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"They don't hate us....they want to be us!" (1 Viewer)

There are lots of reasons, but, two minutes of effort would solve this particular problem:
I get what you're saying, but he doesn't just invade my Yahoo page. 

Ohhhhhhh no. He invades GQ, The Hill, Real Clear Politics, TMZ, various political blogs, CNN, etc., etc., ad ####### nauseam. 

Captain Cranks said:
Can you please explain what makes you a centrist because you certainly don't come off as one on this board?
I lean left on guns and healthcare. It's probably because i grew up in the city.

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I think Christianity is generally misguided. I don’t hate Christians. Same with Islam and Muslims. That’s also Maher’s view. To say that he hates Muslims is to slander him, which isn’t cool.

Also, he doesn’t get a pass from the left.

So indeed both of those statements are false.

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That is true.  He's not an entertainer like the others.  It's one of the many things that makes him a terrible President.
actually based on what's accomplished, one of the best Presidential 2 1/2 years we've had

on a personal level is where he's terrible - but as far as the country running and things happening ? those are all very good 

actually based on what's accomplished, one of the best Presidential 2 1/2 years we've had

on a personal level is where he's terrible - but as far as the country running and things happening ? those are all very good 

What has he accomplished that makes him one of the best Presidents we have had?

At least one is. I remember him dropping the racial epithet and he has certainly come under fire for his views on all organized religion, including Islam, which <> hating Muslims.  
The first one is easy because he just did it again recently.

He definitely singles out Islam and he compares it directly to Christianity.  It goes beyond just being a universal anti-religious theme.  The videos in the link are good examples.


Since 9/11, Bill Maher has devoted himself to mainstreaming the toxic narrative of Islamophobia. With a captive audience of millions, the support of a major cable network and a steady stream of celebrity guests, including no shortage of self-styled progressives, Maher has largely succeeded in his goal.

Dan Cohen’s video compilation (embedded below) represents the most shocking exposé to date of Maher’s corrosive impact, laying bare the raw bigotry he pumps out night after night.

According to Maher, “Islam is the motherlode of bad ideas,” the Quran is a “hate-filled holy book” and “the Islamization of Europe” is underway.

“Their cultures are not like ours,” Maher said, justifying the exclusion of Syrian refugees from the West. “They [are] worse!” he said of Muslims, branding Islam as “the only religion that acts like the Mafia.” Maher claims Muslims “bring that desert stuff” to the West, and that “if Muslim men could get laid more, we wouldn’t have this problem.”

“Talk to women who have ever dated an Arab man,” Maher insists. “The reviews are not good.” In Maher’s mind, moderate Muslims don’t exist. As the Iraqi army fights to retake cities controlled by the Islamic State, Maher denies that Muslims are battling ISIS. “Hundreds of millions of [Muslims]” support terror, according to Maher. “Most Muslim people in the world do condone violence,” he claims...

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The first one is easy because he just did it again recently.

He definitely singles out Islam and he compares it directly to Christianity.  It goes beyond just being a universal anti-religious theme.  The videos in the link are good examples.


Since 9/11, Bill Maher has devoted himself to mainstreaming the toxic narrative of Islamophobia. With a captive audience of millions, the support of a major cable network and a steady stream of celebrity guests, including no shortage of self-styled progressives, Maher has largely succeeded in his goal.

Dan Cohen’s video compilation (embedded below) represents the most shocking exposé to date of Maher’s corrosive impact, laying bare the raw bigotry he pumps out night after night.

According to Maher, “Islam is the motherlode of bad ideas,” the Quran is a “hate-filled holy book” and “the Islamization of Europe” is underway.

“Their cultures are not like ours,” Maher said, justifying the exclusion of Syrian refugees from the West. “They [are] worse!” he said of Muslims, branding Islam as “the only religion that acts like the Mafia.” Maher claims Muslims “bring that desert stuff” to the West, and that “if Muslim men could get laid more, we wouldn’t have this problem.”

“Talk to women who have ever dated an Arab man,” Maher insists. “The reviews are not good.” In Maher’s mind, moderate Muslims don’t exist. As the Iraqi army fights to retake cities controlled by the Islamic State, Maher denies that Muslims are battling ISIS. “Hundreds of millions of [Muslims]” support terror, according to Maher. “Most Muslim people in the world do condone violence,” he claims...
As I said, he thinks Islam is different/more dangerous from other religions, but hates them all.  That is not the same as hating all Muslims. 

