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***Official President Joe Biden Thread*** BEST EVER! (3 Viewers)

Both parties overspend but the only time they complain is when the opposing party holds the White House. 

McConnell didn't have any problems voting to raise the debt ceiling when Trump was in office.  To allow the federal government to default is a bad way to make a point, especially when the guy doesn't really care about deficit spending in the first place 
Not much screams "but sides" much more than people claiming it's just the other party overspending.  

Just a smart businessman right?

THough, so far all the reporting is based on what a Republican claims is in this report, correct?

nonpartisan report

the new report, drafted by the Congressional Research Service and provided to The Post, suggests Biden owes taxes under current rules, according to the congressman who requested it.
This is the document.  I can't access this site at work. 


It's exploiting a loophole.  But its hypocritical of Biden to use the loophole and then claim the rich are cheating us by using these same tax loopholes. 

You think? Or you know? Please explain.

People thinking that they had the answers from 2016 to 2020 is why we have the environment we have now.
Trump increased deficit spending every year he was in office.

and I'm not trying to make this about Trump.  I was only pointing out that Mr McConnell had no problem raising the debt ceiling over and over again to avoid the federal government from defaulting.

Now all of a sudden he is against deficit spending...

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This is the document.  I can't access this site at work. 


It's exploiting a loophole.  But its hypocritical of Biden to use the loophole and then claim the rich are cheating us by using these same tax loopholes. 
But “according to the congressman who requested it” is the part I am questioning.

hypocritical?  Sure

legal?  Seems so.  And that seemed to be all that mattered before, so it would also be hypocritical for some now to make a big deal of this when they have supported such in the past?  No?

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Umm, I think you may be incorrect here.

you can see the massive spending increase with Obama - Trump kept pace until 2020 and the spending went insane with the covid spending packages ..... but for '17, '18 and '19 they kept pace with what Obama did

Obama though, Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 73.6% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget in 2009

Trump added $6.7 trillion to the debt since Obama's last budget, a 33.1% increase due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden will shatter what Obama did - he'll add 150-100% in my opinion - wait and watch

FY 2020 - $4.226 trillion

FY 2019 - $1.563 trillion

FY 2018 - $1.272 trillion

FY 2017 - $671 billion

FY 2016 - $1.423 trillion

FY 2015 - $326 billion

FY 2014 - $1.086 trillion 

FY 2013 - $672 billion

FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion

FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion

FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion

FY 2009 - $1.632 trillion

FY 2008 - $1.017 trillion

FY 2007 - $501 billion

FY 2006 - $574 billion

FY 2005 - $553 billion

FY 2004 - $596 billion

FY 2003 - $555 billion

FY 2002 - $421 billion


But “according to the congressman who requested it” is the part I am questioning.

hypocritical?  Sure

legal?  Seems so.  And that seemed to be all that mattered before, so it would also be hypocritical for some now to make a big deal of this when they have supported such in the past?  No?
Biden is on TV right now talking about paying your fair share of taxes. Right now... and he isn't doing it.  Ask more of this man. 

Q: Do you take responsibility for what's happening on the border?

Biden: Of course I do, I'm the President.

Then he goes on to talking about being horrified by the "whipping" No other discussion on what's happening at the border. A total set up question allowing him to sidestep the issue and use the fake outrage to end the discussion. Pathetic. 

Q: Do you take responsibility for what's happening on the border?

Biden: Of course I do, I'm the President.

Then he goes on to talking about being horrified by the "whipping" No other discussion on what's happening at the border. A total set up question allowing him to sidestep the issue and use the fake outrage to end the discussion. Pathetic. 
I’m shocked there are no media fact checkers on the “whippings”

Not much screams "but sides" much more than people claiming it's just the other party overspending.  
You're a smart guy. You can't seriously believe that a party that historically has limited the size and scope of the government would (over the long term) run higher deficits than another party that has overseen the three largest expansions of government in U.S. history.

Biden admitted to being in favor of taxing unrealized gains on investments. How does that even work?
That’s ridiculous, so you pay tax on a gain you never realized then the market tanks what does old Joe do for you? I’m sure it’s like everything else, he has no clue what he’s talking about. 

Good editorial today in the WSJ about how the $3.5 trillion is closer to $5.0-$5.5 trillion. 

$3.5 trillion is underestimated because the bill is full of delayed starts, phony phase-outs, and cost shifting to states.

As we know from all federal spending programs, once the hooks are in there is no escaping the inevitable annual expansions, cost escalations and corresponding tax increases.

