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FFA Movie Poll - 1982 Countdown Monday! (1 Viewer)

What older decades would you do lists for?

  • 1960s

    Votes: 38 92.7%
  • 1950s

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • 1940s

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • 1930s

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • 1920s

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters
Getting nudged out of the top 5 by one point by what I might consider the other surprise of the draft....

#6  414



This is not Star Trek

I've seen this movie many years ago, and then it was good, or at least ok. Recently I have seen the entire first three seasons of "The Next Generation" on DVD, and compared to those, this doesn't even qualify as "Star Trek" to me. It deals with none of the deep philosophical questions the TNG crew is confronted with in almost every episode, and the acting is much worse. It is strange to me how this movie can be rated as the best star trek movie.

Not good, not good at all

BAD Trek film. The entire show focused on revenge - one of the worst parts of human nature - and was totally 100% against the grain of the ideals of Star Trek. It still had good acting and special effects, but for me the story was a desecration of all things Trek. It was a very interesting film - if you could forget that the characters are supposed to be kind and loving, and not war-mongers. I would still rather watch this than most cr*p that Hollywood puts out, but it is, and always will be, at the bottom of my Trek film list.


If Tootsie was a surprise to me that it's not in the top 5, even more so was it's replacement...

#5  415pts


I could have killed 'em all, I could've killed you. In town you're the law, out here it's me. Don't push it! Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go. Let it go!

Rambo: First Blood, is a faithful remake of The Courage of Lassie

A useful corrective to the cinematic stereotype of the traumatised war veteran. Rambo: First Blood, is a straight down the line remake of the 1946 classic The Courage of Lassie. Sylvester Stallone takes over the role of Lassie, traumatised by war service in the Pacific, who returns home and seeks refuge in the mountainous north-western US only to fall foul of a cruel local policeman. Lassie uses all her combat skills to evade the pursuing cops, but it takes the intervention of the soldier who trained her to save her from unjust punishment at the hands of the bad sheriff. The key difference between Rambo: First Blood and The Courage of Lassie, is the hero's not a dog (um); the war he returns from is Vietnam, not World War II; Elizabeth Taylor. Courage of Lassie's writer Lionel Houser truly deserves a Screenwriters Guild 'original story by' credit for this epic. Not that he'd probably want it.


#4  430pts


I'll... be... right... here.

Cruel and Unusual Punishment For Intelligent Filmgoers.

OK, admit it now. You HATE this film, but you were afraid to say it.Insipid and idiotic, not to mention intelligence insulting, this is one of the worst movies I ever saw. The corny old children's film of a boy and his dog{or horse} has been updated to a boy and his alien.Typical 80s style family where boy finds shipwrecked alien and his attempts to get him home. No real emotion or drama {or science fiction}just a "Hallmark" greeting card turned into plasticised "touchy feely" film. The alien ET is just an animatronic figure like you see at Disneyland and was not too convincing. Once a fine director, Spielberg sold it out for money and all those ET products like pajamas, talking dolls, costumes, Reeses Pieces, bikes and other tie-ins just left a bitter taste in my mouth. Shamelessly manipulative to say the lease. As is, just OK for kids, but even todays children will be able to see through it. They say the movies have become "dumbed downed" these days. ET is the one that started the trend. I quess that Mencken was right when he said "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of America." ET is proof positive. The film that started Speilbergs descent into mediocrity, a place he still occupies today.If this is the kind of film that brings tears to your eyes, get a life! I know that I am going to get a lot of heat for this review, but I give this saccharine film a Zero Star rating.Yeah, it really is that bad. E.T.go away!


#3  469pts


I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS ####### COUCH!

How Is This In The IMDb Top 250?

This could easily have been a Star Trek episode and have been wrapped up in half the time. If only they had a universal translator or spoke Norwegian! The Thing may have been state of the art in 1982, but it just looks cheap in the 21st century where we are used to awesome CGI effects.

I cannot believe that these men are "researchers" – they seem more guys you would find in a police station, both the cops and the criminals. So, you can get high at the research station? And roller skate around it? Not very professional, indeed.

Kurt Russell channels Escape from New York's Snake Plissken for John Carpenter who directed both films. How does Kurt's R.J. MacReady, who is the station's helicopter pilot, know everything and always have the right answer? MacReady wears the worst hat ever worn in the movies.

