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My time here has come to an end (1 Viewer)

Anyone who has been on these boards for as long as he has knows the only direction that thread would take. If you have any idea who these guys are, you know. Let's all be honest here at the very least.

But he wanted to discuss it anyway, and then start a thread to kick over some furniture on the way out the door.

Can you imagine owning a business, and you keep a little clubhouse going for some friends, at a loss?

And you dealing with this on a Sunday night. Annoying.

I totally sympathize with this and realize that Joe is in an impossible position. I think almost all of us realize that. The times we live in are making it really difficult to host discussion-based content. I didn't say a thing when the PSF was axed for precisely that reason—it's not right to expect somebody to host something they find costly or untenable.

My participation in this thread has been to call attention to one element of the discussion, which is an element I think is being used by commenters in a disingenuous way. Everybody's mileage may vary about that, and there are some people that are indeed disagreeing with my position. Regardless of how that issue is ultimately decided, I'll personally abide and keep it cool because I know that this can be a disheartening nuisance. I do not want to add to that and haven't castigated anybody nor taken shots at moderators. I just wanted to make my position known because I think it's better for the board that certain people don't get a heckler's veto over content they don't like. It seems unjust.
I don't have anything to add on this topic other than to say I've never heard the term 'heckler's veto' before and I think it's awesome. If you coined that then hats off to you sir.
I agree. That is really creative and I have never heard the term. Did you come up with that Rock?

Nope. It’s a term used often when free speech is at issue. It’s when somebody disagrees with the content of what you’re saying but is able to put into motion conditions that effectively nullify and prevent the speech from being heard, e.g., a throng of loud hecklers whose voices drown out a public speaker’s voice. There’s an element of bad faith and illicit conduct that goes with the term—it’s not done with government approval nor is it any official action. It’s really other citizens being able to suppress your speech in one form or another.
Forum runs a pretty consistent line in moderation. Whether I agree with that line is immaterial as this ain't my bag, baby. But, you must give Joe & Co credit for being clear even if not always 100% specific.

You're cool with it, or you move to Reddit.

The moderation at Reddit is far from perfect. Yeah, you can say dirty words and post nOOds, but it ain't without flaws.
It probably would have made things worse, but I do wonder what the outcome would have been if the report function was public.
On another site, some hoser decided to track me from topic to topic. I suspect something of that sort would be one of the outcomes.
Very fair point.

A huge annoyance to me is the constant whining and finger pointing about who ratted out who - things like that. As you hinted, outcome would be possible and overpower the +s.

Understood. But the report feature is key to helping the forum stay on track. We get a ton of really helpful things from spam reports to bot reports to when people do over a line and such. Those are always best to be private. If someone reports too much or reports things that aren't really over the line, the moderators will let them know.
I can't imagine someone *cough* @General Malaise *cough* reporting things that aren't really over the line. Who would do such a ridiculous thing?

You did it to yourself, Sacamano. You just think you run amok in here, galivanting around with your anti-lettuce rhetoric, spewing lies and distortions? I won't stand for it. Not now, not ever.
That's totally inappropriate. It's lewd, lascivious, salacious, and outrageous.
Can we get an update for the love of god? It’s been years. Slacker

If the guy mixed in a salad every now and again, he'd have the fortitude and strength to do this.
hey gb leave @shuke out of this discussion
Forum runs a pretty consistent line in moderation. Whether I agree with that line is immaterial as this ain't my bag, baby. But, you must give Joe & Co credit for being clear even if not always 100% specific.

You're cool with it, or you move to Reddit.

The moderation at Reddit is far from perfect. Yeah, you can say dirty words and post nOOds, but it ain't without flaws.

Yeah I got a permaban from r/soccer a few years ago just for making a totally un-offensive joke about Bernd Leno. The joke wasn't very funny, but c'mon man. Mod was undoubtedly a Gunner.
The locking of the SCOTUS thread I found to be particularly unfortunate, because it was mostly just attorneys on this forum posting court news/rulings as they happened and then interpreting the actual impact in non-political terms.
Yeah, I wish that thread was still around to discuss Murthy v. Missouri arguments this morning, but to be fair I do remember a couple of bouts of questionable posts on a few hot button issues. Some folks find it hard to resist flinging partisan poo, unfortunately. It's a shame.