You're a smart guy. You can't seriously believe that a party that historically has limited the size and scope of the government would (over the long term) run higher deficits than another party that has overseen the three largest expansions of government in U.S. history.
Both sides overspend too much, that's our reality and I don't see that improving in the future.   The main thing that fluctuates is what we spend that money on.   IMO neither side can say with a straight face that they are fiscally responsible anymore.  

you can see the massive spending increase with Obama - Trump kept pace until 2020 and the spending went insane with the covid spending packages ..... but for '17, '18 and '19 they kept pace with what Obama did

Obama though, Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 73.6% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget in 2009

Trump added $6.7 trillion to the debt since Obama's last budget, a 33.1% increase due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden will shatter what Obama did - he'll add 150-100% in my opinion - wait and watch

FY 2020 - $4.226 trillion

FY 2019 - $1.563 trillion

FY 2018 - $1.272 trillion

FY 2017 - $671 billion

FY 2016 - $1.423 trillion

FY 2015 - $326 billion

FY 2014 - $1.086 trillion 

FY 2013 - $672 billion

FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion

FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion

FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion

FY 2009 - $1.632 trillion

FY 2008 - $1.017 trillion

FY 2007 - $501 billion

FY 2006 - $574 billion

FY 2005 - $553 billion

FY 2004 - $596 billion

FY 2003 - $555 billion

FY 2002 - $421 billion

Thanks for confirming Bush, Obama and Trump were overspending.  I agree Biden's spending will be even greater.

However the time to deal with overspending should not come as the government is about to default.   This has never happened and no good would come of it.  

McConnell knows this but is putting party above the country (again) so the Dems will have to do it on their own.   It is ridiculous but this is where we are.

That’s ridiculous, so you pay tax on a gain you never realized then the market tanks what does old Joe do for you? I’m sure it’s like everything else, he has no clue what he’s talking about. 
I assume you'd get a tax refund.  But this kind of thing is hugely extractionary and inefficient.  Ridiculous thought to try and do this.

Though, tax attorneys and CPAs are salivating.  Their work to value and track this stuff will explode.  Nothing like more tax compliance overhead...

I assume you'd get a tax refund.  But this kind of thing is hugely extractionary and inefficient.  Ridiculous thought to try and do this.

Though, tax attorneys and CPAs are salivating.  Their work to value and track this stuff will explode.  Nothing like more tax compliance overhead...
Very inefficient, but red meat to his base. Anything to go after those darn successful people, the bad guys!

Both sides overspend too much, that's our reality and I don't see that improving in the future.   The main thing that fluctuates is what we spend that money on.   IMO neither side can say with a straight face that they are fiscally responsible anymore.  
So then would you vote yes or no on the Dems' spending bills?

So then would you vote yes or no on the Dems' spending bills?

I don't know.  If I had a vote I would be more educated as to exactly what's in it and how we are getting there.    

The best I can give you now is I don't think we can spend 0 realistically, and I would much more willing to spend on infrastructure, education, health care, etc..  than military, bailing out big business, etc..    In an ideal world IMO we could get there by spending a lot less on military but that doesn't seem like anything either side has much interest in doing either.  

What's fascinating is that even if Bernie and Biden were to confiscate every asset of every one of the 724 billionaires in America, that amount would only add up to $4.4 trillion.**  

Of course the total cost of the Biden's infrastructure and social welfare plans up for vote is $4.5 trillion++  

Bernie’s shtick is always “us versus them.” The reality is that there aren’t enough of “them,” which is why the tax man will be coming back sooner rather than later for the rest of “us.”

**  Source:  WSJ 8/31/21 and Forbes 2021 billionaire list.

Thanks for confirming Bush, Obama and Trump were overspending.  I agree Biden's spending will be even greater.

However the time to deal with overspending should not come as the government is about to default.   This has never happened and no good would come of it.  

McConnell knows this but is putting party above the country (again) so the Dems will have to do it on their own.   It is ridiculous but this is where we are.

thanks for confirming Obama and Biden spent massively more than GW and Trump

now is the EXACT time to do it - don't wait, it needs done now

do you have a link for this ?
The WSJ is paywalled so text copied...don't think Forbes paywalled.



Bernie Sanders held a rally in Iowa over the weekend to sell his $3.5 trillion budget proposal, and he also had kind words for President Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure plan. As usual, Mr. Sanders assailed America’s “billionaire class,” which he said is refusing to pay its “fair share” of taxes.

“We are living in a nation where the people on top are doing phenomenally well,” Mr. Sanders told the crowd. “They have so much money, they don’t even know what to do with it, and now some of them are off in outer space spending their billions. Well, we think maybe it might be a good idea, before you go off to outer space, to start paying attention to the struggles of working families on the ground.”

The trouble with this story is that Bernie has already run out of billionaires. There are 724 of them in the U.S., according to the 2021 Forbes billionaires list, released in April. At that point their collective net worth was $4.4 trillion, although that figure has presumably since risen along with the stock market.

