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2018 Elections Thread (2 Viewers)

This is a fair question to @Joe Bryant as well.  It's reasonable to get the answer.
I can ask the moderators to look but this doesn't appear to be Eminence. Although to be fair, it's not that difficult to camouflage these days with IPs. 

@D Baseball if you're going to make claims, support them with links. If you're just looking to get a reaction, please don't do that here. 

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I'm not supporting racism. I just choose to believe her side of the story. It's very credible. 
Assuming arguendo that it's credible, it's still really really dumb.  And people who say things this dumb probably aren't the best candidate for political office. 

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I can ask the moderators to look but this doesn't appear to be Eminence. Although to be fair, it's not that difficult to camouflage these days with IPs. 

@D Baseball if you're going to make claims, support them with links. If you're just looking to get a reaction, please don't do that here. 

I'm not,  but ok. Thanks. 

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This is a fair question to @Joe Bryant as well.  It's reasonable to get the answer.
I can ask the moderators to look but this doesn't appear to be Eminence. Although to be fair, it's that difficult to camouflage these days with IPs. 

@D Baseball if you're going to make claims, support them with links. If you're just looking to get a reaction, please don't do that here. 
Thank you, I think for the most part most of us are really trying to remember to have good faith discussions as you have requested.  

Saying this mostly for anyone reading, because I don't think you care.

It doesn't matter how she meant it. When you use terms like cotton-pickin', monkey, lynch, or hanging when referring to black people, it is racist. We're still at a point in our country where a significant portion of the population was alive when black people were regularly murdered in public and generally terrorized. People who are alive today had their friends and family hung for doing things like encouraging black people to vote. Know who did it? White people.

I don't care what a white person means when they say words like that about a black person. When they say those things, they're being racist as ####. 
I wish there was an "angry" reaction emoticon as well as a "lmao".  

Pinal (Mcsally County) and Pima have posted and Hobbs is ahead by 3645. Maricopa goes again in an hour and I can't imagine those results do anything but pad Sinema and Hobbs' leads. AP may as well call at least the Sinema race today. 

Rather than visiting Arlington National Cemetery this #VeteransDay2018, Trump is tweeting about how military ballots cast by soldiers serving overseas should not be counted.


Pinal (Mcsally County) and Pima have posted and Hobbs is ahead by 3645. Maricopa goes again in an hour and I can't imagine those results do anything but pad Sinema and Hobbs' leads. AP may as well call at least the Sinema race today. 
Are there any other races or ballot measures that could be influenced by these counts? Thanks Plorfu, maximum respect for the work you did and the way you are keeping us up to date here as well.

Are there any other races or ballot measures that could be influenced by these counts? Thanks Plorfu, maximum respect for the work you did and the way you are keeping us up to date here as well.
Thank you, sir. My pleasure. 

Other than SOS and the Senate race, I think everything's decided. 

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Maricopa and Pima counties pushing Sinema (D) to a 38197 vote lead as of 5 p.m. local time. And Hobbs (D) now has a 5667 vote lead for Secretary Of State.

Maricopa still has 143K ballots left to count, but there's no way McSally (R) can make up the deficit because there are only a few thousand ballots left from pro-McSally counties.

Hobbs could still lose but I doubt it.

There is a state senate race where the Democrat trails by 549 votes; the district is in Maricopa County but it's kind of suburbany so I'm not sure if that helps the Democrat or not. But she was down by ~650 votes yesterday, so...

A recount will only happen if the differential is within 200 votes.

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There is a state senate race where the Democrat trails by 549 votes; the district is in Maricopa County but it's kind of suburbany so I'm not sure if that helps the Democrat or not. But she was down by ~650 votes yesterday, so...
Oh, Christine Marsh. Former Teacher of the Year motivated by RedForEd. I'll be honest that I watched LD28's debate to help prepare our candidates and she didn't impress me. I still want her to win to get public education friendly people in there, but I stopped monitoring after the last friendly update didn't move the needle for her. Thanks for bringing this one up. 

Anyone have an updated count on the election? So far looks like GOP +2 in the Senate and Dems +40 in the House from what I’ve seen. 

In addition to McSally's concession, Ducey made some helpful remarks earlier, too, about respecting the integrity of this election. Arizona, despite pressure from Trump and many others in the national GOP, avoided making this thing a ####show.

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Patrick Ruffini, a Republican consultant, is a great Twitter follow.  Highly recommend him.


In 2016, House Republicans actually outperformed the top of the ticket in swing districts and in districts they held. In 2018, they unperformed the presidential margin in every kind of district.

The race for the U.S. House of Representatives was unchanged in safely Democratic districts. But in 2018, incumbent Republicans who had received bonus points for not being Trump in 2016 saw that advantage go away and then some.

This doesn't suggest much of an incumbency advantage either. @Redistrict has said this wasn't an election, it was a partisan census. I'd say this was a dry-run Presidential election. When voter files come back Republicans had better hope that these numbers were just about turnout.

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This is the classy McSally that I remember hearing about, the one that wanted to follow in the footsteps of Goldwater and McCain as a maverick Republican from Arizona. 

Maybe she still will. She seems like a good person. I was very disappointed when she started aping Trump. Hopefully she’s learned her lesson and will be back. 

This is the classy McSally that I remember hearing about, the one that wanted to follow in the footsteps of Goldwater and McCain as a maverick Republican from Arizona. 

Maybe she still will. She seems like a good person. I was very disappointed when she started aping Trump. Hopefully she’s learned her lesson and will be back. 
I think a better person would have reigned in her ugly, volatile campaign ads. Where McCain took the high road shutting down a supporter who claimed Obama was an Arab, mcsally unfortunately pivoted down the low road. I’m glad she appears to have lost. 

This is the classy McSally that I remember hearing about, the one that wanted to follow in the footsteps of Goldwater and McCain as a maverick Republican from Arizona. 

Maybe she still will. She seems like a good person. I was very disappointed when she started aping Trump. Hopefully she’s learned her lesson and will be back. 
I hope every politician who embraced Trump is banished from politics. McSally included. She showed potential but once you've embraced Trumpism it should be over for you with any moderates. Hopefully the next wave of politicians will see the red flags not go down the same road. 

timschochet said:
This is the classy McSally that I remember hearing about, the one that wanted to follow in the footsteps of Goldwater and McCain as a maverick Republican from Arizona. 

Maybe she still will. She seems like a good person. I was very disappointed when she started aping Trump. Hopefully she’s learned her lesson and will be back. 
Unfounded allegations of voter fraud are totally irresponsible and should rightly be condemned because they shake voter confidence & can affect future participation. Voter fraud in my experience is almost nonexistent," said Amy Chan, former state elections director who served under Republican Ken Bennett. Hats off to Republican McSally who was gracious in defeat and conceded rather than take the low road encouraged by Trump who pursued unfounded evidence of voter fraud and has to make everything a conspiracy when he loses. There are still some Republicans who get it right


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