Don't bother with this unbelievable farce.


I know people give me #### about nit picking stuff like GoT, but even I have to laugh at the reviewer taking the time in that short review to point out the unprofessional researcher roller skating in the station.   

#2  595pts


No Shirt , No Shoes , NO DICE

this some repugnant #####!

This movie is really offensive. When I saw it a few years ago I thought it was very funny however viewing it now leads me to the conclusion that it is a morally devoid wasteland of unrealistic material.

This film purports to be about what high school is Really Like, however its wild exploitation undermines this goal thouroughly. Jennifer Jason Leigh's character is apparently supposed to be about 15, and engages in a rather cute relationship with some geek that works at the movie theater. Well, how nice. This sounds realistic, and it is easy to identify with these characters. But wait! It seems the very young Ms. Leigh also likes to get screwed by creepy 25 year old guys who work at the mall and troll for young flesh and banged by a guy she has known for approximately .01 seconds in her poolhouse. Notice the duality? On one hand she is a normal, precocious 14-15 year old and on other she is a sexual deviant who has no shame and is thoroughly reprehensible. The reason for this behavior would be described by the filmmakers as reflecting the reality of High School, which is a goal that for some reason humanity has determined is worthy of an enormous amount of study and thought. Who cares? Leigh was 18-19 during filming, which justifies her getting naked just fine, however the justification for showing supposedly very young characters in graphic sexual situations with no other purpose than to be "real" is absurd and patently unrealistic.

I'm no Christian Right extremist, but these characters that exist in this kind of moral vacuum just do not exist as they do in this film. Leigh's character having dirty sex and talking dirty sex and having an abortion is presented in the film as a normal right of passage for a young teenager. I honestly don't believe anyone I knew when I was 15 was having lots of sex, and if they were, it wasn't with strange random people while putting up a facade of being normal and innocent. This movie really makes my skin crawl, and hopefully won't be accepted by anyone looking for the elusive "reality" of high school. Want reality? Check out Ghost World or Dazed and Confused for characters that accurately reflect high school and its aftermath.


#1  693pts


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die

So very, very boring.

There were some buildings and then it rained and it's always dark and Edward James Olmos makes some origami and oh, someone shoots another guy, and then it rained and there was a chick dressed to look like Auntie Mame (look it up) complete with 40's style clothes and then it rained and Harrison Ford is in yet another dimly lit room (they don't have lights in the future?) and then there was a half naked lady (boobies!!) who had on some kinky high heeled boots that suddenly turned in to flats so she could run away in the rain...and it rained and oh wait! For some unknown reason we got some kind of hallucination of a running unicorn with no explanation and then There's Darryl Hannah with bad eye makeup and then it rained and some people said some stuff but none of it was really memorable and then it rained and some some nerd and his self made toy midgets did some stuff and then it rained and then Harrison Ford got into a fight with Rutger Hauer and then it rained and Darryl Hannah did some flips and screamed a lot and then it rained and then there was a white dove and some more rain and that about covers it.


#1  693pts


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die

So very, very boring.

There were some buildings and then it rained and it's always dark and Edward James Olmos makes some origami and oh, someone shoots another guy, and then it rained and there was a chick dressed to look like Auntie Mame (look it up) complete with 40's style clothes and then it rained and Harrison Ford is in yet another dimly lit room (they don't have lights in the future?) and then there was a half naked lady (boobies!!) who had on some kinky high heeled boots that suddenly turned in to flats so she could run away in the rain...and it rained and oh wait! For some unknown reason we got some kind of hallucination of a running unicorn with no explanation and then There's Darryl Hannah with bad eye makeup and then it rained and some people said some stuff but none of it was really memorable and then it rained and some some nerd and his self made toy midgets did some stuff and then it rained and then Harrison Ford got into a fight with Rutger Hauer and then it rained and Darryl Hannah did some flips and screamed a lot and then it rained and then there was a white dove and some more rain and that about covers it.

i was not aware i had posted a review of Blade Runner anywhere, but that has to be my work

On The Rocks said:
The reviews are painful to read.