Maybe its ironic that there are a couple of interesting cases before the Court this term involving moderation of internet forums and social media websites. Of course the media commentary on those cases is almost entirely tribal so there's no chance of a meaningful non-political discussion here or pretty much anywhere else.
Maybe its ironic that there are a couple of interesting cases before the Court this term involving moderation of internet forums and social media websites. Of course the media commentary on those cases is almost entirely tribal so there's no chance of a meaningful non-political discussion here or pretty much anywhere else.
Geez, I just cannot believe anyone wants to try and legislate that kind of thing. Who's gonna enforce all this?
I will never understand why people get upset about moderation.

You are allowed to frequent more than one place online.

Post here and discuss the things that are allowable. Go elsewhere for the other discussions.

If there is anything I have learned in my 20 years here it is that we all have a lot of time to kill online, more than enough to frequent multiple sites.
I haven’t had a chance to read through this thread—but just wanted to wish @flapgreen the best in whatever he decides to do. He’s always been cool with me and I appreciate his contributions to the forum and the community. Selfishly—I hope that he decides to stay around.
Maybe its ironic that there are a couple of interesting cases before the Court this term involving moderation of internet forums and social media websites. Of course the media commentary on those cases is almost entirely tribal so there's no chance of a meaningful non-political discussion here or pretty much anywhere else.
Geez, I just cannot believe anyone wants to try and legislate that kind of thing. Who's gonna enforce all this?
Uh, Joe?
Sorry to hear that. I thought I was as polite as I could in letting you know the Tate Brothers thread was going to unavoidably become political.

I realize not everyone agrees with us trying to stay away from political threads. I have no idea if that's the right thing. But it's how we're trying to operate.

We'll hopefully still be here if you decide to return. All the best to you whichever way you decide to go.
I had no idea who they were. I googled them and didn't see the politics but maybe I didn't dig deep enough. I just saw a couple of truly awful people. 🤷‍♂️
Yeah, these two are disgusting individuals. Not sure how you could begin to defend them or their actions.
I also acknowledge it would likely be much better, for both me and the forum, if I post much less. I love the community part of though and very much like to engage with people who see things differently. So it's a draw. But I also have to be realistic and see that I'm probably making some of it worse.
Everyone here knows you like to talk and I don't think how often you post is an issue at all. I'd just suggest maybe taking a minute before hitting "Post Reply" to think if you're being needlessly dismissive or confrontational. Like dismissing posters critical of Musk as 'haters', or like posting weekly for awhile in the Eagles team thread (which is one of the best team threads here; I hate the Eagles but their fans here are pretty knowledgeable good folks) that their roster was good enough to win most of their remaining games while the local Eagles fans' opinions and the Eagles on-field performance were both saying they were failing. It became regularly irritating for the regular posters in that Eagles topic, needlessly. The 2 suggestions I just mention are ones that have been suggested to me here by moderators and more often than not were right.
I also acknowledge it would likely be much better, for both me and the forum, if I post much less. I love the community part of though and very much like to engage with people who see things differently. So it's a draw. But I also have to be realistic and see that I'm probably making some of it worse.
Everyone here knows you like to talk and I don't think how often you post is an issue at all. I'd just suggest maybe taking a minute before hitting "Post Reply" to think if you're being needlessly dismissive or confrontational. Like dismissing posters critical of Musk as 'haters', or like posting weekly for awhile in the Eagles team thread (which is one of the best team threads here; I hate the Eagles but their fans here are pretty knowledgeable good folks) that their roster was good enough to win most of their remaining games while the local Eagles fans' opinions and the Eagles on-field performance were both saying they were failing. It became regularly irritating for the regular posters in that Eagles topic, needlessly. The 2 suggestions I just mention are ones that have been suggested to me here by moderators and more often than not were right.

Thanks. For anything like this, specific links and quotes are super helpful. I agree with you our Shark Pool and Eagles threads feature excellent discussion. The Eagles were one of the more compelling teams all year and I definitely shared opinions there. I don't think anything was over the line from me but I could be wrong. For the future (or for any of the instances you'd mentioned), actual quotes or links would be most appreciated. Thanks.
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Why do people declare that they’re leaving? Just leave
I like when they do. People disappear all the time and are forgotten fast and then someone will mention them and people are left with questions. It’s not a health issue, not banned , left on his own.

