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Manti Te'o's girlfriend who died... (1 Viewer)

This seems like a mind boggling amount of bull#### being piled up right now. Can't wait til it all blows up.

It's hard to believe Te'o thinks he can just throw out some nonsense and this will go away. Someone needs to tell him to get the whole story out first thing tomorrow so he can answer Qs about it in Indy and it can fade away in the three months before the draft.

No way he goes in the first. The longer this drags out the further he falls. Dude has to come clean tomorrow to have a fighting chance.
I'm not sure that's so funny. If Te'o is indeed behind this, it could be a catastrophe. Anyone who would make this up has serious character/mental issues. No team will want to invest any kind of significant money into this guy.
Serious mental issues? This is getting a little crazy now. If he actually had a fake girl that he thought was real I'd buy into what you're selling. He'll have an agent. One that will have the right answers for any question an NFL exec would ask and months to recite it. I'm sure this same agent is already preparing a statement to send to NFL teams as I write this. He's going top 20. Guaranteed.
So, someone correct me on my cliff notes understanding here:

MT's "girlfriend" was someone he knew online only. Maybe by phone. Real name is a fabrication. She existed in some way or fashion, and she somehow became the "love of [his] life. " Then, this Internet personality dies. He talks all about this "emotional" heart-breaking time for him because he learned of her death 6 hours after his grandmother actually dies. And, now the question is whether the made-up girlfriend and her death was a fantasy hoax played on him or something he just made up for reasons that aren't entirely clear.

Honestly, I couldn't read through the whole deadspin stuff, but is this the story in a nutshell?

This kid has bad news written all over him, but really a lot worse if he made this #### up.

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So... this is what happens when a homosexual plays in a completely homophobic sport, in a mostly homophobic country? :rolleyes:

AJ McCarrons girlfriend >>>>>>>>> Manti Te'o's dead girlfriend:pickle: SEC #1 once again!!!

The word "met" apparently doesn't mean "met" anymore; it means "online encounter." :mellow:
I'm not saying I believe this whole story, but I don't have a problem with that argument. I find it plausible that a college kid would use the word "met" when referring to someone he's only talked to online.
Te’o has many questions to answer regarding the situation. Regardless of whether he does so publicly, he’ll be doing so privately in the interviews and meetings that will precede the draft. Teams will want to know whether he can be trusted, and likewise what flaw possibly exists in his personality to prompt the fabrication of a girlfriend who would die during the season and draw Gipper-like attention to his football career.“It could be ugly,” one league source with extensive knowledge of the pre-draft process told PFT.Actually, it’s already ugly.
And I'm sure he was behind this. A clever plan to try to steal the Heisman if you ask me.
This seems more likely than gay to me. There are wayyy easier ways to grow a beard, and gay dudes have been pulling it off for milleniaBut really neither theory makes a lot of sense. I think we'll see a lot of stupid at play here.
The word "met" apparently doesn't mean "met" anymore; it means "online encounter." :mellow:
I'm not saying I believe this whole story, but I don't have a problem with that argument. I find it plausible that a college kid would use the word "met" when referring to someone he's only talked to online.
Per this article, they first met after the 2009 Stanford-Notre Dame game...IN PERSON.
Lennay Kekua was a Stanford student and Cardinal football fan when the two exchanged glances, handshakes and phone numbers that fateful weekend three seasons ago.
The word "met" apparently doesn't mean "met" anymore; it means "online encounter." :mellow:
I'm not saying I believe this whole story, but I don't have a problem with that argument. I find it plausible that a college kid would use the word "met" when referring to someone he's only talked to online.
Per this article, they first met after the 2009 Stanford-Notre Dame game...IN PERSON.
Lennay Kekua was a Stanford student and Cardinal football fan when the two exchanged glances, handshakes and phone numbers that fateful weekend three seasons ago.
There are a number of references to them actually meeting, both in the media and in statements made by family membersHis plan is apparently to maintain "exclusively online and by phone" and say that people were mistaken, confused, etcThe follow up needs to be why he let the implication and actual statements regarding their actually meeting stay out there, knowing that it had become part of the narrative surrounding the story, his team and his Heisman campaignI suppose then he'll play the naive/embarassed card
I understand the concept for long distance relationships but with today's technology it is almost impossible to not see someone with webcams and Skype and stuff. Apparently Manti's computer is from 6 years ago if you really believe they had a long distance "relationship"


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