I had The Verdict #1 on my list for 1982.  I think at one point I had made an All Time favorite movies list a few years ago and it was in my top 10 all time.  Not sure it would still be in the top 10 but it's still my favorite court room drama of all time and favorite Paul Newman movie of all time.  I'm not sure if it's so low on this list because people haven't seen it, or people just prefer #### to quality. 
Maybe a combination of these factors.  I will be honest, I am watching new stuff for these polls but a new movie is going to have to blow me away to get a really high mark over stuff that I have loved for years.  Of the new ones that I watched Sophie's Choice and The Verdict got 10pts each from me, but I treat this a little more like a desert island movie draft, so they weren't going to get more pts from me than The Thing or Blade Runner would.    They did bump off some stuff that I thought might make it when I originally made my list, but didn't hold up on a re-watch - ET, Poltergeist, and Creepshow fell into that camp.  New ones I watched that I was meh on were An Officer and a Gentleman and Diner.  

I had to add 3 just to get to the 10 movie minimum, I actually added 4 with minimal points given to them. Only one of them (Creepshow which I gave 1 point) actually made the cut, meaning I WASTED MY TIME! :D

Blade Runner really ran away with it. Surprised to see The Thing finish that high. Not because I didn't think it was good, I just didn't figure it'd get that many points.

The Thing - 30

48 hours - 30

First Blood - 30

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 20

Night Shift - 20

Conan the Barbarian - 20

Rocky III - 15

Tron - 10 

The World According to Garp - 10

Best Little Whorehouse in Texas - 6

Blade Runner - 5

The Dark Crystal - 1

The Slumber Party Massacre - 1

The Toy - 1

Zapped! - 1

So, I had 6 of the top 10 and only two of my selections didn't make the countdown it looks like..... World According to Garp and Airplane II. 

I guess the final list is ok. I can't argue with people that liked First Blood more than Wrath of Khan. E.T. and Ghandi are way too high.

It's the 80s so I am not really surprised that there is a lot of cheese on that list. Also, it is a football message board so of course things like Rocky and Rambo will get a boost. Maybe I need to rewarch Gandhi but I didn't think it was all that good when I saw it a decade or so ago. 

Maybe a combination of these factors.  I will be honest, I am watching new stuff for these polls but a new movie is going to have to blow me away to get a really high mark over stuff that I have loved for years.  Of the new ones that I watched Sophie's Choice and The Verdict got 10pts each from me, but I treat this a little more like a desert island movie draft, so they weren't going to get more pts from me than The Thing or Blade Runner would.    They did bump off some stuff that I thought might make it when I originally made my list, but didn't hold up on a re-watch - ET, Poltergeist, and Creepshow fell into that camp.  New ones I watched that I was meh on were An Officer and a Gentleman and Diner.  
I agree that a lot of the movies from 1982 that don't hold up.  I graded mine mostly on what I thought of them when I saw them originally.  Officer and a Gentleman was one that I watched within the last year and was disappointed at how bad it looked now.  Although I thought Lou Gossett was still pretty solid.  The Verdict is one I watched recently and although the production wasn't a "tight" as it was when I first saw it, the performances and story held up for me..

I agree that a lot of the movies from 1982 that don't hold up.  I graded mine mostly on what I thought of them when I saw them originally.  Officer and a Gentleman was one that I watched within the last year and was disappointed at how bad it looked now.  Although I thought Lou Gossett was still pretty solid.  The Verdict is one I watched recently and although the production wasn't a "tight" as it was when I first saw it, the performances and story held up for me..
Interesting, I am pretty new to both of those films and was impressed. I thought The Verdict was as good of a court room film as I can recall and aO&aG is definitely "textbook Hollywood crowd-pleaser, circa 1982", I think that is just as much a compliment as an insult. 

Ive never seen Blade Runner or The thing

Surprised Swamp Thing couldnt break into the top 26
I didn't know there were any American males over 30 that hadn't seen Blade Runner. It is a flawed film and part of that comes from the lack of cohesion on a final vision between the producers, Ridley Scott, Harrison Ford, etc. There are 2 different cuts of the film and one can argue which is better. However, the look, style and sound of the film is almost unparraleled. 

The Thing is better than every movie ranked higher than it.  :grad:

1974 is going to piss me off if the two movies I’m thinking of aren’t ranked 1 and 2. 

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I don't get the cranky guy review shtick. :shrug:

It's simultaneously trying too hard and not hard enough.