I’d like to go on record that I’ll be here tomorrow wasting time when I should be working.
I will never understand why people get upset about moderation.

You are allowed to frequent more than one place online.

Post here and discuss the things that are allowable. Go elsewhere for the other discussions.

If there is anything I have learned in my 20 years here it is that we all have a lot of time to kill online, more than enough to frequent multiple sites.

I agree with most in here that the moderation is great and they have a tough job, but I’ll take the other side for arguments sake - Joe and company have done a great job creating a unique community on here - folks love being a part of it and have made life long friends. To then tell those folks they can’t talk about X or make jokes about Y doesn’t sit well with some people, especially when they were able to do those things for 20 years.

Imagine being a member at a golf club and made friends and then after 20 years they said we are no longer selling beer and you can’t play cards in the lounge. And they did this because some morons would drink too much or start gambling large sums of money. But you didn’t, you enjoyed drinking a beer and playing cards (talking politics) and you behaved. Now your choice is to not do those things or be told to find another club where your friends aren’t there.

This isn’t a perfect analogy but almost all of us have had some minor issues with moderation over the years. So I get it when a long time posters feels that way.

But again, I think moderation is good and things aren’t nearly as acrimonious around here.
Why do people declare that they’re leaving? Just leave
I like when they do. People disappear all the time and are forgotten fast and then someone will mention them and people are left with questions. It’s not a health issue, not banned , left on his own.
Totally agree, good to know it’s not a health issue as the demographic here is quite older. Didn’t see what happened but @flapgreen you have always been one of the good ones, take care my friend.
But again, I think moderation is good and things aren’t nearly as acrimonious around here.

Thanks. I think for the most part you're right. The forum is super active and has lots of excellent posters (content creators ;) )

Moderation isn't perfect but ok and the end result is a good experience for the folks this works for.
I will never understand why people get upset about moderation.

You are allowed to frequent more than one place online.

Post here and discuss the things that are allowable. Go elsewhere for the other discussions.

If there is anything I have learned in my 20 years here it is that we all have a lot of time to kill online, more than enough to frequent multiple sites.

I agree with most in here that the moderation is great and they have a tough job, but I’ll take the other side for arguments sake - Joe and company have done a great job creating a unique community on here - folks love being a part of it and have made life long friends. To then tell those folks they can’t talk about X or make jokes about Y doesn’t sit well with some people, especially when they were able to do those things for 20 years.

Imagine being a member at a golf club and made friends and then after 20 years they said we are no longer selling beer and you can’t play cards in the lounge. And they did this because some morons would drink too much or start gambling large sums of money. But you didn’t, you enjoyed drinking a beer and playing cards (talking politics) and you behaved. Now your choice is to not do those things or be told to find another club where your friends aren’t there.

This isn’t a perfect analogy but almost all of us have had some minor issues with moderation over the years. So I get it when a long time posters feels that way.

But again, I think moderation is good and things aren’t nearly as acrimonious around here.
yep this is essentially the choice, the club owners make the rules based on what's best for them and the members as a whole, it may not sit well w/ some people but they have to decide which they prefer.
I’ll add that I stay in spite of disagreeing with the majority of this board politically and philosophically.

Leaving to seek other likeminded people would deny me the opportunity to hear opposing voices/opinions/ideas that allow me to see others perspectives.

(I’m not suggesting this is what Flap has done, only saying why I haven’t left despite not always agreeing with others)

ETA - The moderation is a bit tame for me but I understand and respect it and Joe
The moderation at Reddit is far from perfect. Yeah, you can say dirty words and post nOOds, but it ain't without flaws.
I'll take a PM :oldunsure:
I will never understand why people get upset about moderation.
You know one thing that is kinda in the room but I haven't seen brought up is, this is Joe's place and in a free market economy, he can moderate how he likes. Take it or leave it. I don't want to turn this into a Joe B. fanboy thing but he's kinda known for this place, has a vision for it and right, wrong or indifferent has made it abundantly clear how it will be moderated. There are plenty of other places to roost if you disagree. :shrug: The finishing with a flourish thing by announcing you are leaving, well...you do you.
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Everyone here knows you like to talk and I don't think how often you post is an issue at all. I'd just suggest maybe taking a minute before hitting "Post Reply" to think if you're being needlessly dismissive or confrontational. Like dismissing posters critical of Musk as 'haters', or like posting weekly for awhile in the Eagles team thread (which is one of the best team threads here; I hate the Eagles but their fans here are pretty knowledgeable good folks) that their roster was good enough to win most of their remaining games while the local Eagles fans' opinions and the Eagles on-field performance were both saying they were failing. It became regularly irritating for the regular posters in that Eagles topic, needlessly. The 2 suggestions I just mention are ones that have been suggested to me here by moderators and more often than not were right
I was thinking about this, per something someone said to me privately.