But note the problem. Mr. Biden’s infrastructure plan includes about $550 billion in new spending, but the overall bill is near $1 trillion. Mr. Sanders’s budget is purportedly $3.5 trillion. Yet that number is far too low, according to analysts at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. “We estimate the policies under consideration,” they said last month, “could cost between $5 trillion and $5.5 trillion over a decade, assuming they are made permanent.” Add it all up.

If Mr. Sanders were to confiscate every asset of every American billionaire— Jeff Bezos’s rockets; Elon Musk’s bitcoin; Larry Ellison’s boats; Oprah Winfrey’s houses; Ted Turner’s ranches; Jay-Z’s car collection; even the starched shirt off the back of poor Larry Fink, who tied for last place on the Forbes list, at $1 billion—it still wouldn’t cover the cost of Democrats’ next two legislative plans.

That’s to say nothing of funding the government’s regular operations, a baseline budget that’s expected to be roughly $4 trillion a year. And we haven’t allocated a dime yet to Mr. Sanders’s larger ambitions, including Medicare for All. The point is that he talks abstractly about the “billionaire class,” but at the scale of the U.S. government, Jeff Bezos is a minnow.

Bernie’s shtick is always “us versus them.” The reality is that there aren’t enough of “them,” which is why the tax man will be coming back sooner rather than later for the rest of “us.”

REP. DAN CRENSHAW: We could take an hour debunking all of the lies that he told on all different subjects. And there was a lot. But this one was really egregious. It seems like the only people he wants to hold accountable for the mess at the border is his own border agents for doing their job. He put them in this position, and then he lies about what they're doing. He lies about their actions. You can't imagine a worse leader right now. If you're trying to get a mass exodus from the Border Patrol, if you're trying to get them to quit and lose morale, then this is a great way to do it. 

You know who else isn't held accountable? All the people illegally crossing our border, all the unvaccinated, all the people with COVID, all the people infiltrating our country and lying about their asylum claims. They're not held accountable. But Biden doesn't care about that. We have to stop pretending like this is incompetence. This isn't incompetence. They're doing this on purpose. Mayorkas was on the record yesterday bragging about how there's too many of Trump's policies that they've rescinded to even count. So they rescinded all these policies. They act surprised that it causes this mass migration across our border, this unsustainable mass migration, and they act like it's just a tough situation that they have to deal with. But it's not. It was done on purpose.

Crenshaw is right

REP. DAN CRENSHAW: We could take an hour debunking all of the lies that he told on all different subjects. And there was a lot. But this one was really egregious. It seems like the only people he wants to hold accountable for the mess at the border is his own border agents for doing their job. He put them in this position, and then he lies about what they're doing. He lies about their actions. You can't imagine a worse leader right now. If you're trying to get a mass exodus from the Border Patrol, if you're trying to get them to quit and lose morale, then this is a great way to do it. 

You know who else isn't held accountable? All the people illegally crossing our border, all the unvaccinated, all the people with COVID, all the people infiltrating our country and lying about their asylum claims. They're not held accountable. But Biden doesn't care about that. We have to stop pretending like this is incompetence. This isn't incompetence. They're doing this on purpose. Mayorkas was on the record yesterday bragging about how there's too many of Trump's policies that they've rescinded to even count. So they rescinded all these policies. They act surprised that it causes this mass migration across our border, this unsustainable mass migration, and they act like it's just a tough situation that they have to deal with. But it's not. It was done on purpose.

Crenshaw is right
I am curious where this came from.   I will look around, but besides part of Title 42  and RiM, what are the other "countless" policies they've rescinded?  

In fact, articles like THIS have in them:

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Monday that most of the Haitians removed from the Del Rio encampment have been expelled under the authority of Title 42

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Trump increased deficit spending every year he was in office.

and I'm not trying to make this about Trump.  I was only pointing out that Mr McConnell had no problem raising the debt ceiling over and over again to avoid the federal government from defaulting.

Now all of a sudden he is against deficit spending...
This is the same old story for every opposing party on every topic

• Raise the debt ceiling/Dont raise it
• nows the time to select a SC justice/How dare you not wait until next term
• Vaccines work/Vaccines don't work
• Taxes are too high/Tax more
 • Its constitutional/Its a slap in the face to the constitution

really you just need to know who is in the white house to assign either argument to the parties. Its the same bull sh!t and they keep bending like grass in the wind depending on which way its blowing. It amazes me, how in the digital world where everything is on record and recorded, that they continue to deny ever playing the other side of the card. ....and we all believe them. I swear they could argue over the color of the ocean if it would gain any points from their base. 

The sooner as the public realizes this, maybe we can draw back some of the decisiveness we have now. 

I am curious where this came from.   I will look around, but besides part of Title 42  and RiM, what are the other "countless" policies they've rescinded?  

In fact, articles like THIS have in them:

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Monday that most of the Haitians removed from the Del Rio encampment have been expelled under the authority of Title 42

I'm not sure and as for the Haitians ... if they can be expelled in a few days of conservative media showing the nation how bad it is .... why can't they stop them from coming to begin with ?