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Top 15 with Pts:

1.  Blade Runner 693

2. Fast Times  595

3.  The Thing 469

4.  E.T.  430

5.  First Blood  415

6.  Star Trek (Khan)  414

7.  48 Hrs.  366

8.  Gandhi  240

9.  Rocky III  230

10.  Poltergeist  227

11.  The Verdict  212

12.  Tootsie  187

13.  An Officer and A Gentleman  179

14.  The King of Comedy  167

15.  Sophie's Choice  163

I don't get the cranky guy review shtick. :shrug:

It's simultaneously trying too hard and not hard enough.
I think it's funny as opposed to the usual glowing reviews one might see in a countdown. Sometimes the bad reviews get to the hear of a movie as precisely tas the positive reviews, 

I've never seen The Thing, but I may have to check it out based on its ranking.  I haven't really liked the Carpenter stuff that I've seen though.

I'm enjoying the review shtick.  Impressed that KP was able to find a review critical of Streep's performance in Sophie's Choice.  

Movies I thought would get more love (or at least some love):

Creepshow - If The Thing was that high, I don't understand Creepshow being that low.

Annie - I know this is a football message board but the is is the definitive Annie and deserved at least a nod - disclaimer:  I have 2 daughters and had to watch this a lot...

The Toy - It had it's faults, but I loved it as a kid and have a soft spot for it since it was filmed in Baton Rouge and I grew up in Louisiana and my wife was born in B.R.

The Best Little Whorehouse in TX - Was too young to understand everything, but I knew something was going on, and I liked it.

Garp -  Need to watch it again, but I thought it would have been higher.

Savannah Smiles - Again, 2 girls so I had to watch schlock like this and it got me.

It's the 80s so I am not really surprised that there is a lot of cheese on that list. Also, it is a football message board so of course things like Rocky and Rambo will get a boost. 
Basically what I posted earlier.  We also have only two of these under our belts, but I am guessing that the pattern will continue for most years -  more popular/blockbusters in the top 5 some of the critical/artsy/dramas sprinkled in outside the top 10 with a few more not quite getting enough love to scrape the bottom of the countdown or at the start of the countdown.  For 1999 we saw that with Eyes Wide Shut and Magnolia in the teens and Straight Story and others at the bottom with a couple that people loved missing the cut.  Here we have Sophie's Choice, The Verdict outside the top 10 and stuff like Fitzcarraldo and Year of Living Dangerously at the bottom of the countdown.  

74 might not be the best example as I expect we might lose a few more voters, but we will see about the years after when we get out of the 70s.  

I do wonder if people are going to start changing their ranking style though.   For example,  let's say you have Blade Runner and The Verdict but only 40 pts left to give.  Do you give The Verdict 30 pts to try to boost it up the countdown even if you might not rank it ahead of BR knowing that BR is probably a lock for the top 5 with or without your votes?

I've never seen The Thing, but I may have to check it out based on its ranking.  I haven't really liked the Carpenter stuff that I've seen though.

I'm enjoying the review shtick.  Impressed that KP was able to find a review critical of Streep's performance in Sophie's Choice.  

I thought that would be harder than it was.  There were a few grumping about not having a Polish actor and her accent and choppy English bringing the movie down.  

I agree that a lot of the movies from 1982 that don't hold up.  I graded mine mostly on what I thought of them when I saw them originally.  Officer and a Gentleman was one that I watched within the last year and was disappointed at how bad it looked now.  Although I thought Lou Gossett was still pretty solid.  The Verdict is one I watched recently and although the production wasn't a "tight" as it was when I first saw it, the performances and story held up for me..
If I did that my lists would be all Van Damme, Segal, and horror movies.  

I think it's funny as opposed to the usual glowing reviews one might see in a countdown. Sometimes the bad reviews get to the hear of a movie as precisely tas the positive reviews, 
That's basically all I was going for.  I have fun poking around imdb looking at some of the reviews and laughing at the bad ones.   I just thought it would be funny to post some as we did the countdown.  Like for '74 - who's going to be the person on there that things Godfather II is a terrible movie? 

I am happy with the results, especially compared to the last poll when that piece of crap, Fight Club, came out on top.