While I do think Joe may occasionally create a little more work for himself by sharing here, if he asked my advice, I would not tell him that's a mistake, or that he should stop doing that. To me, clearly Joe enjoys chatting with people here. He has a good idea of the personalities that are here, he has relationships with people here. Joe could describe me pretty well to a stranger, I am sure, and we've never met.

Now, because this is HIS site, if he says something that annoys or upsets, it seems to have bigger ripples. I am sure he knows that. But the answer is not for Joe to stop sharing. And I say this knowing we are different people, and disagree on things here and there.

Knowing that he likes the community, but maybe he might muzzle himself for the greater good of the community he IS PROVIDING......it's like, anyone else find that laughable?

I certainly don't think someone who has been freeloading for 10+ years showing their @$$$ on the way out the door should make the guy footing the bill reconsider things. But Joe is, inherently, a sweet guy, and nice guys tend to do dumb #### like try and empathize with the OP.
Forum runs a pretty consistent line in moderation. Whether I agree with that line is immaterial as this ain't my bag, baby. But, you must give Joe & Co credit for being clear even if not always 100% specific.

You're cool with it, or you move to Reddit.

The moderation at Reddit is far from perfect. Yeah, you can say dirty words and post nOOds, but it ain't without flaws.
Now that's one thing we can't politicize... Although these days, we probably could. I long for the days of ForrestMail.
The moderation at Reddit is far from perfect. Yeah, you can say dirty words and post nOOds, but it ain't without flaws.
I'll take a PM :oldunsure:
I will never understand why people get upset about moderation.
You know one thing that is kinda in the room but I haven't seen brought up is, this is Joe's place and in a free market economy, he can moderate how he likes. Take it or leave it. I don't want to turn this into a Joe B. fanboy thing but he's kinda known for this place, has a vision for it and right, wrong or indifferent has it made it abundantly clear how it will be moderated. There are plenty of other places to roost if you disagree. :shrug: The finishing with a flourish thing by announcing you are leaving, well...you do you.
Excellent post, Amen brother.
FWIW (probably not much)...I have no problem with the moderators here. I have had a couple posts questioned by the moderators and when explaining my perspective they were deemed "ok".
People will have strong beliefs on differing topics but I am still waiting to hear of anyone changing their beliefs because of the reasoning by someone else. Especially in the former PSF, it seemed to be more about playing "Around The Horn" and racking up virtual points for the content of the posts.
It's @Joe Bryant site and think he tries to balance the "rules" with the interests of the participants.
The moderation at Reddit is far from perfect. Yeah, you can say dirty words and post nOOds, but it ain't without flaws.
I'll take a PM :oldunsure:
I will never understand why people get upset about moderation.
You know one thing that is kinda in the room but I haven't seen brought up is, this is Joe's place and in a free market economy, he can moderate how he likes. Take it or leave it. I don't want to turn this into a Joe B. fanboy thing but he's kinda known for this place, has a vision for it and right, wrong or indifferent has made it abundantly clear how it will be moderated. There are plenty of other places to roost if you disagree. :shrug: The finishing with a flourish thing by announcing you are leaving, well...you do you.

I don't know that there ARE plenty of other places to roost anymore. I've tried quite a few, nothing is like this place. IMO. We've seen spinoffs from here, but they all die or are so lightly trafficked that you forget about them. I just think this place is unique and definitely worth preserving.
I will never understand why people get upset about moderation.

You are allowed to frequent more than one place online.

Post here and discuss the things that are allowable. Go elsewhere for the other discussions.

If there is anything I have learned in my 20 years here it is that we all have a lot of time to kill online, more than enough to frequent multiple sites.

I agree with most in here that the moderation is great and they have a tough job, but I’ll take the other side for arguments sake - Joe and company have done a great job creating a unique community on here - folks love being a part of it and have made life long friends. To then tell those folks they can’t talk about X or make jokes about Y doesn’t sit well with some people, especially when they were able to do those things for 20 years.

