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Survivor Season 46 - Finale - Up Next: Survivor Forty Several (6 Viewers)

Basically every time ever anyone shares that they have an idol is bad.

Tiff made the best of the news getting out. Hunter saw that and tried the same...but being a target and then making it bigger when you didn't have to is dumb. You coulda played it, surprised everyone, and Ben (idk why you picked Ben) goes home.

Q is delusional. In his mind only is he some accountability crusader. He owns nothing, and quits everything. He’s also a walking/talking contradiction re: loyalty. I just wouldn’t have guessed he’d become so unlikable.

Oh Hunter… all that savvy cred keeping an idol secrets for weeks flushed down the toilet blabbering it to everyone before his most exposed tribal. You could have picked the player who left with your own vote by staying silent. Sigh, and a much deserved goodbye.
Yep. Sorry to see Hunter go because he was fun to watch during the challenges. He should have just stayed silent and picked his person or at worst just told Q and say Q, votes are on me, vote Ben like I do and we’ll both survive.

Also, I can understand trying to save the idol. He was in a bad situation where the instant he loses an immunity challenge, he’s the vote. In order to go far, he likely did need to keep the idol and get lucky and not get voted out. That said, once Tiff didn’t play her idol, you have to play yours. Only one reason she doesn’t play the idol and that’s if she knows there are enough votes going to Q and him.
Q voted for Ben. Hunter voted for Q.
yeah but back pre tribal when trying to work with Q he had suggested Ben
Those two should have just ended their discussions there and let Hunter be the vote and keep Tiff nervous enough to flush her idol.
Everyone on the jury had an idol, is that right? Feels like we might be working on a record number of idols getting blindsided.
Liz reminded me of that Columbia grad student whose interview went viral yesterday.

Good for Q. Like yeah.....sorry you're allergic to everything and went on a competition TV show where food is at a premium, but that's not his problem. Plenty of gluten free options at Ponderosa I'm sure.....
What's the purpose of having an idol again? The look on Tiff's face when she heard her name the second time was priceless. The slow motion progression to :eek: LOL

Half the jury has idols in their pocket as souvenirs. "Hey, the idol you cleverly found but forgot to play to save yourself. cool cool."

Oh Liz... not a good look for you. I hate that people forced you to audition for this game, that you know, only has coconuts and other things that you're allergic to. Good strategy to try and guilt Q and/or anyone else who might trade spots with you. Glad Q stuck to his guns.

Charlie and Maria look to be in a nice position and I'd like to see one of them win. Looks like it might be Maria at this point. Nice to hear that Charlie practiced grip strength prior to show time.

Kenzie should have kept her stance of blindsiding TIff. She looks like a flip-flopper now and Maria rightly kept her in the dark. I was waiting for her or Q to blow the plan up at TC by telling Tiff. Glad it worked out the way it did.
Crazy level of entitlement on display from Liz. "I have an emotional connection to that burger, I deserve it more than anyone!"

"Yeah but you voted against me, so...."

She went off. That was both funny and sad to watch. Especially cold was when Q said when choosing the last person, "She hasn't eaten in 18 days... but... I gotta go with my friend Kenzie." Liz's face light up for a brief second then the tears came again.

No way would Liz bring Q if she won, so glad that Q calmly said sorry but you wrote my name down and this is a game we're all trying to win. Sorry not sorry.
Watching that excruciating 90 minute Applebee's commercial was almost as bad as eating there.

I think the fact that Kenzie missed that vote eliminates her as a possible winner. She is the one who originally floated the idea of targeting Tiff and then she wasn't in on it. Unless she can figure out how to get Maria, she has no chance. This looks to be Maria's to lose.
Watching that excruciating 90 minute Applebee's commercial was almost as bad as eating there.

I think the fact that Kenzie missed that vote eliminates her as a possible winner. She is the one who originally floated the idea of targeting Tiff and then she wasn't in on it. Unless she can figure out how to get Maria, she has no chance. This looks to be Maria's to lose.

Yeah, I dont believe for a second that Tiff and all her friends go to Applebees for spinach artichoke dip every week.

