 10-15 miles. If I can do 90 minutes combination on the days I don't step on a Tennis Court I am way ahead of things. 

I was as low as 178 but after Turkey Day I am close to 185, look forward to stripping 10+ lbs and yes I definitely padded up on Thanksgiving knowing I was going to try and take the pole position on exercise but with a field of 25 I'm not feeling quite so sure. 

-Thanksgiving, 75 Minutes on the Cycle after Meal #1 which only made me hungry for 2nd and 3rds. 

-7:30am this morning Tennis, 8 Men, 2 Courts, 2.5 hours...folks I owe a huge debt of gratitude to @bostonfred @krista4 @Otis @kevzilla @DA RAIDERS @fred_1_15301 @eaganwildcats @DocHolliday @MAC_32 and cheesypoof whose name doesn't seem to be coming up. But these folks helped me strip my frame down to a lean mean tennis machine. I'm 6-3 and a windmill now at the net, I get to shots i could never get to previously, I win points by just keeping the ball in play now vs having to smash winners all the time. I now run a Thursday night "Legends League" with a total of 8 guys and we have a waiting list to get in...my life is pretty awesome to be honest. 

I hope I motivate some of you, if my fat ### can do this, so can you. 

225 Minutes and counting, I'm back on the Courts at 7:30am tomorrow. 

Let's Go!!!
Just started playong again with the wife last month but then the gyms complained that the indoor courts shouldn't be allowed to be open if they have to be closed and now....

In.  Hitting the big 5-0 in March and shedding my annual 10-15 I gain on our summer trip doesn't happen like it used to.  

Basic plan:

Breakfast - 1C oatmeal (1c water + 1c wheat milk) with sliced banana, honey, coconut oil, walnuts, fresh blueberries, cinnamon - cutting this in half or splitting with my son/wife.  punched it in MFA and it came to roughly 750 cal

Usually ok with that until 3-4pm.  Meal prepping every sunday with a crock pot full of black beans or lentils, quinoa, and frozen cauliflower, broccoli, sweet potato.

Just started yesterday at 237 lbs/ 34.6%
High for the year Aug 19, 249.2, low for the year Feb 1, 219.3.  Expecting a small hiccup as we delayed our Thanksgiving to today for family reasons.  Need to punch some recipes into MFA to track more accurately.  As noted above, cutting breakfast in half and having a couple protein bars (348 total calories and 50g protein) to get my macros in line.

  • Date       |    Weight      |    Fat%     |       +/-         |   Calories
  • Nov 24   |    237 lbs     |    34.6%   |       -----        |      ----
  • Nov 29   |   231.1 lbs   |   31.1%    |   (5.9 lbs)   |      ----
Weighted in at 186.6 lbs this morning. I tried the app yesterday and ended up at 1460 calories used. Going real time starting today.

My goal is a 175 lbs. 3 years ago at Christmas I weighed 214 lbs. When I married my wife 29 years ago I weighed 165 lbs. I was 28 years old then, and would eventually like to get back to 165 lbs.

Yesterday I had 1000 calories left after breakfast, had some skyr yogurt and berries, didn't do much exercise, and had a huge dinner.  Not a great day by most standards, but I stayed under my calorie goal and did pretty well with protein and fiber. 

Today I'm starting with a breakfast sandwich and coffee (550), a banana (105), and a small packaged salad for lunch. Hannaford grocery stores have a Fiesta salad with chicken. There is no Fiesta here except that it's only 210 calories. A lot of those packaged salads are 250 to 350. 

I've got about 630 calories left, but I'm only at 6g fiber and need some protein. I'll have my skyr yogurt and berries again, qnd have a little granola for some crunch, but that will eat up 325.  That's a little depressing- I've been relatively good and only have about 300 calories left unspoken for unless I burn some off.  Which i will. Football Sunday is the best day to spend some time on the treadmill/rower. If I'd like to earn a good dinner, that's how. That's the difference between a boring chicken breast with a small side of broccoli, or something like chicken cordon bleu with a big side of veggies and a glass or two of wine.  I don't need those extra calories, but i like them, and it's good motivation to earn them. 