Imagine being a member at a golf club and made friends and then after 20 years they said we are no longer selling beer and you can’t play cards in the lounge. And they did this because some morons would drink too much or start gambling large sums of money. But you didn’t, you enjoyed drinking a beer and playing cards (talking politics) and you behaved. Now your choice is to not do those things or be told to find another club where your friends aren’t there.

This isn’t a perfect analogy but almost all of us have had some minor issues with moderation over the years. So I get it when a long time posters feels that way.

But again, I think moderation is good and things aren’t nearly as acrimonious around here.
Alright, which one of you is Disgruntled? Larry?
Everyone here knows you like to talk and I don't think how often you post is an issue at all. I'd just suggest maybe taking a minute before hitting "Post Reply" to think if you're being needlessly dismissive or confrontational. Like dismissing posters critical of Musk as 'haters', or like posting weekly for awhile in the Eagles team thread (which is one of the best team threads here; I hate the Eagles but their fans here are pretty knowledgeable good folks) that their roster was good enough to win most of their remaining games while the local Eagles fans' opinions and the Eagles on-field performance were both saying they were failing. It became regularly irritating for the regular posters in that Eagles topic, needlessly. The 2 suggestions I just mention are ones that have been suggested to me here by moderators and more often than not were right
I was thinking about this, per something someone said to me privately.

While I do think Joe may occasionally create a little more work for himself by sharing here, if he asked my advice, I would not tell him that's a mistake, or that he should stop doing that. To me, clearly Joe enjoys chatting with people here. He has a good idea of the personalities that are here, he has relationships with people here. Joe could describe me pretty well to a stranger, I am sure, and we've never met.

Now, because this is HIS site, if he says something that annoys or upsets, it seems to have bigger ripples. I am sure he knows that. But the answer is not for Joe to stop sharing. And I say this knowing we are different people, and disagree on things here and there.

Knowing that he likes the community, but maybe he might muzzle himself for the greater good of the community he IS PROVIDING......it's like, anyone else find that laughable?

I certainly don't think someone who has been freeloading for 10+ years showing their @$$$ on the way out the door should make the guy footing the bill reconsider things. But Joe is, inherently, a sweet guy, and nice guys tend to do dumb #### like try and empathize with the OP.

Fantastic posting. If anything, I think Joe posting more, so we can be reminded he's a good human and not "management," would be better.
Everyone here knows you like to talk and I don't think how often you post is an issue at all. I'd just suggest maybe taking a minute before hitting "Post Reply" to think if you're being needlessly dismissive or confrontational. Like dismissing posters critical of Musk as 'haters', or like posting weekly for awhile in the Eagles team thread (which is one of the best team threads here; I hate the Eagles but their fans here are pretty knowledgeable good folks) that their roster was good enough to win most of their remaining games while the local Eagles fans' opinions and the Eagles on-field performance were both saying they were failing. It became regularly irritating for the regular posters in that Eagles topic, needlessly. The 2 suggestions I just mention are ones that have been suggested to me here by moderators and more often than not were right
I was thinking about this, per something someone said to me privately.

While I do think Joe may occasionally create a little more work for himself by sharing here, if he asked my advice, I would not tell him that's a mistake, or that he should stop doing that. To me, clearly Joe enjoys chatting with people here. He has a good idea of the personalities that are here, he has relationships with people here. Joe could describe me pretty well to a stranger, I am sure, and we've never met.

Now, because this is HIS site, if he says something that annoys or upsets, it seems to have bigger ripples. I am sure he knows that. But the answer is not for Joe to stop sharing. And I say this knowing we are different people, and disagree on things here and there.

Knowing that he likes the community, but maybe he might muzzle himself for the greater good of the community he IS PROVIDING......it's like, anyone else find that laughable?

I certainly don't think someone who has been freeloading for 10+ years showing their @$$$ on the way out the door should make the guy footing the bill reconsider things. But Joe is, inherently, a sweet guy, and nice guys tend to do dumb #### like try and empathize with the OP.

Thanks GB. You're kind. I'm definitely guilty of doing dumb stuff, no doubt. And I do know I get too caught up in the trying to keep everyone happy mode sometimes.