I'm not a food snob at all, but man it would be rough having THAT meal be the first thing you ate after 2 and a half weeks. As someone currently powering through the consequences of eating 3 slices of THICK Sicilian pizza for dinner last night (after Chick Fil A lunch :bag: ) I sympathize with them. Must have been a tough afternoon in the jungle after that meal.
Charlie and Maria look to be in a nice position and I'd like to see one of them win. Looks like it might be Maria at this point. Nice to hear that Charlie practiced grip strength prior to show time.

I thought Tiff was gonna win. She was a rock and hadn't budged during the entire challenge ... up until she just DROPPED.
Kenzie should have kept her stance of blindsiding TIff. She looks like a flip-flopper now and Maria rightly kept her in the dark. I was waiting for her or Q to blow the plan up at TC by telling Tiff. Glad it worked out the way it did.
With as much griping as Liz has done because she is not getting credit for any moves, I was very surprised she went along with the plan to get rid of Tiff. Obviously if Maria came to her, then it was not Liz's plan. So why go along with it. She can't take credit.

I thought she might go to Tiff and say "look, they are blindsiding you. I'm gonna vote with them, but I'm really with you. Play your idol, save yourself and we can work together going forward". Then, Q is gone and she has a move on her resume.
With as much griping as Liz has done because she is not getting credit for any moves, I was very surprised she went along with the plan to get rid of Tiff. Obviously if Maria came to her, then it was not Liz's plan. So why go along with it. She can't take credit.

I thought she might go to Tiff and say "look, they are blindsiding you. I'm gonna vote with them, but I'm really with you. Play your idol, save yourself and we can work together going forward". Then, Q is gone and she has a move on her resume.

That would be the great play Liz thinks she does all the time...

Venus is worse at taking false credit though
With as much griping as Liz has done because she is not getting credit for any moves, I was very surprised she went along with the plan to get rid of Tiff. Obviously if Maria came to her, then it was not Liz's plan. So why go along with it. She can't take credit.

I thought she might go to Tiff and say "look, they are blindsiding you. I'm gonna vote with them, but I'm really with you. Play your idol, save yourself and we can work together going forward". Then, Q is gone and she has a move on her resume.

That would be the great play Liz thinks she does all the time...

Venus is worse at taking false credit though
Liz wasn't responsible for the blindside, but she did participate despite her disdain for Q. It will come across as a plus to the jury that she played the smart move and overcame her hatred.
With as much griping as Liz has done because she is not getting credit for any moves, I was very surprised she went along with the plan to get rid of Tiff. Obviously if Maria came to her, then it was not Liz's plan. So why go along with it. She can't take credit.

I thought she might go to Tiff and say "look, they are blindsiding you. I'm gonna vote with them, but I'm really with you. Play your idol, save yourself and we can work together going forward". Then, Q is gone and she has a move on her resume.

That would be the great play Liz thinks she does all the time...

Venus is worse at taking false credit though
Liz wasn't responsible for the blindside, but she did participate despite her disdain for Q. It will come across as a plus to the jury that she played the smart move and overcame her hatred.

Doubtful that she'll make it that far...

Maybe because she's very beatable
With as much griping as Liz has done because she is not getting credit for any moves, I was very surprised she went along with the plan to get rid of Tiff. Obviously if Maria came to her, then it was not Liz's plan. So why go along with it. She can't take credit.

I thought she might go to Tiff and say "look, they are blindsiding you. I'm gonna vote with them, but I'm really with you. Play your idol, save yourself and we can work together going forward". Then, Q is gone and she has a move on her resume.

That would be the great play Liz thinks she does all the time...

Venus is worse at taking false credit though
Liz wasn't responsible for the blindside, but she did participate despite her disdain for Q. It will come across as a plus to the jury that she played the smart move and overcame her hatred.

Doubtful that she'll make it that far...

Maybe because she's very beatable
Her only chance is if the final 3 contain her, Q, and Venus.

What was your reaction to that meltdown? Did you, Kenzie, or Maria think about volunteering your spot to give it to her?
That did happen! They just didn't show it. Both Maria and Kenzie tried to give up their spot for Liz. And Q said, "No. I chose who I chose."

Wait. Q said no?!
Yes. He said, "Nobody's giving up their spot. We're going to Applebee's. I don't want Liz to come. [Laughs.] I was intentional about my choices. And nobody's giving up their spot." I'm surprised they didn't show that. That happened. I didn't try to give up my spot because I was hungry, and I was going no matter what. Also, I did feel in that moment that me and Q needed to chat because we hadn't spoken in two days. But people tried to give up their spots. He just wasn't with it.