I'm not sure and as for the Haitians ... if they can be expelled in a few days of conservative media showing the nation how bad it is .... why can't they stop them from coming to begin with ?
Not sure what you are suggesting we do - have a presence in all the countries south of our border to prevent people from coming?   My understanding is these groups have been moving from country to country for years - some articles I have read 10+ years ago a large portion fled Haiti.     

Not sure what you are suggesting we do - have a presence in all the countries south of our border to prevent people from coming?   My understanding is these groups have been moving from country to country for years - some articles I have read 10+ years ago a large portion fled Haiti.     

We don't have to have a presence in other countries to prevent people from coming here.  We just have to stop them from crossing OUR border.  It's really not as hard as people seem to think it is.

This is a flat out lie.
THIS is one of the articles I got info from:

On Thursday, US officials said that approximately 4,000 migrants remained under the bridge. Several thousand have already been returned to Mexico, while an estimated 3,200 are in custody waiting to be processed.

In addition, about 1,400 have so far been flown back to Haiti under the US government's Title 42 policy aimed preventing the spread of Covid-19 in holding facilities.

Not sure what you are suggesting we do - have a presence in all the countries south of our border to prevent people from coming?   My understanding is these groups have been moving from country to country for years - some articles I have read 10+ years ago a large portion fled Haiti.     

# 1 first thing is to set national guard / military all across our southern border and turn away 100% of people trying to get here. Force them back into Mexico

doing that would stop them from coming into the USA, but more importantly, it'd force Mexico to take on the burden of hundreds of thousands of people in Mexico illegally

#2 get a solid plan to fortify the southern border - until it is sealed nothing can be accomplished

#3 in the meantime, make sure Mexico is addressing the situation. If they don't stop their human trafficking by choice, then sanction them with a no travel ban - literally take away hundreds of million of US dollars that go there for tourism. That's hurt them and make them address the situation

that's not just for Haitians, everyone illegally trying to get here would be stopped (via southern border) - the human trafficking stops, drug trafficking would stop, the abuse so many kids are suffering would stop .... it needs to stop

THIS is one of the articles I got info from:

On Thursday, US officials said that approximately 4,000 migrants remained under the bridge. Several thousand have already been returned to Mexico, while an estimated 3,200 are in custody waiting to be processed.

In addition, about 1,400 have so far been flown back to Haiti under the US government's Title 42 policy aimed preventing the spread of Covid-19 in holding facilities.

1400 flown back

How much is that per plane ticket?

THIS is one of the articles I got info from:

On Thursday, US officials said that approximately 4,000 migrants remained under the bridge. Several thousand have already been returned to Mexico, while an estimated 3,200 are in custody waiting to be processed.

In addition, about 1,400 have so far been flown back to Haiti under the US government's Title 42 policy aimed preventing the spread of Covid-19 in holding facilities.

Yes, that's the party line from "US officials."  And those officials are LIEING.

If Pelosi actually follows through on this statement then she deserves a lot of credit for setting a date and sticking to it. Even if it lapses by a day or two it would still be a promised kept IMO.

House Democrats will honor their commitment to moderates and vote early next week on a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday.

"It will come up on Monday," the Speaker told reporters just outside the Capitol.


 Not sure what you are getting at here.  

The assertion I responded to was this one:

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Monday that most of the Haitians removed from the Del Rio encampment have been expelled under the authority of Title 42

I called that a lie.  You posted the following from a link you are using to support the previous assertion:

On Thursday, US officials said that approximately 4,000 migrants remained under the bridge. Several thousand have already been returned to Mexico, while an estimated 3,200 are in custody waiting to be processed.

In addition, about 1,400 have so far been flown back to Haiti under the US government's Title 42 policy aimed preventing the spread of Covid-19 in holding facilities.

So, several thousand have been returned to Mexico and 1400 have been flown back to Haiti.  We have 4000 still under the bridge and 3200 being processed.  This is using the data in your own link remember.  Now, even according to your own link the only ones that count as Title 42 expulsions are the ones that went back to Haiti.  But even including the "several thousand" that have been returned to Mexico, which I'll estimate at 3000 because several to me means 3, we're still only talking about 4400 that have been removed from our country, with another 7000 still here.  So, even using your own data the assertion I called a lie is proven to be a lie.  That's basic math.

Yeah, we were talking past each other, or I wasn't getting what you were claiming they were lying about.    I thought you claiming they were lying about still using part of Title 42 (because people here have claimed Biden completely nixed this), and that we haven't removed most of what we processed.  

Yes, looking at that article of the 13k that showed up, 3200 are in custody and 4K are still waiting.   1400 got shipped off, so that leaves the "several thousand" sent to Mexico at 4400.  


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