I'm with you 100% in the enjoying the conversations. And I do feel like I know a ton of people here, many of whom I've never met in person. That's a big plus in my opinion.

I also put a ton of value on different opinions. We've talked about here before that I live in the south and I have a good number of conservative friends. As someone pretty active in my faith community, I have a good number of friends who share my beliefs there. That's fine, but it also easily leads to an echo chamber and being stuck in a bubble. I feel like I get great value in talking with folks from a bigger group here. Many who I consider friends even if we haven't met.

And yes, you're right I'm sure on sometimes the ripples being a little more. That's life and part of it.

Thanks for the kind words and thanks to you and everyone for the community.
This is rude as AF and goes against everything Joe is about. I don’t think anyone here has whined about free speech. He said he was leaving because he couldn't have an adult conversation on this board.

Then you go and do exactly the what Joe is trying to avoid.

So you managed to prove both Joe and flaps points. Nioce.
This is rude as AF and goes against everything Joe is about. I don’t think anyone here has whined about free speech. He said he was leaving because he couldn't have an adult conversation on this board.

Then you go and do exactly the what Joe is trying to avoid.

So you priced both Joe and flaps points. Nioce.
It's OK @STEADYMOBBIN 22 I think I understand what they meant.

I do think the point of Freedom Of Speech is different than being able to say anything you like anywhere you want.

The reality here is we've set up a very moderated forum. And we all know "moderate" is just a nice word for "censor". But that's what we do here. And I think most of us are mostly ok with that.

But I see why that can be trouble at scale with bigger groups.
This is rude as AF and goes against everything Joe is about. I don’t think anyone here has whined about free speech. He said he was leaving because he couldn't have an adult conversation on this board.

Then you go and do exactly the what Joe is trying to avoid.

So you priced both Joe and flaps points. Nioce.
It's OK @STEADYMOBBIN 22 I think I understand what they meant.

I do think the point of Freedom Of Speech is different than being able to say anything you like anywhere you want.

The reality here is we've set up a very moderated forum. And we all know "moderate" is just a nice word for "censor". But that's what we do here. And I think most of us are mostly ok with that.

But I see why that can be trouble at scale with bigger groups.
I know what it all means. I know what free speech means. The cartoon literally calls people an *******.
But again, I think moderation is good and things aren’t nearly as acrimonious around here.

Thanks. I think for the most part you're right. The forum is super active and has lots of excellent posters (content creators ;) )

Moderation isn't perfect but ok and the end result is a good experience for the folks this works for.
Aren't the comments you've made in this thread reflective of the point you were trying to make with the Madonna as a content creator thread?
You moderate these boards in the manner you see fit and hope it works for the majority of people that post here. You aren't worried about the people who don't agree with the way the board is moderated because you can't please everyone.
Aren't the comments you've made in this thread reflective of the point you were trying to make with the Madonna as a content creator thread?
You moderate these boards in the manner you see fit and hope it works for the majority of people that post here. You aren't worried about the people who don't agree with the way the board is moderated because you can't please everyone.

Yes. I need to take more of own advice from the Madonna thread and not worry as much about the (hopefully) minority of folks that aren't with us.
This is rude as AF and goes against everything Joe is about. I don’t think anyone here has whined about free speech. He said he was leaving because he couldn't have an adult conversation on this board.

Then you go and do exactly the what Joe is trying to avoid.

So you priced both Joe and flaps points. Nioce.
It's OK @STEADYMOBBIN 22 I think I understand what they meant.

I do think the point of Freedom Of Speech is different than being able to say anything you like anywhere you want.

The reality here is we've set up a very moderated forum. And we all know "moderate" is just a nice word for "censor". But that's what we do here. And I think most of us are mostly ok with that.

But I see why that can be trouble at scale with bigger groups.
I know what it all means. I know what free speech means. The cartoon literally calls people an *******.
I guess I don't think it's that far off, though. I've had a few discussions with people about being banned and whining about it's because they had this opinion or that. Nah, most of the ones that I saw were because they were in fact being a-holes. I even had one longer ban myself, and I was being an *** as well.

To be clear, this is my opinion and doesn't have to with flap specifically or this thread (he wasn't banned, he left). Waaay too often the go-to excuse for people is political leanings or bad moderation, but IMO most of the time it's because people can't follow simple rules, ignore each other, and refrain from stepping over the line.

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