What was your reaction to that meltdown? Did you, Kenzie, or Maria think about volunteering your spot to give it to her?
That did happen! They just didn't show it. Both Maria and Kenzie tried to give up their spot for Liz. And Q said, "No. I chose who I chose."

Wait. Q said no?!
Yes. He said, "Nobody's giving up their spot. We're going to Applebee's. I don't want Liz to come. [Laughs.] I was intentional about my choices. And nobody's giving up their spot." I'm surprised they didn't show that. That happened. I didn't try to give up my spot because I was hungry, and I was going no matter what. Also, I did feel in that moment that me and Q needed to chat because we hadn't spoken in two days. But people tried to give up their spots. He just wasn't with it.
This alone makes me wish Q would win the game. Finally no bleeding heart BS. She's been a jerk or ignored him the entire game. **** outta here.
This was one of my favorite episodes of the season. For a minute there, i actually thought Q was like "ok, now I actually need to win challenges" the way he came out on the reward. But no lol. The hidden challenge beast strategy still has never been played.

People in new era seem to suck at idols. Like Yul, Russell, Denise, Chris, Kelly, Tom...these people all want to tell everyone they have it and then not use it.

I never understand the "such a physical threat" thing for people who would be the next biggest threat.

Ben is so annoying. My god i wish they'd vote him off.

Everything about not taking Liz was hilarious and I would have done the same.

Q and Liz are both strategic idiots. Like Q, go offer a heartfelt deep apology and take on the blame and ask for forgiveness whether you mean it or not. Tiffany, recognize that the Siga people will always be closer to each other and the 2 Nami losers have no shot, so it comes down to your 3 vs the green 3. And you just lost because you're too stubborn.

I see Maria and Charlie clearly in the final three at this point, but with this cast, I suppose anything can happen.

Fantastic season really.
If Charlie doesn't win this I will be surprised. I don't see him and Maria screwing each other so they will pick who they want to take to end probably Venus or Kenzie. Some variation of who the 3rd is depending on idols or who wins a challenge here or there.
Lets see 7 left, and down to 3 that I'd be fine winning. Maria, Charlie then Ben.

All others can fall into the ocean and float back home on their back for all I care.

And Liz... You have ZERO chance of winning.. If you are so miserable, quit and stop :cry:
The fact you are allergic to everything you knew are the only things available and still signed up is a joke.
Lets see 7 left, and down to 3 that I'd be fine winning. Maria, Charlie then Ben.

All others can fall into the ocean and float back home on their back for all I care.

And Liz... You have ZERO chance of winning.. If you are so miserable, quit and stop :cry:
The fact you are allergic to everything you knew are the only things available and still signed up is a joke.
I kind of disagree on Liz. I think go for it, sign up, don't let it stop you. But quit whining about it and win some food then.
This is the new era. Maria is now the top contender after engineering the Tiff blindside, but that also means she is now the top target. And I doubt Charlie wants to take her to the end because she’s probably the only person left who can beat him.

Whoever of Maria, Charlie, Kenzie or Ben can corral two of the three goats to the final 3 will win. (And Ben hasn’t been shown driving any strategy at all.)

This means there’s a very real chance we get a Q/Liz/Venus final 3. Which would be the most WTF final 3 since Gabon.

These last three episodes have been the best of the new era, and probably the best US Survivor episodes since the top ones from David vs Goliath.

What was your reaction to that meltdown? Did you, Kenzie, or Maria think about volunteering your spot to give it to her?
That did happen! They just didn't show it. Both Maria and Kenzie tried to give up their spot for Liz. And Q said, "No. I chose who I chose."