  • Date         |  Weight   |   Chg From Start  |   Calories
  • Nov 27         226.1                    -                      1210
  • Nov 28         223.3                 -2.8                   1400
  • Nov 29         221.7                 -4.4
The day after Thanksgiving is my all-time peak weight and there was probably some food still in my system, so not a "true" weight (I hope).  Starting tomorrow my weight loss should become more normalized (.2 to .4 pounds) if history holds.  I do what I call the "Chick-potle" diet, and my friends laugh but it works while I'm on it.  I start with a protein drink in the morning (240 cal), Chipotle burrito bowl with no sour cream, guac, or queso (720 cal) for lunch, then get 12 Chickfila nuggets for dinner (390), with a fruit cup snack in the afternoon (50) if needed.  That puts me around 1350 to 1400 calories, and I don't mind eating the same thing everyday for awhile. I drink water and Coke Zero (I know a lot of people advise against this) so I don't add any calories there.

bostonfred said:
Yesterday I had 1000 calories left after breakfast, had some skyr yogurt and berries, didn't do much exercise, and had a huge dinner.  Not a great day by most standards, but I stayed under my calorie goal and did pretty well with protein and fiber. 

Today I'm starting with a breakfast sandwich and coffee (550), a banana (105), and a small packaged salad for lunch. Hannaford grocery stores have a Fiesta salad with chicken. There is no Fiesta here except that it's only 210 calories. A lot of those packaged salads are 250 to 350. 

I've got about 630 calories left, but I'm only at 6g fiber and need some protein. I'll have my skyr yogurt and berries again, qnd have a little granola for some crunch, but that will eat up 325.  That's a little depressing- I've been relatively good and only have about 300 calories left unspoken for unless I burn some off.  Which i will. Football Sunday is the best day to spend some time on the treadmill/rower. If I'd like to earn a good dinner, that's how. That's the difference between a boring chicken breast with a small side of broccoli, or something like chicken cordon bleu with a big side of veggies and a glass or two of wine.  I don't need those extra calories, but i like them, and it's good motivation to earn them. 
A 90 minute walk burned about 510 calories.  

Yogurt, about 20 raspberries and half a serving of nature valley high protein granola is 330. 

A steam able bag of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots is 100. 

An 8 oz. chicken cordon bleu from the grocery store shelf (Winchester farms) is 460 calories.  

Half a chicken tender from the dinner I cooked for my kid 60 calories. Those little pieces add up quick if you don't count them. 

That leaves me 128 calories. There's 125 calories in a glass of pinot noir. I might do a little more exercise now so I can have a second glass. 

That's a really healthy 118g protein, 40g fiber, lots of fruit and vegetables. Much healthier than yesterday but this wasn't crappy diet food or tiny portions, and I get a glass of wine. I guess I had some willpower but i cheated a bit and ate some of my kid's chicken. No worries as long as you log it. I did some exercise, but I didn't run a marathon - I just walked on the treadmill while I watched some football. 1500 calories a day will lose 2lb per week for a 45 year old on the wrong side of 200 lbs, and it really is plenty. 

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The good news is I behaved for the past 3 days.  I ran twice and exceeded 60 minutes of exercise all 3 days.  I ate decent with only fruit for snacks and my last bowl of ice cream until Christmas.

Bad news is the weight is 241.6.  When I was 235 my goal was to lose 10 lb by Thanksgiving, instead I gained 6. This is just proof that I need to stay active in this thread and have some accountability.

The good news is I behaved for the past 3 days.  I ran twice and exceeded 60 minutes of exercise all 3 days.  I ate decent with only fruit for snacks and my last bowl of ice cream until Christmas.

Bad news is the weight is 241.6.  When I was 235 my goal was to lose 10 lb by Thanksgiving, instead I gained 6. This is just proof that I need to stay active in this thread and have some accountability.
Exactly. Let's do this together. 

I'm seriously excited to see all the people who joined in. I count 34 of you.  Reminder to start today if you haven't already. No obligation to post in the thread or to use any specific program or tool but it helps to stay honest. 

I will be using myfitnesspal to track calories and also protein and fiber.  My goal is to lose 2lbs per week so I get about 1500 net calories per day. I count exercise towards my goals so I will be "earning" calories when I run or row or do yoga. I will be posting updates for people who aren't used to calorie tracking and want to use myfitnesspal like i do. Other people are doing keto, intermittent fasting, weight watchers (or the free app itrackbites which is similar) and maybe some other options and I would love to hear from all of you too. The most important thing is to find something that works for you and your needs. 

Also a reminder that I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. Consult your doctor before beginning this or any diet or exercise program. 



@Clown Car



@Navin Johnson









@Angry Beavers


@Ministry of Pain

@Bracie Smathers







@Cold Dead Hands


@Freak Show


@Alex P Keaton

@The Flying Turtle

@East Coast Bias



Sunday was 90 Minutes on the Courts brought up to 435 Minutes going into Monday, tonight a front passes over Florida and we will wake up to temperatures in the 50s around where I am, that sounds delightful for some cycles. 

I did aggravate a hip pointer, not terribly painful but when I sit legs crossed on the floor or in bed you can really feel it pinch. 

435 and counting 



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