My entire point is that I don't and still see him everywhere. I can't log into my email without some dumb article about him. 

I don't watch him. I have no desire to give that fool any of my time, but apparently our gatekeepers have determined that he deserves my time for some reason that is completely unbeknownst to me.  
I’ve been thinking about this post. 

Bill Maher is NOT a guy I see everywhere. I can avoid hearing about him I think. Nonetheless, there ARE certain people in our society that I can’t seem to avoid hearing about, they seem to be in the news all the time. In no particular order: 

Donald Trump

Lady Gaga

Bryce Harper

Meghan Markle

Alwxandria Ocasio Cortez

Bernie Sanders

Kim Kardashian 

LeBron James 

Michelle Obama 

Arianna Grande

Tom Brady 

Lavar Ball 

at least 3 of these folks are in the news every single day...

I’ve been thinking about this post. 

Bill Maher is NOT a guy I see everywhere. I can avoid hearing about him I think. Nonetheless, there ARE certain people in our society that I can’t seem to avoid hearing about, they seem to be in the news all the time. In no particular order: 

Donald Trump

Lady Gaga

Meghan Markle

Alwxandria Ocasio Cortez

Arianna Grande
I see these five nearly every day, too. 

I think Christianity is generally misguided. I don’t hate Christians. Same with Islam and Muslims. That’s also Maher’s view. To say that he hates Muslims is to slander him, which isn’t cool.

Also, he doesn’t get a pass from the left.

So indeed both of those statements are false.
Maurile, I think the first one is a definite. He did use the epithet thinking he was "down" enough to be able to do without approbation. 

The second one is colorable. Insisting in polite company that over half the Muslims in the world support terror is certainly as close as you're going to get to a public figure saying he doesn't like Muslims. 

But I'm not hanging my hat on this. I find him contemptuous regardless. 

The first one is easy because he just did it again recently.

He definitely singles out Islam and he compares it directly to Christianity.  It goes beyond just being a universal anti-religious theme.  The videos in the link are good examples.


Since 9/11, Bill Maher has devoted himself to mainstreaming the toxic narrative of Islamophobia. With a captive audience of millions, the support of a major cable network and a steady stream of celebrity guests, including no shortage of self-styled progressives, Maher has largely succeeded in his goal.

Dan Cohen’s video compilation (embedded below) represents the most shocking exposé to date of Maher’s corrosive impact, laying bare the raw bigotry he pumps out night after night.

According to Maher, “Islam is the motherlode of bad ideas,” the Quran is a “hate-filled holy book” and “the Islamization of Europe” is underway.

“Their cultures are not like ours,” Maher said, justifying the exclusion of Syrian refugees from the West. “They [are] worse!” he said of Muslims, branding Islam as “the only religion that acts like the Mafia.” Maher claims Muslims “bring that desert stuff” to the West, and that “if Muslim men could get laid more, we wouldn’t have this problem.”

“Talk to women who have ever dated an Arab man,” Maher insists. “The reviews are not good.” In Maher’s mind, moderate Muslims don’t exist. As the Iraqi army fights to retake cities controlled by the Islamic State, Maher denies that Muslims are battling ISIS. “Hundreds of millions of [Muslims]” support terror, according to Maher. “Most Muslim people in the world do condone violence,” he claims...
Some damning stuff in here if you're looking to build a case that Maher is anti-Islam, for sure.

As to the video, it's the typical schlocky stuff anyone can put together to try to make a quick point, but it's totally lacking in context.  There were a number of incendiary quotes made by Maher over the past 20+ years. I especially enjoyed the parts that made it seem as if he and Milo Yiannapa#### were spouting the same type of rhetoric and he is made to look as if he's fawning over and objectifying Ann Coulter.  While both her and Milo have been guests on his show, Maher is the furthest thing ideologically from either.

Some of the stuff he says is despicable. I'm not a religious guy at all, but his opinions on religion bother me a lot. He wields free speech like a war hammer at times, with disgusting results. 