Wait. Q said no?!
Yes. He said, "Nobody's giving up their spot. We're going to Applebee's. I don't want Liz to come. [Laughs.] I was intentional about my choices. And nobody's giving up their spot." I'm surprised they didn't show that. That happened. I didn't try to give up my spot because I was hungry, and I was going no matter what. Also, I did feel in that moment that me and Q needed to chat because we hadn't spoken in two days. But people tried to give up their spots. He just wasn't with it.
Don’t make me start to like Q!
What was your reaction to that meltdown? Did you, Kenzie, or Maria think about volunteering your spot to give it to her?
That did happen! They just didn't show it. Both Maria and Kenzie tried to give up their spot for Liz. And Q said, "No. I chose who I chose."
When Liz went all feral over being denied the chance to eat a Bourbon Burger, Kenzie had a troubled look on her face and her body language looked like she was going to offer up her spot. The camera went back on Liz and then back to the Applebee's Dumpling Gang, and Kenzie had a more relieved look on her face. It seemed like a hunk of time had been edited out, and I reckon it was since Kenzie and Maria did try to give up their spots.
What was your reaction to that meltdown? Did you, Kenzie, or Maria think about volunteering your spot to give it to her?
That did happen! They just didn't show it. Both Maria and Kenzie tried to give up their spot for Liz. And Q said, "No. I chose who I chose."
When Liz went all feral over being denied the chance to eat a Bourbon Burger, Kenzie had a troubled look on her face and her body language looked like she was going to offer up her spot. The camera went back on Liz and then back to the Applebee's Dumpling Gang, and Kenzie had a more relieved look on her face. It seemed like a hunk of time had been edited out, and I reckon it was since Kenzie and Maria did try to give up their spots.
That's what happened. That's what the interview said.
I agree that these have been some of the best episodes of the new era. I don't think she can win, but I'm still pulling for Kenzie. I like the freaky girls.
Being left out of a vote that was her idea the previous cycle does not help her chances. But it mainly means she can't beat Maria or Charlie at FTC. She can still win if she sits with 2 of Q, Liz, Venus and maybe Ben (it's hard to get a read on how the jury feels about Ben).
I agree that these have been some of the best episodes of the new era. I don't think she can win, but I'm still pulling for Kenzie. I like the freaky girls.
Being left out of a vote that was her idea the previous cycle does not help her chances. But it mainly means she can't beat Maria or Charlie at FTC. She can still win if she sits with 2 of Q, Liz, Venus and maybe Ben (it's hard to get a read on how the jury feels about Ben).
It's difficult to get a read on Ben, Period.
Until about halfway through this last episode my wife and could not recall his name at all. :shrug:

As far as remember he has made no moves and has just gone with the flow.
His only chance of winning is if he is in the final 3 with Q and Venus.
I don't understand people saying these have been some of the best episodes of the new era of Survivor. Maria and Charlie have been running the game. You have delusional Liz and Venus thinking they are somehow impacting the game. Ben seems clueless and is following along. Q might make it to the end, but won't get any jury votes.
Kenzie went from trying to lead the vote to just following others.

People in the Amazing Race thread have been complaining about the lack of drama regarding which teams might win. Imo the same can be said for the current season of Survivor. Supposedly strong players going home with extra votes or idols in their pockets, etc.
This is Charlie or Maria's game to lose.
I don't understand people saying these have been some of the best episodes of the new era of Survivor.
From an entertainment perspective, they absolutely have been.

I don't agree that this is a preordained win for Charlie or Maria. This doesn't feel like a Dom and Wendell steamroll situation. Or even the Reba 4 from last season. The other players are chaotic but (with the exception of Ben) they are playing hard.
What's the purpose of having an idol again? The look on Tiff's face when she heard her name the second time was priceless. The slow motion progression to :eek: LOL

Half the jury has idols in their pocket as souvenirs. "Hey, the idol you cleverly found but forgot to play to save yourself. cool cool."

Oh Liz... not a good look for you. I hate that people forced you to audition for this game, that you know, only has coconuts and other things that you're allergic to. Good strategy to try and guilt Q and/or anyone else who might trade spots with you. Glad Q stuck to his guns.

Charlie and Maria look to be in a nice position and I'd like to see one of them win. Looks like it might be Maria at this point. Nice to hear that Charlie practiced grip strength prior to show time.

Kenzie should have kept her stance of blindsiding TIff. She looks like a flip-flopper now and Maria rightly kept her in the dark. I was waiting for her or Q to blow the plan up at TC by telling Tiff. Glad it worked out the way it did.
I honestly thought Q had screwed up by saying he had 4 people who he talked to about the vote. I couldn’t believe the alarm bell didn’t go off in her head

What was your reaction to that meltdown? Did you, Kenzie, or Maria think about volunteering your spot to give it to her?
That did happen! They just didn't show it. Both Maria and Kenzie tried to give up their spot for Liz. And Q said, "No. I chose who I chose."