But hey - how about we talk about 82 some more in this thread!  I will be posting the movies that didn't make the cut like I did last time - not exact points, but by tiers.  I will also list how many votes it got.  

I've never seen The Thing, but I may have to check it out based on its ranking.  I haven't really liked the Carpenter stuff that I've seen though.

I'm enjoying the review shtick.  Impressed that KP was able to find a review critical of Streep's performance in Sophie's Choice.  
KP's listings have included several rearview reviews and there was a period, after the Dingobaby movie, where many were on Streep as an accent wonk.

I hate Tennessee Williams plays - hate em as much as Rocky sequels & Shia Labeouf action flicks - but i understand that they helped us understand our selfishnesses & each our difference. Just can't stand those stagey, soapy hysterics (not a fan of O'Neill or Miller either), no matter how important they were as societal mirrors in their time. The miracle of Sophie's Choice, book & movie, is that it took the TW template, set it against the real horrors of its time and came out the other side as a triumph. Kevin Kline's performance in it is better than Streep's in many ways. Without his utterly glamorous, self-hating menace bringing life to Sophie's shell, we do not feel the depth a human can fall which Streep delivers us. If i didn't want to punch Stingo every time he was on the screen, this would be the runaway best-acted movie of all-time. Not that it matters that much but, in the face of real drama losing to all y'all's babysitter movies, i felt that some mention of what mattered to adults in 1982 had to be made. I look forward to going to a time before fanboy flicks were made for the next list, although i expect at least one Thing (a movie NO ONE liked when it came out that got this awesome 2nd life on VHS) to come from it.

One other note: I think there were 3 votes for the groundbreaking documentary Koyannisqatsi in our pole. No biggie, but there is something about it i thought y'all would get a kick from. I raved so much about this flick that my gf ordered & bought me the videotape of it, the first storebought VHS i owned. Guess what she paid for it? $79.99. I'm guessing that's over $200 in today's dollars. For one movie.

I do wonder if people are going to start changing their ranking style though.   For example,  let's say you have Blade Runner and The Verdict but only 40 pts left to give.  Do you give The Verdict 30 pts to try to boost it up the countdown even if you might not rank it ahead of BR knowing that BR is probably a lock for the top 5 with or without your votes?
I was actually going to post at the beginning of this one a question as to whether anyone is using strategic scoring.  I debated doing it, but in the end decided I wouldn't because that isn't the point of this to me.  Having said, that I do have a pattern of importance in my rankings in that I have given my top film in both lists a full 30, but haven't let second place get higher than 25 just to distinguish my favorite.


Beastmaster -5


Airplane II - 8

The World According to Garp -7

The Last American Virgin - 5

Fanny & Alexander - 3 with 1 top vote

Friday the 13th Part 3 - 3 with 1 top vote :lol:


Annie - 4

Monty Python: Live at the Hollywood Bowl - 3

Koyaanisqatsi - 4

Zapped! - 6

Dark Crystal - 4

The Draughtsman's Contract - 3 with 1 top vote

Richard Pryor: Live on the Sunset Strip - 3

for my money,  "Frances" and "Missing" are two pretty significant snubs from the '82 countdown. 

remarkable films, great performances from Lange and Lemmon ... thought at least the latter had a shot, but  :unsure:

I was actually going to post at the beginning of this one a question as to whether anyone is using strategic scoring.  I debated doing it, but in the end decided I wouldn't because that isn't the point of this to me.  Having said, that I do have a pattern of importance in my rankings in that I have given my top film in both lists a full 30, but haven't let second place get higher than 25 just to distinguish my favorite.
There are lots of different styles to this for the lists coming in.  I do more like 80s were I have tiers depending on how much I love the year or how many movies I want to get on there.  Both of the last couple years I have gone with just 10-12 movies , so my top 3 to 4 movies are getting 25-30pts and the others 5-10.   I suspect 74 will be more of the same as I probably can only go 10 deep on that one.  The 2 after that I will have more trouble narrowing it down, so my points might be more spread out.  

for my money,  "Frances" and "Missing" are two pretty significant snubs from the '82 countdown. 

remarkable films, great performances from Lange and Lemmon ... thought at least the latter had a shot, but  :unsure:
"Missing" made the countdown.  It was pretty low on the list though.  I watched it last week; agree on Lemmon's performance.


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