The bottom line is Maher is a comedian.  Comedy is supposed to stretch boundaries and limits in ways that few other forms are allowed to get away with and Maher knows it and revels in it. I'm fine with that. And while he also doubles aa a sometimes ham-handed political pundit, he tries to engage conservative philosophy on his show to spark discussion and isn't afraid to call out liberalism and Democrats for their frequent buffoonery, especially when it comes to PC culture. I would think conservatives would appreciate that.

I actually don’t really care.  I was just curious when someone else brought it up and was surprised at what was there.

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actually based on what's accomplished, one of the best Presidential 2 1/2 years we've had

on a personal level is where he's terrible - but as far as the country running and things happening ? those are all very good 
How is Trump one of the best Presidents?  I know you think he is but I want factual evidence.  Don't give me data that happened just while he's been in office either, I want data on things he is directly responsible for.

such as passing health care reform and the stimulus package, along with saving the US auto industry, among others, etc.
Obama didn't do those things - House and Senate did right ? "I want data on things he is directly responsible for." .............. that was the criteria

like, Obama's EO's would count as things he was directly responsible for ... 

Obama didn't do those things - House and Senate did right ? "I want data on things he is directly responsible for." .............. that was the criteria

like, Obama's EO's would count as things he was directly responsible for ... 
He was directly responsible, those things wouldn't have happened without him. Why do you think they call it Obamacare? And Republicans were dead set against the Detroit auto industry bailout, in case you have conveniently forgotten.

He was directly responsible, those things wouldn't have happened without him. Why do you think they call it Obamacare? And Republicans were dead set against the Detroit auto industry bailout, in case you have conveniently forgotten.
Obama favored them yes, but he wasn't anymore "directly responsible" than Trump has been on what he's signed and what's happened under him ..... Democrats have pushed for years for national health care 

Just like the prison reform that liberals refuse to give Trump credit for, right? Its been talked about for a long time, but it happened under Trump, Trump as directly responsible

right ?

Stealthycat said:
Obama favored them yes, but he wasn't anymore "directly responsible" than Trump has been on what he's signed and what's happened under him ..... Democrats have pushed for years for national health care 

Just like the prison reform that liberals refuse to give Trump credit for, right? Its been talked about for a long time, but it happened under Trump, Trump as directly responsible

right ?
If not for Obama, there would be no Obamacare. How many times on this forum have we heard that Obama forced Obamacare through? And now you say he wasn't at all responsible for the signature legislation that carried his name? Please. 

And if not for Obama, GM and Ford would be history. Leading Republicans like Mitt Romney said under principles of free enterprise, Detroit auto industry should be allowed to fail and there should be no government bailout. Obama fought for the auto industry and won, which will always be considered a notch on his belt.  

Yes, I'll suppose we can give Trump some credit for prison reform but with an asterisk, as Obama was denied that and many other things he and Democrats had called for because of Republican obstruction (see infrastructure) as they didn't want him to be able to claim credit for any accomplishment while he was in office.

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Affordable Care Act - its not Obamacare

As much as Obama was the catalyst for it, it was still passed by Congress right ? In many ways, so too has Trump been the catalyst for the passages of Congressional acts in the last 2+ years

EO's are the only thing a POTUS can claim as being 100% directly responsible for. I guess state of emergencies too. 

but that's why I've always said what happens under a POTUS is that administration's to own one way or the other with few exceptions. Clinton, Bush, Obama  ... and Trump

Affordable Care Act - its not Obamacare

As much as Obama was the catalyst for it, it was still passed by Congress right ? In many ways, so too has Trump been the catalyst for the passages of Congressional acts in the last 2+ years

EO's are the only thing a POTUS can claim as being 100% directly responsible for. I guess state of emergencies too. 

but that's why I've always said what happens under a POTUS is that administration's to own one way or the other with few exceptions. Clinton, Bush, Obama  ... and Trump
Some of your points aside, one think I don’t understand is why Trump utilized a national emergency here instead of an executive order. The only thing I can think of is that a NE potentially carries with it additional extraconstitutional powers.

Some of your points aside, one think I don’t understand is why Trump utilized a national emergency here instead of an executive order. The only thing I can think of is that a NE potentially carries with it additional extraconstitutional powers.
I'm not sure the plan either to be honest -


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