Wait. Q said no?!
Yes. He said, "Nobody's giving up their spot. We're going to Applebee's. I don't want Liz to come. [Laughs.] I was intentional about my choices. And nobody's giving up their spot." I'm surprised they didn't show that. That happened. I didn't try to give up my spot because I was hungry, and I was going no matter what. Also, I did feel in that moment that me and Q needed to chat because we hadn't spoken in two days. But people tried to give up their spots. He just wasn't with it.
Why would they not show that? That would have been one of the epic moments of the season. And I think it would have made Q look better in a lot of people's eyes. What an embarrassment for Liz to have to go home and explain that to people. She may lose one of her 10 businesses over it. Screamed (literally) entitlement. No planning ahead (can't eat much food on a survival show). Nothing about her would want me to use one of her companies in the real world.

The greed of the idol strikes again. I was really hoping Tiff was smarter than that, especially after she saw the exact same thing happen to Hunter at the previous TC. When someone said "Oh you are guaranteed Final 6" or whatever the number was and she agreed, I figured she was toast.

Continued great gameplay from Maria and Charlie and it seems like it is going to come down to whether one is willing to turn on the other. I'm not sure they are and may be willing to go to FTC with a "best person wins" attitude. Really loving it.

Kenzie and Ben are in a bad spot, and their best strategy would be to pull in the goats. They have zero shot against Maria or Charlie. If they form an alliance with at least 2 of the goats, they could make it to FTC. Kenzie has a shot to win, I don't think Ben does. He isn't strategic enough and won't win any challenge. Social is his strength but I don't think that's enough to get him there. Kenzie can win if Charlie and Maria are gone.

The goats are left to do nothing but stir up drama, and they are pretty good at it.

Fun season!
I agree that these have been some of the best episodes of the new era. I don't think she can win, but I'm still pulling for Kenzie. I like the freaky girls.
Being left out of a vote that was her idea the previous cycle does not help her chances. But it mainly means she can't beat Maria or Charlie at FTC. She can still win if she sits with 2 of Q, Liz, Venus and maybe Ben (it's hard to get a read on how the jury feels about Ben).
It's difficult to get a read on Ben, Period.
Until about halfway through this last episode my wife and could not recall his name at all. :shrug:

As far as remember he has made no moves and has just gone with the flow.
His only chance of winning is if he is in the final 3 with Q and Venus.
Judging from some of the exit interviews, it sounds like the elements really got to him and sapped his energy. The panic attack we saw probably didn’t help either.

But he is bonded with Charlie/Maria and with Kenzie, which actually makes him the most connected person in the game.

The greed of the idol strikes again. I was really hoping Tiff was smarter than that, especially after she saw the exact same thing happen to Hunter at the previous TC.
Did Tiff 100% know Hunter had an idol? I thought she was the one who first suggested that Hunter was bluffing and when he did not play it I think it may have confirmed for her that he never had one. I may be thinking of some one else though....

The greed of the idol strikes again. I was really hoping Tiff was smarter than that, especially after she saw the exact same thing happen to Hunter at the previous TC.
Did Tiff 100% know Hunter had an idol? I thought she was the one who first suggested that Hunter was bluffing and when he did not play it I think it may have confirmed for her that he never had one. I may be thinking of some one else though....
It's possible that she thought he was bluffing. His playstyle of being overt (calling "his alliance" away from the rest of the group to talk in front of them) and his lack of strategy would lead me to doubt whether bluffing was a tool in his toolbox, but you are right with all the elements and hunger perhaps she thought he was just bluffing.
I agree that these have been some of the best episodes of the new era. I don't think she can win, but I'm still pulling for Kenzie. I like the freaky girls.
Being left out of a vote that was her idea the previous cycle does not help her chances. But it mainly means she can't beat Maria or Charlie at FTC. She can still win if she sits with 2 of Q, Liz, Venus and maybe Ben (it's hard to get a read on how the jury feels about Ben).
It's difficult to get a read on Ben, Period.
Until about halfway through this last episode my wife and could not recall his name at all. :shrug:

As far as remember he has made no moves and has just gone with the flow.
His only chance of winning is if he is in the final 3 with Q and Venus.
He could win with Liz in the final grouping as well. Maria, Charlie, and Kenzie have to go for him to have a shot. I think the only way that happens is if Kenzie gathers the goats, then the goats bite her in the end.

What was your reaction to that meltdown? Did you, Kenzie, or Maria think about volunteering your spot to give it to her?
That did happen! They just didn't show it. Both Maria and Kenzie tried to give up their spot for Liz. And Q said, "No. I chose who I chose."

Wait. Q said no?!
Yes. He said, "Nobody's giving up their spot. We're going to Applebee's. I don't want Liz to come. [Laughs.] I was intentional about my choices. And nobody's giving up their spot." I'm surprised they didn't show that. That happened. I didn't try to give up my spot because I was hungry, and I was going no matter what. Also, I did feel in that moment that me and Q needed to chat because we hadn't spoken in two days. But people tried to give up their spots. He just wasn't with it.
Why would they not show that? That would have been one of the epic moments of the season.

Literally, what is the point of the 90 minute episodes if they're cutting Q vetoing who goes on the reward? That would have been great tv. Either the producers don't understand what the fans want, or, this is some kind of "winner edit" where they specifically don't want us thinking Q is a villain? But then they leave in all the other crap he does? They could easily have cut some filler to give us this scene. I really don't get it.
I agree that these have been some of the best episodes of the new era. I don't think she can win, but I'm still pulling for Kenzie. I like the freaky girls.
Being left out of a vote that was her idea the previous cycle does not help her chances. But it mainly means she can't beat Maria or Charlie at FTC. She can still win if she sits with 2 of Q, Liz, Venus and maybe Ben (it's hard to get a read on how the jury feels about Ben).
It's difficult to get a read on Ben, Period.
Until about halfway through this last episode my wife and could not recall his name at all. :shrug:

As far as remember he has made no moves and has just gone with the flow.
His only chance of winning is if he is in the final 3 with Q and Venus.
He could win with Liz in the final grouping as well. Maria, Charlie, and Kenzie have to go for him to have a shot. I think the only way that happens is if Kenzie gathers the goats, then the goats bite her in the end.
Oh yea.. How the heck did I forget :loco: Liz?

What was your reaction to that meltdown? Did you, Kenzie, or Maria think about volunteering your spot to give it to her?
That did happen! They just didn't show it. Both Maria and Kenzie tried to give up their spot for Liz. And Q said, "No. I chose who I chose."

Wait. Q said no?!
Yes. He said, "Nobody's giving up their spot. We're going to Applebee's. I don't want Liz to come. [Laughs.] I was intentional about my choices. And nobody's giving up their spot." I'm surprised they didn't show that. That happened. I didn't try to give up my spot because I was hungry, and I was going no matter what. Also, I did feel in that moment that me and Q needed to chat because we hadn't spoken in two days. But people tried to give up their spots. He just wasn't with it.
Why would they not show that? That would have been one of the epic moments of the season.

Literally, what is the point of the 90 minute episodes if they're cutting Q vetoing who goes on the reward? That would have been great tv. Either the producers don't understand what the fans want, or, this is some kind of "winner edit" where they specifically don't want us thinking Q is a villain? But then they leave in all the other crap he does? They could easily have cut some filler to give us this scene. I really don't get it.
Some people on Reddit think that editing decision means that Q wins. Which would be wild. But he does actually have a path, if he sits with Liz and Venus.

Or it could be more akin to how the editors cut out how the S41 cast never respected Xander, making it look like he could win when he actually never had a chance.
One of the things that really strikes me is that the 45 and 46 casts basically played under the same twists and conditions, but they could not be any more different. The 45 cast valued loyalty and alliances and with a few exceptions mostly loved each other. The 46 cast values chaos and has produced few solid alliances and seems to hate each other.
One of the things that really strikes me is that the 45 and 46 casts basically played under the same twists and conditions, but they could not be any more different. The 45 cast valued loyalty and alliances and with a few exceptions mostly loved each other. The 46 cast values chaos and has produced few solid alliances and seems to hate each other.

One of the things pointed out in another Survivor discussion, all this drama the last few episodes has made for good episodes, and coincidentally, has come in episodes without a lot of twists and manufactured moments. No "journeys", no "pick one player to go off on their own", no advantages, and no idols played. Just... old school Survivor.

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